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ng oht

They’re seasonal, ecological and damn tasty, too. We put ORGANIC VEGETABLE BOXES to the test. Words: Barry Shelby

ating produce that is I'l season and grown locally makes sense, A clutch of local companies will provide you with fresh organic fruit and veg dehuered to the doorstep. usualh on one specific day. Liivironn‘eiital“, it 'r‘akes sense to reduce our reliance on imports from overseas. Siiii'larlg.. one vehicle that nips about delixering goods Is iiioie ecologicallg, sound than all of us hopping into the car. More<>~-.'er. think the

stuff we sampled simva tastes better. But i‘eriternber a couple of

things. Refrigeration or cool. dark storage are essential as these goods aren't goosed wrth presenatives. And because the; "e not factory farmed. don't expect ever‘, 'l(}.'l‘. to be pl‘iotogenic You're meant to eat it. after all. not put it on d splav.


The deal A choice of box schemes from S“.() to 570.

What we got We opted for the small \.'egetable box iS‘ltl, that included three tomatoes. two leeks. three onions, eight carrots. one cauliflower and a bit more reasonable given the time of vear', A weekly delivery could easily sate one or two per‘sor‘s.

the tomatoes, particularly. shone in coi‘iparison to what we geneialh, find in a place such as lesco,

What we made Plenty. Vegetable soups, che )s‘, cauliflo‘.‘.ier. rosti potatoes. pasta sauce. etc.

Verdict 000

Contact Bellf'ield Organic Nursery. Strath'niglo. l‘ll(‘, 0133/ 8(1) fty‘i


The deal Online ordering. fruit and veg. from $9.50 to Hi). What we got Loads of fruit and veg. A sack each of apples. oranges and satsumas. One bag of mushrooms and another of carrots. two leeks. bulb fennel. a dozen tatties. six onions. three tomatoes and some greens. We were well Impressed. particularly wrth their iiiiCiness and texture This lot could feed a small family for the better part of a week. This batch. of goodness should make any cynic rethink box schemes.

What we made Leek and potato soup. a roast potato and fennel salad. an exceptional apple. carrot and orange tuice. as well as a leek. mushroom. potato and gruveie tart. And there's more left over.

Verdict on.

Contact Stair Organic Growers. Tarbolton. Avishiie. (hi/‘5)? 5-11 369 or wvnv.organicgrowmg.com

DAMHEAD ORGANIC FOODS The deal Seasonal goods. aliiiosf al-.'.'a\,/s growl locall, ()rder :3ar‘ be taken b. ll'lf)'l(: ')f online l)'l(‘(}f} \ar‘,’ frcrn Sh to 3‘1? What we got the large inixed box contained oni- iriarigil l'i. two heads o‘ f;rr>ci;iili_ ltlLl' apples. one f3flllilf§ll. t.‘

.’(; (tllllt'lllllltf‘S .e'gh'. potatoes. tou' pears, two leeks, a bag it? spinach as we" as a host of more seasonal stuff such as '(lfi'. neg arirl a'lii.ir‘s. A virtual tc" of produce. all nicer bagged iii caper sacks printed with the motto: ‘f ood vol; can trust' ()ui belief .‘ras (i(?li£tl'll\,' not betrayed. l.“’.’hile leaving the calalflesr- iiut ii‘ the fridge didn't : o the florets any favours. their ‘la'.':iii.' ll"(lll'll".‘5§ll(?(l. Unl ESE; a household cooked every 'iig’t. ‘li'f; lot may actually be too much.

What we made lwo huge pans of roasted potatoes, (l'll',"i".. parsnips. aubergiiies. coa'gettes. garlic a side dish for lei; people. l’liis scrzimpfious roast sguash and a stir frj, of more aubergine. onions etc with broccoli iver‘,’ crunchy and sl'xeeti \"Je're still slave-ring over some fruit which ripened iiii.-:.- and slowly.

Verdict I...

Contact l)amhead()rganic foods. l dinburgh. filit‘: A1-1?51)(,":!l or ‘-.‘.".‘.".'.’.(lilfllll(?£l(l.(l().tlk


The deal Delivers '\.i'egefable or fruit only boxes as well as mixed batches that cost between 'z‘ttiill to S‘ft%.:':u.

What we got A mid size ‘.'.rooden crate chock full of no fewer than Itt) items. the less exciting stuff inclzided one cabbage, a cauliflower and two wee gem lettuces. lhe pack also offered a bag of cherry tomatoes. five apples, two beetroots. as well as some staples. lhe local produce was very lll‘l)f‘.:f3f$l‘.(:, the choir, tomatoes and carrots iwith soil still clinging to their really couldn't have been sweeter. But the (Brow Wild box Included a range of fruit that couldn't be considered seasonal or local organic bananas from Central America. four kiwi fruit and three oranges We couldn't decide if we appreciated the (ltveisity or felt it ‘was bending the rules a bit.

What we made A lover beet'oot risotto as well as cauliflo'.'/er and lemon soup. The fruit went into some delicious smoothies and “MRS


Contact Grow \‘J'l'f. E d‘ttba'gh, 373‘ 4-13 Thfi’

Side dishes

An extra helping of news

I ll looKS At; It

llll/lllt‘lll\ restaurant in l eith is ll|§§l(}f\ Although the owners HX‘eritlv hired a new chef from ()ordon Hamsav's team at Allldlylllt‘». recast the venture as a fine dining t-stabltshineiit {dropping 'brasserie' from the title) and made a concerted l’ft push. if would seerii these efforts representtxt a final throw of the dice

I ACROSS TOWN IN Dalry Road, a chef formerly at Glasgow‘s Air Organic is now cooking for a new restaurant! bistro called First Coast. Food ranges from a duck and glass-noodle salad to lamb and mussel pie and grilled sea bass with pickled fennel to lemon couscous salad.

I IN ()l ASGOW, llll

Social is the (El group's new venture, l ocated on Royal l-‘xchange Place. it offers breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as holding a late licence for drinks and dance until 3am. lhe evening menu has dishes such as pan fried cannelloni_ balsariiic iriarinated breast of chicken and char grilled cheeseburger.

I OF COURSE, FOR THE full low-down on all of the restaurants and bars, bistro and brasseries, cafes and coffee houses. you must buy the next edition of The List which will include our annual Eating 8 Drinking Guide to Edinburgh and Glasgow. In addition to the usual goodies, this edition will be the first to formally honour particularly notable establishments in each city. See News, page 4, for more details.

' m - THE LIST 113