Lynne Ramsay’s

Morvern Caller opens the festival

Last of the festlval pro rammes


New artistic director announces ‘best in some years’. Words: Miles Fielder

r‘c [Kiriba'ilt‘ International l :i'n l cstuafs a't-stiz: ():;::-a."'sl e'.e"i:, [)a'. ’2 l l:: "‘-’::’Q 7' z; a H: : :is'. i:"<,- director. Shane Daimelstit‘. has iatir‘c'wad the i2':3§l'§tt“"‘i? 'V:>i star" Hg; ll-::at"-:3." Giana": My sia I:,"‘-h- £i"il \l li‘: :1t' .; :i'\i ()0: EH} 556‘." editio" cf the :<;i‘;)es‘. "armi'iu‘ r‘.‘ ‘-::sf 2a " tt‘e How .r’"::?.’:‘. .'." ::". s;-:2-::-:: nut-2:3. Hit " a"‘:: . a" :i.:: "';:_:-:,- mend. l".-::- programme, ‘.',""i.<:" f't.t‘§; 1.1 .91", August ar‘ri it", ‘:>' the s~:;i::':":i f '71-;- " lit-~11 .ga [)ai‘ieise't proud», anhoiu‘ceu at a tress tun-:13" at t ::":::.';;"'s t‘i;-:‘:‘.'."'l€:'€}. twat r" 3 es? :. Zia; .: (1':,"i‘-":‘-::';;':;' tumnous 3 as ce'ng 'excetert' and ‘the best " s::"‘-::~ ,ea's'. specs f;{§.t}tf'.'."t\).it(1"; -:-""-i,-~: '." ':1'\\:;Ht 5-1 ::";i":::x'1 55-3. .'.l°." (Mast/(>13; f'an‘rnaixer l ,nne lita'nsag's fz: ::.'. at: 1:: "(2' ::~‘. can. (,‘qin‘ein. "(7" flaf'w t€'-:: git. ': '-:»:‘f::' "" '3» 't':"f":.e';: accanwc-a T'ii'n Ritcafgfl‘er. a" a::ar:fat.<:" c" Aar‘. \.'.ai'i-::"s eztaa [30"‘45’1fzf a":: A '. Jami-a \\ -:;-'::, sir ‘LEi‘ii'TL‘: :s '3; {i(E(Zi£t:"‘{}(l novel C(3.f(i'. Ana. Vet-acting; a :;a". (:t. a! i. i;t'::i‘;; /"e.e's.'; e. stir" '3; E4»,- t,‘ : (lass-n, "‘ '52:?" shox'rttz‘isc: (>‘ Brits." Talent. the l 21*: F est 2a i:: T7f3-Z; in y.<:-;.";i (I;>".z>':;;if:"‘:: x'izriaf 7" t" '.ti,‘:;’j";‘:..{:"é‘:y. Qi"? t'iéllisn filniii‘aKer ()""i;t::r>"er :'..'er?:r,=".'<> N<:~:‘i"'s its ,‘.'-:::;:: '€:"‘£i'\i3 tj::"" a" :g: m " ‘1'» {Isrgi' ;:-:: asst: "we 13‘1"“N0V-3‘3tilar‘ tt‘."'te'.."‘:;:).'r:/?a. .'."‘i::" sifa's A Pat, ":2 a":: :i‘ fie; "3::1 i:"::-:"‘: :6- i:;‘i::f "maii.’ Hohi" \.'.’;|'.a:“.s. Lama;- lg: [MW-3'2 Nat-"TE .-"v:'.i. )?‘7<:-:‘-:1-.: t":~";;::;:t"

07"” "il’i'iéit‘ts l" the Brit sh sf'a":i :1? I'm-l f (35:12:: "i1t.::<:: A :1‘ :f::.-:::,' f. .:_.-a:i:' 'y‘ t -:' ’: "net. :,..'. t":‘t:-:; Mme 'i raga; fii or Ti’ofnrhg: S"ane l\.4ea:::t‘.'.'s' ()"(TeP ULKI" [We Zit-f: s0 21' _.::a: Ca. :Fi' " T; .i- f"e .'.,'.:).’t’1't(,'5;. ‘.'.'f‘~::?: sfa"5; Robert Carr, (3: Atex li’eriz‘ '. Cox's; <:" ("e a”. :7‘ ::,:,t."::'_':ici\ ‘: .41," xiii"‘-::: i '1’ t tJNKtt Hexerjaers I!‘;5;;<E<:‘.. [kt-"ten()'l)<>r"‘e1fs‘<:i::>-.'. at: t:: r' gis.’ r' ‘z‘i"‘<:-. ii an: _i x.: " ii'f -,-.-':"'. as 1 3.". '."-g,»i i wt '5: li’et'r'far‘rrs: a"<: Stxxtisi‘ f!l:’tt.’“£tk€}.’ [)ax'in t\./1;til'\(:"./’ feats-e M ":Z'tiii "\.i‘~ r ‘1"‘:‘ .'..:y:::-\:. :ES'xi" ::'.;‘i' debut. the 1' as.’ (Pea? L'.v’ii::-;,>'."r:-ss. x‘iscngi ii“: "if." "t; .ittlfl i" IL‘:"~ ~v:'1~:.'.-t,-' ‘9 sir.

yvil IV D I,‘ 7‘ [MA n t ( , ( «q/q ,1 «‘~ y\ (“swrflzfl .w‘0 A i, «ti, I! {AL .rt.‘)~).<t JULLA‘Ufi} \Il(t(:|«i"/ {,{Mt

K/ {Martin}. (1" \/\l «All

See feature, page 17. Save £1 on Film Festival f‘itt'. '1;EETétt""‘§}\J()£ifltli" l"‘::e"x a"<: f'-:,-atti""g;a :;:>t."t:tra::»\:t. tickets, see page 45.

GoMA goes goth

Glasgow gallery welcomes in its neighbours. Words: Ruth Hedges

(Z'Kf. [3‘1' (4):, \)\A’L;"t.'l.(>. t1 :t\,’\ tit/"Kilt. .'.;'.'

(grime-ext”, pant-13ds<:<>.‘."there'sa l-n i’c,’ ' ;a 'r ' i 'a 810'“, to few. in a': 'igie"ir:;.s tttf)‘.-i;- is as ‘UiL ‘Y'it;."-i: a t:.".";} (Slasgic'xg's alternat we ,eti‘ 3" ma. inc-"a i l :' '- ‘rfx‘r It‘e outside. t'ie Caller", a? Mo to!" /\.'f sa.s. 'l’vs. l ..t zitttf51t<:t":". is t)_.'(}'l(_j bridges .'.=th the no", a (ti; "' tit 'ari; var i“ i ase its stem; as a 'tar‘; oat. {\“i: t‘ s ::a::a::.'.. as: iii-z- {if;f;€:'flt;£i<}(: {)5 draws. piii‘ns. "9;; :2':i"i'x."f. act . 5:2. l)’:,'w::' .‘.a:: home's a".’: fME‘t'ffl'fl .wiv; nayi: t;e<;r>i‘i<; a «er-r 'x; stay.- at" '."-’- '.1’2-f: a" {L‘L‘""i£t7‘(:f‘f ‘txttl’t,’ 0‘ t"c~ ;;a .er .a"<is<;ap<: ’:f;'“ir::'inaf'<;"_ "ti-:3. a'-:- s! are- " f-f a? 1"£i"-f:)<t bi' " dc. sea c. ">-::"tt;-::'f; at °.."-’: W (fir/vi: l;"r;to;;ra;,'7e' £1"71’;T/""Yttl".tv. a::'.i‘.ist Oct/1A .'.;is " al‘ . revert'. .»:;- ‘3: fwd-x '."“:T iagi ‘. yrs t =-'\: :i. tit .: ti'2"‘i"’,,'1‘;'a'x’:‘i'=ii"a«\<;t.(ira'an‘lvlar;|.e'. ::~;i;:is;a 9‘ " : ' t' ,: ' if .: . .' t ' ' " i t)"_’;.i(l-I: "slight 'hii; EH: T-"nafgnff; ‘i"-:;- <;a 4:". .'.;‘:f1 “i l ' ’: ' I . 1'1’3'” " ~53) 'il'f 13’ "K "~’: 'zi';-:.-:;;i"°. a .'.';"\";,t ":‘zit/ii‘w‘r 't" 1".-_;:;i- mt. fizl t' a: i: -.-' ' :az ar‘ripacmgarb Efiartpussr‘as'ece":_. actiiev‘xe":v'rmwsf“away.Ei'‘ ' it’lfttffi 1’3 it Tl‘i'iti'”; it"fi”itil>'~“2" ’JT WI: flt'txii; anistr: ':<,ir""‘t."'.. :;<, attorgifi'v‘. : -::. " "'. .i : ' .:"'. 1 “"fl'_'_. "_ .i- a‘ i" l’léi'."§ ‘< a' ltrtiét’,‘ t' an I I": l. V °'i’i""."t - t' .l‘ i ’2 ' z ' ". t ' . ' azia'wralri,(lawsuit' «tn a'frm “r ,(;[,\vf‘,". . ' ' ".".-' >i‘ ' V outtara inniurafiori 'ra/i'fi; 3141?; L", (in? f' €r "‘4,- ()tl' ."24', }’ l.,t,i i n' ' .' I For more information email KNIT; hack the "re. .igi'r‘ at f'i-x- ital-H" .. arr: girfl,',"-': ,

4THE LIST ": ‘;‘«.;.’

Autobiog for the people?

Must be Christmas soon. Manic Street Preachers and Bjork are set to launch their greatest hits compilations. The Preachers package s entitled Forever Delayed an< should be in shops for October iii/ith a single of the same name siniultaneously reieased. Meanwhile. the Icelandic piXie's September collection {chosen on the internet by her fansi is as yet untitled but will contain tunes such as ‘Arrny of Me". 'Venus as a Boy" and ‘Play Dead' . . Competition of a more Vicious kind comes in the bookshops in earl; September when ex Spice Girls Mel B and Geri Halliwell publish ‘books'. Scan/"s Catch a Fire is based on diaries she's been hoarding from the age of 11% .vhile Ginger}; Just for the Record is the second instalment of her meagrely awaited £1tlt<)t)l0§]l‘£ll)h§ . . . Still. the blood-letting; there ‘-."."l“ he absoluter nothing; coniparer to that of Batman and Superman who tiex therr super. nerOic iituscles in 2002 when director Wolfgang Petersen brings them together for the first time. No one has been cast to date. but it's considered unlikely that any of the actors who ha\.e been in those roies t)l'()\.’l()llf§!§ azrill be chosen . . . Eddie lzzard is the latest tame to find a role in the forthcoming heist Min Her} 1 if;;/:.‘ fit/liners. He }()lllS actoiix. hoax",‘».'.'eidhts such as Harvey Keitel. Dennis Hopper Mickey Rourke. errn. Martin Kemp and. ern‘ erm, Sara Cox.