Clubs listings

The Glasgow house scene would be a far less soulful place without the talents of the inimitable DJ Q: one of Alaska’s main men, big mates with Slam, Fluid head honcho, mean producer and general man about


Home and Garden featuring Colette: ‘Sexuality’ (Classic Records) A groat nioiiov.’ track ‘.‘.’liil nioo boats. \.on. usotui for tho warm up. In fact, all throo ntixos aro wort


Stacy Kidd featuring Mathew Yates: ‘Thank You Lord’ (Bump City Records) Cracking littlo Chicago litlll‘iXEI' that roinintls mo of Byron Stingly. Gospel houso for all

you sinnors!

Richard Earnshaw: ‘People Are People’ (Soulfuric Deep) Tho duh ll‘IX is tho ono —- it's got a hook that you'll probath ho singing for wooks.

DJ 0: ‘Bitchslapped’ (Glasgow Underground) Ont,- of tho toughoi tracks iron) in); now aiiitin‘ ‘.'.’ii|(lii is (hit; for roloaso in October. i)(3(il(;£ii()(i to al ii‘.(: i)li(;ii(:f; that noori a gooti slap- inan and


I Hit/(i «’i‘.’ Alrisrla. (ilasgriz'x. Sat 9/) Jul.

86 THE LIST 'it .1 .‘

Glasgow Fridays continued

I Nico’s at .\'ico‘s. 0pm ntidnight. i‘rcc. \Vccki}. \ico‘s “arms tiic Sauchichaii l'C\L‘iiL‘l'\ tip \\ ith happ}. popular music and a scicction ol' alcoholic hc\ci'agcs. A no\c| idca il c\cr thcrc \tas onc.

I October at liic ()ctohct' (are.

9111]] midnight. \Vccki}. (iordon Miiicr ptits his dccks to \ci‘} good usc \\ itit tiic hcst in mud housc aitd i'S garath

I Papacool at the Bascmcnt liar.

t)pm itiidiiigitt. i‘rcc. \Vccki). i’apacooi occup} tiiat hcatitil'ui nichc oi jaw) sotii t'tink \\ ith a gi'acc that most just can't managc. Qtiitc spcciai.

I Phonic at 54 Bciott. 0pm midnight. i-‘rcc. \Vccki). i’honic i)Js Slc\cn Rciii} and Gordon Logan scr\ c tip sonic qualit} hotlsc gt‘om cs.

I Russell’s at Russcii’s. (rpm midnight. i‘Il‘L‘c. \VL‘L‘hi}. “J Van kicks ()tll thc itcsl Rtkii. hip hop and \\\ inghcat.

I Shift at Biacklriars Bascmcnt.

Spin lam. £3. 2 .Atig. Monthi). 'i‘hc to} oi tiL‘L‘k\. L‘\pioi‘t‘ti it) l‘L‘SitiCtils Scott tltlti Stcphcn. in this intriguing Mci'chaiit ('it} mash tip spacc.

I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl at Strata. ()pm midnight. i‘i'cc. \Vccki). Anothci' hcautilui (iiasgott har \\ ith a iittiiig music poiic}. l'ndcrgrotinti housc. Latin \ ihcs and choiccst disco l'roin And} i'ngcr. Shac-i) aitd spcciai gucst i).is.

I Sound Museum at (‘('.v\ hat.

()pm midnight. i‘t‘cc. \\'ccki_\. (’hi'is ‘Bcans‘ (icddcs (liciic and Schastian) and iiusiipttpp} (i)i\ inc. (iSA) tincotci' a itil'g'tliiL‘li \\oi‘id (it sound. dcix iitg dccpcr and morc cai‘cltiii} titan man} into lost i'caims ol sotii. Latin. ltiiik. disco and c\otica.

I Stateside Sounds at iilL‘ Start- Bar. -i 7pm. i'iL'L‘. \Vct‘ki}. i’aui Silicitis \L‘iL‘Ci\ ait.cotintr} l'a\otiritcs. rock classics and hitics cuts. A night that should hc commcndcd l'oi' doing sonictiiing dit'lcrcnt and lot" doing it \tcii.

I Straight Ahead at Sp} Bar.

()[iltl iiliL‘. l'il'L‘C. \VL‘Chi}. l)iliiL'L‘ iiool'itt/l. northci'n soul and Itink spun h} thc stipcrh Straight Ahcad ci‘ctt.

I Tracktion Sessions at Air ()i'ganic. Upm midnight. i-‘i'cc. \Vccki}. Marni) (Jcngahcads. thit i’i‘oiccl. i'ndcr thc (‘ountcr) drops into tiic uiti‘a-lunk}. |)can iiappci-dcsigncd \Vcst Iind bar to t'tirnish tiic darling customcrs \\ iii) a scl that gocs \xhcrcwt' it damn \xcii iikcs. chuiar gucst siots l'roin his li‘icnds makc this a night oi (incrsc goodncss. iicrc coincs summcr. . .


I Abnormals Anonymous at thc (‘('A. .\'c\i tlatc ihc.

I Aerodynamico at .'\(i Lil».

llpm 4am. £5. 3 Atig. Montiti}. ()nc oi thc hcst nights olia/l}. groin} ccicctica in thc cit}. t‘caii}. 'i‘hc) takc a dash oi hi‘okctt itcats. i\\() mcastii'cs oi old—skooi rarcgroot c. and stick sonic \\ arm. illlgg} hcats tindci'ncath. (ircal.

I Afterglow at Atl Lib. .\'c\i dalc 9 Atig.

I The Ark at thc 'i‘tmuci. Illnilipm 3am. £7 (£5). \Vccki}. \c\cr mind \\ ho actuaii} on its lhc piacc: thc illllltt‘i docs \\ ital it docs \cr} \\ cii and its io_\ai L‘l‘()\\ti io\ c it. Scott Macka} and Simon i-'o_\ kccp thc crottd jumping \\llii industrial sti‘cngth hard hotisc in thc main room. \\hiic (iat') ('ui'ic} mm cs thc ci'ottti in bar i\\() \\ itii smooth gai'agc and mud hotisc.

I Bebado at lhc Rixct'sidc Sociai. Midiiigitt 3am. £() £.\’. Monthi}. 2t) .itii. i’tiii on Bra/iiian l'iatotirs as 47 piccc l}cp J7pit'tt') drumming outlit SamhaYaliamha do thcir thtindcrous in c thing hackcd tip it) thc might} ('hicldc .ia_\ a. Dog dc .ia_\a and thc (i-Man manning thc dccks. I’itl' I/Itx (Iii/v HII/\ Ii- /.t\l'(’(ll‘(/ huh/(VA Qt'l 1/ NH (litrtl‘ltl'lt‘i’ (1H trig/it long.

I Bogota! at (’tiha .\'ortc. ‘ipm 2am. i'rcc. \Vccki). A night oi Latin pop and hotisc. t'cpictc \\ itii l'ooti. dancing and gcncrai iiit‘i‘i'}-iii;tkiiig. iicautil'tii.

I Concrete at Sotindhatis. Nut datc ‘) Atig.

I The Cathouse at liit‘ (‘athoustx ilifilipm 3am. £i hcl'orc I lpm; £-l (£3) al'tcr. \Vccki}. Riding high on thc nti—mctai \\ a\ c. this is onc ol lhc husicst nights in to“ n. Rock. gi'tingc. iitdic and a dash ol' hrcakhcat across thrcc lioors at (iiasgott 's top \cntic itil' rockci‘s and aitci'natccns.

I Club Cubana at titc 'ictttptis hat: NL‘U tittlL‘ 3 .Atlg.

I Coded at \auit. iipm 3am. £5 (£4). \Vct‘ki). 'i‘hc} ‘i'L‘ lt‘om a l'L‘£'()l‘ti slot‘L‘. so thc ttincs arc going to hc lrcsh and highi} I'unk}. arcn't thc} '.’ A rotating rostcr ol‘ i)Js alliiiatcd to 23rd i’i'ccinct stippi} hotisc-icd gt‘()o\ Us ill the tic“ Cilih. Stc\ L‘ii .\ic(‘l‘L‘L‘l"\ is thc main man. but thc pool oi taicnt incitidcs Bill} Kiitic. Bill} Woods and Amanda i’i'icc.

I Fresh at tiic i’oio Loungc. i Iptii 3am. £5. \Vccki}. Miciiciic and And} takc citargc oi thc musical dutics in this dciiciotis Mci'chant ('it} mi\cd ciuh. \ththcr )oti'rc in thc 'i'roph} Room or on thc dancclioor. thc tuncs \\ ill ltici tour happincss.

C9 Funk Room at tiic Archcs.

I ipiii 3am. £7 (£6). l‘) Jul. Mottliii}. last} ltiiik itil' thc disccrning Archcr. 'i'itis timc thci‘c's an c\citing gucst appcai‘ancc l'roin And) Smith ol nonc othcr than thc might} i’ortishcad. Scc pt'c\ ictt.

I Gain at Alaska. cht datc ‘) Aug.

I Gigantic at Barli) (tormcri) thc Lith .\'otc ('Iuh). 9pm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vccki}. 'i‘akc on thc pcrsona oi ~\our choscn indic hci'ocs. i-‘i‘om thc l'c) Morissc}. thc hagg) iiapp} Monday and thc too cool l'or skooi Strokcs. (iigantic p|a_\ s all oi thc songs _\oti nccd to hcar \\ ithotii insulting thc inlciiigcticc ol' thc schinindic connoissctii'. ot' hcing too cictci‘.

I Glasgow House Theory al litc chlrcu i't‘l‘l'}. .\'c\t datc 2 Aug.

I Glasnost at Alaska. .\'c\t datc 2 Aug. I Global Love at Archaos. i lpm 3am. £7 l£5 i. \VL‘L‘ki}. iillgt‘ L‘illiis llCL‘ti illlg‘t‘ nights. i’i'ogi'cssi\ c housc and trancc is scr\cd up it} rcsidcnt Lisa i.iiiiL‘\\()()ti. and iappcti tip h} a nicci} suitcd and hootcd crottd ol )oting pcopic.

I Goodfoot at thc Ri\crsidc Social. .\'c\t datc 3 Atig.

I Haptic at ilic \‘attlt. .\'c\t tlatc thc.

I Hustle and Bustle at Baha/a.

opni 3am ti)Js lrom I lpm). l‘rcc hcl'oi'c

i lpm: £5 altci'. \Vccki}. i’aui 'i‘i'a} nor and Slt‘\\;tt'l Mc('aiium rip it tip \\ ith somc itigili} citargcd Rikii and hip hop mi\cd

\\ itii lunk} and lunkicr tracks.

I In at the Deep End at At) til».

i lpm 3am. £5. \Vccki}. Ad i.ih cicar thc tahics a“ ;i_\ oncc again as Richard and indica takc control. .iackin' hcats and solid groin cs doitiinatc \\ hiic Bigloot Monkc) prot idcs thc lincst tiuaiit} ii\ c pci'ctission. I Life at Liic. ilem 3am. i'i‘t't‘ hcioi'c midnight: £7 al'tcr. \Vccki}. ch in Mci‘arianc (iicat tom and Gordon Miiici‘ takc on thc l\\() rooms \\ ith a solid l'tink. sotii. garagc and old—school classics \L‘it‘cliott.

I Latin Fever at iiatana. 0pm 2am. i‘il'k‘t‘. \Vccki}. i).i Kcith i) spills up somc ('oiumhian. (‘tihaiL .\'c\t York and Airicait salsa. adding a in N ol' Latin chart. Rtkii and giohai hcats to tiic rh_\thmicai stcu. last}.

I Juice at titc (iiasgtm School olArl. iipm 3am. £7 (£5 £0). i‘) Jul. Anothcr night oi tcch housc grcatncss l'i'om tiic art school. Jtist mind thosc podiuins. i'igitt'.’ 0 Mad Dog Vs Kube at ilic Sotmdhaus. iipiit 5am. £8 (£(i). 2r» Jul. Monthi}. Stlticicii) lcchno lacc oil \\ ith t\\o oi lilL‘ litatidt‘sl L‘oiiccli\t‘\ on litt‘ pianct. Mc(‘ioud. S-Y-i). Ra. Sak and

'i'} cito \\ ill hc iit i'tiii cii'ccl. as \\ iii Rulus


Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow & Edinburgh

See page 89 for details

(i i’oindc\tcr. Stcphcn Mc('oic. (‘hris iiaic} and 1)] Rcai. .\'ot to hc takcn lightly. I Keeping it Sound at liic Mcdicinc Room Bar. Spin iam. i-‘rcc. \Vt‘cki). A

h) hrid ol~ i).l scts and ii\ c pcrt‘ormancc.

\\ ith nods to all thc lunkicst and ticcpcst illillsg‘ sourccs. In coming \sccks thc night \\ ill tic pia} ing host to sonic oi the coolest tindcrground outliis around.

I Midi Hi-Fi at lhc (iiasgoxt School oi Art. .\'c.\t datc thc.

I Jackin’ at .MAS. llpm 3am. £7 (£5). \Vcck’i}. (iood t'csidcnts. a smart \cnuc and a tisuaiiy attractitc crowd makc this onc oi (iiasgou '\ itltsicsl \\ ccki) i'it'i nightcrs. Bill} Woods. i)ann} Sharkcy and Marcciio i)ciia ('i'occ asstinic tiic position. so to spcak. All oi this and a cracking nc“ sound s} stcm makcs iota grcat night otit. I Monox at thc Soundhaus. cht datc it) Aug.

I National Pop League at Woottsitic Social (‘iuh 8.45pm 2am. £3 (£2). 26 Jtii Monthi}. ('i'aI) night ol (so. post-punk, indicpop and an} thang lrom thc guitar- dt‘ixcn undcrgi'ound. 'i'itcsc gu} s rcmcmhcr \\ hat good guitar hands uscd to sound iikc. and thc} pia_\ thcnt.

I The N00 Groove at At) ith.

iipm 4am. £0 (£5). 20 Jill. Monthi}; .\'ick and Brian spin thc gi‘catcst tuncs lrom thc iast tort} _\cars ol lunk. ill]! and soul cxcciicncc. Ali \\ itii a dash oi housc and rarcgrom c. For Iliit (Ill/U only ‘.-i-l.i’.\*!' ('tll‘t/ [It’ltlt’l'A to] {I H/i t/iun‘pl‘tt‘r’ [Hf/inc nut/night.

I Nurture at ('iuh (i‘). .\'c.\t datc ‘) Aug. I Offset at ('tihc. Ilipm 3am. £7 (£5). \Vccki). Birthda) timc (2o .ltii) lot this qtlitiil} hotiscr \\ ith t'cguiari) c_\ c-catching gucst action. This part) is \\ ith i'csidcnts (iL‘Uii M itllti Stc\ it‘ Soic. Martin iic‘skclil and John i._\ons and a \cr} spcciai gucst still to hc announccd. Intriguing.

I Pressure at thc Arciics. llipm 3am. £its’. 2t) .lui. Monthi}. 'i‘hrcc rooins oi [tillgii-zts-Atill iikc dancc music \\ ith somc oi thc higgcst namcs in thc husincss. Slaiti. i)a\ c (‘iarkc and thc ilillt)\‘ilii\ c Satoshic 'I‘omic takc part in this night oi tcch housc madncss.

I Public Spirit at litidda. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5 i. \VL‘L‘k‘i}. Joli i)il Sii\a is ()ltL‘ oi' thosc i)Js \\ ho \\ iii. lor thc rcst ol' his

da} s. lind tiic \soi'ds ‘thc icgcndary' tackcd on to thc start oi his namc. iic and thc Adoi'phiiiacs arc ha\ ing thcir \xccki} part) at this might) \cnuc. so hc in ct'lcct. I Pure at titc \‘ch ct Rooitis. illpm 3am. £3 ik‘lot'c midnight; £(i (£4) ai'tci'. \Vcck‘i}. Music tor adults. Rotational rcsidcnts pia} Rtkii and hip hop in thc upstairs arcna

\\ hiic thc dim lisliltl‘s ioungc gcls thc i'tink} soui ti‘catmcnt lrom Billy Milligan. .\'otc: don't conl'tisc this \\ itii thc icgcndar} iidinhurgh tcchno night of thc sanic namc. 'l‘hat'd hc stupid.

I Rampant Sound at thc (ilasgtm School oi Art. I lpm 3am. £5 (£4; it‘cc l'or Art School studcnts). :r» Jtii oni_\. Anotitcr night oi tcch-hottsc grcatncss l'rom thc art school and Jtiicc. 'i'hc might} Rampant Sound coiiccth c takc in ct Vic‘s hai‘ itil' thc night. so that“ hc good. [or this (ll/[U rill/t '.'i'l.l..\li('(ll'(l ltu/r/t'l‘x gt‘l lit li't'i'.

I Red and Gold Room at Aria. ltlpm 3am. i-‘rcc hclorc I lpm; £7 al'tcr. \Vccki}. i)J Kcilh i) pops tip to spin oni) thc lincst salsa and Latin ttincs to a \L‘l'}

\\ L‘ii ilL‘L‘iL‘ti .'\l'l;l L‘l'tm ti.

I Seismic at Ail-Iii). I l..‘~lipm 5am. £5. l‘) Jul. Monthi}. Scismic hrings )(lll gtiaiit} undcrground ciccti'onic tiancc music ranging lrotti clcctro. housc. tcciino. hoot) and hrcaks to namc hut a ic\\ gcnrcs. i)on't ict it pass )oti h).

I Super Scientists at (‘ltih ()9. Nut tialL‘ thc.

I Syntax and Unity Reggae at UN Soundhaus. iipiti 5am. £8 (£0). 3 Aug. .Monlhi}. ()nc room is c\cc|icnt tcchno. iiiL' ()lilL'l' is t‘\L‘L‘iiL‘lli l't'ggttt‘. ’i‘iiL'i'CI\ lit) soundciash iicrc though. this is all good.

I Tantra at ‘i‘i'ash. ilipin 3am. £5 (£4 ). \Vccki}. \Vaii-to-uaii drunk pcopic: “aim? Lisa i.iltic\\ood and iain 'i‘hoinson pia_\ upli'ont housc to a packcd dancc iioot'. \\ itii i).i Rohcrt pia} ing lunk) hotisc. disco and ittdic ill room No.