Gigs are listed by date, and then city. Details will be listed provided information reaches our offices at least eight days before publication. Comedy listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lunglcui'x. l‘(i(' Building. Rcill'i‘cu Sli‘ccl. 0870 "87 0707. 7.3llpin. £(i. Sinug Ruhcl‘lx. Sun Hun \huckcl‘ Scull (upuri‘u. lhc .iluu} ~ :uniuhlc 'l"i'c\ui' ('i‘uuk und inului'inuulll Rlldl l.l£'l\\\ll0(l.

0The Stand ‘l'llc Slund. 333 \Vuudlundx Ruud. U87“ (illll (ill55. ‘lpin. £5 l£4l. li'clund\ .v\ndi'c\\ .\l;l\\\c|| llL‘lllUll\ll';llL‘\ lll\ gill ul' lhc \lui'}lclliug gab. \\llll .luhn (iui'dun. Bcui'xdcn'~ .\'ci| \lcl‘urlunc und \lu“ hui'nci' l);i\ id Kn).

Edinburgh New and Used Stand-Up Comedy

(iildcd Suluun. 355 ('uugzilc. 4“ 553" 0pm. £3 i£3i. l-'ui'lniglil|) cuincd} cluh l'cului‘ing ucu und cxluhlixhcd cumcdiunx liuxlcd h} Kiui cuincdiun Rll}\ l);ll'l‘}. The Stand 'l'lic Slund. 5 \‘url. l’lucc. 558 7373. 0pm. £5 i£4i. [)uun_\ ();ikc\. .luhn Scull. \igcl Bucklund and |)unn;l Kl‘ucliun.

Snatch Clllb 'l‘hc liquid R0011]. (k Vicluriu Sli'ccl. 335 350-1. lllpni 3.1m. £3.50 i£3.5lli. chidcnl cunipci'c llui'i‘} Ainmurlh :lnd cumpcliliun huxl l);i\ c Strung luku l’ci'l‘ici‘ ncucuinci‘ \\ lllllL‘l'\ (ilii'lh ('i'uikxhunk und liddic .\lc(‘;ihci \xilh lhcii' ucclxl} (um ()n-mcclx-lli Hi dclxiuchcd L‘ulllll‘L‘l.


Arnold Brown \lulhcmcll 'llicull‘c. ('i\ ic (’cnli‘c. \\'indinillllill Sli‘ccl. “1008 303090. 5.30pm. £8 i£(n. 'l'hc gl'ulltllllihlL‘l' ul' Scullixh cuincd} \cnl\ lll\ l'i‘uxli‘uliun :il lhc i'iddlcx ul‘ cunlcnipul'ui‘} ll\ illg. SL‘U l‘L‘\ lL‘\\.


Watson’s Wind-Up (iluxguu l-llm .l-llL‘illl'C. l3 Row Sll‘L‘L‘l. 5.53 Nl38.

l l.«l5piu. l‘i‘cc. l.i\c i‘ccui‘dingx ul lhc lupicul ncux i‘udiu \huu u ilh ()II/\ (III liu'uu' \lui‘ .luli;lll!;lil \Vulwn und gucxlx. Craic @ the Sac ('ul LlL' Suc Suulhxidc/Allic. II7‘) l’lllllll\\llil\\\ Ruud. (i-N l8|‘)/(i‘l‘) ~17]? 5.50pm. £(i. luxhingx ul~ \ui'dunic \xil l'i‘uln .\l;u‘k Bi'ulclipiccc. u ilh :ihlc bucking l'i'uln Kil'\l_\ .\lU\\. Scull :\gnc\\ and him! l)c\ ('lgu'kc.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .lunglcui‘\. l'(i(' Building. chl’i'cu Sum. 0870 787 0707. 7.30pm. £13. Scc lhu l-l.

QThe Stand 'l'hc Slund. 333 \Vuudlundx Rudd, ()8-7ll (illl) (i055. 9pm. £7 (UH, .-\u\u‘;lli;in l’cl‘i‘ici‘ nuinincc .»\d;un llillx. plux Dunn} ();Il\L‘\. .luhu Scull and cuinpci‘c .lunc Mucku). Scc pi'cxicxx l'ui‘ .-\d;un llillx.

Barb Jungr ‘l‘i‘un 'l‘hcull‘c. (i3 'l‘i'ungulc. 553 -l3(i7. ‘).~l5pin. £8 i£(ii. Slizu'p und gillci‘nuln c culiui'cl luncx l'l'uin .lungi~ \xliu ll;l\ \wi'kcd \\ ilh lhc likcx ul :\lc\ci Sn} Ic und .luliun (‘lgu'y l’ur/ u/ (i/mgm.’


Chris Addison: the Ape That Got Lucky ‘l'l'il\L'l'\L' llillt'illl'L‘. (‘iunhi'idgc Sli'ccl. 338 Hill. 8pm. £lll. 'l'hc cxululiun ul' mun i\ li‘culcd \\ ilh MI and iri‘cwrcncc h} llic rukc~likc puxli pundci'ci‘.

OThe Stand 'l‘hc Slund. 5 Yurk l’lucc. 558 7373. 0pm. £7 l£(ii. l’inl-xi/cd cliui'ining ll‘l\ll \lui‘}lc|lci' .-\ndi‘c\\ .\l;i\\\cll. pllh lhc uncuinpi'uini\ing

Ru) niund .\lcul‘n\ und lhc (lL‘iltlpilll l);i\ id Kn). l5ui'inci' l’ci'i'ici' nuinincc Bi'ucc .\lul'lun cuinpcrcx.

68 THE LIST '-'- .

NAl ION/\l l()lll«‘


The Stand, Edinburgh, Sun 2 Nov 0..

We arrive 20 minutes late. During the interval, while nipping back to my seat at the edge of the stage, I knock Arnold Brown’s bottle of water over. It looks like

being one of those nights. Luckily, putting

people at ease is Brown‘s strong suit. His

patter is well worn because he’s been

living on it since the late 705, when he did

his first gig on the opening night of London’s Comedy Store. Brown looks

more like an ageing relative who you only

see at Christmas than a modern stand- up, and he doesn’t rush things. Some comics would start looking nervous if no one laughed for a fair chunk of one of their routines; Brown just takes it in his ambling stride.

The good jokes are even better for having sprung from this avuncular fug.

The thrill of the mobile phone has passed

him by, he claims: ‘I can still remember

the excitement in Glasgow when we were

the first family to have cordless pyjamas. Elsewhere, Brown ruminates on world affairs, his own Jewishness, his career and Maggie Thatcher (‘She’s an easy

target, which is why I’m talking about her

- why make work for yourself?’).

There‘s not, it has to be said, much bite

to tonight‘s performance. It feels pleasantly old-fashioned, like half-an- hour spent in the company of UK Gold. The bumper audience don’t seem bothered, but it’s hard to shake off the feeling that this one-time Perrier winner is living off past glories rather than reaching for future ones. (James Smart)

Saturday 1 6


Craic @ the Sac (‘ul le‘ Sac Suullixidc/Mlic. ll“) l’ullukxlluxu Ruud. (ill) HIV/(ill) l—l—f. “.3”an £(i. SCL' l‘il‘l I5.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .lunglclu‘x. l'(i(' Building. chli‘cxx Slim. ()8"() 787 0‘0". Tillpin. £l3. Scc ‘l'hu H.

The Bootleg Clare Summerskill 'l'i'un 'l‘hculi‘c. (i3 'l‘ruugulc. 553 43(i7. 8.30pm. £8 i£5i. (‘lui'c Suinnici'xkill

pi'm idcx lhc m puccd \lund-up und cuinic \ungx .iiincd ul lcxhiun und gu} illllllk‘llk'k'\. /’rlI‘l (II (i/rlwrli.’

OThe Stand 'l'hc Sluiid. 333 \\'uudl;ind\ Ruud. “8"” Nil) (M55. ‘lpni. £8. Scc Hi 15 unl} \\llll cullipcl'c Bl‘ucc .\lui‘lun.

Madcap Comedy Club Siuic Bui'. lJ8 llullund Sli‘ccl. ‘Hu 938‘). ‘lfillpin. £5 l£~li. l.i\ci‘puul \\Ul‘ll\lllllll Richard :\llC|l llcudlian \\illi lll'ulcll}. gllL‘xh ulld cuinpcrc Bill_\ Bunkci'x.


Danny Bhoy Bruiilun 'lllclill'c. |.;id_\\\cl| \Vu}. .\lll\\L'll‘lll'f_'ll. 005 33-“). 7.3llpin. £|ll l£."i, \lilllill-l‘lll'll cuincdiun \\llU uu/cx cliui‘in illltl lllllll'lulh uhxci'xuliunx. Suppui'l cunlcx l'i‘unl unulhci‘ lucul cruml [\lC;l\L‘l' .luc llccnun. QThe Stand 'l'lic Sigurd. 5 Yul‘k l’lucc. 558 7373. 0pm. £8. Scc l‘i‘i l5 hill with cuinpci‘c .lunc \lucku}.


Arnold Brown ‘l'ullmuili 'I‘hculi‘c. .luil \\'}iid.lll78(r37.1llllll.8pm. £8 l£5.5l)i. SL‘L‘ l'k‘\ lL‘\\.


The Comedy C00p ()‘.\‘cill\. 3| lit-ll Sir-cm. 07870 8(i‘)ll)l). 8.30pm. £-l (£3). l.undun-l\;i\cd Scul |)uugic Dunlup. plux

Priceless Brown jewels for the UK Gold generation

('hi‘ix Bi‘uulnlicld. Bill) Bunkci‘x. l);i\c llcl'li'un und cuinpci'c \cil \lcl‘urlunc. Arnold Brown ’l‘hc Slulld. 333 \Vuudllimk RuuiL ll8‘ll (illll (il 55, 8.30pm. Scc i'c\ icu.

Craic @ the Sac (‘ul tlL‘ Suc Sillllllxidc/

:\llic. llq‘) l’ullulxxlluux Ruud. (i-l‘) l8ll)/(»-l*) 4‘17. 8.30pm. £4. Scc l‘i‘i l5.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'l‘hc Stand. 5 Yui'lx l’lucc. 558 7333. lpin. l‘i'cc. l‘i'ccxl}lc lunnincxx :lnd hungmci' hunixlling unlicx ll'Ulll l'L‘\l\lL‘lll duu l’uul (ii‘uhuin und Sluui'l Murphy

Adam Hills ‘l‘lic Slund. 5 Yui‘k l’lucc. 558 7373. 8.30pm. £8 l£(n. .\ Slindu) niglil \pcciul \\llh il giunl ul .-\u\li';ili;in cumcd} :ind luuliiiicx l’ci‘l‘ici' nulnincc. Scc pi'c\ icxx.

The Rabbit Warren Comedy Club ('uuun'x (iilil. 333 (Kinungulc. (Ell—l l‘)3 033‘). 8.3llpin. £41£3L Sgii'uh \\'il\un cuInpcI'L‘x luu llUlll'\ ul cunlcd}. lulluucd h) kgu'uukc \xilh i‘cxidcnl huxl Rc/.

YO HO HO Sushi Yul Bclun. (in Ruxc Sli‘ccl. 33(l (ill-ll). 0pm. £3. luuglix in lllc \u Bcluu l‘;l\L'lllL‘lll hui‘ CUlll'lL‘\_\ ul' (ici'i'_\ (ii‘unl. .lulln Scull gind (iruliuin l’liillipx.

Monday 18


Offside BB('. .\l;lin lh‘ccpliun. ()uccn Mui'gul‘cl l)i‘i\ c. 305 (iull3. 7pm. l‘l'cc. lull lickclcd. l.u\ c hiin ul' luulhc. lulu ('uxiun'x nmkcx l'ui‘ culnpulxn c \ icuing. .luin .\lulhci'\\cll\ pi'cinici' pi\\-l;ikc :u‘lixl l'ui' li\ c chul. gucxlx and iniiniluhlc Ixinlci‘ in llll\ ii‘i'c\ci'cnl l'uulhull lun/inc.


“8d Raw .l-llL‘ Slund. 5 \illl'lx l’luCL‘. 553 7373. 8.30pm. £1..luhn(iui‘dun inll‘uduccx (ii'unl U’Ruur'kc und cighl \'cl\cl Virginx.

Tuesday 1 9


BBC Scotland’s Live Floor Show lhc Slund. 553 \Vuudlundx Ruud. ilh—ill (will) (i055. 8.3llpin. l‘i‘cc BB(‘ Sculluild‘x hil cuincd} \lum gucx li\c .iguin \\illl lllcxc \xui'kxliup uulingx. .luin l'i‘unkic

BU} lL‘. (‘l'dig lllll. RL‘H‘I'L‘lld ()lmdiuli. lllll‘ l)uu|;i||} ;lll\l Rupci‘l l)llll;lltl\\lll iuku .\li|c\ .lupp and li’u/(mruri \ :\l'L‘lllCl lui' luughx lliul pl‘nl‘dl‘l} \iun'l inukc il [Xhl

lllL‘ Ct‘lhilh.


73 Rob Deering and Gary Delaney lllc l’lcuxuncc (';il\;ii'cl Bur. (ill 'l‘lic l’lcuxuncc. (‘50 3H”. 8pm. £1 £(i. 'l'uu lui‘inci‘ ('uincd} .\'cl\\ui'k ncucurnch. lhc cll'cncxccnl Hcciiiig and dcudpuu l>cluncy i'clui'n lu lhcu' lidinhurgli lcxli\;ll slumping gi'uund.

The Fred MacAulay Show lhc Slund. 5 Yul'k l’lucc. 558 "333. ‘lpin. £" i£(ii. .\ inunlhl) \Iiuu l'i'uin BB(‘ Scullund‘x \uicc ul lu'cukluxl iudiu. .luin l‘i'cd and :i \clccliun ul' bluxxuiniug \lund up lulcnl l'ui' l\\u llUlll'\ ul lii|;ii'il_\.

Hairy Watt Comedy Club llci'iul \Vull l'nnci‘xil} l'niun. lx’iccui‘lun. ‘l5l

5333. 0pm. £3. l.;iid luck ll'l\ll lllll'lll lll;l\lL‘l' Kc\in ll;i}t'\. i'uugli and mid} \lui‘}lc|lci‘ .lguncx l-ci'guxuu and cuinpci'c Slixun .\lui'i'i\un. Sludcnlx .ind gllcxh unl).

Wednesday 20


The Fred MacAulay Show 'l’lic Shllld. 55.5 \\imlll;llld\ Rimd. llhqll (illll (ill55. 8.30pm. £" (UH. Scc 'l'uc l‘l.

Big Word Performance Poetry \lL‘C‘ll‘Slk'il/.\. ‘l3l Suucllichull Sll‘L‘t‘l. 55.: llllllll. ‘) llpin. £.l i£3i. llilui'iuux cuinic \ci'xc li'uin Scan \chiidc. \UlllL‘ pulilicul inuxingx li'uin Rachcl l)ur'}. plux guil.u'- lulling .\l;u‘k Rul‘l'ci'l}. upcn \pulx und cuiiipci'cx .lcnn} lindxu) .uid .lcin Rullx.