I Hyperventilation at Bongo Club. l0pm— 3am. £5 (£4 itt face paint or costumes). 5 Jun. A night of explosive percussion with 1)Js Wreckage and more. I Kerosene (K2) at Studio 24.

I lptn -3am. £1.50. Weekly. Increasingly popular alternative night which sees Leaf. Wally. lqy and Doug playing death. doom. heavy metal and extreme tttnes.

I Low Gravity at the Liquid Room. 10.30pm 43am. £3 (£2: free to Sublime members). Weekly. All new night geared towards tttrning the mid-week tnessy with nu-skool breaks and cheap booze. It's a

heady combo and it comes courtesy of helix and Beauty. the back roont boys frotn Sublime.

I MZK at (iaia. 10pm -3am. £4 (£2).

Weekly. [Enjoy the Mudd ('lub. an all-new

alternative indie night on the tnain floor and Disco 2000. a self-explanatory night

of dancelloor disco in the upstairs lounge.

I Paul Maslin at P0 .\'a Na.

10pm 3am. Free. Weekly. 1)] Pattl Maslin tnay not have the imagination to give his weekly session a name but he can play qttality dance fare from across the board.

Chart 8 Party

I Angel Delight at Peppermint Lounge. 1 lptn ~3am. £2. Weekly. Party anthems at this ladies night (not to be confused with the women only clttb held at the Venue).

I Happy Campers at Subway West End. 7pmi-3am. Weekly. A night of catnp classics. congas and other disco treats. I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. 10pm ~3am. £3. Weekly. Pop and chart classics frotn Stevie (i.

I Planet at Cavendish. £2 (lireel. Weekly. Student only night featuring

three floors of unbridled antics. Enjoy up-to-date dance on the first floor. retro chart on the middle floor and a selection of games and karaoke in the upstairs lounge.

I Traffic Light Night at Gaia. 10pm >-3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. A night of wanton flirting for the students. [Everyone gets a sticker on arrival —< red means no way (in which case why are you there'.’); amber means ‘maybe' and green means looking into each other's eyes the next morning and saying ‘what was your name again‘."


I Ad-Lib l 1 1 Hope Street. 2486645. I Air Organic 36 Kelvingrove Street. 564 5201.

I Alaska 142 Bath Lane. 248 1777. I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 3189. I The Arches Midland Street (off Jamaica Street). 0901 022 0300.

I Asylum 70 (‘owcaddens Road. 332 0681.

I Babaza 25 Royal [Exchange Square. 204 0101.

I Bennet’s 80 (ilassfortl Street. 552 5761.

I Blackfriars 26 Bell Street. 552 5924.

I Bonkers 67 Hope St. 248 5884.

I Brel 39 Ashton Lane. 342 4966.

I Budda 142 St Vincent Street. 221 5660.

I The Cathouse 15 t’nion Street. 248 6606.

I CCA 350 Sattchichall Street. 352 4900.

I The Cran 1038 Argyle Street. 248 6881.

I Cuba Norte 17 John Street. 429 3848.

I Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 8990.

I Cul De Sac Ashton Lane. 334 8899. I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King St. 552 9227.

I Fury Murry’s 96 Maxwell Street. 221 651 l.

I The Garage 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 l 120.

I Glasgow School of Art 167 Renfrew Street. 332 0691.

I Glasgow University Union 32 l'nivcrsity Avenue. 339 8697.

I The Grifliny 266 Bath Street. 339 8697.

I Groucho St Judes 190 Bath Street. 331 5171.

I 92 474 Sauchiehall St (behind the (iaragc). 353 31 1 l.

I Havana 50 Hope Street. 248 4466.

9.30 am BBC Scotland. Another high pressure meeting at Queen Margaret Drive.

I Life (basement of Corinthian). 191 lngram Street. 552 1101.

I The Lighthouse 56 Mitchell Street. 221 6362

I The Living Room 5 Byres Road. 339 851 l.

I MAS 29 Royal lixchange Square. 221 7080.

I Moloco 1287 Argyle Street. 334 4813.

I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637

I O’Henry’s 14 l)rury Street. 248 3751.

I Pivo Pivo, 15 Waterloo Street. 564 8100

I Polo Lounge 84 Wilsott Street. 553 1221.

I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 l'niv ersin (iardens. 339


I Beds. 375 Sauchiehall Street. 331 1635.

I Riverside Club t-‘os Street. 569 7287.

I Rocksy’s Basement 40 New Sneddon Street. Paisley. 552 5791.

I The Shack 193 Pitt St. 332 7522. I Soba 1 1 Mitchell Street Lane. 204 2404.

I Soundhaus 47 tlydepark Street. 221 4659.

I Spy Bar 153 Bath Street. 221 7711. I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524.

I Tempus ('('A. 351) Sauchiehall Street. see ithtn e.

I 13th Note 260 (‘lyde Street. 243 2177

I The Tunnel 84 Mitchell Street. 204 1000.

I Variety Bar 401Sauchieltall Street. 332 4449.

I The Velvet Rooms 520 Sattchiehall Street. 332 0755.

I The Woodside Social Club 329 North \Vootlsitle Road. 337 1643.

I Yang 3.3 Queen Street. 248 8484.

'Right, let's make a cutting edge drama about Glasgow' 5 underground club scene'


I The Ark 3 Setnple Street. 229 77a33. I Babylon 198 (ireat Junction Street.

555 2793. I Bam Bou 66/67 South Bridge. 556 0200.

I Bann UK 5 Hunter Square. 226 ll 12. I Baracoa 7 Victoria Street. 225 5846. I Bar Union 253/258 (‘owgale. 557 2780.

I The Beat Jazz Basement la (‘hambers Street. 225 5209.

I La Belle Angele 11 llasties (‘losc. 225 7536.

I Beluga 30a (‘hambers Street. 624 4545.

I The Bongo Club 14 New Street. 556 5204.

I Cavendish \Vcst 'lttllct'oss. 228 3252.

I C.C. Blooms 23 24 (ircenside Place. 556 9331.

I The Citrus (irittdlay Street. 622 7086.

I The City Cafe Blair Street. 220 0125.

I Club Java (‘ommercial Street. Leith. 555 5622.

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), Picardy Place. 478 7434.

I Cuba Norte 192 Morrison Street. 221 0499.

I Ego Picardy Place. 478 7434.

I eh1 197 High Street. 220 5277.

I El Barrio 104 West Port. 229 8805. I Flashback 9/1 I Hope Street. 226 0901.

I Gaia King Stables Road. 229 7986. I Gilded Saloon 233 (‘ow-gatc. 229 3633.

I The Honeycomb l5 l7 .\'iddry Street. 530 5540.

I The Human Be-In 2/8 West ('rosscauseway. 662 8860.

I Iguana 41 Lothian Street. 220 4288. I The Liquid Room 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564.

'Brilliant, we can get tiber hip theatre company Rain Dog to produceitf

I Loca 235 (‘owgate. 225 5413. I The Mambo Club West Tollcross.

447 3391. E I The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) Buccleuch Street. 667 6907.

I Club Mercado 36—39 Market Street. 226 4224.

I Noa. 3 Qtteensferry Street Lane. 467

7126. E I Opal Lounge 51 (ieorge Street. 226 5 2275.

I Opium 7l ('owgatc. 225 8382.

i I The Outhouse Broughton Street Lane. 557 668.

E I Oxygen 3-5 Infirmary Street. 557

g 9997.

e I Peppermint Lounge Blair Street. 5 6226811

I Pivo 2——6 (‘alton Road. 557 2925.

I Po Na Na 26 Frederick Street. 226


I The Pond 22» 24 Bath Road. 467 3825.

3 I PopRokit 2 Picardy Place. 556


I The Potterrow Bristo Square. 650 9195.

I a Bar 5/11 Leith Street. 557 5830.

I Revolution 31 Lothian Road. 229

i 7670.

I Rush 3 Robertson's (ilose. .557 3768. I Studio 24 (‘alton Road. 558 3758. j I The Subway (‘owgate. 225 6766.

E I The Subway West End l.othian ; Road. 229 9197.

I The Union l'leriot Watt 1.'nivet‘sity. Riccarton. 451 5333.

3 I The Venue (‘alton Road. 557 3073. I The Wash The Mound. 225 6193. I The Watershed 44 St Stephen

Street. 220 3774.

I The Wee Red Bar Iidinburgh

('ollege Of Art. Lauriston Place. 229


I Time 24a Frederick Street. 220 1226. E I Why Not? 14 (ieorge Street. 624

; 8311.

I Yo Below 66 Rose Street. 220 6040.

'...and we can stuff it with the cast of Monarch of the Glenl' 'Is Nick Berry not available?’

Copyright 2002 D Jackson M Collin

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1’13 Mgr. (3.1110 700:) THE LIST 79