R '

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days belore publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at glasgow@list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at henry®list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland 1’ 1’! XV}. 1: Syr- - - Glzttsgu.z',‘-1‘I’SZ’H“

Tickets Scotland M, fsfw - ' Eflmlxltttl‘. 92019514

Ripping Records ’«t S'...I."l‘}"1'l-fi. 0131 2/110 1"

Way Ahead ’;1.:'


I Beth Gibbons and Rustin Man liarroulaud. 2-1-1 (ialltmgatc. 552 -1()1lI. ('.-\.\'('I€l.l.lil). Sol).

I Double Helix 'l‘hc Art-hm. 253 Argflc Strcct. 0‘)l)| 023 0300, lx‘pm. £l0/£8. Jail and lolk I’uuon ulth mo cnxcmhlm coming togcthcr to pcrlorm a ncw commixxlon lrom (‘hrlx Stout.

I Geoff Martyn and Lexxi King: 'l‘ut'x Walt \Vah llut. 272a St Vlttccnt StI‘L‘Cl. 22I 527‘). X30pltt. £0. l‘ormt‘t' 'I‘raVix man .\Iart}n promott'x Illx tlt'l‘lll Iiw alhum law at Ilu- Huuw of 1m.

I Splitbac, Drawn, Dionysus, Grain and Blob 'I‘hc ('athouxc. I5 l'nion Strcct. 2-18 (mob, 7.30pm. £1.50. ()\Cl'-l-1\ \llt)“. Mclal Iinc-up.

I Soulfinger, Inertia Sun, Fragile and Undercut lial'll). 3M) ('lydc Strcct, 0870 ()07 099‘). 3pm. H. I High Roller, Photo Booth and Freefall Ntcc'tt‘Slcal). -12l Sauchicltall Strcct. 333 ‘)(1.37. 3.30pm. I Cayto and The Scaramanga Six IIIL‘ l3tIt Notc (‘ttIL'H .50 (ill King Slt't‘t‘l. 553 lots. 9pm. £3. Angular rock l'rom ('a_\to. \upportcd It} lllltltlt‘l'\llL‘ItI I'rcakx xx ho pla) Moog-drcndtcd garagc rock. I Rutabega Stcrco llormcrl} \th l3thl. l2 [-1 Kchinhauglt Strcct. 57o 50lh'. 8pm. £3. Montltl} l't'\I(IL'Ilt‘) lor lhc jaw and krautrock-inl'Iucm'Ctl collcctuc \\ ho haw a didgcridtm.

I Toni Catlin 'l‘hc t'nlxcnal. Sauchichall Lanc. 332 WM. 8.30pm. to. An Acouxtic Altair promotion.

I Minicholer and The February Solution Strauhcrr) l‘icltls. 5o “Wald Strcct. 08-15 053 028‘). 7.30pm. £4.

()\ cr- I>1\ \Iltl“. :\It.roc'n/Iuctal.

I Stonewhisper, Jeepstar and Destroy White Baby Dolls 'l‘hc ('cllar Bar. Ramada Jan I\ llngraml Hotel. 100 Millcr Strcct. Info: 553 25I5. 8.30pm. lircc.

I Freeview, Hide and Silent Decorum The Vale. 5 |)untla\ Strcct. 333 0946. 9pm. Battlc ol' thc hatttlx compctition organixml h} \(}.\I mum:


I Skindred, Blunht and Certain Death Studio 2-1. (‘alton Road. 558 3758. 7pm. £4 (£3I. 'I‘hc rcggac mcctx mctal fusion ol Skindrul. lormcd l'rom thc ath‘x ol' l)uh \Var. hcatlllnc thlx mqu ol~ righteoux rock.

I lndigoecho, The Six and Rearview chiot Dchating llaIl. Brixto Square. 8pm. £3. .-\lt.(’hrl\tian mum:

I Critikill Bauucrman’x. Nitltlr} Strcct. 550 325-1. 8.45pm. £3. Rock action.

I Babacool and Squander Pilots lIcriot-Watt l'nixcrxit} I'nion. thcarton.

42 THE LIST 27‘ liar-13, Mar 233.4

~15I 3 33 “pm I ICC HHUI‘IL‘ I‘lII HI ulthc \ch L'IL'klll'lllttl lrom \tplautlct I’IIHI\. lot thc \llltlL'llI \ct

I Out of the Bedroom “.Ht‘tlt‘} liar. I St ,\I.tt}'\ \ttcct. 55~ I050

‘lpm mulmght llcc ()pcu nut \t'\\lttlt lot lztluthurghhath \Iugcl wugmrtch (llllelltlI IIIlI\I\' oul}

Friday 28


I Gerry Marsden, Mike D’Abo, Mike Pender, Brian Poole, Dave Berry and The Nolans Rcclmaudrtwkm‘. I{o_\al (‘ougutt Hall. 2 Sauduchall Stu-ct. 3.33 xooo 30pm

£ I ".50/‘4 I 5,50/£I 3.50. (ict out _\ou hatht‘hau' grandma and \hlmm} to thc \lUR I‘L'ul \ntllltl\ HI IIIL' NR

I Telstar Ponies, Mirror atth Rose McDowall (‘(‘.v\. 15H Sauchtchall Stu-ct. 352 .1900 2 30pm £3. ’l'hc 'It'lxtar I’l‘lllk'\ pla} llat'kx llolu thcu‘ lottht'ouuug: thum Inn H: [arm \I \kllll \upport Irom .\llrro1. \xho plotqu-tI xaltl album. and Row .\Icl)o\\all. onu- ouc hall ol \ugar} pop tllltl Sttaxxhcu} S“ llchltlatlc “Ito play a \nI“ \ct \\ lIIl gultar and harmomum.

I Ezio and Racing Green Km; llll'\ \Vah \Vah llut. 272a St \"mwnt Stu-ct. 22I 527‘). X. 30pm. L1l.5l\\lll gtutar axxault ol l'./IU I.llllt‘tl\‘l .llltl \lark l‘tmt‘II.

I James Grant and Geoff Martyn lltl\\\\tl(ltl Inn. .\Iam Strcct. llt)\\\\ntltl. ucar .lohnxtonc. 0|505 703 I I‘). ‘lpm. LN lnttmatc gig: lor lIlL' lormcr low and Hour} man. pcrtoruung t‘oolxtcl matcrtal. Scc Thu 27 lor ( Icoll .\Iart}u. I Mendeed, Red Snow Man, the Strand and Snudge 'l‘hc ('athouw. I5 l'mou Strcct. 2.18 (moo. 7pm. £1. Murcular tttclal \ouutltrack.

I Babacool, Minor Planet, Red Brick Tent aml You Can’t Eat the Word FOOd littl'll}. 21111 (IHIL‘ Slt't‘t'l. 0870 907 009*). 8pm. £1 IitImhurgh clcctrontt'lxtx Bahacool top an u‘lct‘tlt‘ bill.

I Bozilla 'l'hc Iian ol the Month ('Iuh. thc I3tIt .\'otc (‘alt‘x 30 (ill Km): Stu-ct. 553 I033. 9pm. £3. l'xual cahat‘ct-xt_\|c manta Irqu lio/illa and chum»

I Panda, Crysoul and The Blimp 'I‘hc Soumlhaux. 47 lI_\tIc I’ark Strcct. 22I 4(15‘). I0pm. £3 lmcmlwrxl/£-1 lgtlcxtxl. \Vcckl} \hou caxc oI hautlx uho pla} at the Souutlhath I‘clwarxal complm, I Cocalords, Dirty Blonde and Pelter l‘ur} .\Iurr} 'x. w) .\la\\\cll Strcct. 22I (t5l I. 0pm. £-1. Including: cutr} to poxtegtg club.

I Sugarman J;|\|k‘l"\. I-1 \lltlltltttl Strcct. 8.30pm. lilum-tullucucctl hand. I Mountain Rose (irautl ()lt- ()pl'). l’al\Ic_\ Road loll. .129 5300. 7.30pm. £1 (£3 lllL‘lllIk‘l'xl. ('ounlr}.

I Pretzel Logic Samuel l)o\\\.

07 7| Nlthxtlalc Road. 1123 III07. 8,30pm. l‘rcc.

I Daniel B Shenkin (‘alc lIttla. til lIopc SII'L‘CI. 353 I001). Hpttt. l't'L‘L‘. .'\L'UU\IIC l‘ttt‘k l'L'fltIL‘llt'}.


I Mac Floyd 'I‘ht' l.lt|III(I Room. 91‘ Victoria Strcct. 225 25M. 7pm. £I0. Intcrnationall} acclalmcd trlhutc act.

I Rough Country, Remedy, Gummi Bako and James Lowe Sulma). o‘) ('mxgatc. 225 (Foo, ".30pm. £-1. :\It.couutr} and .-\mcrtt‘ana \\ uh a couplc ol indtc ollcringx [hum n tn.

I Workingman’s Deed lianncrmau'x. Nltltlr) Strcct. 55o 325-1. 8.45pm. £3. (iratclul |)catl trlhutc act.

I MC Reachout and the Oh Eye Crew and F-Plan (‘aharcl Voltairc. 3o 38 Blair Strcct. 220 MW».

I Ipm. £o l£5l. Local ()h Ii_\c Rccortlx l\ hack \\ ith thix club and Inc hlp hop \Ito“ l'rom .\I(' Rcachout and thc liw ptccc ()h li}c crc“ pru it'xung thclr uc“ \iuglc. With support trout l‘ Plan 0le and UL Naxt} l’. Matt. Dan and ()II. Dirt} and Brian I)'Souxa taking _\ou through to 3am.


0 Lemon Jelly (Jam: \IaYL'a't"

I lIIt‘lI. 22 I Imam} (lattIt'rtx. 2 30pm: LI2 lull} M‘II?I\I\\.:I‘\‘\ Zt-t

plum} thab ltom thy that who lavish-ti thcu \whxtlt'1::tht't'auuauMantlx w tht'} \l'IIIKI taII II Isthou't'IIt It I 1231} um" I‘x’pgah

I The Used Ill.- ( mags. 1w \autIut-hall \tluct. 332 II2H 'put 1" (ha I A \hov. \u mctal lotuucuucu \kho haw t'ttlt~}t‘tI \otNtIt'tahIc \uttcv m thcu lI.tIl\ c I \ autl wmc uuuaulctl untottct} mam; to thc latt that Itthult' ~mj_'cl Ih'tt \I\(’tatkt-n 1x lx'cll} (lxhotuuc\ how

I Cortez, Striker and The New Rosy Jewels Km: Iutk \\ah \\ah IIut. 252a \t \lllu'lll \ttct't. 221 52"" \ 30pm


I The Hunches, The Needles .ma Sluts of Trust \ttt"tt'\lc.t/_\. 12I \aut‘hlchall Stu-ct. 333 WU" \ 30pm to lhc lluut'ht'x atc _\ct .llllllllk'l l \ galact- totl hand palmuj: good \\III\I ol mouth lot IIIt'lI album I. \, \u. \z’m! I! \uppolt ltom \Iwnlomau garagc t'omIm thc \L"L'\IIt'\

I Lorraine Steadman, Mark Storey autI Aether Haul}. 3m ( "lott- snt-k-l. mm 0th out») .\l\”] Li;

I Random Number, Midwich autI Frogpocket lht- tall \alv ('alc. 3” m Km; Sttcct. 553 lh3.\ ‘Ipm t3 l'.\|lt'lllllt‘lll.II t'Ict'tlomta

I Livewire .Illtl Atriedes \ttauIM'll) I'lt‘ItI\_ 5(\()\\\.tItI \Ilt‘t'l.1'5-121123‘I2VI "pm to ()xct I1\ \hou \(‘ l)(' llII‘lIIt' I Rollin’ Joe \l\‘( 'quII\. 10 Hugh Stu-wt. 552 2| 35 Illpm law

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise .\Iat‘SoI'Ic} 'x. -12 .Iautatt‘a \ttt't't. 2-1.\ .\5\l opm l'lt’t' Rcht-nt') lot thc Rtkll

I The Cams lIlk' lIaIt Hal. Ihll \Vmulldlltlx Ritatl. 5(\-1 I52" ‘Iltlll I lt't‘ I lsis Samuvl l)o\\ 'x, o" 2| \ttItxtIaIt' Road. -12 3 IIIIV. .\ 30pm. l'Ik'k' ,\ot to Iw couluxctl \ch tltc lex PIJMIIfJ Km}: lut\ on Iuc II


I Yush Records Showcase Night Ilcnr) \ .|a// ('cllar. .\' Mormon Stlcct. 102 5200. \Iulmyht. £5 Hip hop and ragga lrom \‘ttxlt .\II Stan .llItI Rall

I Small Enclosed Area, Echo 20, Dr Jones and The Evangelists (alt-donut!) liat‘kpackctx. 3(‘)uccn\lcn.\ Sllt'ct. -1‘(\ "2212.30pm, £5..\nothcl lIlI\L'tI I‘.I_‘_‘ ltom Halt) 'I'tfsct lL'.lIlIlIIl}_‘ the quk \oumlx ol I)! John,

I State of Bliss, The Angel Conversations amt Lebowski Sulma). 0‘) ('ougatc. 225 07%) 5 30pm £~1fIrrpchuIIol mth hula-h

I My Electric Love Affair, Frantic Chant aml The Vectors (‘uunlmg llotlxc. \MNI \tt‘olwtt \Itt't'l. (\h" (IX—(t .\|\lll L3 llltllt' ltk'lx .tlltI Ilt'.t\} [‘\}t‘Ilt'tIL‘Il\’ \Mlllufllh

I Smiler, Wildtype, Doolah autI Ghostriders (‘ouuuplm tloltttt'tl} (‘Iuh .la\aI. ~10 (‘ommctt'tal Sttcct. I \‘lIIt. 555 5022. Spur £5 .\pot'a|_\p\c lump a \L'It‘t‘llttll (ll lIIt' I‘L‘\I Ittt'aI .lt‘lx (IUHII Ix'IIIt tor a mqu ol quallt} Illtllt' \Ilcnampaux

I Back Together Again t the] Hall. Iotluan Road. 225 I I55 \pm

£I5 £I‘).50 I£I3 £I'50l l)lg_' out )out plattormx lot a night ol tll\\ll lmcr It‘attumg: I.lIIlau and l.tllll\\‘ Iopc/ and ,\l .lJLI\\1lll ol '(ioutf: Hawk to \I) Rootx‘ lamc. and Row Ro) u-

I Mute Media aml Red Brick Tent llantm'ulank. \ltltlr} Stu-ct. 550 325-1 3:15pm. £ 3. .-\\ thc} \a}. anothcr tout grauu} \xoultlnac Illa“ It' lmc up \xlth anothcr act thc.

I Dirty Vegas 'Ihc Imunl Rtmlll. ‘h' Victoria Stu-ct. 225 2501. 10 30pm. LI5 .-\ lull Inc \hmx lrom hoth mpcttx l)ll'l) \L‘gth. 011C HI IItL‘ I2l\”\ llltl\l \llt't‘L'\\ltlI dant'c at‘lx Statcmlc l’crtormmj: ax part ot lug namc cluh mghl ('oloutx \\lIIl \upcrxtat l).I Sch l~oulamc and thc l'L‘\ltlL'lII\ taking .\ou through to 3am Scc ('Iulk lor prm tr“.

MC Reachout and the Oh- EyeCrewE ':":':

Lemon Jellyi ~ -..- -

Red Hot Chili Peppers

The Mars Volta " I, y"\\u o, , 0‘ 1 I «\‘l,’ ( l I /"‘ ' '.

Jurassic 5 z" :

Blackalicious f; y i v 2'

Byrne, Sons and Daughters r. : Roads t ;".‘,' (:261/j'1),.‘v

l' ' _' z I I .' l' 'I /\ 4' l i T '. 0 ,' 'o I" v (,z‘ 1 r r r ; f, .


I Jackson Browne Ix’tt}aI (mutt-ll Hall. 2 Sautlllt'llall \ttcct. 35 3 \llllll

" {0pm \( )l I) ( )l | SW ptt".lt".*. IHI tlux popular IHHI\_\ \mycr mug'mHt-l

I Tribute to Nothing, Corrigan, Holmes and Greebo Kmv lutk \\all “all IIut. 252a St \ uncut \tln-t. .‘.‘.I 52“) .‘N. 30pm £5 50 lltlllltlllk' puul. at'ttou Irom llux hand ol I‘ltllIIL'l\ \-.ho haw Ik'cu totumj.‘ ltIa' (It'lllllll\

I H20 II Ilt‘ (iatajJC. ~1‘lll \attt‘lllt'llall Stu-ct. 332 Hill (‘.\\(‘l-.l,l.l.l)

I Odeon Beat Club, Dogs Die in Hot Cars, Senator and X Tigers liatlh. Zoo ( lulu Sim-l. mm on" out») 5pm 'L‘1tt3l \Itt'tuattw pop .tIItI twk ol \at)m§_' IIL'.t\ltt\lI_\ toppctl It} Illk' tntrmpcpttw langlc maptt ol ()li('

I lncarstereo and Lost for Words Straulwrn l‘lt‘ItIx 5h l)\\‘..lItI Strut-l. (MS M = 023‘) 30pm u Hm l 1‘ \htm Inn» and lot‘k tt'xpcttlwl}