Art “Slums;

Gallery Of Modern Art continued

Site Mapping l rttrl Sun 1 \l.t_\ l.IItxl.t llexerrter. .\ntlre\x lilxlk. lx’olt liter. l’ra l'rrex antl Sottrta Srrrpxxr are arrtorr: tlte Irrte up ol artrxtx xxlto explore rrttrllrple lttIIII\ ot .tl‘\ll.txllttll


Rttttlxett (iletl Rttatl. 03“ ll: ‘5 \llttt. 'lltu. In & Sttrt l ill 5 illpnt. Sat

ll illarrt 5 “hurt

Spring Exhibition Sttrt 3 \lort *l \lar ;\ rtrrxetl \ltoxx ot xxork h} j._‘.tllx‘I_\ .‘ttlISIS Ieaturrrtj: parntrrtggx l\_x Shona llarr. Ian lillrot. Hehorah (‘antphell and Kate llt'lltlt'lStIll plux \ettlpture hx “alter \xxlxon.


l~lH \\L‘\l Rt‘pt'lll Sllx‘t‘l. ill"; \lon Sat ‘) Warn 5 illprrt

Mixed Exhibition t'nttI l'II _‘.\' l'eh. l’atrtltngtx. tlraxxrnjgx .tllxl \x'lllpltllx' h_x \l.‘telatreltlan \lrlne. .ll) l'ergrtxxort. Retlpatlt. \‘augghan. \larearet _\lorrr\. .larne\ l’aterxon. littlt\l(tll. lx’eexex. Knox and rrranx otherx

William McCance (1894-1970) Sat H \Vetl 3(t .\lar \n exlttltttrort ol eat tltaxx tutu hx \\ rllrartt .\le( 'artee

protlueetl tlttrtne tlte lllx fkt li’

THE GLASGOW ART CLUB |S5 llatlt Street. 3M 53“). \texxutg; hx apportttrttertt ortlx

Contemporary Art Auction and Exhibition l'rttrl 'lhu 37 l-eh. ()x er (rt) p;tlllllttj._‘\ tlonatetl hx eortternporarx artrxtx xxor‘krngg rrt Seotlantl III artl ol the l’rrneexx Roxal 'l'rttxt lor ('ater‘x tnelutlrng; \\ttl'l\\ hx \orutart latlgar. Alexandra (iartlner. :\I'x‘lle‘ l'orr'ext and John l.oxxt're .\lortt\ort.


l3 RHSC .Sll'x‘x‘l. .i i: Nllfi.

What the Hell is Lomo? l'nnl l'll 3S l'eh. l-._xe x'.’tlx'lttllj_‘ xnapxltotx talxen xx ttlr a thSIIIIt l.onto eartter'a hx Ruth llotlglxrnx.

Going Global Sat | .\lon ;| Mar. Sttllx trotn art anunatetl lrlrn. (inure (ilu/ttrl. rrtatle h_x htltnggual antl loeal (ilaxgoxx elnltlrert.


33 x 35 King Street. 553 (mil

ltte Sat Illarn 5.3llprn.

London Calling l'ntrl Sat IS .\lar. Reeetttl} ptthlrxltexl \et‘eenprrrttx lrotrt .‘\tl\illlk't‘tl (iraplttex l.(tlltl0ll leaturrng xxorlx It} Ra} RIx‘llill'tlStlll. liaxrl lieattte. (‘rargre .-\le‘ltl\tttl antl liert lt‘xtn.

Bronwyn Bees: The Long Road Home l'nttl Sat 15 Mar. Sentt ahStt'aet. rteltlx eolottretl intagex h_\ :\ll\ll';IlI;tII ar‘ttxt lir‘onxxxn Reex. relleettng: Iter e\per'renee lrxrng. xxorktng and traxellrng rrt Seotlantl antl littrope.

Why buy a (at, when you can borrow one

.3; OWIIIItg a (ar rs a hassle. It olten (osts more than we thrnk.

(at (Iuhs provrde the perlett solutron, hy gtvtng you mess to - a (at, but ortly when you need one As a member, you Just pay for the amount of tune you use the (at, plus a small rrttleage (ost l'.’ltt(lt tn(|u(les luel Lterrthershrp rn(lu<les rnsurame, tax, MOI, breakdown (over and (ar ntatntenance.

'A range ol (ars are avatltthle to true for as ltttle as an hour or _ up to a few days. Bookrngs are made onltne or by rrngrng the " (all centre All you have to do rs wall to the (at. key trt your personal prn number, then strrtply (lrrx'e (may!

For membershtp detatls please (ontatt.

(ulleltll‘. operatrrtg III ' Strenth Ilruntxttela ‘.'_urrt.rr.;st.fe (rt'. (entre (rurqte, Slotkltrrtlge (Ilenutue Road, (rene loll '.'.t,nfr;t;rrter. St, I’ortohello. the her. Itlrrtl‘urqh Royal Intrrrrtar‘.

the are alt-um textexxrrtt; (at lottttronx and luulrnt; tor nee. areax to expand rrtto It you xxoultl Me a (at at .t (ertarn l0(t!lII)II please let us -.n:;.'.


\lon 'lltu lllartt Spur. l rr

lllarrt -1 15pm. Sat Illarrt rtoort Second Year Fine Art Photography \lon to In It \lat t\exxherx (taller) t \u exhrltttton ot photograph} It} Seeontl _xear \lll\l\'lll\ Sculpture l tllIl ltte ~l \lar t\exxl\et_\ (tallerxt \n x‘\lttl‘tlttttt ot xxork ltx \llltlt'lllS on tlte \xlllpllllx' eottrxe

Mi Cuba l IIltl llttr 3H \lar \trrurrt (iallerxt l’ltotograplrx lt_x (‘Itarlex .lanuexon Ialxert xxlttle on a parntrrt; trtp ltt(.lll‘tl


LS3 llatlr Street. it: l‘Nl \lort in It). Warn 5pm. Sat Ill lltartt lprrt Mixed Show l rtIrl \Iort il \lar \ \eleetron ol [\.tttlllltf3\ uteltttlrng.‘ xxorlxx hx \nrte Retlpatlt. .\larx (iallaelter. ll.tlIII\lI \lx'l)onaltl. l’eter \artltrtr .Illtl .loltn (IIItIIIIIleIaIII

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'nrxerxrt} ot (ilaxgoxx. S3 llrlllteaxl Street. Wt 31*! \Iort Sat

0. illgtlll 5pm. I tee

Intimate Friends: Scottish Colourists at the University of Glasgow l'nttl Sat .ltrrt teloxetl 3" Mar III \lax I \n x'\lx‘lt\t\e exhrhttron ltteltltelttrne tltel nrxerxrtx oI (ll.t\f_‘tt\\\ trrtportarrt Seotttxlt eolourtxt eolleetron. lealturn}: rarelx Seen \\tHl\\ h} ('atlell. l'L‘I').‘Il\\HII. lltrttler .Illxl l’eploe

Prints by the Colourists l‘nttl Wed 30 Mar. '\ rare opporttrnttx to we rrtonotxpex. x'lx'lItIIjJS. eopper plate\ and tlrxlttttrttx hx Seottrxlt x'ttlttIIIISIS lltrttter antl l-erguxxon.


IS Kurt: Street. 553 35“). [Ire Sat ttoort (tprn.

Eugenic Polemic l‘ntrl Sat I .\lar .\'re||e .\lae|etrtatr exploreS ettlttrral rxlentrtx x'\.IlIIlIllllj._‘ tr'atltttonal .llltl eonternporarx trt‘ltan Ittlltlx‘tlx'x‘S.


Jot) Bath Street. “I (V33. ltte Sat ‘larn (tpnt.

Some Art l'rtttl \\t‘tl 3o .\lat. .\ group \ltoxx ot \\xtl'l\ teaturrng: etrt ttlIIS h_\ .thl l'att'. \artxlxtone \x‘lllpltltx‘ h_x Rhona .\le.\ltl|ran. llllllltttttlIS tlraxxtnggx lt_x llaxrtl Sltrtglex plux xxorkx It} l)annx Saunxler'x. l.orn.t \le‘ltttxr'x'. (it‘egor‘ \VI‘IleIl arttl Roh ('lttrt‘nt.


ll \ltlt‘ltell l.;tllx'. Ill 0363. \ltttt.

\Vetl Sat ltlfittarn 5pm; the

I larrt 5put; Sttrt rtoort 5pm. [3 (Stlpr New Formations 3: Scottish Select l'nttl l‘r'r 3S l‘eh. .r\n exltrhttton ttl~ “mix l‘,‘ l“ L‘I' it) ol' Sx‘xtllttntl'x lk'Sl eontentporarx eralt xlextgnerS/rnakerx tneltttlrng eerarnrex. gala“. te\ttleS.

texxeller'x. xxootl. \etrlpture antl ntueh

WWI clot?

4c Design I rttrl Sun 3 \lar \ xltxplax lrrgltltghttrtg; tlte xxork ot xottrt; \lk'\l:._'ll eotnpan} le l)e\t;_'n xxho arrrt to lteeorrre a proaetrx e toree rrt rtexx protltret tlexeloprttent III \xl‘lltllltl Renewing Rebuilding Remembering l Illll l n It \lat llte l I\ prerntere ot llll\ exhrl‘ttton ettratetl h) tlte \art \lert lIISIIIIIlC. \exx \orlx. tlllISIIalIIIf: tlte tll\t'l\t‘ rexportxex to tratttrtatte e\ent\ tltat lI.t\ e hatl .r \ll.llll.lll\ rrttpaet on urhan ltte Architecture Mega Challenge l rttrl Sun 3; \ rtottng: l)e\r;_'ner\ (i.t|ler_\t ('reatetl ltx (il.t\;_'oxx Seltooleltrltlren. a m e rrtetre. tltree xlllllt‘ll\ll‘ll.ll rrtotlel ot (ilaxgoxx '\ \lerehartt (‘11)

River City: The Making of a BBC Scotland Soap l rtttl Sun lIt \lar rl{e\ rexx (iallerx t (io heltrntl tlte \eenex ot HIH' Seotlantl'x nexx ext \oap Ix’rttr (‘rlt

Neil Tierney - Incubator Prototype l'ltu U \lat \lon 3| \pr

I \leoxe. lexel Jr \ourte (ilaxgoxx tlt'\l_‘_'ll\'l \x‘ll lterrtex \ prototxpe tor a rrtote ellierertt rnetthator Ior etrtteallx rll l\.tl\Ix‘\ poex on tltxpla}


Stattort lx’oaxl. \lrlngaxre. 55S SS-l". ltte Sat lllant lprrt .\ 3 5pm Bearsden Art Club l‘nrrl In It .\ \rtnual exltthrtton ot rtexx xxork It} loeal .llll\l\ leattrrtrtg: lantlxeape. \llll ltte .tntl lllelI.tll\x‘ \llltilt'S.


;33 t\ ‘31 Duke Street. I)ertnt\totrrt. 5lt~l (t(tll3. l'tre Sat rtoort (tpnt. Vanitas Sat l Sat 3 .\l;ll'. 'lx‘lt \L't'Ulltl xear \llltlx'lll\ Irortt the prtntrttakrng tlepartrttent at (Slaxgoxx Sehool ol .r\rt e\p|ote tlte tltertte ol ‘xanttax‘ and the tratlttrortal genre ol Strll ltte. llte c\h|ltllltt|t leulutex \xttt‘lx Illaxlx‘ llttxttlglt the prrntrrtalxrng: proeeSSeS ol eteltrng. lttltograpltx and \lllex‘I'L'x‘II hut a|\o lllt'llltlL'S xxootleut and \rtleo. \E


"I "3 .\lhtort Street. olt (';rrttller't;_'3_'\. 553 501 IS. l‘or' rttore rnlorntatton ahottt l);t//lx' (ll 58” SSJSlli UI' lttg tttlltt

xx xx \x./one tl.eont

Dazzle .\lou 3 Strrt Io .\lar.

Ilarrt (tpnt. l)a//le\ annual exltrhttron ol'eortternporar} texxeller} leaturrng tt\L‘l' illlll) ple'e‘gw ()\ L'l' Si) tlext;nerS/utalxerx Irorrt the [K and abroad. Seotttxlt rttalxerx rnelutle Slrorta l'txlgx‘ll. \Ix‘xtla lix‘x‘x‘l. .’\tttI;t (ixtl'xlxttl and Hot Srrtt.


5" Roher‘txon Street. Sttrte (t. l'loor‘ l. 3-18 ‘71 I. ltte l'rr noon 5pm. Joanne Tatham and Tom O’Sullivan l'l'I ZS t-‘eh Sat 22 Mar. (ilaxgoxx l‘il\L'tl L'Ullill‘lll'illnk' xllltt .Ioartue 'l‘atharn and 'l'ont ()‘Strllrxan ereate art IIISlIIllgtllttII rrt the \paee xxrtlt ltelp ot' therr ItI\ rtetl guext. ,-\lan \ltx‘hael. NE ‘.'. S: It )‘.'.


l3 Knth (‘ottrt. Krttg Street. 553 34M). l)atl_x noon rnttlnrgltt.

Secret Vocabulary l'ntrl .\lon I”

.\lar. l’llttlttgt'ttltlh and x rdeo tootage h} (iarx \Valker. .v\aron Shtrrrtart antl \nta Kruger talxen tlurrng l.e 'l'r‘ure'x tour ol' the [K laxt _\ear.


33l \Vext (ieorge Street. 3-18 U755.

.\lon l'I‘I lllant 5.30pm; Sat

lltanr 3pm.

Glasgow Boys and Glasgow Girls l‘ntrl Sat S .\lar. l’atrttrngx h} .-\rthur .\le|x tlle. l:.-\ \Valton. Joxet‘h ('raxxltall and .larnex l’aterxon.


5(t \Vgtxlttttglxtlt Slt‘L‘L'l. Ill 3 l 35.

Mon l-rr 0am 5pm.

Eva Gustavsson I'nuI In 2S l'eh.

\e\\ pattttrrtgx and tlraxx IIIL’S


o \\ tlxttll Street \lereltant ('tt_\. 55.‘ H503 ltte. \\exl .\ lrt llarn hprtt. lltu llarrt “pm. Sat Illartt oprn. Sttrt

l 5pm

David Forster l rtttl Sttrt to Mar Reeerrt \\Ull\\ l‘_\ Ilax lxl lorxter rrt xxltrelt Illt.tf_‘x'\ relattrte to arehtteetural \paee .llltl lantlxeape are lll\l.ll‘t‘\x‘xl

xx ttlt text talxen trout .I \\ tetttttte te\tltoolx rrt xxlttelt the author .Illt‘llll‘IS to lx'\t\l\x' the rrtxxterx ot ltoxx artrntate ltte eatt xlettx e trottt tlte proeexxex ot rrtartrrrtate x'llx‘IIIISII)

Escaping the Skin 1 Illtl Sun Io \lar l’ltotograpltS ltx \lan \ourte explorrng ltoxx .tl‘Slle'l pltotogrtapltx ean rexeal ll},‘lII.lll\ e lxtItIIS Insomnia l'nttl Sun In \lar \ eolleetron ol pltotoprapltx hx Sean ()'.\'etll e\plortrtg_' tlte arttSI‘x oxx rt experrenee ot rrtxontttra


l'rtrt 3. \lereltant Square. 553 5h3" ltte Sat Ham 5. illpttt. Sttrt

Ilartt 5prn.

Gerard M Burns 1 Itlll In .‘S I eh .\'exx xxorlxx hx (ierartl .\l littrnx Colin Park l'rtttl 'lltu l§.\ .\exx parrrtrrtgx


(‘entr‘e l'or Hexeloptttental \rt\ l.\' .-\lhtott Street. 553 3S33 .\lort in Math 5pm.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles Part 2 t'nrtl [tr .3.\' Mar. l’art txxo ot a group \lltt\\ l‘.l\L'tl on the tltertte ol ll.tll\[txtll


ll-S l)ou3_'|a\ Street. 3~l.\’ (I {So

Mon l'lI Illillarn 5pm. Sat

lllillanr lpltl.

The People’s Exhibition Sat

I Sat S .\lar. \Vor'kx Ill rnrxetl ntetlta ltx elttlxlren ;|llt‘lltllll_‘_' the R( il Iztlueatton ptogt'atrttrte,


llltl Renlt‘exx Street. ;33 5ll5fl. .\lort l'l'l ‘larn -l. illltlll.

Pauline Murray Sat I Mon tl .\lar, \Vorlxx tn paxtel antl aerx Ire tttxptretl It} patterttx llllllltl rrt rtattrre and the lillltlSL'ItPL‘.


(t litlt‘lllit'lxl Road. (itllnoek. hi8 |3llll ltte l'r‘r llarrt 5pm; Sat Illarn 5pm. Strtt noon 5pm.

Winter Show l'nul l'rr 3S l'eh. .\ Seleetton ot xxorlx It} galler} artrxtx tnelutlrrtg l’eter Nartltnr. Saralt (‘arr‘tngtorr Srrrtort (it’eer‘. lilarr .\lt||ert. (iraente Sharp. .\latrr .'\lllxt‘ll. .\lan ('onnell atrtl .Iortatltart Shearer.


3nd l'loor. I-l Km}; Street. 553 WISH 'l'lttt noon (tprn; Sttrt noon lprtt &

4 (tpltl.

Old Haunts New Work l'rttrl Strrt 3| Aug. U t£3t; trntlet tux lree, .\ xllxpllt} ol orrgrnal lurtttttrr'e rrt xxootl l1) tlte late 'lilltl Slx'atl.


I53 Bath Street. 22] 77! I. RabbittRabbitt Strrt ‘) .\lat'.

«S'prn rnrtlrtrght. .\'exx lo It ereatrxe agene} RahhrttRahhrtt prexertt llll\ one ol'l ex ent leaturtng artxxorlxx. text pteeex. lrx e rnuxre antl xltx.


2r» King Street. 553 3l5l. 'l'tre Sat ltIant 5.30pm.

0 lftikhar Dadi and Elizabeth Dadi l'nttl Sat l5 .\lar. 'l'xxo rtexx \\()l'l'x\ hx lttrkhar Dadi and lilt/aheth Dadi. 'I'lrt'x .lIut/e Ilrxturx IS a \et'rex ol erretrlar lrghthoxex por‘tr'ax rug reonre non-xx extern ligurex xxltrle ('lux/r HI