We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Book events

Ian Rankin IIIL‘ :\t'che\. 2.5.3 .'\t'f_"\ Ie SIICL‘I. (Itltll II}: 0300. .7pm. £3 l’rom Borderx IIotIKSItIl'L‘. (.I'CiIIUI' (II IntIllII‘tll‘gIl detecti\e. Inxpcctor Rchth. lttIIw about It’t'HH‘I't’t lion .III’II and Becca/"t Banquet.

Other events

Ideal Home Show Scotland 2002 Sli('(’. I‘innicxton Qua}. (IS‘II 040 4000.

I Iam. £7 (£5 I. Idcax. inxpiration and practical ad\ ice on creating the home ol tour (Il'ctlllh. The Big Tenement House Draw ‘I‘enement IIouxe. I45 Bucheuch Street. (iarnethiII. 333 (IIS33 5pm. £35” (£2.5(Ii. lake part in a national (Il';l\\ mg proiect.

Friday 1 8


Glasgow Rugby v Sale Sharks IIughenden. 33 IIughenden Road. 35.3 34M. 7.30pm. £I" (£"I. Heineken (‘up High} tie. Scottish Rocks v Milton Keynes Braehead Arena. ngw Inch Road. 5M I I40. 7.30pm.£71£5I1lanuli ticket £30. BBI. (‘hampionxhrp Ixnkethall match.


Still Seeing Red .\IttcheII library North Street. IS" 290‘). 3 5pm. I'ree. ’I'hird I.anark I-oothall ('Iuh'x number one (an. Bert Bell talkx \(rth \ISlItIl'\1lI‘(IlII IIIS collection ol loothall memorabilia.

Navigation in Summer 'l‘ixo (iItthtm ()utdoor Iixperience. 50 ('ouper Street. 'I‘o\\nhcad. 55‘) 5450, ' ‘Ipm. £3.\. .'\n introduction to the ‘micro' tIa\lgaliotl technique\ on I‘ritIa} night \\ III] a lull (Ia'u coachmg on the mountamx on the Sattlt'da}. The Moon Evening .‘xltrgtlock ('otmtt'} I’ark. (‘raigallian Road. .\Ii|nga\ ie. 95!» (i100. ".30 S 30pm. £I. learn about the moon in thrx l'amrI} etent.

Other events

Ideal Home Show Scotland 2002 SI'.(‘(‘. I'iinniexton Qua}. (ISWI 040 4000.

I lam. £7 (£5i. See Ihu I".

The Big Tenement House Draw 'I'enement IIouxc. I45 Bucclcuch Street. (iat'ttclIIlII. 333 (IIS3.: 5pm. £3.50t£3.50i.

Sec 'I'hu I".

Saturday 1 9 .

Book events

Mushaira: an Evening of South Asian Poetry (it) (lumber-x. George Square. 334 I05 I. 7.30pm. I7 .'\\I;tll poctx read their \tork

Politics March and Rally Against the War Scottixh (‘oaIitron lor .qutice Not War.

Art Gallery 8- Museum, ti .t'-’: "

Kelvingrove . It"). ‘: 57".“:7. 9:1,. .7", I‘l'. I' ' . ' H 5.. t'.‘ ’,l,l'.:' ' :'.:-’-' I," " : i" :.'. :"I l x :, .~ r ."',t Glasgow Cat ' I"".'..’ ' ,...r (71‘."'33"‘r"7'.,‘1 t; 'tr'r r r " ’r'. x1 ' .


(ieor'ge Square. 433 I333. I0.3(Iam. liree. Make a \tand againxt the \\ttl‘ on Iraq and ioin one (it the I'eeder marchex.


Partick Thistle v Hibernian I’irIriII. S0 I‘irhiII Road. 57‘) I‘)7I. 3pm. £I5 (£SI. SI’I. liootIIaII match. Rangers v Motherwell lhim Stadium. Iidmixton I)ri\ e. (IS70 ()00 I‘)‘)3. 3pm. £I‘) & £23 (£I I I. SI’I. football match.

WBO Featherweight Championship of the World Braehead Arena. Killgx Inch Road. Rcltlil'eu, (IS7I) 444 (3003. (rpm.

£30 £I00. \‘t'orld L‘IltllllplttlhIIlp Inning \\ ith .Iuan I’ahlo (’Itacon ol .'\t'gentina \erxux Scott IIat't‘ixolr ol' Scotland.


Navigation in Summer ‘I‘im (ilaxgou ()utdoor I-'.\perience. 50 ('ouper Street. Io“ nhead. 55‘) 5450.

‘Iam 4.30pm £3S. See I‘ri IS.

The Robert Wallace Lecture Iron ’I‘hcatre. (r3 'I‘t'ongate. 553 4207. 5pm. £5. Robert \VaIIttL‘c. (IISL'lISSL‘S ('ontemporar} (’anadian I’erl'ormance.


Drawing in the Cafe Iiaxl Kilhritle .v\rt\ (‘etttre. ()Id (‘oacIl Road. Iiaxt Killu'ide. (II355 ZoltItItI. I0am (rpm. I‘ree. .r\n alternatixe approach to dra“ ing axing the medium ol' photograph}. Ideas Workshop trauma}. 25 Alhert I)ri\e. 423 4S7». 10am 5pm. Stalker 'I'catro. the Italian perl'ormance group dl\clt\\ i/illz' ()(/\‘\\¢’\' ill (ill/won.

On the Edge: Combined Elements I’aixle} .\Iti\eum & .r\rt (iaIIer). High Street. I’aixle}. SS‘) 3I5I. IlIam 4pm. £20. .r\d\ance hooking required. .'\ one da} \xorkxltop I‘ot' adults creating e\perimental l'ormx and \tlt'IaccS.

Other events The Scottish Wedding Show Sli(‘(‘. I’inniexton ()tia}. 0S70 040 4000. 10am (Iplll. £0 £7; \xedding part) ticketx £2I £34. Iipx and ad\ ice (or the hliixhing hride including cat\\aIk \IItI\\\ (entitling the Iatext hridal f_‘(I\\ll\. Scotex 2002 S -.('('. I‘inniexlon ()ua}. (INNS 35(t3 7. I lam (rpm. I‘ree. Ii\hihition ol~ \tampx and colIcctiIIch. Ideal Home Show Scotland 2002 Sl-.(‘( '. l’itmiexton Qua}. (IS70 040 4000. I lam. £7 (£5). See I'hu I7. The Big Tenement House Draw 'Ienement Ilouxe. I45 Buccleuch Street. (iarnethill. 333 (IIS3. 5pm. £3.50 (£2.50I. See 'I'hu I7.


Glasgow Black History Tour (ilaxgtm ('athedral Sqtrare. Iligh Street. 3pm. I’ree. .\ cit} centre tour of hixtoricall) important \itex. See photo caption.


,' .attu .' 4.- s.’ ' “a: ., S.

i\.:,'1,i, I.I\A «It .n'I / I' I’I' (II I Bu rell Collection n .4 ' /,.'.<:.-:.' I Hi)". '.I‘.(: ’i' i w Itcgr l. :xvsw't'. :;.. fll'ttl flat-13:. f'or't .‘ W"."I""I( "i(‘f;.

Burrell . collection


Glasgow life

Does my bum lok big in this?

Urrggg! Arrggghhh! Karumph! This is the sound of wrestling, the most intense form of public entertainment imaginable. Gigantic hulking men grapple for your entertainment, with fancy special moves, spangly costumes: the works. It’s video games made reality, and yet strangely it’s still considered good clean family entertainment. Funny old world, eh?

Now ‘American wrestling’ is coming live to the Pavilion, in many ways a tribute to the American superstars of WP and WCW. You’re still gonna see the Rock, Triple H, Kane and Stone Cold Steve Austin going head to head . . . well their look-a-likes at any rate, much like seeing No Way Sis or the


But don’t get me wrong: the moves are just as real, the athleticism (which is much over looked in these spectacles) is as extreme, the action as fast and furious. A take-no-prisoners show that incorporates all the glitz, glamour, and full on battle royale attitude you’d expect from their US counterparts. The main event is a ‘Steel Cage’ match-up, and as they say: ‘Don’t worry if you don’t know the rules . . . THERE ARE NONE!’. Bad, brutal and bloody.

One question, though: where are all the Big Daddy tribute wrestlers?

(Henry Northmore)

I Raw/ton 'I'lreal/‘e. C—i/zrsgow. Hill 24 Oct,

Other events

The Scottish Wedding Show SIi('('. I’itmiexton Qua}. 0S70 (I40 4000. Illam (rpm. £(i £7: \tedding part} tickets £3I £34. See Sat I‘).

3D/ZD Craft 8. Design Fair Ro)aI (‘oncert Hall. 2 SauchiehaII Street. 353 S000. |(I.30am 4.30pm. £1 (tree 70p). (‘ontemporaty cralttxork \oId direct h} the makerx.

Ideal Home Show Scotland 2002 SIi(‘(’. I‘inniexton Qua). 0S70 (I40 4000.

I lam. £7 (£5I. See 'I'hu I7.

Scotex 2002 Sli(‘(‘. I-‘irmiexton Qua}. (IINIS 350337. I Iam 4.30pm. I‘ree. See Sat It).

The Big Tenement House Draw 'I‘enement IIouxe. I45 Bucheuch Street. (iarnethill. 333 (IIS3. 2 5pm. £3.50 (£3.50). See 'I‘hu I7.

Music and Fashion Evening I’l‘lllL'L‘x Square. 4S Buchanan Street. 353 S000. Spin. £30. Members ol' Scottixh Ballet and (lie lead caxl ol .rlm Silicon model clothex I‘rom the Squares retailerx to Ii\ e muxic.

Glasgow School of Art loo M{I(:Kl":()fi"i Caner». liir' I'Itfl“"(3‘.'. Street. 315.3 4:300. (Elastiox'r SCIKX)‘ ()I Art :5; Charles; Ronnie


flit: ‘.'.’()'I(I.


M;tt:k:r‘lossl‘. 2;, creates: zr'rt: t <:<>"t:rit.t;-:; to mtuque {I’ttl

met: '42 \"tSIfO't; ‘rtutt ai? over Glasgow Science

5:0 I’;i<:tlr<t ()LI(I\. -1;/\):'i(.‘(,‘(l. Dam, tiIarrt (iiur‘

$23.50 it: SV- S!t...tf<2<i o" in: "BB (Little-tr I ostraal. (Itasqox'fis; 5‘ 75> trullro." \tSlItll attractant 5;;1 (WIN? 0" :rt‘orrréatio'r t)" raft/rota} a'ttl technology. Holmwood House

0‘. (31% Notrtortet: iloatr. ()trtt‘vtttut. (313/ 2128). Dale

Book events

Lulu Waterxtone'x. I53 I57 Sauchiehall Street. 333 t)ItI5. (rpm. The singer signs copies (It her autohiograplr). I Don 'I lliurl 'li; l'lg’lll.

Other events

MAX/MSP Night School (‘(‘.-\. 350 Salichiehall Street. 353 4900. (r.3()pm. £40 (£3III. :\ C(IUI'SL‘ in real-time interacth e and generative programming (or artixtx.


Samba Drumming Workshops (ilagxtm School ol':\rt. Renl'reu Street. 5S0 I970. 7 I0pm. £5 (£3I1Itlock hooking £44 (£10.50). learn Ito“ to pla) Bra/ilian carniuil rh_\thm.\ on this I0 \ieek beginnerx courxe.

-E‘1/‘.I?0~. Des:qo(3(l by the larval ’92." (:etittm trit:"'t(><:t. /\I(?X£t."<l(3t '(Eretzk' I'toirrsor‘. this t‘ouse is ai‘ excellent

(r-Xtil‘tt)’t3 of I‘IS classical

322%}. House for an Art Lover S‘TIII. Horatiotauor‘ Park. it) tact: "' {3‘13 i);;r‘rl>rtxtk Hoatl. L353

~1.‘.'1I.I);t=.j. 7;);rrr1-iu2t“. £3151) 437.150. I't‘i'ztlrt (I(}E§Itllttftl t>t Charles Hoop-e MiICKlIIIOSI‘ for a (torittitétrtto't u‘ I001, this trlII:."-:;I‘.t?(l work has I)(?()"- (it)l"l:i(?°.(?(I by i'rotlor'r (Ia\ are'htects and (leskirters H‘.

.St} initlttir‘. 51%.1’0 titreMackintosh31th.

1.‘ at (In? .’(‘(T.‘ THE LIST 97