(‘i't‘r'lifwm'mix presents a \Cl‘lL‘\ of billboard inxtallations \thich embody mass media imagery of Sotitli Axia. See review.

Muse Anter Peace Train - The Road to Dlyarbaklr Thu 27 Feb. 7pm. A screening and dixc‘lhxion with the filmmaker Joseph ('oopei' of his film Musa Anter Peace 'l‘rain \ihich document\ the attemptx of a peace rally to cross 'l‘urke} to arrixe in l)i_\'arbakir on International War l)a_\. September 1997.


28 King Street. 552 4813. Tue Sat

l lam -5 im.

Peter onaldson, Kalin Lindena and Tobias Putrlh l'ntil Sat 8 Mar. A group \litl“ featuring \ideo work by Peter Donaldson. u all pillllllllgx b} Kaliii Lindena and \culpttire b) 'l‘obiax Putrih. See re\ie\t.


b3 'l'rongate. 552 4267.

Barres People t‘ntil Sat l Mar. A photographic study of (iluSgt)\\ '\ famoux ‘Barras' market by Sctilllxh photographer Martin (iray. 'I‘he large-\eale iiiiagex featured in the exhibition are part of a two-year \tudy of the Barrax b} (ira) and telex'ision producer l‘iona White and a book ix also planned to follotx later in the


l8 Albion Street. 552 2822. Mon l‘ri 10am 5pm.

Imprints l'ntil liri 28 Mar. A group Shth of print\ and ceramicx b} Alrll\l\ frorn the 'l‘rorigate Studiox.


113 \Vexl Regent Street. 22l ‘)l()‘).

.\loii liri 10.30am 5pm.

A Winter Selection t'nitl l-‘ri 28 l‘eb. Paintingx. tll';l\\lllg\. sculpture and limited edition print»

Mixed Show Sat 1 Mon 31 Mar. .-\ mixed \hott of painting\. dl’;t\\lllg\ and \ciilpture.

Love in the Rain by Bronwyn Rees on show at the

WHERE THE MONKEY SLEEPS “<2 \VL‘SI Regent Street. :20 3-100. Mon Fri 7am 7pm; Sat l0am '7pm. Pogo l'ntil Thu 27 l‘eb. .-\ traxelling exhibition of black and “lillk‘ documentar) photograph} b} American artixt Pogo featuring urban and abxti'act L‘UlllptlSllltHIS baxed around .\Ill\\;llli\L'C. \Vixconxin.

Mixed Show :\ changing line-up ol uork b} \ttl'ltilh ul'll\l\.

Glasgow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow Lite, page 88.


.-\rg}lc' Street. Kebingi'm e. 2'7 200‘). Mon 'l‘hu ck Sat l0am 5pm; l'l'l tk Stiri l lam 5pm. (are. Free.

A Kelvingrove Centenary t‘ntil Mon 30 Jun. A coiiimciiioratixe exhibition marking the ceiiteii;ii'_\ ol the Art (ialler) and .\lu\ctiiii. Kelx iiigrme. The \\ ell-lo\ ed \aiidxtone building lltlllSCS one of the tinext ci\ ic art collectionx in Europe. featuring \\(llI\\ b} Botticelli. Rembrandt. \\'lii\tlei' and the (ilihgtiu Bo} s and (ill'lS. and \\;l\ the \enue for some of the lincxt C\liibition\ \een in Britain including l’icaxxo-Matixxe t I‘Mot. Van (ioglt

t l‘)48t and l)ali'\ .-lrl In .lt'lll'/\

1 W73 4).

Endangered Wildlife l'ntil Mon 30 Jun. An e\liibition highlighting the endangered wildlife in Scotland. Young Talent 2003 [bid Sun 23 Mar. To mark the European Year of l)i\ablcd People. (ilihgotx '\ l’roiect Abilit) curate llllS e\ltibition of art “(lib b) children and )oung people it itli autixtic \pectr'uiii dixor‘derx.

AULD KIRK MUSEUM The (‘t‘thm Kit’kilililloclt. 578 UHJ. 'l'ue Sat 10am lpm ck 2 5pm.

Glasgow Print Studio

The Painted Face t'ntil Sat I .\I;tl'. l’ortraih attd head \llltllL'S b} local ai'ltxl (ioi'don l’iclteii.

Shoes Sat 8 Mar Sat 5 .-\pr. .-\ll e\hibitioii e\ploi'iiig the laxhion. lurictioii. lt'llSll and form ol \hoex.


2(l(ill l’ollokxltaux Road. 28" 2550, .\lori 'l‘hii tk Sat Illam 5pm; l'l'l tk Sun llaiit 5pm.

Treasures from the Store: 19th Century European Paintings

l ntil lurther notice. a tie“ \electioii ol UllS IS on tlixpla} highlighting the range of Sir William litirrell\ taxte. l'eatui'ed \torltx include paiiitingx b} llom in. Ribol and .\lil|ct and a i'ai‘el} \cen oil b_\ lleni‘i le Sidanei'.

GLASGOW BOTANIC GARDENS 7’30 ( ii'eat \Vextern Road. 33-1 2-122 l)ail_\ llam 4pm.

Markus Karkus t'nttl Mon 31 Mar. .\'e\\ \L'lllpllll't‘S in xteel and i‘eclaiiiied \crap metal b} .\larl\ii\ Kill'blIS. 'l'lie \torlxx ha\e been \teldcd b} \olai' and

\\ ind p0“ er lor' the lir‘xl time iii (ilaxgou. and the} are coloured \\ itli ted o\idc,


()1 (i3 Netherlee Road. (‘athcai’L 037 2l2‘). llam 5pm

Glasgow Southern Art Club Sat

| Sat 15 \lai: .'\ll e\hibitiori ol paiiiiiiigx b} IllL‘llth'l'S ol the (iltngtnk Southern :\rt ('liib.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahotixtoii Park. Ill l)tiiiibi‘cclt Road. 353.1,"3. l)ail} 10am 5pm, Contemporary Scottish Paintings l'ntil .\loii .il \lai: :\ mi\ed \hou ol paintiiigx b} coiitetiiporai'}


l'rii\ei\it} :\\L‘llllL‘. 3‘0 422i Mon Sat 9.30am 5pm,

The Cabinets of Dr Todd l‘nttl 'l‘hti I \la}. :\ selection of ritatertal iron] the collection ol J Gordon ’lodd.

\\ lio \lllcc the age ot me ha\ been collecting llllllclalS. ltlSSIlS. \hell\ and

A Monster‘s Creepy Crawly ltlt‘ J \lai l2-15pm Short talk on -\iiaii\ g‘lalll lt\\\ll ck‘lllll‘ctlt'

The Cabinets of Dr Todd tire I I \lai l2 J‘pm \ \lltill talk \\llll (itiltlt‘ll il‘titi

MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kebm Hall. I lluiiihouxe Road. 2.82 2"20 \lon lliu tk Sat Illaiii 5pm. l’ll tk Sun llaiii 5pm

Fire! l iilil lii il ()et 200i lhe lllSlt‘l} of firefighting iii the “ext of Scotland l\ doctiiiieiited in llllS e\hibitioii featuring a l e_\laiid l'llt‘llIaSIt‘l engine gifted to the muxeum b} the Stratliclide lire brigade and obiectx from the paxt .iiid piexent


High Street. 88‘) ‘~l5l lite Sat

Illam 5pm. Sun 2 ‘pm l'iee

Fish and Ships l iittl Sun I i ,-\pi l’atntingx on a maritime theme tlt'axtn from the permanent collection

On Dry Land l tiltl Suit | i :\pi 'l'lie tll\et\ll} oi the Scotlhh lalltlScallt‘ IS e\plored in thi\ dixpla) tll.|\\ll from the permanent collection

The Gavan Chairman l'nttt Sun U \lai: (her “0 hand ci‘alled cllélllS b} the \\ ell kiiouii craltxiiiati .loliii \lclaughlm


(ilaxgtm (ireen. 55-10223. .\lon ’l liti tk Sat l0am 5pm; in & Sun

llaiii 5pm.

Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki l'iitil Mon 5 Ma}. ()ii (\ .-\iig 10-15. the l‘nited Statc\ Arm} .-\ir l-ot'cex dropped the llt’xl atomic bomb on the Japaiiexe cit} ol llii'oxhiiiia, ‘l'hr'ce day later another bomb \HIS relcaxed on Nagaxaki. 'l'hix poignant exhibition from the llii'oxhiiiia l’eace .\leriioi‘ial .\lii\etiiii tellx the \tor'} of the elfectx ol the dropping ol the bomb\. through pmtcr'x and dticumcntatioii. iii a timel) attempt to remind people of tlic litil‘l‘tHS of atomic \\ ctiptilh.


.\lu\eum ol lzdtication. 225 Scotland Street. 287 0500. Mon Illll a Sat l0aiii 5pm; l'l'l tk Stiii llam 5pm. Bairns and Backstreets t'niil .\loii lb Jun. l’liotogi'aphx ol (ilaxgou b_\ laric “all. a tiieiiibci' of the ()iiecn'x (‘amera (‘lub \lllL'L‘ l‘)58 featuring o\er 30 digital [iI‘IIIIS from the 50s to the Hllx,

Scratching the Surface - Beyond Whistler’s Cities in 28 l~eb Sun 30 Mar. An exhibition of pl'llllS b} Jamcx .\lc.\'eil Whistler arid lllS contemptirar'iex m the llt'xl of man} e\ent\ to celebrate the centenar} ol the .-\riier'icaii-born ar'tixt.


2 (iaxlle Street. 553 2557. Mon ‘l'hu (S; Sat l0am 5pm; in A: Sun llam 5pm. One Island, Many Faiths l'nttl Stiii 27 Apr. Photographer Rachel Morton toured the colittlr} to tllSL'tHL‘r the different e\per'ience\ ol laitli in Britain toda}. 'l'he l‘L‘SllllS IS a SCl'lL‘S ol photographx accoriipanied b} a perxonal \tatemeiit from the people imobed.


Hill Slfllk'l'ti\\ Road. 33‘) 00‘]. Mail} lllam 5pm. £4.50 (£3.25); accompanied children free.

Across the Water l'ntil Mon in Jun, A neu L'\lllhllltlll exploring the lllSlUl'} ot L‘l'tHSlllg the (‘l}de ax the r‘ixcr' grcv. in both \l/C and importance until the demixe of the terr} \er\icc in 1970.

": ‘/::' 1/th THE LIST 81