Clubs ilSill‘igS

I Opium at ()pitini. lllpiii 3am. l‘i'cc. \Vcckl). Rock. nu inctal and altci‘naliic/indic.

I Play at thc \t'llllc‘. lti.3(ipiii 3am. l‘i'cc licloi'c 11.30pm; £7 altci' 1 £5 “llh that. 15 i't‘h. 1).! KippS i'ctiii'iis at this llL‘\\ niglit

ol onl} thc choIcCst cuts in lhc “tillti Rkli.

liiiik and disco. l‘stiall} lotiiid iii inoic lioiisc) i'caliiis ('i'aig Siiiith dusts titl\\ll his ltink knapsack to Join Kipp‘) on thc \tliccls ol' \lCL‘I. I Popcorn v Bug: in the Attic .ii (‘ahai‘ct Voltaii'c. l lpiii 3am. £thc. 23 l‘ch. Rcsidciits Kch l)ai'gc il)ccp l‘tiiiki. (into and H) ct' tMothci'luiiki drop ltink. soul and disco ltltt\ ing into studio I to iiiakc i‘ooiii l'oi' spccial gticsts :\li‘onatight taking to thc niaiii stagc itith support li'oiii Boh (aims and Scott Rapson. for [/11\ lllllt' rtI1/\ '.l-I.i\I'i (in! Ito/flux L't’l £5 (’IIII'\ (Ill Iiiultl. Progression at tltc Liquid Room. 1(1.3()pin 3am. £13 £14. 15 l‘ch. 1)ci‘ck Martin. (}a\ (ham and :\Ian l)ohson ai'c ioincd h} no“ qtiai‘tci'l} i'csidcnt o1 linc

Back of A List card

i‘cputc l)cs} ii .\lasic||o. quite a coup t'oi' thc pi'ogi'cssiw liotisc night. And that's not all as spccial giicsl Biii'i'idgc 1T}l'itlil. 1"ahi'ici is on hand to dish out lhc hcst in tribal l’ll}lhllt\. l’i'c-cltih scssioii at tlic ('it} ('alc l'i'oiii ‘)piii.

I Rewind at tlic Liquid Rooiii. 1(1.3()pin 3aiii. £5 £6. 22 lich. .\lottlh|_\. 'l’hc i'ii'L' Island I)Js \iill hc on hand t'oi' sonic L‘attlp lit-NR“ action in thc hackt‘oottt “hilc old skim] disco jocks Mick ('ool and Shugg) Bcar dish out thc host in 711s and His poptastic tiincs in thc iiiaiii I'Utilli.

Scratch at lhc V'cnuc. l lpiii 3ani. £12 £13 (£11) incinhci'si. 15 lich. Altci' a hi‘icl hiatus and thc Boatiiuts hii‘thda) spccial. just thc othcr tic-ck. Scratch returns is ith hcat hm star Rah/cl. as iicll as thc i'csidcnts that iiiattci' Richic Rtit'l'tonc. 1.)1c_\ and t'i'iciids.

Space Face ill lhc Vcnuc. 1t).,‘~t)pni 3am. £4. 33 l-‘ch. Monthl}. Scott i't‘l'glhtill and thc Space liacc ci'cu

This pass entitles you to a discount (stated in the Club Listings) at the clubs listed on the front of this card.

Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

You can use this pass

you can get a brand new card in the next issue.

as many times as you

Valid from: 13/01/03

Until: 26/02/03


Tho Lists A LIST card is .i discount sclioiiio oniy and is amiable to those :8 years and oidoi At! partic‘ipating clubs rescue the: right to refuse admission. ’1 ho pass has no monetary value and is ‘.ail(1 for orin one person

82 THE LIST 1.% ‘-.‘-t> .‘ ‘4

want in the two weeks it’s valid and when this one runs out, i

JOSEPH MALIK Get-Together at Cabaret Voltaire. Edinburgh. Fri 14 Feb

Edinburgh‘s a fine place to live. but it‘s not the easiest place from which to base a musical career. Just ask Joseph Malik. one of the men behind Cafe Graffiti's much- mourned Lizard Lounge. Despite undoubted talent. he couldn‘t get a deal in the UK and found it hard to get a gig in Edinburgh. Now he's on Germany‘s super- cool Compost label. 'There's no reason why Edinburgh should hold back.‘ he says. 'lt's a city with a huge international arts festival. We‘ve got to get out there and be more unified about what we do. I‘ve been working with people like Craig Smith and Fudgefingers - there's a real wealth of talent. DJs can play songs and do their own thing. but they've got to put something back and make their own music as well.‘

Malik did just that with his debut album Diverse, and he's finishing his next one. Aquarius Songs, due out in September. 'lt's a mWedn Marvin Gaye's What's GoinEOn 'and Public Enemy.‘ he says with no little confidence. 'lt‘s going to be a lot tougher and more aggressive than the first release. which was a really personal. emotional record.‘

Malik has toured around the world. but this Valentine’s Day gig will be his first with a full band in the UK. According the to man himself it should be ‘educated. intelligent and spiritual‘. (James Smart)

ai'c hack to ciitci'tain us “11h thcii‘ iniiiiitahlc ini\ ol' Iiip hop. hotisc. tank and disco \iclcoining onc halt ot thc laiitastic Dccp Sciisatioii (‘oliii (iatc.

I Stereotype at lici‘lin Hici'hatis. llpiii 3am. £5. 221th. Monthl}. lliigg} Biii‘gci‘ ()iiccn l'L‘llll'li\ iii his iicxi guisc at Stci'cot}pc. bringing hoiiic thc hcst hotisc around and \wlcoiiiiiig sonic o1 thc hcst gticsts in lti\\ll. and this month is no cxccplion as K-Klass stcps up to thc

\\ hccls ot' stccl.

I Tease Age at ('iti‘tis (‘Itih

llpiii 3am. £5. \\cc-kl).'l'1iisindic staluai't dislics up c\ci‘_\thiiig ll'tilll suinging (ills hits to hagg} Maiichcstcr laws as “ch as a host ol ciii'i'ciit .VMI: L‘httl'l hitlltcl‘ct's.

Ultragroove at ('ahai'ct \tiililll‘c. 10.30pm 3am. £111. 15 l‘ch. l-oi'tiiightl). l'lti‘agi‘oow loiiiigc i'csidcnts spccialisc in i‘cal dcal hoiisc action li'oni (iarcth

Soinci'x illc. (‘oliii (‘ook and Mikc) Stii‘ton.

This fortnight 1‘iciich liousc la\otii'itc 1)] (iicgor) niakcs an c\c1ttsi\c l'K appcai'aiicc and his brand o1 dccp. soulltll. NY-ccnti'ic hotisc dircct from Paris.

I Vain at in iot Rim lJlitHi. 9pm 3am. £4 t£3i. 22 l-ch. Monthl}. 'lcchiio. goth. industrial. 311s and ncu i'oniantic tuncs. So that'll hc chccr} thciiY'.’

I Vegas at ligo. 11pm 3aiii, Moiithl) next datc 8 Mar.

I Wiggle at ligo. 1(1.3()pin 3aiii. £9. 1 Mar. Maggic and Alan Jo) nccd no introduction and this is their next night of ga) fun and l'i'olics. ln thc main room will he 'l‘rcnd} Wend} and Jon l’lcascd p1a_\ing tracks that arc a Iittlc hit cainp. a littlc hit cutting-edge but a “hole lotta t'uii. Dounslaii's Sail} i" and Michcllc \sill hc dcplo)iiig Rc‘kll. hip hop. indic and chart tunes Lllld him could \\ c ltirgcl litL‘ 1m Cl} l’cnn) Pornstar on hand to iiicct and gi'cct thc ptiittci's so it's sonic-thing a hit dillci'cnt to \\ hat thc capital‘s othci‘ ga) nights hm c on ot'tci‘.

Chart 8. Party

I The Big Cheese at l’tillcrrtm Studcnt l'iiioii. llipin 3am. £3 £5. 22 l"ch. li’ortnightl}. Massiic studcnt night

o1 thc hcst iii clicddai 11.i\oiiicd \ilJll tiincs li'oiii lhc “(is and 811s. lcatiiiiiig Star iii 'l‘licii' 1-.)cs Kaiaokc

I Cavendish/Diva .ii ('axcndish/lhui. lllpiii 3am. 1'icc hctoic llpiii: £(i altci'. Wall} '1 hc lull} i'cltii'hishcd spacc hosts a night oi .ill tlic gi'oo\icst Iiits ll’tilll thc (ills ‘le. \\llil ctii'i'cnt cliai‘t la\ cs on tlic top Ilooi ()\t'l 25\ Hill}.

I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party at Mood. ‘)piii 3am, l't‘cc licloi‘c llpiii. L3 altci' tli'cc to iiiciiihci'si. “cc-kl} (‘1i.iit. part} and soul liils limit 1)] Maitiii.

I The Party Continues . . . iii l’cppci'iiiiiit Loungc. Illpiii 3aiii. £3 \VL‘L‘H}. Scc i'l'l.

I Skool Disco at 1’ottci’iou Sttidciit l'iiion. ‘)piii 3aiii. £3 £5 ili'cc in school uniloi‘iii hcloi'c llpiiii. | Mar ’llic popular nostalgia loi'iiiat coiiics to Edinburgh l‘ni. c'\pccl trash} hits and plcnt} ol unitoi‘iiis

I Subway West End at Stilma} WCst lind. ()plli 3aiii. 1'i'cc hctoi‘c ‘lpiii; £5 altci't£-1i. \Vcckl). ('hai't. daiicc .iiid chccs} tuncs all night long bah}

I The Subway at Stilma}. 7pm 3aiii £1. \Vcckl}. Scc Tho.

I Supernova .ii RL‘Hiitllltili,

111.3(lpiii 3aiii. £(i hcloi'c iiiidnigiit. £5 al'lcr t£-1 £51. chkl). ('1iai't and part} hits all night long.

I Why Not? at “'11) Not .’. Illpiii 3am £3 hCltH'C llpiii; £5 7,511 altci'. \Vcckl}. Scc i'll.

Edinburgh Sundays


I DKY at Studio 24. Ilpiii 3am.

£1.51) £3.\\'cck1}. UKY stridcs L‘tilllidL‘lill} iiito its third )6” ii ith i'csidcnt l)Js Jordi. (iat‘clh and “m c p|a_\iiig rock. goth. iiictal. industrial and punk. 'l‘hcinc nights and li'cc gilts conihinc to kccp things intcrcsting. \scck in. uch out.

I Escape from New York at (’abarcl Voltairc. ()pcns as lhc sun gocs dtmn. £3 to cscapc. \chck'l}. l'acclcss l)J's ll. 1)ic\i and His [)l'tthiL‘ an c1cctro