Art listings

In Our regular column, a team of mystery artists give their thoughts g on the current art scene.

Words: Artbug B

Edinburgh galleries are often accused of being conservative so it's worthwhile mentioning some spaces that break with tradition. Most artwork is made in a studio then transferred to

the gallery. Too often work

doesn't address the space it is in. But there are two spaces that pose several interesting obstacles to the artist.

The first is the Round Room at

the Talbot Rice Gallery.

i Edinburgh. This is an exceptional space. curated by Pat Fisher who has featured a mixed bag of invited artists. it is challenging to the exhibitor. as you can't just hang your paintings on a round wall.

Unfortunately some have tried and very much failed.

Another option is to paint directly onto the wall. a technique done brilliantly by Richard Wright. He utilised the interesting angles of the circular room and created a very strong piece.

Another interesting feature Fisher has incorporated here is to back up the exhibitions with a lecture programme. This is a great opponunity for viewers to gain a better understanding of the work. So often you see a show or a piece of work. but don‘t get to learn the aims and feelings of the artist. Did they feel the artists answered any questions they or the space itself had posed?

The other space. one that fits perfectly into the white cube idea of a gallery, is Sleeper. This is in the basement of Reiach and Hall Architects. and curated by Alan Johnston. When you enter the

room you can close the door

behind you. completing the

cube. It is just y0u and the work.

This is a very stimulating space

as there are no distractions.

The artists who have been invited to show are of an international standing and sometimes appear on the back of a more high profile show. It is great to see just one work that you can absorb. It is also a great challenge to an artist to make them select one piece that represents what they are and what they are trying to say.

98 THE LIST :i if ()0. 711:7


() l)ttttdtts Street. 557 40.50. .\lon l'it‘i ltlam (rpm; Sat llam 3pm.

Scottish Paintings t‘niil ‘l‘hu 31 ()et. \Vatereolours and oils ineluding \xorks b} lloratio .\le(‘ulloeh. \Villiam .\le'l'aggart. \Valler llugh i’aton. DY ('ameron. .lames \Vatterson llerald. :\nne Redpath and Willie \thstitt.


lt) Ro)a| 'lerraee. 55b ltllll. .\lon l‘ri lllam (rpm; Sat b} appointment. Mixed Exhibition t’ntil llttl 3t ()et. Paintings from stock inelttding \\t)t'l\s b} (ieorge ilotiston. .ll) l5ergusson. \laelattehlan Milne and l’\\' Adam.


RS Home Street. 33S JIJI.

Scott Seaton limit the 23 (let. .-\it exhibition ot~ illustrations emplo) ing eardetit and digital medias to produee tiguratix e images and posters.


3 Market Street. 53‘) 3993. .\lon Sat ltlam 5pm.

Italian Culture on a Plate Sat 13 Oct Sat 7 Dee. .\lon Sat lllam 5pm. l’asta. pasta. \\ e can't get enough. .\nd here' s \\ here it all began. .'\ltL‘\ltll1lllttll looking at the histor} ol' ltal} ’s national staple and the rather eool paekaging that \xettt \xith it

Joan Eardley: Paintings and Drawings l'ntil Sat 33 i‘eb. Paintings and dra“ ings by Joan liardle). draix n from the (‘.-\(”s permanent eolleetion. 'l‘he selection leatttt‘es her littllllllttl' portraits ot'(ilasgo\\ ehildren. latid and seaseapes inspired b} the tisliing \ illage ol' ('atterline “here she li\ ed in later lite. Toil: Images of Rural and Urban Working Life t‘ntil Sat 32 l'eb. .\n e\hibition ol' works t'el'leeting aspeets ol' the rural \xa) ol' lite and traditional urban industries leaturing Robert .\le(iregor. Sir James \Vingate. is'en ('urrie. l’eter

llou son attd Kate l)ounie.

Recent Acquisitions t'niil Sat 22 l‘eb. .\lon l‘ri lliam 5pm. (it) .-\rt ('entre displa_\s its most reeent aequisitions ineluding paintings b_\ ('allum lnnes. drauings b} ('had .\le('ail. photographs b_\ Nathan (‘ole_\ and a paper eut-out b} Jonathan ()\\ en.

Weaving Stories Sat 12 ()et Sat l t .lan. .\ touring e\hibition ol' eontemporat'} \xoxen lorms b} ten innmathe makers trom the l‘K. teaturing e\amples ol' basket—making. _ie\\ellet‘} and three- dimensional struetures. Ni Si l()‘i.'..


33 3S ('oekburn Street. 33() l3(it).

'l‘ue Sun llam 5pm.

New Work Scotland Programme 2002/03 l'ntil Sttn 37 ()et. No“ in its third war. the (‘olleetix e (ialler) 's annual programme that shim eases new talent kieks oll' \\ ith the uork ot' Ruth [man and Ke\ ill Reid. See rex ie\\.

Matius Ring l'ntil Sun 37 ()et. Ne“ \\ot'k in the pi'oieet room li'om .\latius Ring.


4| l)ttttd;ts Street. 557 45(1‘). .\lon l‘it‘t lll.3tlam 5.30pm; Sat ltlfitlam 5pm. Andrew Squire and Katrina Campbell Sat 5 llttt .ll ()ei. .\‘eu paintings.


5 l)otltte 'lerraee. 335 7lS‘). .\lon \Ved «k l‘ri ltlam 5pm; 'l'liu ltlam 7pm. Bright Spot .\lth l~l ()el l'it’l l5 .\tn. 'l‘uo artists e\plore the in ilight \\ ith large-seale paintings b} lliordis llaaek and photographie light bo\es b} l.otle lauber Lassen. Ni St l()\.'.’.


at .\larie ('urie House. 3‘) .\lban} Street. 478 7050. .\lon Sat lllam 5pm. Culcita 'l'hti ltl ’l'ue 33 (let. .»\it e\hibition ol~ \iork b} members ol' the lidinburgh Quilters.


liellot‘d Road. (v.34 (i3lll) treeot'ded inl'ormation 333 3300). .\lon Sat

ltlam 5pm: Sun noon 5pm.

0 Howard Hodgkin: Large Paintings 1984-2002 t'ntil Sun () ()et. £3.50 tL'3.5()l. Rentmned l'or his field) eoloured paintings on uood. llodgkin deseribes himself as a painter of feelings rather than ideas. This major e\hibition organised to eoineide \\ ith the artist's 7()th birtlida). features 3t) large paintings produeed o\ er the last t\\o deeades. See llllllsl. l/\Sl (ii l/\N(}i l0 Si i

Marcel Duchamp t‘niil Sun to .\‘m. .\ displa} highlighting one of the most influential artists ol' the 3lst eentnr}.

.\lareel l)tieltamp. leaturing his “UHF-(’1!-

i'rt/iu'. a leather ease eontaining (i‘) t‘epl'ttdttelttttts ol- ltis \\ot‘ks.


S .'\tl\UL‘;tle\ (lose. 3.35 ‘)37l. l);tll}

l l..‘~tlam 5.30pm telosed \Vedi.

The New Wave of Primitivism l)om is an arts projeet established in NW» b) a group ol' international artists \xorking in Seotlaitd. With a eonstantl} ehanging e\hibition ol' artuorks. the galler} houses setilptnre. stained glass and paintings b_\ artists \\lto praetise primith e art.

DUNDAS STREET GALLERY (ta l)undas Street. 558 Win}. .\lon Sat ltlam (rpm.

Charles Simpson Hi I l in 35 ()et. .\'e\\ paintings.


3lla l)undas Street. 557 5tltl3. .\lon l‘ri Illam 5pm: Sat ltlam lpm.

Joan Gillespie, Wilma Dunbar and Joe McIntyre Sat 5 (let the 5 .\'o\. l‘igurath e and landseape paintings b) .loan (iillespie. \Vilma Dunbar and .loe .\lelnt_\re.

EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 3.1 l'nion Street. 557 347‘). the Sat Illam (ipttt.

5 Incisori Torinesi t'niil Sat ti» .\'o\. (iraphie artists b} li\ e artists uho \\oi'k in the Stamperia ‘al l’o/Io' in the ell} ol l)ogliani iii the region ol- l’iemonte. ital).


SS l.othian Road. 338 3(iSS. .\lon Sun ltlam ltlpm.

Contemporary Landscapes t'ntil Sat 30 ()et. l’hotographie landseapes l'rom tuo reeent lidinburgh ('ollege oi .r\rt graduates. .\'ei| (’ammoek and .\laleolm lien/ie.


35 William Street. 335 3l‘)(i. the Hi llam 5pm: Sat llam 3pm.

Alan Kilpatrick: East Wed 0 .\lon 3S ()et. .\'e\\ oil paintings b_\ lidinburgh—based artist .-\lan Kilpatriek iii a l'ollo“ up to his ehareoal \\ot‘ks “hielt leattired at the gallet') itt 3(ltll. Ni ‘K‘.’ Si l()\.'.',


t) West Port. 33] H337. l)ail_\

noon 7pm.

Hiya l'ntil \Ved lo ()et. .v\n e\hibition ol' photographie images b) l’atil \‘iekers in assoeiation \\ ith the Mann ol‘ the Replieants‘ ('I) release.


-l5 Market Street. 335 33S}. .\lon Sat llam 5.30pm; Stilt noon 5pm.

0 Hammertown tn 4 ()el Hi 22 .\'o\. .\n e\hibition ol‘ the Milk b_\ si\ _\oung ('anadian artists seleeted l‘or their at'l'inities \\ ith eultural produets that the) re-inseribe \\ ith personal. politieised meaning. liaeh ot the si\ artists ha\e produced ne\\ “(irks litil' lllL‘ e\hibition. See pt'e\ ie“ and llitlist. Ni 8i l()\'i.’. Artists’ Talk Sat 5 ()et. 3pm. l-ree. llammertoun artists talk about their \\ot'k “ith Reid Shier.


40a Raeburn l’laee. .‘wl5 3(a)}.

.\lon Sat lilam 5.30pm.

Colours of India 'l‘liu lti ()et Sat 3 .\'o\. The galler) eelebrates the eolours ol~ lndia \\ ith an e\hibition ol' te\tiles. l‘urniture. git'ts atid jeueller} from lndia. Ni W St l()\.'.'.


(ialler_\ and Shop. 77 l)undas Street. 55b .il5‘). .\lon l'ri ltlam (ipm: Sat Illam 5pm.

Figuratively Speaking t‘niil iii 4 ()et. l-‘igurath e paintings b} a seleetion of artists in eoniunetion \\ ith a range ot' applied arts ineluding \xood seulpture. bron/e and glass.

Autumn Exhibition .\lon 7

()CI Hi I .\'o\. .'\ tttl\etl slttm til \Hit‘lx l'eaturing (ieorge l.ogan. Natalia Kudria\ tse\a. .\lan 'l‘hompson. .\like .\lel)onnell and Kate ls'irb). Ni \.'.’

Si l( )‘."‘.’.


33 Shanduiek l’laee. 335 ‘)I5 I.

.\lon \Ved & l‘ri ‘lam 5.30pm: 'l‘ue 9.30am 5.30pm: 'l‘hu 9am 7pm: Sat 7 (rpm; Sun ll.3t)am 5.30pm: Sun ll.3(lam 5.30pm.

Michael Craik: New Paintings l'ntil Thu 17 ()et. .\'e\\ paintings b} .\liehael (‘raik soureed lrom his abstraet arehiteetural photographs.


33a l)tmdas Street. 556 3lSl. .\lon in Hunt (rpm; Sat lt)._it)am 5pm. Fiona Stevenson and Kate Philp l‘ntil Sat l3 ()et. Regular galler} e\hibitors l’iona Ste\enson and Kate l’hilp present oil and “atereolour landseapes ol' Seotland. Ste\enson l'oeuses on gardens and landseapes ol‘ the \\ est eoast \xhile l’hilp eaptures liast l.othian and the l)ordogne in \satereolour.


(‘astlehili Ro_\al Side. 473 3000. l)ail_\‘ 9.30am ltlpm.

Edinburgh International Festival: Surrogate Cities Exhibition l'ntil Sun (i ()et. In this lill‘ seeoiidar} sehools proieet. through te\t and photographs. pupils e\plored the phenomenon ol the en) and \\ ho the) are in relation to their urban

em ironment.

Oliver Marsden Hi It ()et Sun 24 .\'o\. Large-seale abstraet paintings b} ()li\ er .\larsden ereated b} a eombination ot‘ painting teehniques Lising eiiniptiter-generated shapes as a starting point. Ni W St l()\.'.'. Surrogate Cities t'niil Sun (r ()et. .\lon l‘ri ltiam 5pm. lidinburgh seeondar} sehool pupils e\plore the eit_\ through photograph} and poetr}.


()0 (‘umberland Street. 55S 0373.

.\lon l‘ri ltlam (1pm; Sat ltiam ~lpttt. Leslie SomerviIIe: Decipher l'ntil Sat l3 ()et. Ne“ abstraet paintings b} iidinburgh ('ollege ol .-\rt graduate. l.eslie Somer\ ille. in this his lltit'tl \Ultl slttm. l/\Sl (El l/\NLIi l0

Si i


(i ('at‘lton 'l'eri'aee. 556 til i. \Ved Sat lllam 5pm.

0 Jon Schueler t'niil Sat 2 .\‘m. lo eelebrate the publieation ol' .lon .Si'linr'lr'l': In I/Ir' .\‘ru'I/I. the lirst monograph de\oted to the lite and “ork ol' the .\meriean .\bstraet li\pressiomst. .lon Seltueler. an e\hibition ol' paintings l'oetising on \xork produced in the 70s “hen he arri\ ed to |i\ e and “ink in Seotland. See l‘e\ ie\\ ttlttl llllltsl.


()5 the Shore. l.eitli. 553 5355.

line l’ri llam 5pm; Sat llam lpm. Louis McNally t'ntil Sat 1: tier.