Film Index

Cradle 2 the Grave iii 0..

I \ridr/ci llaitkouiakl $.31llliil).\l.\.Jct l1. loin '\llltiltl llllrnrri Rap xtar l).\l.\ [‘l.|}\lllt'::.lll}1\lt'l urth .1 heart. lon) l'.tll. “ho xtt'alx xornc pm roux black diariiondx l art 1x tint-\pu'lt'dl} caught up 111 .1 \1 .11 hcluccn S11. .1 laiuarit'xc lntclligcrit'c ()lliu'i iiiiaitial artx chaiin Jcl [.11 and an llllL'llldllUlldl (lllllllldl. \\l111 both “.1111 thc xtoncx l‘roin licil'. rt'x all laxt~paccd light xtcncx. .1 couplc ol good car and hikc chaxcx .1x \wll ax tho occaxional lir'okcn horn" and hlood} lip. \lcannlnlc. thc pairing ol dincr Ionnn) and 11 My ho} Archit- lx\llit\ltll proudc lllL' huinoui‘ 111 thrx light hearted. hut appropriate!) action pacla-d ltlttl (til R1 III/1 11 \II: 1']. (r/11\g1111.'.\li'i ('1 III“! 1. [din/Hugh.

Cutting Edge Short Film Competition 1 IM 1\ar‘ioux. 2M)! 1 .\liri thy. lcn xhoi't horror liliiix lr‘orn around thc noild xhout'axin; t'iiit'iging gcnr'c talcnt. l‘l/lll/IUIIH. Int/IIr/iruu/i

Days of Glory tu'r‘t llk'l 1|.11clnno \1xcont1. lt.1l_\. 10-151 7(1111111. Hocurncniar'} inadc 111 I‘M-l h} .1 group ol Iclt “111:; lilriiniakcrx “ho ru‘oi‘dcd thc xiillt'iing: tlltthl thc \a/i occupation. lllk' xccncx ol tlic ll' and hrit'hing.‘ ol l.l\k'l\l collaboraton arc xhot h} \‘rxt'oiiti,

I rlnilrorm l'.(llll/’1H uh.

Death in Venice 1 I51 .00 Il11t'hino\1xcont1.Ital). W"! t Dirk Hogardc. Biorn,-\111lr'cxxcn. Sihano \langano. l2.\'11nn. .'\:_‘L'|ll:_' cclchr‘atcd L't'llll‘tHL'l \‘on :\11xccnhacl1 tthc capahlc. xlrghtl} llll\\'.l\l Hog.11\lc1coiric'x tchnicc 111 thc nndxt ol .1 crcatiw L'l'l\|\ and hcconit‘x inlatuatcd \11th .1 hcantilul l’olixh ho} \\ ho t-nihodicx thc kind ol Pl]_\\lL'.tl and xprr‘itual puiit} lit-'x hccn ltittklll}: tor 111 hix “ork. llighl) decoratiw attempt at thc untilinahlc. though llit‘ uxc ot .\lah|c1"x l’lllll aniphon)

-‘ '.\‘ll':\,4l\11., ‘1‘ .L. l1

mth llS Associate Orchestra 1 J 1 1

29-31 May

T1ckets£6 - 5220

Box Office 01111 332 9000

30 THE LIST »'«:"~:41'.".‘:.

Britain's flagship contemporary dance company storms into Glasgow with a spectacular mixed programme of work by some of the world's finest choreographers.

Ed Norton contemplates weighty issues in 25th Hour

ix highl) allu'liiig. film/14111113 lat/rii/iuru/r. Die Hard 1 IN) C... tlohn \lc'licrnan. [8. W851 Brun-\\'ill1x..-\|.111 Rickinan. lloninc Bcdcha. lilrnin. \\'i||1xpl.1_\x a cop \\ ho .1ttcndx .1 to“ cr‘ Mock part) \\ 1th hrx l'xtrangcd xpouxu The building 1x raidcd h} lL'ttUl'lxlx. xtill'x lL'll l1i\\'IllI\l11l\utlip iill lllC l‘adtltc‘x .illtl \aH‘ lliL' litixldfit‘x \\ lillt' llit' police and l-BI langurxh lllcpll) on thc xidclrncx. l‘nlwar'ahl) tcnxc actioncr that gctx good iiiilcagc out ol 11111111113: lilt»xh.1ttx and thin; hullctx. \\lillL‘ \Villix 1x

com incing .1x an ordinar‘} 3:11) It) 1113: to l'opc \xrth it all. Watch out 1111' Brit Rickrnan ax a \ 1||arn u rtli a xcnxc ol hnrnonr'. (Mum .le lllr' (jinn. (i/uwun.

Dirty Pretty Things 1 lSi 0.. tStcphcn l'r'car‘x. l’K. 2111121211111011111111. In thrx grill) talc ol l.ondon'x1|lcgal iininrgr'antx Nigci‘ian ()knc li‘iiolor'i and 'ltrr'kixh Scna} illiutoui make a dark

drxcox ci‘} ahoul goingx on at thc hotcl

11 inch tho} both work nightx: thc xalc ot hurnan organx. 'l'hc Icadx arc good. particularl) liiioloi‘. 11 ho clicitx r‘cal x}1npath} ax thc 11.11”) Nigerian. .vlnu'lu- xtar 'l'antou alxo llllpl’L‘\\L'\ 111 licr' xpcakrng part. \t‘lt'l‘dll tllfL‘L‘lUl' l'i‘cal'x hilt)“ x him to gct good pcrloi'nianu'x out ol hix caxt dL-xprtc thc languagc drl'l'icultrt'x. But rt‘x .1 xharnc nonc ol thc ahm c talcntx \\ ctr: xcr‘\ cd \\ 1th a dcccnl \L'l'lpl. out not lull ol cliched draloguc and unrinagniatixc thr'rllcr' gcnrc com cntionx. ('(‘/. lat/inliru‘glr; It 'I. (in/(hunk.

Downtown 81 1181114. Bcrtoglio. l'S/Sn1tIcrland/Bclg111111. l‘).\‘l Zoom 75min. Dm‘tnncntar'} charting thc hir'th ol' ricn 11.1w liithlL‘ and art. drawing on hip hop and gi'alittr and \11th carncox lt'tiltl thc Irkcx ol Dchhic llar'r}. l).\.-\ and lhc l’laxllcx. l‘ah l"l\L' l’l'c'tld} litixlx a (‘)&r\ .illc‘i' thc xcr'ccning to drxcuxx thc lilrn and liix

The dancers of Rambert are



rclationxhip to itx ccntral (liaiat'tct. Jcan \lic‘hal‘l Baxtimal (il /. (i/iiwon. Ir/m/iurm. [aim/1111 g/i

Dreamcatcher 1 151 0.0 ll..l\\ 1cm.- Kaxdan. l S. 2””) l'hornax Janc. \lorgan lam-111.111. Jaxon l Vinnn In thrx adaptation ol Stcphcn King'x now]

“It mm 1111 llt'l. ltttll' (lllltllttttitl li'lL‘lltl\ (all rcad nnndx and xcc into thc luturc. giltx gin-n to them h) a 111)xtcrioux ho} callcd l)udditx_ ()nl} uhcn thc \ldlk' ol Manic 1x thr'catcncd h} inaliin alrcnx and .1 xill) xnh- plot ln\o|\ 111;; .1 battle ot \\Ill\ hctnccn arm) ho)x l-i'ccinan and loin Si/crnor'c do thc ho}x xurnrnon thcir‘ collcclnc p11“ cr'x and lll\\.it'l .111 cnl loicc hcnt on dextr'oyng thc lxarth. lt'x mnmlntcd King xoup. xtr‘aincd and xc1'\ cd h} xci'ccim r'rtcr \\1|li.1111 (ioldnian and dir'cctor' Kaxdan. ('ontaining xornc tr'ul} lct‘l'll) 111;: xccncx thc rnaiorit} ol 11 Inch 111\onxl1111) \xor'rn (l't‘dlttl't‘x with to“ x upon l'o\\x ol r‘a/or xhar‘p incrxorx the liltii. ho“ L‘H‘t'. ax .1 \tliolc lat'kx hilt" SL‘L‘ m it“. (it'rrrm/ r‘c'le'uu'

Ek Aur Ek Gyara 1i’(;1 Mm 111.: .-\x1.1n cincnia prcxcntation. l'( 'I. film/unfit It ‘I. ('lu/t'luml.

11’ 09’ O1 - September 11113.11 0... 1\'ar'1oux. l‘i'ancc. 2002) 135111111. [clown lilrnx h} r'criouncd riitci'natronal lilin dir'cctoi'x that cach laxt l l rninutcx. V xccondx and l ll'.tlttL' and which r'cllcct thcrr' lcclingx about the l“ in 'I‘oncrx ti'agcd}. l'i'orn l'.:_"\|3ll.tli dri'cctor Yotixxcl ('hahinc‘x \\llllll\l(.ll talxc on lion \1. c xanctil) ccr'tain tlL'ad ahoxc tilliL‘l'x lllt‘tiugli KC!) l.(l1|\.'ll‘\ docuincntai') dctarling thc cwntx or I l Scptcrnhcr' 1970 uhcn Aincr'rca hclpcd l‘L‘liitH L' thc dcriiocr‘aticall} L'lCClL'tl xtic‘talixl (‘hilcan gm cr‘nrncnt h} hankrollrng thc Pliltk‘lk‘l lL‘tl coup lo Altitix (illal'x L‘lL‘H‘t' and 1111111} (Utitlclltltttlltitl ol thc riicdia. \\ hat thrx group ol drr'cctor‘x haw to xa} 1x hoth

poucrtnland111111oxt..1xcx dixnnxxzw ot the part) 1111c (( l ("UN-.1. Eternity and a Day 1‘1 .- lhcu \ngclopoulox. (11cm; I‘MM Bruno ( lx.1t\'llcl\‘cn.1uld 1‘2111111 lxpitalh clt'mnt int-dilation upon lilc trorn thc tircsk .1lllt'ttl (1.111/ i‘la) x .1 \\lll\‘l “ho 1x picparinr to lcaw hix hit-1on3.- hornc hx ihc x.‘.1 [hxtmcring a lcttcr tiorn hix long dyad

\\ itc. ht‘ l‘t'uiriit'x ciixnarcd h} lll\llt\'ttl1‘ll\'\ ol lici Irfltil‘mm. Evelyn it u o -11111..-lt.-1.-x1.»1a_ l l\. 2”th l’icitt' Htoxnan. \1dan (31111111, Julianna \l.1i:11|1cx "‘111111 liroxnan hax

takcu llllk‘ oll lrorn xp_\ dntrcx ax pukka


lriglixh agcnt Jarncx Bond to got 111 to11.l1 “1th hix lrixh rootx \xitli tliix \t‘lllt'th diarna xct 111 I‘l‘ltx Duhlin \portin; [link xtuhl‘lc and own thit‘kcr hroguc. ht' plax x \xoiknis t laxx tathcr and xinglc l‘ah‘lll l).~x111ond Ho} lt'. \xho ix attt'rnptin; to gut hix lhit‘c \lllltllL’ll hack troin llit'oii‘li.1ti.1_‘_‘t'x the xtatt' hax taxi tlicrn into \lthough I 21.11: ix haxcd on .1 truc. groundhrcakrny loyal . .1xc, onc that pcrrnancritl) thangcd lrixh l.i\\. alinoxl cwrxthin; ahout tht‘ lilrn 1xl\l.11nt'_\ \o onc crncrjgt'x troni lhrx l.itt.i_~;o \111l1 inut'h trcdit \1 In {1.1 11 X1 11x1

Everestrt 11\.111oux. l \. 3WD» \lin ilk Iht' triit' xloi} ol .1 learn ot \llllll‘t'lx \xho \ll\\L'\\lllll} \llllll‘t'tl \lount l \crcxi |tixl tl.1}x.1llt'r lt'IIo“ iiiountainccrx and lrrt‘ndx tllt'tl lllL'lk' /l/.l\l. (i/mgm:

The Evil Dead 1 IM 0... i\.1111 Riaini. l \. l‘l.\_‘1Hruwt'arnphcll. l “C” \.1nd\xt'ixx.llclx_\ Baku .\*11nn ll\t‘ unxuxpcttiri; )oungxtt'ix hcad oll tor .1 licallli} \wckcnd111ainountairitahin.onlx to la” loul ol \xit kcd dt'rnonx \\llU\\' “holt'xalc xlaughtcr lzwi) horror tlithc 1x t'\|‘ll‘llt'1l and xuhwitcd in thrx xt)lixl1.tl1t-.1ii«1

ptllptixt' l\ “.1” ll” ll

xchlot'kci xhot'kci lll.ltlL‘ \xrth llll.i:._'lll.illttll h) an inwntiw 11111113; Icarn \cu print tor thc l)cad B} I).1\\n horror lilrn lk'\ll\.ll

I rlnrliuuu blur/1111 3/1

Far from Heaven I_‘.\. 0000 1 ll.1}rit'x. l5. 3””! Juliannc \lt‘tllk'_ l)t'nnix ()uaid. |)cnnix ll.1}xlit'rt ltlhriin In xt_\|t' and contcnt. ll.1}ril'x'li|111irrtcntionalh rcxcinhlcx thc tt'artul iiit'lodrarnax lll.|llt' h) |)ou;.'|.1x $11k 111 thc Him In thcxc lilinx. rcptitation takt'x prucdcnt c M or criiotron and lcclingx ot low.1rcuirixc1111t'ritl} xtainpcd out h} thc \llllx‘dl llittlallxlllfJ ol li'icndx and lainil) Suth ix tht' \.l\k' 111 ll.1'\ncx‘ honiagc \xhcn ('ath} 1\111.11t'1.1ii1l l'iank (Quardi lind thcrnxclwx lk‘lllplt'tl h} lor'hrddcn 111111 111 lllt'll [Mlllxllldl (iaidcn ol lzdcn ll.1}rit'xtixt'xtl1t' xt'cruinj.‘ lllllllk k'llkk' ol thc <Ux to uplort' .1 lttplxull} lL'\Ull.ttll tlit'rnc ol hon pcoplc arc l\'\ll|\'lC\l h} x1-\1xt and l'.t(l\l liigotr) 111 .1 \ liiiiatt' ol cornplat'cnt xtahrlii} :\ lilrn ol git-at dcpth and ll'deL'tl}. ('umui. la/lll/HIIL'II

The Final Flight of the Osiris 1 l< llk't C... t:\11d_\ Joncx. l S. loot» ()inin l’cihapx .1 inort' L‘\c'|llll:..' pioxput ix thix xhor't lilni pla}1ng in x11pport 11!

I)“ mm 1111 Iri'r l/n l'llltl/ lily/1111! {/11 ()\1I‘I\ 1x onc ot lllL' lllllL‘ llurrri-rclatcd aniriiatcd lilnix c'ttlllllll\\lttllt‘tl h) thc original lilin'x \\.l(lltl\\\l\l hiothcrx to l‘L' r'clcaxcd ax .1 packagt' on DVD 111 Junc.


Photograph: Anthony Crrckmay