Glasgow Thursdays


Mercury Lounge l4: Bath I.ane. 243 1777. Thu l4 .\'o\. Bar open from 5pm: ('lith l lpm 3am. l'ree. (ilaxgtm 'x next ext git} \enue launehex \\ itlt Slim in their I’.i\'(’.\ \tinner Stuart [Mill doiitg hix mood} lih ix thang. |)J Jon l’leaxed xpinx ilie iunex upxtaii‘x “hile lltixhpupp} tl)i\ ine. .'\hltttt'lttitlx Anon} mottxt ei'eatex tlte

Lit)“ nxtaii'x xoundiraek. The part} ix in\ ite on!) but it )ott \\;llll to hlag _\ottr ha) in look otit lor the l0);tll} eardx during (ilaxga) or .llhl eome tip \\ ith tlte hext hlag ol‘ the night.

Booty Mereur} l.otinge. I43 Bath I.ane. 34S l777. Thti 3| \o\ i\\eekl_\ alter that). Spm 3am. £4 before I lpm; £5 alter. ('ometl} itiglti eomperetl h} .-\lan AlltiL‘l'SUll. I.tie_\ l’ortet'. \'i\ (tee and Alan ('halmerx till the dtmnxiairx littein \thile Jo l.i\el) takex 1)] dutiex upxtairx.


Margaret Barron Tron Theatre. ()3 'lt'ongate. 553 4307. Thu 14 Sat 30 \o\. l‘ree. l’aintingx e\amining the dil'l'erenee between the ideal and the real. I’m-l (If (i/uxgtii‘.

Marcelo de Melo: All Those Fiddly Bits The .-\re|iex. 353 :\rg_\le Street. (wot 022 0300. Tim I4 Sat 30 .\'o\. l0ant lllpm. liree. .\ tttodertt approaeh to moxaiex \\ ith porti'aitx. .xetilpttirex and eamaxex l'rom the Bra/than artixi i'eeentl) xeen on (iraham Norton. See re\ ieu. I’tirl u/‘(i/tixetitp


Hazel O’Connor - Beyond Breaking Glass (tit John Street. 553 345(t. Thu l4 tk l-‘ri l5 .\'o\. .Spm. £l0 tThul: liree tl‘ri t. Tieketx are going taxi ax the S0x xongxti'exx rettii‘iix to the eit} \x ith a Slit)“ about her ama/ing lile.


Trials of Oscar Wilde (‘ili/enx‘ 'l‘heati'e. l l‘) (ittt‘ltttlx Street. 43‘) 0033. Thu 14 Sat lo \tix. 7.30pm. £13 t£4). (‘ompiled from the original ti'anxei'iptx. iii/IF IIAI'ItI/x (If ()u‘ur ll-t/t/t' I'L‘L't‘eitlex the e\entx tltat led to \\'i|tle'x imprixonment l-ot' gt'oxx iitdeeette}. Adapted. direeted and dexigned h} .lon l’ope. thix gi'indingl) tenxe and heaiitil'ull} aeted production hax a eontemporar) rele\anee ahout elaxx aitd homoxexitalit}. l’url of (i/ux gut.

LiCk My Heart The :\l‘L'ltL‘x. 35.5 .v\rg} le Street. 0‘)0l 033 0300. Thu l4 .\'o\. Spin. £(i t£4 l. Sean Titan .loliii prexentx hix xingtilar take on danee \\ ith a xeleetion ol dixtorted ehai'aetei‘x. xtrange ttto\ ex and lix e ohxeene phone eallx. l’tiri viii/merit.

Glasgow Fridays Clubs Thank God Mereiir} l.otiitge. I43 Bath lane. 34S I777. Split 3am. £4 hel'ore llpm; £S alter. \Veekl}. liitd ol' the \teek xotmdx l'rom l).l Huxhpupp} alottg \\ ith drag perl'ormaneex prot ide the entertainment tlo\\itxt;tit'x \thile iipxiaii'x ix the dominion ol' rexideiit l).l .lon l’leaxed. l‘i'i 15 .\'o\ there are perl'ormaneex l'i'om Maxi Malone. Tuigg} attd l)uxt_\ Spi'inglield l'l'ttltl .Slurx [II iii/It'lil' /‘.\('\ ll) mark the ol’lieial opening ol‘ thix llL‘\\ Burly Tlte Big Joint. Sotitlt Street. 054 (NW). Hi 33 .\'o\. lllpm 3am. £(i. Mottthl}. .\'e\x men-onl} eliih \\ith a l‘tlhlk‘l/lllllittl'llt/lL‘itllief/llltlllSll'lzll dt'exxeode.


Margaret Barron Tilt! I4 Sat 30 Ni“. See Tltll.

Marcelo de Melo: All Those Fiddly Bits Thu l4 Sat 30 \tn. See Thu.


Barb Jungr ‘l‘t-on 'l'heaire. ()3 'l‘i'ongate. 553 4367. Hi l5 .\'o\. 9.45pm. £8 i£(rl. The ehanteuxe xometimex dexerihed ax the ‘Britixh l’ial” prexentx at xelecliott ol' xoitgx h} Bob Dylan and Jaeqtiex Bi'el among otherxl’url viii/(Mutt):

Hazel O’Connor 'I‘hu l4 tk t-‘ri l5 Ni“. See Thu.


Trials of Oscar Wilde 'I‘htt l4 Sat lo .\'o\. See Thu.

Donovan Flynn: The All Over Show The :\t'L‘ltL‘\. 355 :\t‘g_\ le Street. ()‘)()I ()33 0300. Fri l5 & Sal ll) \oL 7pm. £(t t£4). \Vorld premiere ol‘ l)ono\an l‘l} HITS ti'agi-eoitiie iotirne) into the xtage lt‘tghl til? lite and death. I’url of (i/tixgut.

Glasgow Saturdays


Glasgay Closing Party (til John Street. 55.3 345(3. Sat lo \m. 9pm lattt. l‘ree. l).l Huxhptipp} ll)i\ ine. .v\hnormalx :\non_\ moitx) rotmdx oil the )ear'x l'L‘SlhlllL‘S ill \l}lt‘. I’tll'l (If (i/tHL'tIL


lron Ladies l'(i(’. Rt‘lllt’t‘“ Street. 0S70 U07 07S”. Sat Io .\'o\. Spin. £4.75 t£3t. li\traordinar} eometh haxed on the true xtor) ol a \olle} hall team eonxixting ol~ mainl_\ ga} x. tranxtextitex aitd iraiixe\ualx \\ilt) triumph to \\ iii the two Thai National ('hampionxhipx. I’m! a; (i/thg’tfl.


Lifebuoy Meretir} l.otinge. I43 Bath I.ane. 348 I777. Spm 3am. £4 hel'ore llpm; £S alter. \Veekl}. l'pxtairx .loit l’leaxed eontiniiex liix i'exidene) \\ hile drag aetx and muxie pi‘ox ide ilie lttit ilit\\ll\l;|ll'\. Sat lo \ot hax 'l‘uiglet and a l‘rank Sinatra xotiiidalike. along \\ ith a tire perl'ormanee liottiitg thittgx tip.


The Bootleg Clare Summerskill Tron Theatre. ()3 'l‘t'ongate. 553 43(t7. Sat lo Nth. S.30pitt. £S i£5l. Seottixh ltt'emiere ol (’lare Sititinierxkill‘x next ext eolleetioii ol' xtand-tip. eomed) monologitex and xottg. l’url n] (i/iiteui.


Margaret Barron 'l‘ltti 14 Sat 30 \m. See Tittl.

Marcelo de Melo: All Those Fiddly Bits Thu l4 Sat 30 NM. See Thu.


Trials of Oscar Wilde 'l‘Iiti I-t Sat lo .\'o\. See 'l'hti.

Donovan Flynn: The All Over Show l‘ri l5 & Sat lo NM. See l't‘i.

Glasgow Sundays


Life’s a Drag Mereur} l.otiiige. I43 Bath I.ane. 348 I777, Spm 3am. l‘t'ee. \Veekl). .\ night ol' miixie lrom l).l (‘olin l)a\e_\ plttx regular drag perltiriiiaiieex. Tu iglet doex her thing on Sun l7 .\'o\.


Margaret Barron thin 14 Sat 30 .\'o\. See Thu.

Marcelo de Melo: All Those Fiddly Bits Thu l4 Sat 30 \m. See Thu.

Glasgow Mondays


Cet Amour-La (it-"'l'. I2 Roxe Street. 333 S|3S. Mon IS .\'o\. 3pm t\'

S.3llptll. £4.00 i £3.50). l’i‘eneh dixa .leatiite Moreait xtarx ax \\ritet‘ Marguerite l)tirax. \xho in the laxt }eatx ol‘ her lite. xtrikex tip a lo\ e al'lair \\ ith a git} latt.

W J1

Trials 0

Sing-a-Long-a-Sound of Music King‘x Theatre. Bath Street. 340 Ill]. Mott 35 tk Tue 30 .\'o\. 7.30pm.

£S £l-l. Sing-tilting \\ ith the di\ iiie .lttlie at the hext exettxe l'or \xhippittg otir )ttllt' \\ imple.


Margaret Barron Tittl l4 Sat 30 Nth. See Ililttt.

Marcelo de Melo: All Those Fiddly Bits ’l‘Iiti l-t Sat 30 .\'o\. See Thu.

Glasgow Tuesdays

Cinema Sing-a-Long-a-Sound of Music .Mon 35 N Ttte 3o \m. See Mon.


Campus Mereiir) l.otinge. 143 Bath I.ane. 348 1777. Split 3am. £3 lk‘lttl't‘ l lpnt: £4 alter. \Veekl}. Student night iii the eompan) ol' Barhara l.a Buxh \xhieh promixex gamex and laughter. l).l Miehelle xetx the tone ttpxtaii'x.


Margaret Barron 'l‘ltti l-t Sat 30 Ni“. See Thti.

Marcelo de Melo: All Those Fiddly Bits 't‘liti l4 Sat 30 .\'o\. See Thu.

Glasgow Wednesdays


17 Times Cécile Cassard (it-"ll l3 Ritxe Street. 5.33 3133. “it‘d 3() \t)\. o. l 5pm. £4.00 t £3.50). (irie\ ing

\\ ido\x Beatriee l)alle xtrikex tip a xpeeial l'rieitdxhip \\ ith a ga_\ \xaitei' in thix haunting 'l'oulotixe-xet mo\ ie.


Biva .\leretii'_\ l.otiiige. I43 Bath I.ane. 34S I777. Spm 3am. £4 ltt‘lttl‘t‘ llpm; £5 alter. \\'eekl_\. l).l Miehelle pi'o\ idex the xoitttdti'aek to thix \xomeit‘x night l'eaitiriiig drag kittg perlttritianeex.


Margaret Barron 'l‘ltu l4 Sat 30 Xi“. .SL‘L‘ 'liltlt.

Marcelo de Melo: All Those Bits Thu '4 Sill .30 Ni“. .SL‘L‘ Thu.


Edwin Morgan Hot-ilerx. UH Buehanan Street. 333 7700. Wed 30 .\'o\. 7pm. l‘i‘ee. Seotland‘x moxi rentmned ga_\ poet i'eadx l'rom hix ttL‘“ eolleetioit ot' poemx (til/turn.

Edinburgh Thursdays


17 Times Cécile Cassard l‘ilitihottxe. SS l.othian Road. 33S

scar Wilde at the Citizens’ Theatre until Sat 16 Nov

listings Gay

3otS’tS'. Stiii 17 & Thu 3l .\'o\. Thu ()pitt'. Sun 8.30pm. £3.50 £5.50 ([3 UllSL‘L‘ (ilitxgi)\\ \Ved.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Claremont 133 IRS tiaxt (‘Iat-emont Slt'L‘L‘l. 550 5003. Sill H) Xi“. Split. l't'L‘L‘. liortnightl}. MS(. and the Bearx orgattixe the menonl} night \\ ith a tlrexx eode ax \xild ax )0“ like.

Mingin’ Studio 34 ttipxtairxt. ('alton Road. 55S 375S. Sat lo NM.

l0.30pm 3am. £5 before midnight: £o alter. l-‘orinight|_\. (ta) triendl} eltihhing \\ ith rexidentx Brian l)empxter and Alan .lo_\.

Blast Maxxa. 3h 3‘) Market Street. 330 4334. Sat lo .\'o\. llpitt 3am. £l0 i£St. l‘orinightl). (ia'xul‘riendl) night ttiih rexidentx lliigg} and Markell xerx iitg tip uplilting \oeal hotixe and dirt) l'unk} groin ex.

Eye Candy Maxxa. 3o 3‘) Market Street. 330 4334. Sill 33 Ni“.

llptii 3am. £l0 t£Si: U) in lane} drexx. l’orinightl}. Rexideiitx (iraeme l’opxiar. Neiat Barton aitd .\'eil (‘i'ookxton hoxt their illittltttttlS. glam hotixe part).

Joy ligo. l’ieard) l’laee. 478 7434. Sat 33 .\'o\. |0.30pm 3am. £|0 t£S’t. l-‘orinight|_\. Rexitlentx Maggie and .'\l;tll \\ hoop it tip iii the main hall \thile ('oeteati l.ounge rexidentx 'l'rend} Weird} and Sall} it do their thing. MsDemeanour l’hoetii\ ('ellar Bar. 4S Brotighton Street. 557 0334. Sat lo .\'o\. S.3l)pm 3.30am. £5 t£4 lor T—girlxt. Mottlitl}. lixening exeltixhel) ltrt' tranx\extitex aitd tranxxe\tta|x.

Edinburgh Sundays

Cinema 17 Times Cécile Cassard Sun l? k Thu 3| \m. See Thu.


Taste The liquid Room. 9e \ietoria Street. 335 3564. llpiit 3am. £l0 t£Sl. \Veekl}. Taxi} hrexx ol' houxe and garage. Tackno Maxxa. 3h 3‘) Market Street. 336 4334. Sun 34 .\‘o\. l0.30pm 3am. £3 £0. Monthl). 'l'rend} \Vend) min it til her “1th eeleht'ated xlttm eaxe.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Cet Amour-La l‘iliiihoiixe. SS l.othian Road. 33S 3oSS. Tite l‘) .\'o\. (rpm.

£3.50 £5.50 i£3 £4i. l'reneh tlita .leanne Moreati xtarx ax \xriter Marguerite I)tirax. \tho iii the taxi )eai‘x ol~ her lite xtrikex tip a line al'l'air \\ ith a ga) lan.


Vibe ligo. l’ieard} l’laee. 47S 7434. Ilpm 3am. £3. \\'eekl_\. .lamex l.oiig\\ot'tlt prot idex the xountlx at thix popular. xparkl}. ehai‘l} part).

1.: .‘THE LIST 71