
Photographer specialising itt modern black & \shile portlolios Ior actors_ models rk pel'lttl‘lltcl‘s. ()n-Iocation plrotoshoots Irotn [85 inc proot‘s.

\\ \\ \s.manhattanphrttograph}

Tel: 0131 653 0682

GLASGOW I Pilrig. Bright one

bedroom Ilat. 00“ I} refurbished. .'\\'ailable earl} September to earl) December. All mod cons. £420 p/m including ("I and bills pltts deposit. Tel: 07040 72‘) (141.

I Yorkhill FF (IKEA) flat. 2 dotrble beds. 2 bath 1 I cn-suitel. kitchen. lix‘ing. dining. I)(l. (}('| I. garage. £700 I’(‘.\I. deposit. relerences. 07870 348 722.

Southside Glasgow Well presented. reltrrbished btrilding. Lounge/dining room. modern kitchen. double bedroom. bathroorti. electric \IltiWL‘l'. (i('II. I)(i. Burglar alarm. Secrrre entt'}. Sttit pt‘olcssionaI/ctttrplc. £375 pctn.

0141 423 3050 07801 259 802

I Southside 2 bedroom flat. large lotrnge. l'urnished. central ltealing. I0 mins l'rom L‘Il} L‘cllll'c £450 pcm L‘\L‘I ("I & bills. ('ontact 0I4l 585 4073/0704o 478 440.

I Festival Park Glasgow. ()ualit} ntodern lull} l'urnished t\\o bed Ilat. ()ulstanding ri\ er \ text s. .r\l| nrod cons. I.a1111nale Ilooring. [(125 pcm pltts bills. Srrit prolcssiottals. 07070 25I 470. I Garnethill: Striking furnished “at. I)ouble bedroottt. lounge lleather I‘looringt. dirtitig kitchen tslate IIUUI‘Illg. \lilllllL'\\ \IL'L'l \s'orktopst. batltroorn lqualit) shoxsert. (}('II. £450 pctn 07070 884 307. :\\;riIabIe: l/0/02.

EDINBURGH I Leith - 2 dbl bdrm Ilat

near ()cean 'I'erminal & Shore. Non—sittokcrs (V prolcssionals onl}. £5I0 pcttt iticl. ('ouncil Tax. :\\ailable 3 l st Aug. 'I'el: 'I‘t'icia ()I3I 553 2237.

I Stockbridge. Lovely riverside I‘lat. I’eaccl'ul location. 5 mins Botanics. I’t‘i\;ltc parking space. I double bedroom. .'\|| mod cons. Sttit n/s proI'. £475pcm + bills. 0| 3| 44I 270(1.

Accommodation _


I Central 2 double bedroom flat Ior rent Il'Utll Sept I. Well maintained. trad features inclrtdirtg stripped lloors. Lounge. kitchen/dining room. bathroom

\\ ith shim er. ol'lice. \xalk-in \sat'drobe. storage. garden. (his central heating. ll‘ItIgL‘ Il'L‘L‘lL‘t'. I-I‘L‘L' parkitrg. regular buses. 'Iel: 0| 3| 554 (184 I. Rent [(150 per month. I Gorgie, Edinburgh: Fully lurtiished llat. ne“ I} decorated. 3 dble bed. lounge. kitclt. bathrtn - must be seen. {(100 pcm incl bills. 07773 776 332.

Grant Management We base a I‘antaslic selection ol‘ recently upgraded. 2-5 beds llats in the cit). .\'e\\ l_\ dexeloped. sanded Iloors. Ik'ea I'urnilure. (}(‘II.

Tel: 0131 220 6360 immediately to arrange a viewing, no fees, we can pick you up in our Bug (times permitting)


list: I086

II? are (Illt‘l’ (Jerri/t seeking (/llu/I'Il r'r'nn‘u/‘lluls In rtt'r‘nnlntm/(Ilt' I'i’.\lll'(l/

participantsfor /. .2. .1’. 4 ll'(’(’/\ /('I.\' during August

[7.1.];th \ .'1v1.'7.'.." 71:'wn:..‘.‘1u7: 'ttvtt: ('ai'ole Sinitlt/ \nnt- (ior‘illg It'l: (“(720 810020 email: l'estllatsts aol.conr or “l'lll' to 3. l.iltk)lt'a Voltages. (iili‘ortl. l'last I.otliiatt l‘ZIl-ll JI’I'Z.

Festival flat to let 2 double bedrooms. \ ieu s to ( ’alton I Iill and Arthur's Seat. .'\\ailable 7-3l August. Rent negotiable. Call Lesley on 07779 719 587

A their unequal is it":-

I Female artist from ('osta Rica seeks double room in quiet. I'riendl}. non--s111oking I'latshare in .\lor'ningside/ Bruntslield area Irom 25th .v\ugust. (‘ontacl \ ia Stephen on 0704‘) I48 783.

To advertise in The List call our classified department on 0131 550 3060




111: 0131 317 7127 / 07815 142 644


Flatshare '

GLASGOW I Room in City Centre

I'Iat. \xould suit pt'olcssional post-graduate l'or short term sta_\. 2-3 months. n/s. L'3I0pcn1 including all bills e\cept telephone. 'I‘el: 0I4l 552 5740 (it'll7700 73.50.37.

I Partick. Professional n/s Iernale required to share u ith 3 others. £235 pcm including ("II Imtnediale entr_\ a\ai|able. ’l‘el: (II4I 357 2l84 alter (rpm.

I Tidy male/female to share house W ith 2 males. Lounge. dining room. kitchen. bathroom is all ttiod-cons. l5 minutes ualk I'rom llillhead. £220 pcrii. ’I‘el: 0l4l 57‘) 7845. I Double bedroom available in Iriendl} Batik Street Ilat in the West Iind. to share \\ ith 2 others from Ist September. [250 pent including ("I + bills. 'I'el: 0l4l 5(10 8(124. I Double room in bright. spacious West Iind I'lat. wooden floors throughout. kitchen.

li\ 111g roonr. lkea l'urnishings. c\cellent location. a must see. £250 pcrn + bills. .\'o students. 'lel: 07855 770 473.

I Friendly, reliable flatmate \santerl to share \Vcsl Iitrd I'Iat \\ itIt I other. (i(‘Il. all lttotI—cttlls & gal‘tlctl. close {0 shops 1k all traxel littks. £240 pcm + bills. 'l'el: 07747 8(17 5511. I Huge room in I'r'iendl} central llat. all mod-cons. £2l0 pcm + bills. ’I'el: 0|--l| 333 I700 or 07770 034 844.

I Bed sitting room in \\'esr Iirtd Ilat. sharing \\ ell equipped kitchen & bathroom \\ ith Ientalc IIat o\\ ner. suit prolessional \soman or ttralure student. £205 pent including all bills tk(5l.1iol including telephone .IeI10I4l 357 0057 alter (1pm. L'200deposil required.

I Female student flat mate \\anted. n/s. Iot' West Iind lull} Itltlllsllt‘tl Ilat. l0 minutes Irom St

( ieorge's ( 'ross underground. L2 I0 pcm + bills + L'I00 deposit. 'I'el ICIaine: 07047 300 704.

I Room with own stud} a\ailable l'rom September in large (iat'nelhill l'Iat \\ ith |i\ ing rootrr. L'I05 pcm including ("11 'I'el: 0|4I 332 3(to0.

I Room available in 3 bedroom “at close to cit} centre rk West Iind. £200pc111+bills. 'l'eI: 0|4I 22I 40(15.

I Double room in large I'Iat at ('haring ('r'oss. a\ai|ab|e Irom Isl September. \sould suit a _\oung professional. n/s. £275 pcm + bills. 'Iel: 07000 |8| lo7. I Room available in bearttilrrl. spacious I'lat. close to cit) centre. all trrod-cons. (i('II. asailable lst or mid .'\llf_'llsl. £200pc111+bills + £200 deposit. 'l‘eI: 0|4I 227 2743.

I Room available in terraced house iti Kinning I’ar'k. quiet area \\ itlt pri\ate garden. L‘Iosc It) cit} centre. \\t)lll(I stlil student or pt‘ttlt‘ssltillitl person. £220 pcm including bills. 'Icl: 0l4| 42‘) (127l.

I Friendly flatmate wanted for dottble room in 2 IX‘tIl‘txullL‘tI llill. Queens I’lll'k. Sharing \\ ith one other Iemale. Wottld suit n/s Icmale prolessional. lias) access to ( 'it_\ (cutie. £200 pcm + ( "I + llills. Icl: 0|4l 423 I003 or 078l0 44l 888.

I Shawlands. Double room a\ailable \\ ith (m n shouet'. itt bright. lid} I'lal. Wortld suit \torking l'cmalc. n/s. £250pc1n + phone 1- ("II 'I'eI: III-II (740 (102‘)

I Large spacious room in top floor .\lourit I'llorida llat. (lean. Ireshl} decorated. double bed. (i('l I. \V.\I «8 \Il()\\ er. suit prolcssional Iemale to share \s ith l other. [275 pcttr inclusise + phone. .v\\ailable Ist September. Iel: 0l4I 040000I alter (1.30pm. I Single room in ttiodern 3 bedroom flat. I0 minutes Irom ('it} (‘entt'e. 5 minutes Irom Bridge Street underground. all mod-cons. pri\ate parking. uouId sttit 2| wars + student or _\oting pr'ol'essional. £250 pcm including bills. 'I‘el: 0|4| 42‘) 472l.

I Friendly, sociable flatmate \\ attted to share 3 bedroom spacious Ilal 1n Ibrox. semi—I'urnished double room. 5 minutes Irom underground. £50 per \seek + I months deposit + bills + ("II Tel: 07003 303 447. I Large room available in Bearsden. t'ully I‘urnished. stereo. on 11 bathroom. nets ttiodern llat. sharing \\ ith )oung. l’ertrale student. spacious. all mod-cons. pritatc parking. close to all amenities. £300 pcm + phone. 'I’el: 0l4l 043 0| I4.

I Renfrew. Double room in Itt\ur_\ pri\ale Ilal. prisate parking. secure entr}. to share

\\ ith l other. Wortld suit lettiale irt her 20's. n/s. good t'trn. £250 pctn incltrsi\e ol all bills. Tel: 07770 028 I80 or lll4l 880 4870.

I Room available in

II) ndland. Large 3 bedroom llal. \er_\ close to traitt. underground 8 bus. \sould suit tr/s student. Must be clear]. sociable rk good Inn. £205 pctn + bills. 'I'el: 0|738 (12o lol or 0| 738 (130 000.


I Morningside. Single room in modern IIat Ior post-grad l'etnale student. n/s. lid}. shared Iacilities. (i( ‘I I. a\ailable August. [200 pcttr. Iel: 0I3I 4470580.

I Rooms available in large Ilt'tmtslield llal. I room a\aiIabIe no“. 3 rooms a\ailablc end ot':\rrgrrst. £230 pcttt + ("l' + bills. 'I’eI: 0l3l 2280353.

I Single & double room a\ailablc in \Iorningstde IIat. all mod cons. suit _\oung pr'olessionals. £280 pcm inclrrding ("I + bills. Tel: 07020 387 832. IMorn'ngside. Douale room in quiet. |i1l|_\ lumisltcd llat. sttit

eas) going. rr/s [milessional £240 pcm + bills +('I‘.'I’el: 0l3l 4470001.

I Pentlands farm cottage share. .\'ear b} pass. \\ itlt all mod cons. garden. \ re“ s. stalks. Suit n/s prolcssiotial or mature student \\ ith rm rt transport. £200 pcm + bills. 'I‘el: 0| 3| 445 73- 3. I TWO rooms available Iront l0th ol'.’\ugust. I bit\ room. [I80 pctri + deposit. l single roortt. £2l0pc111+ tlcposll. Recentl) l'L‘-tIc\cIopctI I'lat. I0 minutes \\alk l'rom Princes Street. all mod cons. sanded t'loors. (i('I l. sharing

\\ ith 3 girls. 'I'cl: 07780 887 887. I One box room a\ailable in new I} decorated l’oluarth Ilal. sharing \\itlt 2 males. l l'etnale. .\Iust be lid} & eas_\ going. [I70 pctrt + ("I + bills. 'l‘el: 0707l 0(il 828111‘III3I .337 I730.

I Han'ison Road. Bright large Iunk) IIat ne\t to park. single room. a\ailable immediatel}. I.‘ I 70 pcm + bills. 'l'el: 07004 358 502. I Furnished double room itt large ttiodern llat sharing \\ itlr rrtale smoker. must like cats. no students. [2(10pc111+("l'+ lt‘lt‘plltillt‘. I)epostl «K I't‘lL‘l't‘llL‘L‘ required. Icl: 0| 3| 47(1 2270.

I Double room available Ior short term let irt spacious I‘lat \\ ithin eas} reach oI' cit) centre. I; | 20 per \seek including bills. Room asailable I0th August to 8th September. 'I‘el: ()707I 522 ()82. I Room available in (’anonmills I'lat Ior prolessional I‘emale. [I80 pcnt + ("I + bills. 'I‘el: 0|3l 55o 7382. I Nice room in large flat. a\ailable mid-August. ll) minutes I'l'Uttt centre. call tum. L I 8|) pcm + ("I + bills. 'I‘el: (I700I 003 37I ot'lll3l 55I (7302. I One large room a\aiIable in Imct‘lcitlt Ron. a\ailable immediater £200 pctn + ("I'. 'I‘el: 0|3I 55| (1302. I Broughton Street. Large I'ulIy Ittrnisltcd dottble room irt spacious 2 bedroom. chilled but social Ilat. Sharing with I girl. \sould suit prolcssional. .v\\'ailable 7th Septemlx'r. £350 pcm all IllL‘Ill\I\L‘. 'IeI: 0|3I 558 l53l. I Professional female required Iot' double room in .\'e\\ To“ 11 flat sharing \\ ith 4 others. asailable end ol .-\u:_'ust. £200pc111 + ("I‘ + bills. ’I‘el: 0| 3| 557 4203 alter (1pm. ILarge docble Maurilable 111 .\'e\\ It)“ 11 llal. Would suit prolessional or inst—graduate student. all rnod-cons. sharing \\ itlt 2 others. £280 pcm + bills. :\\ai|able earl} September. Iel: 077I0 I02 35 I. dodfle room in lid}. tt/s |Iat.:\ttl1ut\ Seat \ text. quiet area. ( K 'I I. IX 3. separate Ii\ irtg room. t\ «k \'( 'R. sharing \\ ith 3 men. £258 pcm including ('l‘. 'I'el: 0l50| 7(12 55l. I Bright double room 111 large leith llat. single [‘tlttlt‘\\l0llill required to share \\ itli I other. all llle-Ctills. pmate parking. £280 pcm + bills + ('I‘ + deposit. 'lel: 078|o ‘)I4 730. I Single room available 111 ttiodern I'lat b} The Shore in I.eith. Sharing “uh I other. £202 pcm. Would sttit [)l'ttlcsslttlttll. cat lo\ er essential. IL‘II “7000 S I 7 023 e\enings. I Leith. Double room in spacious I'lat near Shore. £220 pcm. Mature student prelerr'ed. 'I‘el: 0l3| 555 3300. ISpacious dmbleltwiimmt. Iltougltton Street. £311) pcm + ( 'I’ + bills + £200deimsit. :\\ai|able Septetttber. .\'o summer letting. ( la) liiendl}. 'I'el: 0| 3| 550 4000. ICentral Edinburgh. Quality room in \\ arm. Iriendl} .\'e\\ 'l'omr house. calm em irontrtertt. suit discerning proIessionaI. e\er} coml'ort. £205 pcm + bills + ("II Tel: 07754 7(14 5(12. ILeith Walk. Single room to let in quiet. modem flat. to share \\ ith I other. I’rolessional. n/s preten‘ed. Short term let until end oI Septemlwr. as ailable immediately [(10 per \\ eek including bills. Tel: 07775 58! (700. I Single room in Abbe'shill llat. sttit triendI}. eas_\ going n/s prol'essional l'ettrale. sharing \\ ith l other I'emale rk 2 cats. .'\\aiIabIe immediatel}. £2 l0 pcm + ("I + bills. Tel: 0770‘) I I2 075. I Bright box-room a\ailablc on London Road to share \\ ith 2 others. a\ailable from l5th August. £205 pcm + ("I + bills. 'I‘eI: 0| 5| (3(7I I .3 I4 .'\ll(ll'L‘. I Flatmate wanted to share rtrodertt \sat‘eltouse com ersion on 2 |e\els. \\ ith garden is parking. near Iiaster Road. Suit \mr'kitig person. smoking or Ms. l'etnale pt'el'erred. £202 pcm + ("I + bills. 'I'cl l.IlltI\;l)I 07070 050 488.

,\...; .‘ THE LIST 45