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46 THE LIST ‘1 18 illll PW}?

The Pornographert I St 0000 tliertrand Bonello. l-‘rance. 2003i Jean-Pierre l.eaud. Jeremie Renier. Dominique Blane. 108mm. legendar) pornographer Jacquex Laurent (l.eaud) ix having to return to making porn lilmx hecauxe of tttottc)‘ prohlemx. l)eprexxed at iron the induxtr) hax changed. he xuddenly receix ex a phone call from loxeph (Renieri. liix long loxt xon no“ an anarehixtic xtudent. They meet up and their livex take different routex from that point. Jacquex ttmardx madnexx. Joxeph ttmardx love. l)expite the .xligltll) atttto} ing \\ inkx to (‘uhiuix l)u (‘Iiit'mu readerx around the “odd. thix ix xtill reall} exciting cerchral lilmmaking. l)ixcurxi\e, intelligent and heautil'ull)‘ .xtructured. l-‘ilinliouxe. lidinhurgh.

Pretty Woman 1 15) ((iarr} .\larxhall. l'S. l‘)‘)()) Richard (iet‘e. Julia Rohertx. Ralph Bellamy. thlmin. [n thix hugel} xticcexlul comedy-romance. (iere xtarx ax an unleeling linancial wheeler-dealer dixcmei ing he ix human alter all when he xpendx a \xeek in the company of Rohertx' dou nhonie goodtitne girl. ('omerxel}; xhe lL‘tll\c‘t)\'L‘t‘\ her xell—exteem h)‘ lla\\ lexxl) car") ing oil the role of hix high xociety companion. xo the audience can feel happy for hotl' of them. The outline might he ax hackney d ax the) cotne. hut telex ixion veteran .\la xhall hax juxt the right lightnexx ot‘ touch. )deon ('it) (‘entre. (ilztxgtm.

Princes and Princesses t t ‘i 0.. (Michel ()eelot, [-‘rance. l‘)‘)‘)i 70min. Imaginative animated film in u hich a ho} and a girl xtage a xeriex ol‘ ama/ing adventurex with the help ol a magic xtor) making machine. (iroo\'_\'. l5ilmhouxe. lidinhurgh.

A Quiet Death t 15) tl-‘reda l.iappa. (ireece. l‘)8(ii 88min. l’x} eliological thriller xet o\er one delirioux night during \xhich a \\ riter runx auay from her huxhand and arrix‘ex in a xtrange cit}. Part of the (ireek liilm Seaxon. (il’l‘. (ilaxgou.

Read my Lips (Sur mes Ievres) t 15» .0. (Jaequex .»\udiard. l‘rance. 2001 t linnnanuelle I)e\ox. Vincent ('axxel. ()|i\ ier Gourmet. 1 lfimin. When a partially deal' xecretar) ix partnered at \xork \\ ith an c\-cott colleague. a xtrange relationxhip arixex. 'l‘hc tno xet out on an elahorate crime xprec. aiming to extract rex enge on cruel co-

uorkerx and l'riendx. l'nuxual camera techniquex and a largely unxentimental xcript enxure _\ou're in conxtant colluxion with the characterx. The rexult: a quietl} dixcerning gangxter thriller xe\ eral notchex ahoxe the xtandard llollyxxood lare. ('ameo. lidinhurgh. Resident Evil t l5) .0 (Paul WS. .-\ttdct'xon. [8, 2002) .\llll;t ,l(l\t)\ ich. Michelle Rodriguel. liric \lahiux. ltlein. lla\ ing xuccexxl'ull) ptit .‘llurm/ Knm/ml into our cinemax. Anderxon triex the trick again

\\ ith a i'iotoux take on Rem/ml l'ft'il. Alter a xccret experiment releaxex the l—Vit'tlx into an underground genetic rexearch lacilit} knou ax The llixe. x\licc tlmm iclt) ix led inxidc h) crack conimandox Rain ()campo tRodrigue/t and Matt .-\dixon t.\lahiux) on a mixxion to dixcm er u hat cauxed the leakage. lt'x action all the ua}. and ax u ith the gamex the further into the adxenture \\ e go. the more difficult the opponcntx t/omhiex in thix caxei are to mercome. But the lilm x\\illl) dexcendx into an action llick l'or prepuhexcent ho} x. llence all of gratuitoux xhotx ol' Joxox ich‘x conxiderahle talentx. See re\ ieu'. (ieneral releaxe.

Return to Never Land 11'» O.

tRohitt Budd & l)ono\att Cook. [3. Mill) Voicex ol' Harriet ()xxen. Bla} ne Weaver. (’ore} Burton. min the. Weird) hax grown up and no“ hax t\xo children (it her on n. The oldext. lane. ha\ ing \\ itnexxed the de\axl;ttttm cauxed h} the hlit/krieg conditiotix of World \Var ll. no longer

helie\ ex in Peter Pan and xtot‘tcx (ll. ‘l-ttlllt. truxt and pixie duxt‘. 'l‘hat ix until the night hel'ore xhe ix to he evacuated to the

countr} xide. \xhen ('aptain llook kidnapx her tttixtakcnl} helie\ ing that xhe ix Wendy. Jane redixcmerx the magic unl‘ortunatel} the

\ ieu er doexn't. li\ei"\'thing about the film ix dated. from plotting to animation. ()deon (ill) (’entre. (ilaxgtml [)ixcox’ery 'l‘heatre. Ne 01' Rule.

Roberto Succo ( IS) 0000 t(‘edric Kahn. l‘rance. Ztltll l Stefano ('axxetti. lxild l,e Bexco. l’alrick l)cll'lxola. lz-ltttitt. :‘xx the follow -up to [flimmL thix compelling drama intelligentl) xidextepx the clichex ol' the truc‘ lil'e crime niox ie. ln thix recreation of the lite ol‘ Ital} 'x moxt notorioux xerial killer. Kahn managex to lind xome liumanit} in the man. .\'on-protexxional actor Stephano (’axxetti ix xenxational ax Succo. (il’l'. (ilaxgou.