We welcome submissions for this section. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Edinburgh life listings compiled by Anna Millar.

Book events

Steve Jones \Vzllel'xlotte'x. l2.\' l’t‘ittcex Street. 33(i 3(i(i(i. (iptn. l'lt‘ee. The author read\ from Yr: 'I‘lu' Ih'u‘t'lll ()I .lli'n. Barry Norman (‘ameo. 38 Home Street. 338 4l4l. (i.3()pnt. £5.30 (£3.50). Barr} .\'orman talk\ about hix autohiograpli) .-lm/ ll'lir .\'u/ and introduce\ one ol‘ hix l‘a\ourite liltilN. (‘mur/u‘ng ’ligu: Hit/(It'll Dragon.

Ted Honderich Jamex thin. 53 St) South Bridge. (i33 S333. (i.3(lpm. l-"ree. .\ chance not to he mixxed to debate unit the attthor ol .l/lt'l' 'I'ln' 'Ii'r/‘or. a contrmerxial look at the \trainx and the e\ent\ leading up to and pthl-U/l 1. Richard Holloway Jamex thin. 53 5‘) South Bridge. (i33 S333. (3.30pm. l’ree. The former Hixltup ol' lidinhurgh talk\ about hix recent “ork. ()n I'oreii'citi'u.

Other events

The Redcoat Soldier titlinlmrgh (’axtle. Ro)al .\lile. 335 0840. l lam. noon. 3pm «k 3pm. £8 1L3 L'm. Iixer} 'l‘hu & liri. l‘ind out \\ hat lil'e “ax like tor a King (ieorge\ Redcoat \oldier in the lStli centur).

Friday 18

Other events

Knit, Stitch and Creative Crafts Show Ro}al Highland ('entre. lllglixltlll. 335 (i300. lllam 5pm. £5.50 lL‘4.5lll.

()\ er llill exhibitorx 2t\ \\ ell tl\ lecturex. demonxtrationx and \\ot'k\ltop\.

Saturday 1 9

Book events

Hamish Whyte Scottixh l’oetr} l.ihrar_\. 5 ('richton'x (‘loxe. ('anongate. 557 3876. 3pm. £4 l£3i. “hue tll\L‘ll\\C\ ltl\ l'axourite \Mit‘kx \xith Roli_\n .\lar\ack.


Kelso Races Kelm Racecourxe. Kelxo. (H573 334707. 3 5pm. [7

(tree 9.4). National hunt horxe racing \taged at Britain\ l‘riendliext courxe in the moxt picturexque ol' \ettingx.

Other events

Knit, Stitch and Creative Crafts Show Ro}al Highland ('entre. lnglixton. 335 (i3lll). Illam 5pm. £5.50 (£4.5(ll. See

The Big Draw Ro}a| .\lll\L‘lllll. 3 (‘hamherx Street. 347 431‘).

Hifillam 4.30pm. l’ree. 'l‘ake part in the national campaign to get people drau ing \\ ill] the help ()I. tll‘li\l\ George \V} lllC. llelen Denerle) and Kate ('harlexxmrth. Public Playwrighting Workshop 'l'ra\er\e 'l‘heatre. (’amhridge Street. 338 I404. l lam. ([3). lain l-‘inla'\ .\lacleod lead\ a \\ot'k\liop on \xriting pla} \.


Hearts V Celtic linecaxtle Stadium. (iorgie Road. 300 73(ll. 3pm. Sl’l. l'oothall match.

Ice Hockey .\lurra}lie|d Ice Rink. Ri\er\dalc (‘rcxcenL 3l3 3077. 0pm. L'S’ (£5l. League game\ and the l‘indux Britixh National league ntalchex


The Art of Flamenco Dance Haxc. l4 lo (iraxxmarket. 335 5535.

llam Ipni. L'll) lt'S’i. ;\ \\(it'l\\lltip

drau ing on the haxic l'll}llt|li\ ol' llamenco. Argentinian Tango Workshop Dance Haxe. l4 to (il';t\\lll;ll’l\L‘l. 335 5535. Ilani 4.30pm. £35 (£30). lhnlcndance theatre and dancer\ direct l'rom Bucnox .'\ire\ take _\ou through the

Other events

Knit, Stitch and Creative Crafts Show Ro}al Highland ('entrc. Inglixton. 335 (i300. lllani 5pm. £5.50 lt'4.5lli. See l-‘ri l.\'.


From Warhol to Koons: an Introduction National (ialler) ol' Modern .'\rt. Bell'ord Road. (i34 (i3llll. I3.45pm. l‘ree. Keith llartle} dixcuxxcx the uorkx currentl} on long-term loan. Contemporary Canadian Performance: Contexts and Currents Galena} 'l‘heatre. l‘.l|ll Rou. l.eith Walk. 317 3030. 7pm. l’ree. l’rol'exxor Rohert \Vallace lroni tltc (llendon ('ollege. York l'nixerxil}. ('anada gi\ex a lecture on cottletttpot‘ar} (‘anadian perlorniance.

Tuesday 22 '

Book events

Lulu \Vaterxtone\. l3 l4 l’rincex Street. 550 3034. l3.3llpm. 'l‘he \inger \ignx copiex ol' her autohiograpli). / Hull ‘1 llillll 'Io fie/II.

Michael Palin .-\\\emhl_\ Rootth. 54 (ieorge Street. 331! 434‘). '7 0pm. £5. The

Edinburgh life

SlOltYlll l lN(‘, SCOTTISH INTERNATIONAL STORYTELLING FESTIVAL Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin . . .

Literary heights

The box office success of The Lord of the Rings just goes to show it. Down the pub, there’s no denying it. The urban myths fired about by email prove it: we all still love a good story. Since being tucked up in bed and given JRR Tolkien’s next enchanted chapter, the love for flights of imagination has never gone away. Whether with good old-fashioned escapism or juicy tales that bond friends together, our personal and collective pasts are as important to us now as they ever were. Joanna Bremner, director of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival - an event that has grown from a small group of the Scottish travelling community in the late 805 to an international event with 80 storytellers - explains why she thinks it’s important: ‘lt’s a really nice way to bring people together. There’s so many fantastic stories out there that we don’t get to hear and often stories can shape our identity or give us a sense of a collective identity.’

This year combines strong voices from Scotland’s best storytellers and others from India, Russia, Iceland, Norway and France. Despite the land and oceans separating these countries it is amazing how much they all share (about 3000 versions of the Cinderella story are known worldwide). Bremner agrees: ‘There’s a voice that reaches out beyond those boundaries and links us with countries elsewhere.’ With new venues such as the Royal Observatory joining in, the sky’s truly the limit. (Ruth Hedges)

I Brew: flu} ,'.'t}.'."(,".".‘3{,“.'. Xvi}; Centre pm; xemes. 5532' 5.7241. Ft": .195 Os."- Sun

How, Why and Where: the Beginning of Life Ro}al ()lixenator) \ixitor (cutie. Hlacklord llill. (i(i.\' S404. 7.30pm. Free. .\like Rl|\\L‘ll e\plore\ theoriex e\pl;uning the hith ol the uni\er\e.

Wednesday 23

Talks Scottish Poetry in South East Asia (ire) l‘riarx Kirk. (ire) l'riarx l’lacc.

Special The Tron. 9 Hunter Square. High Street. 33o lil)3l. 0pm. £3 (£3). The Big \Vord team prexent t'ixittg [wrlormance poelr} \ltll'S.


From Heuk to Tipiti - the Botany of Baskets Ro}al Botanic (larden. lmerleith Rou. 553 7|7l.

3 4pm. l‘ree. Dr William .\liliken e\plore\ the e\traordinar} range ol' plant\ that can he ll\L‘tl tor haxket

l’ri IS. Mont} l’_\thon l‘e‘;|tl\ t'rom lllx nc\\ hook. 335 l‘)lit). 5.3(lptti. £31933). lid\\in making. The Big Draw - Scotland’s Sir/mm. See prex icu. Rohei‘txon. a lounder ol‘ the .\lu\eum ol Jumbo Draw! l‘nlil Wed 33 ()ct. Scotland'x Rohet'txon collection. gi\e\ an WOlkShODS

.\lu\eum (M Night. liaxt l-‘ortune .-\irlield. Not‘llt Ber“ ick, (ll(i3() SSll3llS.

ll).3(lam 5pm. £3 tchildren tree L'l.5()i. Join in the attempt to drau Scotland'x higgext e\ er aeroplane at the liaxt l-"ortune



Siena: Treasures from Tuscany National librar} ()l' Scotland. (ieorgc l\' Bridge. («)8 3333. Illant. .\ round table tllSL‘lt\\tUll on dillerent axpectx ol' Siena'x hixtor).

illuxtrated talk.

Thursday 24

Book events Young Performance Poets

Workshop in Scots African Song and Dance ()ltl St l’aul\ ('hurch. ()3 .lel‘l're} Street. 337' 5443. 5.30 7.30pm. [.3 tt'3 l. The l'nixerxit} ol Namibia choir join in thix inxpiring and d_\namic “orkxhop.

: ' ,'a' l) ' 1' ,' . l t it ' ' :5. -;;' ‘.' " : "‘t? 0'?- O‘Cock (ilil‘ -';x:,-t;rt;"<:-:::; 0t 1‘ 4; art 2" '-':.: '.<2..'.-_, "5% k- i:' . : in ' ’: t' : :: . ' . ' '3; 3.x." m“ title". lots ..f;:;:: fr“<;'»<<:-"‘._ ’2' .r: not '.., t" f3 2‘ ll. ....t ::' 1' :l‘;‘,£t .a":;f;7"" 3" "‘ :; \.t>t‘.'.;i't> {i"-;l. City Of The Dead’s 'gt'l‘:;";ti:kl-i- 9.1: :;t::;‘.!-’:. 8517's. .:. -.‘-;‘x".";:...‘:vx-_:-ti .l".l 9" _‘:‘..':;-;‘~, 2%:- Sf."‘-.? 0‘ Haunted Graveyard ’:l‘ .at" pat“ '2". note ynamic Earth '. l‘ v. _ ‘. {7.>:::"._ ..::,.,.: :g Tours §::~ "iat'. £’:?:l :"l,:.r::" l': ."tw’illyaa. 35:9 '."-.-"::'.."’. .“'."z>v.»_:"_"".’:r; Strfitl" :x";i:;:;"c-."."te l."it:‘_:'.t/. Sili'tr‘SCétTWHl'éil (Lash. J" I EM: ' r ..":~ "-i:'.-.:-' :-.-.:.:

Camera Obscura l2:,.a..'.4l':;.4.1512293.In. 1..-. t1: Edinburgh Zoo

Cast-u-“ll. lit/nil M <2. 7/13 Etiiflirr 7-1 ‘L,:,'i‘_ 3‘5 ‘1 ~' Edinburgh Castle ;?_":;to':\" "a? Rum. 35,-:

25994110" l7 tit, SILT/m. Hula ' it. l~.‘: -.-. .271“ Wall! 3;: ‘. 3" Zia“. :‘u’tl‘t tl'“. :‘

ir'i'TLa'" lit/rt. Sat 5“. 152w, {1"fl ,r;..' i,-'.- n . I 'i'“ f '\ it

"In!" (Lt/r; 331/12 ::..z:’;:t‘I-f;-':'i {tl "ti‘:""-Tr' "' 3'! .' ' ' f' r “‘ tt-At‘.

3233’. $71.35, ; 2:". , t:<;-<t:‘. :,;:";:"<;"";i' ‘t (2"13. : T" l' A“ t'

l’vfk. _.l)£‘:l;‘:’l(:_‘;l.’x(i" "';'..:l'r‘ittlit; r“;:t'tt;:.:';, . ' t. ' 5%".1"

" ,oti" "£:l"l at f":3; l‘/l’.l<-’:"/‘7 l)’/l'.‘.:'ill'f:lf~'.. 1/2.. ' :t " :x \ " l"' e

:zft";tr;t!’;r‘. gr .lx. "{1.‘:t;‘:€:” .'.‘('tl"':’l 't i' .l' (2-. ' t' one"

.‘i‘i’fl'f; a "-',-;:. 31' -'.-. 3'71. Craigmillar Castle ' t l x t .‘z ." t ‘\

"‘zt<,t‘:',"."-f:f;'... "‘rM'r/tx‘. (L'axy' tztrljgegfxdi at, ' a; I' ‘e t

"‘:’,":"T Jilllllfl °.’/ T'L’: ill. did-11;. [)51. ° ' Nil :' '\" t l \ '

.r:" a: munching/Win -'.-',. £32m" ht," *1", .t" " '

“'. THE LIST 99