VllElu’lfS till/‘3 THE GRUTESQUE .~:‘-, Artbug B

l' natural to f'rtrr't‘lit- amt/fr, .rr‘. .‘r'fr' .'."t',f,e york Mouse". for: gene'atron gap. ‘~.'\.’l'ra’_ their: trots/Int; v. to ttnrl out that 3hr,- rr'fmt .'.a1,t;o.'nrt: 1.1:) ,' l'trntrurgtt"; new. Orr-wen};

‘rr:..‘:t_ l‘:‘,ttt'l-,"} t,,

, E-‘rw'rgan'wt

lrnrlali Av't‘rtezitfr. ta '2’)tt‘.-’r -.o several tent-s o? rtra.'.'engs h,"

'rerfltartlo tla \./t't!l‘.

lie-tori: sac. tlrr: .'.rrrl«.| .'.’:t‘; stttttk l)": the :rrztrtr:>;sr‘.e i;t,a<,t- that man been r‘reatmt’ at llotyrootl l’alat:e. lhts rs an open p-an. wet! lrt gallery t'ath trearrtrttri natural trearns. Notlreng s overstated. ‘.'.’ltt(2ll to turn rrteans that nethrng tltt;!t£t(llf; you front the fll‘.()‘.'.’. lhrs rs the :argest ethortron of l)a Vrnt:r's .'.'ork to he shown In Seotlarttl. eovttarnrrrg r'fx‘, works from the Rona! (Iolletttron. llrs notebooks t’ontarr‘. protountl srtrerttrtrt: <>l>t;et‘..ttrt>!‘.t; on proportron. {)(3t53t)(}(‘tt\'(}. anatorny ano’ :tt‘.t)"!i().".i;. lhe (lt:t‘.'.’ttlt]f; explore the: renarssanrm arttst's passron ‘rrr the huntan torrrt throtrgh sttrtlret; of perfect propottrons and stutlres ot tttstortron rrr the nurture face. In these works you get a fee'rng of play and humour as; he extends antl retltrees features to (treate exrieptronalty strong anti errmtmt- rr‘ages. It eaptttrest re rrnagrnatron of all age groups and rt was great to see so rrtanj. tart‘rlrtis yrsrtrng a show. along wrth the enthusrasrr‘, ot the (:hrlttren.

lhe tottatron of the gallon, at the too! of the Royal Mrle oyertookrng the ever eaetxrng Sttottrsh l‘Jarlrarne-nt ts perfect as rt £t!tr;t(21§3£tl-;)t ot l()tltIStt‘.. as well as lxtltnhur‘gh resrtlents who use Arthur's Seat as a getaway front the (itl\~ Wrth thrs amount of patrons to the new gallery then. why do we have to pay to see rt’? the work rs already owned as part of the Royal Colleetron. It rs a huge opportunrty rntsserl to show rn an rnstant what thrs country's ytew on the arts rs. It could so easrly have grven out the message that art rs here for everyone and not rust those who can attetd rt.

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


" Hrmrrtont (errlenx ‘1" l.‘Sl Ht 1] 1m 1_‘jt

L’Alliance Francaise dans Ie Monde l rrtrl l tr .‘S I el‘ \n e\ht‘\rtrorr telel‘ratrne the \llrantek \krrtl. met the laxl I3“ f-eatx


ltrl \\rrrrrll.t|trl\ l\,t\‘ul. 1;: lltl_‘\ \lorr lrr Illarrr 5pm. Sat

Illarn l.‘ illl‘tll

Mixed Show I rttrl \lorr ll \lar ()rt;_‘tttal p.rrtrttrr§.'\ l\_\ tr‘j,'tll.tl §.'.r|ler}


3;; \lf.)}lt' .\llt‘t‘l. H‘Hll “if Hill” Kathleen Little l rrtrl Strrr it) \lar lhprtal lloral \trrrkx h} Kathleen l rttle rrrxprred h} poetrrx \he It.t\ \xrrtlen o\er lilt‘ I.l\l It'll )t‘JlS


I‘) l’arrtre Street. 55.7 mm" \lorr Sat noon 5pm

Scape I It .‘..S l'eh Itre .‘.5 \lat \nrttral e\hrl\rtrorr ol I;III\I\\'.II‘\'\ leattrrtrr;: laree \eale preeex and \ thrarrt \ltlrllt'S h} .Illtlllll l Ihrdeland. .\Iat} llatehelot and Ian Itllrol. \E .l '

Lee Adams in IS l'elr ‘ltre .35 Mar ('oxrnopolttan lrettr'atn e \ttrdtex It} thrx \rnerreart artrxt \\ho |t\ed rrt Ital} helore \ettltng rrt Seotland.

Film Noir in LS l‘eh 'ltre .35 \lat. lee Roltertxon re\ rxrlx the era ot hlaek and “hue tno\ rex rrt thexe tnorroehrotne parntrnex tn orl.


ll‘) Bath Street. (PW): 333 L“

Suite Art In 5‘ .\lrtr 'l'lttr ‘~.\pr ,\ \er'rex ol \\ eekl) e\|ttl\rtrort\ eaeh \hournj: the “otk ol a drlterertt \trrdent etrr'r‘entl} :ttterrdtng (ilaxgoxx Sehrml ot .\r‘t. \Vrth an operrrng: e\er) l-r'r lrorn 5pm. 'l'rtx \onna .\lrehell. .\l;rt|re\\ l’atrl 1|!th and \rtthon) Sehra); \hrm \xor'k trortr “.\l.rr. lollrmed h} I’ra Srrr I\llh\\illl .tllrl I‘tt‘th‘llkkt' I't'lrh‘ttt‘ltSr'tt ill 3” \lar r artd Rtrth .\ltrlxre r3l

.\l.rt ; \pr t. Yr"


|S5;t Bath Street. 333 38 Ht, 'l'rre Sat Warn 5. illprn.

Mixed Show l'nltl .\lon il \lar l’arntrngx h} Ihll .\lxton. (‘rr'aetne Sharp. l’etet' .\lttrrgr} and Donald .\lael .eod.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART IN Bhthnxood Slt'k‘t‘l. “3 Jill".

.\lott I'll 9. Warn 5. itlprn; Sat

Illarrt lptn.

Canyons and Churches Sat I 1m- 35 .\l.rr. \eu landxeape parrttrnex trortr .\r‘r/orta and .\'e\\ .\le\reo h} .\lharr'r .\le('rr'e;_'or'. st NE tr

Miriam Dokotliver and Eoghann MacColl Sat l Tue 3.5 Mar. .\'e\\ \xor'ln.

Top Dogs Sat I ’l‘rre 35 .\lar'. .\ eer‘rnnre rnxtallatron ot dogx h} ()h\ rtr Bro“ rt.

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY It) Krng Street. .553 “"33. Tue Sat ll.3tt;rrn llptn.

Inspiration and Collaboration l'ntrl l‘rr 3S Felt. (‘trrated h} John .\I Hlttndall. an e\hrhrtron ot htrttr'akrr puppetx. \oh tlt;t\k\ and related material.


l5"Sautl12eltall Stieet. 15: l‘NN'

Sun “ed llattr 'rt‘rtr. lhtr Sat

llarn \prn

0 Gordon Matta-Clark: The Space Between l ntrl Strtr :1 \Iar

rt ’(' \ l._‘ "anrl tr Ratel} \eett atorkx l‘} the late \tnezttart .ttlt\l (lorrlon \latta (lath xtho xx.» terttral to the \ev. \ork art \ene tn the "W I\ltr\\\tt tor hrx tar\rn-.' htrz'e

Ilt' .1I\\‘ \lt‘htlt'tl

mote“ ol \trttrng' \ettronx ttorn t‘tlllrllllL‘S hrx .rttentron to pettorrnante art. t‘ltr‘lrt.‘t.t[‘ll_\. :‘rattrtr .lIltI rntnrrnalrxtn lot the e\hrl‘rtrott at the (‘t \. \ trrated lo lrxa | e l \‘ll\l\‘. .r rtrrnrl‘et ot .rttI\t\ hoolm and a retorrxtruttron ot (Irr”'rr\'l xtrll he tn the Inter leadrrr; to photojxrat‘lh and ltllth dot ttrnerrtrnj; \torkx lrke \;~.’.'.','rr:;g tn the rrrarn -.'.rller_\ \patex

Rosalind Nashashibi Strn *r \lat lprn (tlrht'rt‘J. traxerl .rrtr\t RI‘SJIlllt \a\|t.t\ltll\l \ltr|\‘.\ tuo llrrntn tr|rrrx \\III\II e\t‘lore t otnrntrrtrtrex and netyhl‘ottrhood\ rrr \rnerrta'x heartland


l5 llrrdee Street lot more rntorrnatrott

y. \\ \\ elr.rteattj.'.rte.rtr t o trk

Big Friendly Show I rt 3.\ I eh.

(r I” illprn. Sat l. Strrr 3. Sat .S and Sun U Mar. I “put \rtrxt rrrrr SI‘th' the (‘hateatt prexertt another torrternporar} .rrt te\t III the \errrt derelrtt htrrldrnj: rrt Hrrdg'e Street \rrrl thrx tttrre. rt'x on tor the day l\\el\e .ttlt\t\ \hrm reeent or \rte \peertrt \totk tor the gun“ rrtelrrdtrte ()la (itrxt.tl\\ort. \).t letteht. Rohh \lrlehell.

l ISUIJ \ISIIUI‘. \latr.r\ I\’lllf_' and ,lttlra Sehnahel ()pentn): ttttjlll on in IS I eh \eex [HUSH trortr I ran/ I erdrrrarrd .trrd j..'llt'\l\ and a perlorrnanee l\_\ \\on

Hottentant ..


l rrr\er\tt) ot S'tratheltde. 33 lx’rehnrond Street. 5-1S .‘.55S .\lotr l-rr ltlarrr 5pm. Sat noon lprn

Lost Tales of the Sunart Oakwoods l ntrl Sat 33 \lat ()\\arn Krrh} I‘lg'\g'l]l\ .. term ot \xoodettt [\tllll\ rnxprred It} the lolklote ol the Strnart ()akuoodx.

The Company of Trees t‘rrrrt Sat 33 .\l.rr Hranrrtp. parntrnpx and \etrlptrrr’e h) .\Iarearet Ker. l’arrlrne .\Itltt and \'rna Roher‘txon rnxprrerl It} tree\


IRS \\t‘\l Regent Sltt't‘l. 3:] 0“”

.\lon Sat ltlarn .5 illptll.

Mixed Exhibition l‘ntrl I'll 3S l'eh. I’gtltllltthS. dramnex and \etrlpttrre It) l’eter' 'l'hornxort. (iralratrr I'laek. \ael Hanna. Strxan l'..ttott. .l.rrne~ 'l\\eedre. .Ionatharr Hood. l.r\.r Srrtttlr and malt} otherx

Scottish Landscapes S.” I to SS .\l.rr. .\n e\|trl\rtrorr ol landwapex h} \eleeted pallet) eonternpotrrt’} .llll\l\ tttellldlltj: .l.rtne\ .\Iorrhon. I).r\rd \lartrn. \ndreu “alker. l’hrltp litaharn. .lorratlran

Shearer and lllltlt} otherx .‘E .. 5;? V


Saltotrrr lane. 3-1 lx’trtlrxen Street. ‘5” 10‘)”. .\lon I'll tk Strrr l3. ill 5 itlplll. Sat Ill Want 5 ;“pm

The Valentine Exhibition t‘nrrt Strrt lo .\lgrr .\n e\hrhrttort ot \xor'k h} l);t\rd Rn“ \Varrrlo“. .\|e\;tndra (iar'dner'. l’arrr

('ar‘ter. ('onnre Srrnrrrerx and Sue “Lt/loll.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 33‘) I‘)‘)(\_ .\lon 'l'htr tk Sat “him 5er; I'll Strrr l|.rrrt 5pm.

The Great Book of Gaelic t'nrrl Strn ‘) .\l.rr. (‘ontetnpor'att (’eltre etrltttre r\ eelehrated rn thr~ edtthrtrort .rhotrt I/Ir' (ilr'rrl Hunk. .t let eentttr‘} Ir’mrk u/ Kel/r \xhreh hrrrrgx together the “ork oi more than 3W) \ |\tl.’tI artrxtx. poetx and ettllrgt'aplrerx trortr Seotland and Ireland. l‘eatttr'ed .tt‘tI\t\ rneltrde .lohn three. erI .\l.relean. (‘altrrn (‘olxrn and Stex en ('arnplrell and the e\hthttron at (it ).\l.\ r\ tlte Slitl'l 01 .t tll.t|r\t' lrtllt til the .tt't\\ot'k

hetore tt tx t'rnall} bound together rnto one

L'tllllph'lc hook

David Sherry " -' ~ e

lftikhar Dadi and Elizabeth Dadi T""t‘\rt' " :' INNS. t 'r-

ltd I.r".r‘~'.‘»'--l " l ' .rw

(r ‘rv. 11 :' 11":1" V] {.33 yr ' '1}: ‘:' r 1'

ttl' : »- r' r t wt :r r H r t ltra " tl' v- 'r ~ r).'trr’. [t ' (run) .. >1

Kenny Hunter/Jam s Rielly wtrm'm u".».'.‘ at lrlt rt Hrrie featurztt’; It t"r"‘t,-¢-r at -';f.‘)’.tttt; frtiillttftl'tr‘rl‘, Kenn. ll-..r“.r:r .'.t*rv tr have ltttt't‘ lt'.'.’llli“"'t tr m‘T-‘r ft".'. (“VI(/(l'lithilirllH'él 1"lil‘.’ '1'!“ prantrrr; and .r "rr.l't',l/)llr ,r-‘

<lrstttr'trtrtg r nit-r tor‘ 'rl ll’ltllrltlJ: ‘.'.'£ttt?t(it)|r>ttt‘;l),tlét"t:‘,l-1Ir:'|,:" Iltirttltllt’l'tflfl“.'.lr-t1ll‘:/trl’rt‘: ehrltlhoort lam r? lr’rw: (la/'13 [o’IItIM'g/t. :rrrfrr‘ f; r.’ . ’J' far

Gordon Mafia-Clark: The Space Between r/ou'll r‘r-zer look at a lrrrrlrtrng :r‘ the same .'.'a, agarttafte' strerng ttr-‘,tr,~t'1;rrk:rtr|t: r;oiler:trr,h of photography: and trlr" works l)’,’ the legenrlar /, /\l'l‘:t|’,[t-’l artrst ()orrton Matta (Llark heat knowr‘ for hrs [WK/:88 of ‘r.;rttrng'

(Létl‘.’!ttfl huge setfron‘. fr/rr' lltllltlll‘rtlf; (Kg/t. ()ra‘.go.'.. rr’f'v' S‘or, 777‘ r'./r'ar.

Peter Lynch fir llrlil'l‘,‘ att’t T)ttt'lt;tttt)t:f; rrchl, textured r'trrrttnal parntrng‘; If/ (illt‘;’j’)‘.'.’ fiahool of /\'t graduate l’ete' l 3",." “.'/r,-I;

rt. leg/mo; (jr'r/ler ,.

.‘Jortlt a .t

[rt/.Hhtrflj". .r'tr'rr trrr; « Ill Communication Ar. rntrrgurng "ll‘d‘ t'rasl‘ of thorrgltf

provokrng *.'./ork<; l); rnter'natronait, renowneo artrsts .‘.’ll() explore eontrnunr’Lattons r'terlta rn therr work. [)urro‘ee (,‘r,ntenrpoh'rr', Alfie. [)t/nr/ee. ant/l Sun 23’ Mar.

James Norton: Distant Wait l rrntron Gallery's rnaugtrrat exhrhrtron teatureu a collectron of parntrngs t), .Jarnes Norton .‘Jlll(,n explores the retatronshrp between the rnrlryrrtual and the landscape. find/on (3a/lery. Ed/nburgh, untr/ Sat 99 Mar.


.7 ' Cetr' 7: Mar 2993 THE LIST 79