Edinburgh life

Thursday 24 continued

Other events

Fashion Show 1)} naiiiic liarth. llol_\rood Road. 551) 78()(). 8pm. £25. l-"axhion \lion and part} iii aid oi lhc lit‘iiixll Rc‘tl (‘l'oxx

Oktoberfest t'util -7 Oct. The Pond. 2/4 Bath Road. 467 3825. All _\our l'aVotiritc tipplcs l'roni thc lathcrland n ith a BBQ cxtrmagan/a as 'l‘hc l’ond cclchratcx ()ktohcrl‘cxt'x third hirthda).

Book events

Scottish International Storytelling Festival l'ntil Sun 3 .\'o\. .\'cthcrho\\ :\l't\ ('cntrc. 43 45 High Strch 556 ‘)57‘). ('all ()131 556 ‘)57‘) to ordcr )our' hrochtirc. Scc prct'icn.

John Mackay l-‘cstital 'l‘licatrc. l3 2‘) .\'icol\on Strcct. 52‘) 611111). 1pm. 1.4. John .\lacka_\ liltlllc‘llL‘\ his latc‘\t “ot'k. 'I‘lir' ler/ Dam-4'. “ith a talk and hook \igning. Adam Hart-Davies :\\\cltll)l} Rootnx. 54 (icorgc Strcct. 221) 434‘). 6.30pm. 'l‘hc highl} acclaimcd 'l'\' pi'cscntcr atid L‘\L‘L‘llL‘lil \ltll')'lL‘llL‘l‘ talks about lli\ tic“ hook and forthcoming \ct‘icx. ll'liur 'l‘lir' ‘liulorx and .S'rt'iuirri I)rr/ l'in' (K.


Edinburgh Rugby v Neath .\1cado\t hank Spol‘lx (‘cntrc. 13‘) London Road. 661 5351. 7.3ilptit. (’cltic lcagtic rtigh} ntatch.

Saturday 26

Book events

Shaping Lives National Portrait (iallcry. l Qticcn Strch 624 6201). 3pm. l‘rcc htit tickctcd. lmaginc thc li\C\ and personalities hchind thc portraits u itlt Donald Smith.

To Russia with Love Nether-tum :\l‘l\ ('cntrc. 43 45 High Strcct. 556 ‘)57‘). 7.45pm. £6 tL'4i. lntrcpid tra\cl|cr\ Mich;th Kci'ins. (‘hrixtinc Kydd and littan .\lc\'icar rcttirn l'rom thcir \ iin to l’crni in thc 1'ralx ttith litlL‘\ arid \utlgx lrom lhc Rtl\\i;tli mountains.


Bank of Scotland Scottish National Junior Championships U15/19 Mcadoxthank Sports ('cntrc. 13‘) London Road. 661 535l. £1 150p). National hadminton L'litlllipittllxlllpx. Hearts v Dundee '1‘} nccaxtlc Stadium. (ioi‘gic Road. 2111) 72111. 3pm. Sl’l. football match.


Storytelling Workshop - Absolute Beginners \clhcrhott :\l‘l\ ('cntrc.

43 45 High Strcct. 556 ‘)57‘).

1.31) 4.3llpni. £6 1.") t£4 £61. lixplorc thc nattirc o1 \tor}tcl|ing atid dcwlop _\t)tll' t)\\ll \t) lc.

Other events

Scottish Homebuilding and Renovating Show Ro}al Highland ('cntrc. Inglixion. 335 6201). lilam 5pm. £5 lll'ccl. Sc‘tlllttll(l\ onl} xcll-htiild \hou lttll‘\l\ \\ ith idcax and ad\ icc on building or rctioxating _\otir liomc.

Hopetoun House Short: Road. South Ouoortssforry. 331 24:31. Daily 1();itii- SLtOpiii. 87270-171"). 1hi:;5;tatoi‘,/ homo. part ()1 V/lil(;ll If; still livotl Ill by tho MENQUOSSOT; of

i irilithqow. was built 111 tho 1811i coutury hy r’il(,‘lill(}(ilf; Sir \Nilliatii Bruoo éill(l Williziiii Atlarrt. It houxos; lllllllf‘dlllllif‘) and artwork (,ollt:r;to(1 by tho lilillll‘,’ ovor tho past 401)

/(:£llfi. Museum Of 11);iiii firirii; Suit Childhood iiooii Fitiiii; ltio

100 THE LIST '7‘ iii (22124.99

11711igli81root.f>’/‘.) 414?. Mott Sat

l1)£illl- 5mm. lr'roo. lotititloti 111 11155). tho llltlf;(,‘tllll llélfill‘».’(fl)1ll)lltl tizillorios; V/llil all iiiziiuita oi ziitotamt; rolgitiiir; to (Lllll(lll()()(l through tlto argon. lil'()lll £l111|1ltl(:(l()ilf; to (i 1‘.)t’)1)5;l3l\/1Xturn/(Jo. thoro'f; plotitv iiort; to Stanly/011011011(llllli (lowu itioiiioiy lziiio Museum Of Scotland ()haiiiliois;Stroot.7.17 4?11).N1oti 8211


Can there be a man out there who’s better travelled than the esteemed Michael Palin? He’s circumnavigated the world every which way you can, and a few others that you probably hadn't even thought of. And now he’s back from one of his toughest assignments yet: the Sahara, a name that instantly evokes

images of bleached skeletons, circling vultures and a bedraggled man in tattered rags and ragged beard (a bit like 3 Monty Python sketch). As Palin puts it: ‘If you want to convey desert you only have to say “Sahara".’

The realities are similar but at the same time utterly surprising, a beguiling tale of life in extremes. And there is no one else who can tell a travel tale like Palin. Now a seasoned professional, he has developed a style far removed from the ‘wow man, you had to be there’ stories of backpackers post three weeks in Kathmandu. Palin can capture an atmosphere with eloquent ease and his easy going attitude coupled with casual humour get him access to places others will never see. Of course having a BBC film crew with you helps.

But this doesn’t give you a free pass to safety: apart from the obvious dangers involved in crossing a desert, it seems kidnapping, mines and robbery were all real threats. With the obligatory book and TV series to accompany this treacherous journey (aptly titled Sahara) this is a great chance to catch the man in person and hear even further tales straight from

the horse’s mouth. (Henry Northmore) I Assert? )lfi.’ Boo/its. Portion/git. Trio 22 Oct.

Book events

The lslandmen \cilicrhou :\l'l\ (critic. 43 45 High Strcct. 556 ‘)57‘). 7.45pm. 12611241. 'l‘hrcc l\lillltllllL‘ll 1mm Sigc. l.L‘\\l\ and thc Shctlandx conitirc lllL‘it‘ \\ttl'ltl\ .ttttl lL‘gL‘ntl\ \\ illt \ltll'iL‘\ l'i'om thc land. \ca aitd pcoplc.


Stride for Life llttpL‘ltttlll lltttlxc. Shorc Road. South (‘)ticcn\icrr}. 331 2451. £2.71) £5. .\ lllk \pottsorcd ualk. Bank of Scotland Scottish National Junior Championships U15/19 Mcadouhank Spttl‘lx ('ciitrc. 13‘) London Road. (thl 5.3.51. 121 1511p). SL‘L‘ Sat 26.

Ice Hockey Murraflicld lcc Rink. Ri\cr\t1a1c (‘rcxcan 313 2‘)77. 6pm. £8 (£5). Scc Sun 21).

Other events

Autumn Colour in Your Garden Ro} a1 Botanic (iardcii. lmcrlcitlt Rim. 552 7171. 10am 4pm. l-‘rcc. li\pcrt\ gix c ad\ icc on acliicx ing [how hrilliaiii gold and rcd autumnal c‘ttltttlt'\ ill )our \\ intcr gardcn.

Scottish Homebuilding and Renovating Show Roin Highland (.L‘ttll‘L'. lllglixltttt. 55.502111).

lilatii 5pm. £5 tl't'cct. Scc Sat 26.

11);iiii 8pm. 1 ."(}t:. 1)o\.'oto<1 soiol‘,’ to tho lilf;l()l‘,*£lll(lllt}11i£l(l(3()l Sootlznitl. tho huilrliiio (L()lll£itlif; ll\.’(: tlioriizitirxiily giittiiitioti oxliihitiortt;. iiioViiir; ll()lll pro history. through ll1(3l11(lllf;ll|£ii Hovoltitiot‘._ to tho l)l(ff;(.‘lil (lay. at ‘.‘.’ll|(;lt point iizitioiigil horoos; f;tl(Ili zit; lilll‘, (Zotiiiolly 2tii<1 1 Iriitio () Smith got lli‘.’()l‘.’if(l. Palace 0! Holyroodhouse

Royal Milo. fifiii 1091}. l)£lll“,’(.i.:i1)(llll (start. Eliot) 183.111) 3‘5); ‘ziitizl,

Monday 28

Book events

Tales, Myths and Legends of the North \cthci'hou .v\rt\ ('ciitrc. 43 45 High Strcct. 556 ‘)57‘). 7.45pm. £61L‘4t. lixplorc thc ancicn'. tics hctnccn \oi'ttcgian and (chic tach lll}lll\ arid lcgcndx.


Japanese Linoprinting l.auri\tott (‘axllcx 2a ('ramond Road South. 336 21161). 10am 4pm. £7. Adxaticc hooking rcquircd. 'l'hc art ol' .lapancw linoprinting c\plaincd at llll\ adult \\1)l'l\\llt)|) lcd it} Jacqui l’L‘\lL‘ll.

Storytelling Workshop - Story Tours \L‘lltcrlio“ .-\rt\ ('cntrc. 43 45 High Strcct. 556 ‘)57‘)_ lilani 3.3tlpni. [32. Workshop l'or sourcing \tor} tours around )iitii' local at'ca.

Other events

Autumn Colour in Your Garden Ro}al Botanic (iardcn. lti\ct'|cith Ron. 552 7171. lilam 4pm. 1‘rcc. Scc Sun 27.

Tuesday 29

Book events

Myths and Legends - Old and New Nclhcrhou ./\rt\ (critic. 43 45 Hit—'li Strcct. 5560571). 7pm. £6 t£4i. ('hildt'cti and titltlllx l'roni lidinhtirgli'x (iaclic

ti<;kot 1413.131)» Sléillllltl lilo (if; .‘i 11-3111 (Lifllilil‘, ;i1)l>o\,. tho l)£il£i(2(} lit’lf; t2‘.'o1‘.'o<i llil()£lf§tlll1l>itl()tif; totitti to:;.tloii(:o (Lizitiiiiioti llill()1[Millilllitlfiéilul (iitotztt:tt; (lzttiiit; hook piiiiigirili,’ to tho 1 [th <:otituij,.

Royal Botanic Garden

lli‘.’1‘:ll(:llll lit f>5>1’ i'1f‘i. 1);ti5\,' 1)..-§1);ttti (put. 1 too. A f‘dh’i ()1 llElllqtiIllll“, ft trio l.1ll)l)1ll) of tho (:itfih tlto l-‘iotgiriit: (i;it:loti it; ll()l’l(7 1(){l‘.‘.’(};llll‘()lll()1£ili'(1!ll girotniti tint.- t}l()l)(f.

Monty’s star magic

Boasting; {1 Hook (igii'tioi‘. ziti<ll(?11giiifiiilhitlmhi‘.‘.’iili l)l£llllf;1l'()llt tho totiipoiztto zittrl ll()l)l(‘,;1| parts; of tho world. tho t;:i(?iilf;()11(153£l\(:£ll l()1.i'i(l titotti‘arittiio o1 o\.'oiitt;;iii(1 (Z‘XlillHllOllfiéif; urol’ (if; gitiitioti toiit‘t; iii tlto :;tiitiviioi.

Royal Museum

1’ (Eligiiiihoir; Stroot. 1’4.’ 7.91:). Mott Sgt!

ttlgivii filllllfi Suit E iiooit from; luo

11);iiit Bruit. 1 too. A Nth (701‘3111‘, 'iiti:;t.~tiii= ll()tlf;'llt_] "11(?'t‘.411'()ltitl rtoltotttioiis;

communit) prcxcnt \toricx. m}thx arid Icgcndx.

New Faces thhcrhon ..\rt\ ('cntt'c.

43 45 High Strcct. 556 ‘)57‘). 7.45pm. £6 t£4i. l‘rcxh iictt laccx l'rom thc \ttii'}tclliiig


Miracles, Masters and an Extraordinary Story ('raigmillar :\rt\ (‘cntrc. 58 .\'c\tcraighal| Road. 66‘) 8432. 7 9pm. 1"rcc. :\ talk about thc cmcrgcncc iii a group of spiritual tcachcrx \\ ho arc tr)ing to \ttl\ c glohal [it‘ttlilL‘lti\.

Wednesday 30

Book events

G.F. Dutton SL‘Ullixll l’octr) l.ihrar}. 5 (‘richton'x ('loxc. (‘anongato 557 2876. 7.31lpm. £3 tL‘2i. Rcadingx h) thc pocl and \L‘iL‘ltli\l.

Coast to Coast \cthcrhou .-\rt\ (critic. 43 45 High Strch 556 ‘)57‘). 7.45pm. £61L‘4i. Highland. (iaclic and 'l‘i'a\cllcr talcs l'rom north to \tllllll \\ ith Andrcn MacKinloxh. Boh 1’cgg and Alcc John \Villialltxon.

Razor Octopus 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. ‘)pm. £5 tL'3i. 1i\pcrimcnta| caharct.


Exploring the Print Room at the Portrait Gallery National Portrait (iallcr). l ()iiccn Strch 624 6201). 12.45pm. l-‘rcc. 'lickctx iii adxancc on tltc da} lrom tltc \hop. "liitir'x o1 thc Print Room \\ ith curator linogcn (iihhon.

Book events

Ulrika Jonsson l‘cxtual 'l‘hcatrc. I3 2‘) Nicolxon Strcct. 52‘) 6001). lpllt. £4. l'lrika .ltlli\\t)ll ix iii coit\ct‘\ation nith BBC prcxcntcr Janicc 1‘oi'\_\th ahotit hcr ticn autohiograph}. llum'xr.

Hallowe’en Tales - Light in the Darkness Netticrhtm .v\rt\ ('cnti-c. 43 45 High Slrcct. 556 ‘)57‘). 7.45pm. £6 t£4i. -\ cclchration ol' this l'cxti\al ol dark atid light.

Sons of Samhain 2 (‘ation'x (iait. 332 ('anongatc. 5564481. 8pm. £2 tt'l i. \Vritcix' Bloc. \pokcn \tord pcrl'ormancc group. lll\ itcx )tltl to join thcm it )oti darc tor an cwning o1 llallonc'cn litcrar} littl't'ul‘.


Samhuinn (‘£l\llL‘ l'.\[)l;lll;ttlL‘. litlilll‘tli‘g‘ll ('axllc. Rotal .\ltlc. 228 5353. ‘).21)pm. l‘lL‘L‘. liL‘llallC l'ill-L' Sitc‘lt‘l} illill‘lx lllL‘ L‘lltl til~ \timnicr arid cclchratc thc coming ol' “111101. \\ ith a \pcctactilar proccxxion ol' inc and drumming.

Other events

Holyrood’s Hallowe’en llol} rood Park. 556 1761. 6 111W]. l'rcc. .v\d\ancc hooking t‘ct'tiircd. ('clcltratc thc ccric pagan t'cxti\a| \\ ith thc countrpidc rangcrx. Hallowe’en Tours l’arliamcnt Squarc. oil High Strcct. 473 21101). 7.3tlpm. 8pm. 8.311pni.‘)pm.‘).31)pm. lllpni. 11).31)pm.

l lpiii & 1 1.311piii. {611251. Spccial llallouc'cn ghoxt tourx around thc dark \trcctx o1 old lidiiihtirgh.

o1 'tzttu'tii '11331()i". grooiotit. t1(‘,'(}l‘.(i(?. tottliiiotogn {ilitl tho (l(?($1‘1'(1i|\.'(?(1'18. pair; i‘.'~.’<f titEr‘r‘itii‘titit (TXlill)".i()."f}I Al! Al /.':u'.',:;.'ri, {lliti foo It. i. 1'51, (Lilo/i.

Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre .«Ti>-1();i:;tiohill. 1'io Hmai Mi'o. 324111-131. in". than! fil)'l‘._§‘1i.5>1t $3.95» 4.15;); fziitidi, tittkot iiikt? a room thiotigu‘ tho ti.t<i"tv;‘it:; {11111 t‘i:;t.it\ of mu lliiitt)11£11\l'lf‘r\'§llillitil.iil\

'1‘1(‘,l;1\'ill‘.(‘ .ittiattt'o't.