


GLASGOW (continued)

V I saw you stunning red head in Nero on ['nion St on April lst. browtt top blue stripe-s. talkin to a "Wild. MC. grey top white stripes sitting opposite. [7 nearly didn't close the door??? Ilope u are in there again? [.7465/94

V I saw you l-orhitlden l’lanel 1(ilasgow l. I' -light brown hair 6'; cheeky grin ((‘raig'.’i. Me - Black spikey' hair 6i; piercings. [' chattetl abottt X men. l‘aney some x-rated tttan on man action that's as colottrful as the comics'.’ <w ink> (iet in touch! [7465/95

V I saw you 02/02/03) in Bamboo. looking all fine in your tight jeans. I beliey e your name is ()ckers and you go abottt with your hood down. I would like to roll in Batnboo with you. If you fancy being tny Tar/an giy'e tne a yell (and bring your animal friends? ). [.7465/96 V I saw you Ruth. under a doorway making a call on your mobileApriI Isl/around I3.30ish/St Vincent St. You were hot 2 years ago iti I’ula- Your even hotter now. (iet in tottch x [7465/97

V I saw you looking foxy at the ()deon cinetna at the quay. You were hot duty tnanager with the light blue skirt on. (‘ontact me? [7465/98

V I saw you B-airways flight Monday afternoon. Barcelona to Glasgow. very beautiful dark sultry Asian girl. Denim jacket. short skirt black boots. Been to friends Val‘s 40th. 1 was sitting opposite aisle dark curly hair. Love to meet up with you for a drink or a chat. [7465/99

V I saw you "the 2 moms" in Kinglake. .‘\tistrttlitt.'lakiti' care of us and keepin' it real. -a tsunami of gratitude d; a belated Mothers Day Holler! Love "The Kid/" xx [7465/l00

V I saw you Lee: coy'ered itt blue and laughing yer head offI -Then I didnt.Where the hell are you‘.’ Love Yottr (’any'ass Maker..\' ['/465/l0|

V I saw you in Mas. dancing like an idiot then fallittg on your arse. You make tne laugh so tnuch - Thanks? PS 'lhat l'tsh supper was pure stinkinI You still wearin that cheese'.’ [7465/l02 V I saw you Monday night in Nice'n'Sleazy's - sat at a table next to you at beginning of March. it was my first time there. ('aught your eye a few times since then - earn and talk to me! L7465/103

V I saw you Dr Patriek t?) with smouldering eyes in the Stand Glasgow 7th March. Did our eyes meet at the bar‘.’ Me guy with denitn shirt. (iet in touch sexy! L7465/32

V I saw you Sahrewatch (ittard (II Samsbury 's Sauchtehall Street. tortnerly (iarage steward with ama/tng ('hinese tattoos. ()ne tttght with you. that's all I ask. l’lease \x. [7465/33

V I saw you beatttiftil brown- eyed sttit lid-(ilas train Mon 34/3/03. You w ere "intrigued". You had meeting. Twice. Let's tneet. Discreet. .\'o strings. Knees and thighs. I was bold. How about you'.’ (ienttine. Reply‘.’7 [7465/34

V I saw you (‘arla ex-

cry ptologist. tn Doctor Nick's still life 13/03/03. Be itt touchl'.’ [7465/35

VI saw you \ icious femtnes in

pink hair. ur candy ass. ttr Judas priest bracelet. ur snarlY. ller hand in her hand the end? [7465/36

V I saw you all wishing that you‘d been stumped? ['r time

w ill come-or maybe it has and it didn't notice... [7465/37

V I saw you Mrs Whiskers. looking real hot tlow n the Barfly post Decapitated. you'll always be my .\'o I puss x. [7465/38 V I saw you late at the Arches. for god sake man. you've pure dumped. by the way. T. [7465/39

V I saw you Jet Li wannabe. Yott spinning with a bonner about ("I'I‘U the film is pants. (irow up you loser. [7465/40 V I saw you in ['rban ()utfttters- u big blue eyes & black bag. Me Mariah Carey lookalike. You've hijacked my heart? [7465/4l

V I saw you anyone or anything. Me not fussy. Looking for my eye (I'm Adam Li. l like swords? [7465/43

V I saw you (iroucho St Judes 22 March |0.30pm. You cropped hair & (ioatee. Very cute with yer tnate. Me beige jkt & shirt. Me with girl-friend cropped hair - You looked at tne - tne at you. Lets haye coffee. [7465/43

V I saw you Simon (‘. looking good in Glasgow. you have to come tip more often. The Irish one. Big smackers. [7465/44

V I saw you Kelda with your mini ()sama. llay-en't seen you for a while so get your ass through to (ilasgow. loy‘e J + T [7465/45

V I saw you We. eating cheese on top of young Andy's bellyl What a lad you are? [7465/46

V I saw you on the peace march. a fox on a horse. stop winking at me. copper? [7465/47

V I saw you 1)] (ierry. leasing the crowds. Btts pttb crawl oned tt. Bttt l one yott more xxx. [7465/48

V I saw you sery ing tne tn the Iron Horse. yott haye tny ntttnber. ('all. [7465/49

V I saw you beautiful ()lty ta. you are the "girl of all things great" loy e you. [7465/5Il

VI saw you boy behind the bar in Arches cafe bar. Spikey tkuk hair. You're all tight yott tue. ['/465/5I V I saw you Judith. you were pissed. Ha ha ha. We loye you. Right in the Archesll [7465/52 V I saw you goat boy. You hairy mother of god. ring my bell. (inarrtnll ooh. [7465/53 V I saw you Annie fanny lesbianny. canny get a manny cos she's got a granny fanny. l.o\ clyI J + A. [7465/54

V I saw you managing lisca in a hugely sexy manner. l‘ancy ago on the roundalxnit'.’ I'll btty you a hall of string! l.o\'e Jen. [7465/55 V I saw you I don't know your name. People called you Kenny on Wednesday night with the rugby club at the Shack you were hot!!! [7465/56

V I saw you Stey-en physics boy. take tne to the stars + back o' bttt don't take that anger out on me? [7465/57

V I saw you Jim. I saw you on the front of Barfly listings - your gorgeous negatives r so sexy? [7465/58

V I saw you "Wallace" in Barfly you were an alpha tnale. Show me your willy sometime! [7465/59

VI saw you blue jacket stripy' shoulders. Stnile. sense of humour. What tnore can a chick want? Barfly - you know y'ouI [7465/60 VI saw you Debbie piggy ales. Bright smile (0‘ Raar. [.7465/61

V I saw you your name was Kirsty‘. you were small and sexy. I was big and sexy. You were in second year doing pharmacology at Strath. I can't stop thinking of you. [7465/62 V I saw you enjoying massive baps. l.o\e Jew ensifer. [7465/53 V I saw you you didn't .see me. Prepare for a whirlwind of reyenge or giy‘e tne what I seek. Please. [7465/64

VI saw you receding hairline. tightftst. small pockets. scullle shoes. llyering for Btutly Friday. Want me to buy you a drink? [7465/65

V I saw you at [‘ni gym - u tall. dark. handsome tnedical student. Me. stunning future Prime Minister. Was that a probe or were u just pleased to see me'.’ [7465/66

You must supply your full name and address with your advert.

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24 Apr—8 May 2003 THE LIST 123