Glasgow - _ j.

l I A I y

Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Glasgow club listings compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Barrio at Bar \'iy‘ir. S~l lpm. Free. I Atig. Monthly. Latin action on at Thu night'.’ Nice one. Mr Peachex (undergrottndbeat) play x claxxic/contemporary Latin atid bt'eakx. l‘ind otit it your xalxa xkillx are xti'ictly ballroom or xtt‘ietly ballx.

I Bret at Brel. 8.30pm iitidtiiglit. l‘ree. 25 Jlll. l‘ortnightly. llrel pt'excntx l‘rank Murphy ( and a xouped up mix (it northern. Motown arid Latin xotil xeaxoned w itlt xonte l'unk aitd xka.

I The Funk Stop at Moda. 9pm lain. Free. Weekly. Ally Sandlcr and Richie Mc('olin play all the \ery bext in Motowti. l'ttnk. xoul attd dixco to an appt'eciatiye mixed crowd iii thix beautil‘til Merchant (’ity bar. Sophtxticatetl. claxxy aitd xoull‘ul. I Kevin Austen at .\'ico‘x.

()pm midnight. Free. Weekly. ('hart tnuxic aitd drinkx prontox all night long. A winning tormula. judging by the buxinexx ol' thix bar.

I Kev Dillon at Bar ll). 7pm late. l‘t‘ee. Weekly. ll ragga. 2-xtep and hip ltop ix your bag tlten till it tip with Key Dillon and hix 'I‘hti ttiglitx in tlte beautilul bar tip the latte. I The Lansdowne Sessions at the Lanxdowne Bar. 9pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Jonnie l-‘iye aitd Brendan llexxle (Juice) get the funk llow in‘ with retro electro pop aitd breakerx claxxicx iii thix claxxic Wext lind bar.

I Martyn at ('ul de Sac. 9pm midnight. liree. Weekly. You can't keep a good thitig down. the Jengaheadx are one ol‘ the hardext working outlitx itt town. and thix pre-club xet lrom thix halt. Martyn. ix conxixtently great. Drop by the lane tonight. I Mark RObb :tt Moloco (\Vext lintl). 9pm midnight. l‘rec. Weekly. 1)] Mark Robb tranxl'orinx thix ex-pakora bar into a titne machine tor the night. rey ixititig the l'unkiext yearx humanity hax yet experienced. lixpect w idexpread merry- tnaking.

I Nico’s at .\'ico'x. ‘)pm midnight. l’ree. Weekly. (iet itttt) .\'ieo'x tor a eheexy pep talk belore heading ottt to dixgrace yourxclt~ in a Sauchiehall Street club or kebab etnporium. (’laxxy.

I October at the October ('al'c.

9pm midnight. l’ree. Weekly. 1)] \‘ance turnx tip the xoltinie with hix Baba/a pre- club party eyery 'l‘hu night. with the yery bext club claxxicx and hottxe anthenix.

I Phatboy’s Kitchen at .\lc(‘huill‘x Way Out Wext. Spin midnight. l-"ree. Weekly. Hip hop. bi'eakx atid beatx courtexy ol the Wax Monkey.

I Phonic at Moxkito. 9pm midnight. liree. Weekly. Quality deep hottxe with Phonic l)Jx Stey'en Reilly and Gordon Logan.

I Salsa for Beginners at (‘uha .\'orte. 7pm midnight. £4 (£3 l. Weekly. The rhythm ix inxide tix all. xo get tip atid acknowledge the power ol~ xalxa. ('laxxex xtart at Spin. btit lill tip on tapax tiittil your little cotttex.

I Shae D at Air ()rganic. ‘lpm midnight. liree. Weekly. ()ne halt' ol the xupet‘b Sottlxa crew takex to the dcckx at thix chilled 'l‘liu night pre-club xexxion.

I Spy at Spy. 9pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Simon (‘ordinei' ('l‘raxx) doex hix tltang and deliyerx xome qttality hottxe aitd l'unky groo\ex,

I Virunga at llrcl. 9pm midnight. l‘rec. 25 Jtil. liortnightly. DJ 'l‘chico xcrycx tip the bext tit ghetto groo\ ex and ('artbbcan beatx.


I Bennet’s at llennet‘x. l lpiit 3am. £3 (£2 ). Weekly. (iay. mixed. xtraight who carex‘_’ juxt haxe a bloody good time. people. Shawn loy ingly layx down the crowd pleaxerx in thix eyer-popular 'l'hu night iiiaxli tip. Annie alxo pt'm idex high- octane tunage

I Columbian at the Axy lttiit Back Room.

S’Pm lam. l-‘ree to (‘t'Sl' memberx: £l otherw ixe. Weekly. Ptit xome breakin' l'unk

iii your trunk. with thix entertaining night of

xtttdent tnadnexx.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgow School of Art. I lpnt 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. l)ema atid Mr .\'ice once again invite tix to take a trip down the funky lane. Ax two ol‘ (ilaxgow 'x moxt .xkilled hip hopperx. they'ye got the .xkillx to pay the billx.

I Homework at Vault. l lpltt--321ltt £5 (£4). Weekly. Ian and Steyie man the box. .xo all inxectiritiex met the ttinex are dixpelled. 'l‘hix night aimx l’ot‘ xtudent happinexx without conipromixing the quality leyelx.

I Hype at ('ube. l l.3tlpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. Jitit l)a Bext teamx tip with the

lly pe crew to pttt on a night of tw ixted. ultra-lunky hottxe. Plenty of cheap boo/e makex thix a tun night otit.

I LiveVEvil at (‘ltib Budda. Next date tbc.

I NU-CAN-DU at lludda. Next date S Attg.

I O" the Hook at Barlly (formerly the 13th .\'ote ('ltib). llpiii 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. (iet in on a piece ol‘ the ayant- action. ax the ()l‘l~ the Hook crew tw ixt heartx atid mindx. (’onluxe your earx. baby. I Polo For Me at the Polo Lounge. lflpm latit. lirce. Weekly. You. the lucky punter. take the helm tonight. ax requext cardx are ayailable oycr the bar and iii the booth. .\'otice tor the unimaginatiye onex: Am What I Am' ix prohibited by law and punixhable by xpanking.

I Record Player: at (ilaxgtm Seltool ol'Art. 10.30pm 2.30am. £3 (£2 £3). Weekly. lli-li Seati (lli-t’idelity ) and lltixliptippy (l)i\ ine) perlorm cheap deck xtickin' to dixceau. dutnb electro and Sflx pltttnk. 'l'hey ady ixe you to act up. drexx down. play eaxy to get.

I Skint at the ('athouxe. l lptti 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. \ery ttittch a night to rellect w hat'x going on in (ilaxgow at the tnoment. 'l‘ottgh chemical breakx aiid beatx. rock attd indie tor a crowd much like the one outxide the (iallery of Modern Art.

I Specific .\'ote: changing \enuc. .\'ext date the.

I Soul Shaker at Max. 1 lptii 3am. £4 (£2 ). Weekly. An undixcoyered getit. We time a mixed bag ol‘ electro. techno. hottxe atid l‘titik courtexy ot~ Dirty Larry atid Danny 'l’wo-xtt'oke.

I Trash at 'l‘t‘axh. Itlfitlpni 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. More ol‘ a xpcctaclc than a night ottt. with drunken xttidentx and lootballerx l‘rom wall to wall. lnxanely cheap drinkx mean a huge queue aliiioxt eyery night. Mind the bouncerx. though.

I Traxx at the Archex. Next date S Aug. I 1210 at llaba/a. 8pm 3am. l‘ree bel’oi'e llpm; £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. Literally underground club hotixitig xomc littge yocal hottxe atid garage loyelinexx deployed weekly by Ian 'l'honixon and Vance.

I Twice Ass Nice at the \‘elxet Roomx. l lpm- 3am. £4 (free with xtudent ID). Weekly. Don't be fooled by the pltixh interior: the \'elyet crew could teach the young whipperxnamierx on the xcene a thing or three abottt alcoholic dancing. t’pxtaii'x. rotational rexidentx take it in turnx to proylde the commercial R&B atid hip hop xelectionx. l)owttxtait'\. Jamex l)oc Jnr playx lbi/a anthemx all night long.

I Venom at Alaxka. l lpiii 3am. £3. Weekly. New gay night tor the lunky clttb tip the lane. lt’x glamour with a hammer. atid thix celebration of xexuality ix rexolutely xtraight-triendly.

Chart & Party

I Loveshack at l‘tit'y Murry ‘x.

llptn 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. (ioing through a renaixxance in recent yearx. l’tiry 'x ix peopled w eck itt. week out by a

crowd that want a night of tinpretentiotix partying. Jim and Phil wow them with a blend of commercial claxxicx. yintage indie and a toticli ol‘ dixco l'ot' tlioxe in xequinx. I Madhouse at Shack. ltl..‘~(lpni 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. A maxxiyely popular night. Student anthenix are duly deploy ed by DJ ('J.

I Rumble at the (iarage. l lptn 3am. £4 (£2 ). Weekly. llow popular ix thix night'.’ How many people haye fallen down the (iarage‘x lethal xtaircaxe and woketi tip brttixed the day after? How cheap ix the boo/e'.’ How big ix the queue outxide'.’ Why don't you go and lind ottt for y'otirxell"?

I Shagtag at Priyilege. l lptii 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. lnxanely xticcexxl‘ul night baxed on a complex numerical flirting .xyxtem: eyery‘one getx a number ttpon entry. then. it xonieone catchex your eye. you write their number on the board next to your own. with the idea being that they then ruxh up to you and get into a bit otjiggy - jiggy. Mttxic-w ixe. it‘x commercial hottxe and trance l'rotn Sexy Steye atid Kinky Kenny. lit) xelecta.

I Penny and Pound at l)extitty.

ltlpm 3am. £2 below I lpm; £3 alter. Weekly. tn tor one penny (well. not really ). and di'inkx l'or £ l. Any new night baxed on a xy’xtem thix era/y dexei'y ex xoine rexpect.

Glasgow Fridays ,


I Ad-Lib at Ad Lib. 5 Spin. l’t‘ee. “eek'ly. Rttltttltttlttl l)Jx pt'tly ide the [tet'leel xoundtrack to w ind down to tlte weekend juxt ax the bar xtal‘t' xerye tip the right cocktailx to take the edge til-l. tlte week.

I Bar Ce Lona at Bar (‘e Lona.

‘)pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Sole cohort (ieol‘l' Montl‘ord xatiatex your axx with a taxty blend ot ltottxe and dixco gt‘om ex.

I Barry Gemmel at .\‘ico'x.

()ptn midnight. Free. Weekly. The linext Rtkll. hottxe and garage to pleaxe the xmartly drexxed l-‘ri patronx.

I The Beat Museum at the Variety llar. 9pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Mark Macalluni atid t'riendx xpin otit only the bext treatx l't‘om the world ol' xottl. dance and hottxe.

I Budda at llar Budda. Spin midnight. l-tee. Weekly. Ptiryeyor ol' line l‘unk (‘hrix llarrix xayx a xlatiitnin' hello to the Budda clientele. who are in tor a night of high claxx hottxe. lintry only to thoxe wearing their dixco trotixerx.

I Chi at Mc(‘htiill'x. Spin midnight. Free. Weekly. The ('hi xpinnerx begin by deploying a ttniqtte blend of mellow xliaolin beatx and then tinleaxh the heax ier xtull later on.

I Critical Mass at Nice'n'Slea/y.

Spin late. l’ree. Weekly. .\'oj (Midi lli-t‘i) aiid John inexx with your head playing anything l'rom dtib. punk. indie. reggae. hip hop. dance and raw k to xottl and litlllk. (‘ome along and kick otit the jamx or go uptown top rankin‘. (iuext l)Jx moxt w eekx. I Cul de Sac at ('ttl dc Sac.

5pm midnight. Weekly. ('ul de Sac knowx what itx cuxtomerx want: good muxic and loadx of it. Kenny llixlop takex to the deckx from 5 Spin. and then at 9pm Steye Sutherland ot' t'rbana Mtixic takex o\ er. Senxory oy‘erload.

I Edward’s at lidw'at'd’x. 0pm midnight. Free. Weekly. An alter-office crowd ix worked tip into a ball of happinexx by DJ Keith Pyper. Pleaxe be careful.

0 Friday Street at Blacklriarx.

Spin l.3(lam. £4 (£2). Monthly. 26 Jul. Second anniyerxary celebrationx down Blackl'riarx way thix month. ax rexidentx Mikey. Patil attd Qttinny are joined by

(iay in Arno from the l.eadtttill in Sheffield. 'l'hexe guyx know how to blow tip a xptit, and thix party w ill blow your mind with (itlx l'ttnk. boogaloo and dancelloorja/I. Stitaxliing.

I Kenny H at Moloco (cht liiitl).

9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. l-‘tinky groo\ex lrom around the globe. with a healthy xniattering ol‘ xotil thrown itt for good meaxure.

I Modalicious at Moda. ()ptii lam. lircc. Weekly. Mark Hull. and Ally

listings Clubs

Friday Street Second Anniversary Say many happy returns to this night of northern soul brilliance. We are. we are. we are the mods. Apparently. B/ackfriars. Fri 26 Jul.

The Funk Room Andy Smith from Portishead comes into the funk tray to lay down some of the finest twelves and sevens from this genre's rich musical history. Arches. F/‘I IQ Jul.

Homebass Get Jenga'd right out of your head. but with special assistance from none other than Freq Nasty. a Homebass veteran. Alaska. Sat 27 Jul.

Sizzler Free admission is the icing on this rather delectable cake. as Soma and Wall of Sound join forces. Jacques Lu Cont (pictured). Will White. Master H and a smattering of Glasgow boys lay down the tunes. CCA, Sat 27 Jul.

Mish Mash Big night for this coolest of Glasgow clubs. Bding join the party in the front room . and will be doing so for the foreseeable future. Oscar plays out alongside Tigerstyle and Tinkerbell. so this should be as red hot as they come. Arches. Sat 20 Jul.

Mad Dog Vs Kube Two of the hardest squelchy techno collectives known to man go head- to-head at this mad party. Wear a hard hat. as the beats spray over you like bullets. SOt/lldlh’lt/S. F1726 Jul.

Carbon Records One of the coolest record stores in the city takes its wares on the road. Matthew Pratt and Chris Marr spin the finest and newest tech-house and club classics for your delectation. Ad Lib. Sat 20 Jul.

Sandlei' pull otit .xonte l'unky y'oeal hottxe groo\ex mixed with appetixing garage anthenix. but it they don't t'ullil then juxt mary'el at what iitttxt be the coolext tireplacc iti town.

I Moloco at Moloco. Spin midnight. l‘t'ee. Weekly. Rotational l)Jx l't'om the Butt club work the prc-club crowd iii thix tine Wext lind boo/er.

I Moskito at Moxkito. 9pm midnight. l‘ree. \VL‘L‘kly. The Sole tltttt SILW ic Middleton warnix a funky crowd under llath Street. Like all good l)Jx. he'x not atraid to throw ill xomething old.

httt‘t'tm ed (tt‘ eycn blue.

18 Jill 1 Anti) 7‘31)?" THE LIST 85