
Recruitment ,


Drama Officer

Drama Worker

My» . ' 5

Tonic Health .I\ .\'e\\ (‘ontemporar_\ llealth (‘entre in l.eilh looking for interested practitioners. ()xteopathx. ('hiropractorx. l’h} \iotherapixt. Herbalists. .I\cupuncturixt» Massage Practitioners all \\eleonie. Yoga arid l’ilale\ teachers also. Please contact Lou Johnston on 07866 755 931 or tonichealth©

Thllochan mist Arts littl' H— l l _\e;tt' Ulth \L‘L‘lx\ e\ciling and energetic music. drama. dance. \\ l‘llt‘l‘x and \ ixual arts xexxional \xorkerx.

Call Nicola 01389 755 977

Courses & Tuition

I Learn to meditate. l-ree coul'xex in meditation organised h} the Brahma Kumarix \Vorld Spiritual l'nixcrxit}. ('ontacl (ll-ll S33 3 l 3‘) ill 3| 33‘) 7330 u u \\ .hkn \ Booking L'\\ellll;tl.

I Private singing tuition. lmproxe )our \oeal technique \\ ith e\perienced prolexxional singer. Beginnerx uelcomc. 'l'el: (ll-ll WI 5460.

I Cello and piano tuition h} e\perienced. li‘iendl} prol'esxional teacher and perl'ormer. ('liildren and adult beginners. re» learners and adxanced \llltlt‘ltl\ all \ielcome. ('reatixe. inn and \upportnc learning. ill3l 55| 453].

I Improve your English. l’riutle lt‘xxtilh \\ illl (Illilllllt'tl. lriendl} teacher. .v\ll |e\el\. (ilaxgou area. (ll-ll Z-IS 3020 enquiriew' the niackintoxli \

44 THE LIST -' " /~

(Temporary) (Part-time) £18,878 £20,897 pro rata

An opportunity has arisen with the Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock for a Drama Officer to develop the Palace's Youth Theatres. Ideally, you will be qualified to HND level or above in a relevant subject area and have some directorial experience. You will work with a Drama Worker to devise and deliver a structured programme of high quality drama workshops to inSpire and nurture our Youth Theatre participants. This contract is for 10 hrs per week over Saturday plus one evening, with additional hours during Youth Theatre production weeks. This post is for 30 weeks per year and is temporary until June 2003.

(Temporary) (Part-time) £16,673 £18,296 pro rata

An opportunity has arisen at the Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock for a Drama Worker to assist in the development of the Theatre‘s Youth Outreach Programme. Ideally, you will have

at least one year‘s experience (paid, college or voluntary) of delivering high quality drama projects to young people. You will work with a Drama Officer to deliver a structured programme of high quality drama workshops to inspire and nurture our Youth Theatre participants. This contract is for at least 11, hours per week. over three evenings plus

every Saturday. This post is for 30 weeks per year and is temporary until June 2003. It could be shared between two Drama Workers.

An equal opportunities employer

Department of Community Services

Applications forms (which should be completed and returned by Friday 23 August 2002) may be obtained from: East Ayrshire Council, Department of Corporate Resources (Personnel), Council Headquarters, London

Road, Kilmarnock, KA3 7BU, tel: (01563) 576553, fax: (01563) 576067.

Tai Chi Beginners Class l‘ree introductor} class on .\londa} l‘) .’\ugu\t. ".315 to ‘l. l 5pm. .-\n S week course

begun on .\londa_\ 3(i.-\tig11\l. Venue: St .\lar_\ '\ (‘athedral llall. Sill) (ir. \Vcstern Rd. Susanne Lin Jensen Tel: 01852 500 547

Diploma in Humanistic Counselling and Therapy This is a UN) _\ear. part» time e\periential training course in the theor} and practice ol Humanistic 'l‘hcrap}. l’roxpcctux a\ailah|e l'rom Leonie Buchan 0141 945 2864 Neil Lochhead 0141 353 0310 peakexperience02@

I Cello and piano tuition h} e\perienced. lriendl) professional teacher and performer. (’hildren and adult lk‘glllllt‘l‘x re~learnei\ illltl ad\anced students all \xclcoine. ('reati\e. fun and \llppol'liH‘ learning. (Nil 55] ~153l.

I Improve your English. l’ri\ate lc‘\\till\ \\ ith qualil'ied. lil'lc‘lltll} teacher. .'\ll le\L‘l\. (ilaxgmx area. (ll-ll I-lS 3030 enquiries“! the llldt‘lxlllloxll \Clltltll.k'll.lll\

I Learn digital recording and midi using (‘uliaxe 5 in a \tudio \iltlalion.

(‘all .lohn (Hall 33" 2358. \\\\\\.llllhlL‘lltlll\t'|)l'lellt‘llllll\.L‘H.lIl\ I Learn to sing in a rela\ed. supportne cn\ ironrncnt \\ ith an e\pet‘ienced \oice \xork practitioner. ('urrentl} running group clasxex and indi\ idual ltritiori. .v\ll lc\el\ \\clconie.

'l'cl. (ll .il (15-. rill.



East Ayrshire

The Reiki Centre (ilaxxes in Reiki lltal ollet‘ cornprelienxoc teaching.

certification. lull manual and lollim up support. 'l'reatnientx also a\ailal\le. For more information please call 0141 334 0582

I Piano lessons, beginners to unncrxrl} standard. \\'e\t lind. (ll-ll 33” 2358.



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Bands & Music

I Musicians Wanted: .'\L'ettt'tll0lll\l ./ kc} lXigtl'tl\ NH} Cl” and female \ocalixt / instrumentalist lor \\ell-e\tahli\hed lidinhurgh dance hand. ('all Steuait (ll 3| on" Shh“) or John (ll .il «HS 53S“.

I Singer/songwriters, duos. bands. Record _\our (’1) at .\lu\ic llouse Productions.

'l'op xexsion pla_\er\. arranger and producer on hand to help. Seriouxl} ainliitioux‘.’

('all .lohn (ll-ll 33." 3358. \x\iu.muxichiiuxcprixltictionxcouk

I Birth Preparation Classes. (ilaxgou. llolixlic approach. Skills for labour. hirth. earl) parenling. Yoga haxed e\erci\e. Small lricndl} groups. partnerx \\elconie. l)eltlll\/l\iml\lllg\2 .\ilel;t Sltlclxlull (ll-ll 015on I Hatha Yoga classes \\ill1 Bron“ en ('oghill at Bod} \cnxc. 33 .\lan\elield Street. l’at'lick. 'l‘uextla'n ltl ll..itl;rrii and (r

7. itlpni. .\ll lexclx \xelcorne. .\lore into contact lil'onnen on (ll-ll .i i-l (NIH.

I Au-pair required i'm- one )car h) )oung laiiiil) in German} “till 3 girls tR/l l. Please contact hr'itta.koi'teiiie_\er(“ gm\.de or 'l‘el: +4025.) l 333% l.

I Ann Summers Party. The ultimate girls night in. llthle“ recci\e\ ll)’ 1 eommixxion on part} \ale\ to spend in catalogue. (’all (iemnia: tlISI 558 3250/07066 20‘) ISO.


I One weekend camping ticket l'ot‘ \oltl-otll \illlllz Stallord Slum IT/l S .v\ugu\t. 'l‘rax ix. Stercophonics. (‘hemical lirollierx. (iroo\ e Armada. Basement .la\\. (’ounting

(.l't)“ \.'lel1( Jill) (Sh-LS.

I Lowlands Festival (£70) + plane tL‘tltn tickelx for sale. l'elllttle l)'lt'li lan \eelxx \pontaneoux person up tor a tun neekcnd camping in Holland 33rd/2-lth/351h :\ugu\t phone 07814 $243”.

Swedish massage, reflexology l-eel the ph_\\ical and mental henclitx of massage and r'el‘le\olog_\ h} a qualitied therapist in lidinhurgh. Contact Jamie Chalmers on 0131 555 3986

Robert Stone Therapeutics has mm ed to larger premises on ltrougluon Street. Specialising in therapeutic massage. retlemlog}. lndian head maxxage and related prodnch and gil'tx.

0131 557 3806 I Art As Therapy.

counselling. .-\l\o group “ork. (‘onlidenliaL cteali\c c\ploration of personal. professional. health. and tarnil} issuex. etc. li\perienced. caring prolcxxional. .\lr\ Ruth l‘ekete}. 'l'el: tllfil 336 173‘

Holog'aphic Repatteming ® .«\ gentle and eclectic healing x} stem that tranxl'ormx the negati\e beliefs and beha\ iour [ltlllc‘l'lh that pre\ent llx from reaching our full potential. (ieorgia \Voll'xon Hm I lonxl .‘\ll":\. Registered Holographic Repalterning Practitioner Tel: 0141 423 2164

Robert Stone Therapeutics \eekx lillt‘lllL‘tl lltet‘4lpl\l\ I‘ot‘ ll\ neu practice on lirougliton Street. ('entrall} located. large coml'orlalile rooms at a reasonable all incluxi\e rate.

01 31 557 3806

Person-centred counselling can help )ou to underxtand and change lilc problems. tlc'pt‘e\\lotl. tll‘llxt'. drew. relationship difficulties. and hereaxement.

Ring Marion Osborne in Glasgow on 07931 527 243