i‘nnEvEnsnaLE (1 8) 97min


Scottish. Sun 25 May. 9pm 0000


BBC2. Sun 25 May 81 Jun. 10pm 000.0

The inhumanity of Irreversible

After his debut feature. Seul Contre Tous, Gaspar Noe became the new enfant terrible of French cinema. How ironic then that his second feature begins to show his intellectual limitations. In this tale of a rape avenged. told backwards, Noe clearly believes he's adopting a more developed view from the first person bigotry of his debut. But there was a complexity

to that film in that Noe infiltrated the head of his protagonist. Irreversible : ' 2 z : -.' merely offers a morality tale in reverse as opposed to the ethical enquiry. . And yet Noe remains a major new voice in cinema as he racks up the ' v -- 2

soundtrack to nausea-inducing levels. graphically illustrates what a fire-

extinguisher can do to a human being's skull and generally demonstrates

a feel for culture‘s underbelly. Alongside Bruno (L’Humanité) Dumont and .

Philippe (Sombre) Grandrieux. Noe IS at the very cutting edge of " z ' . . .

transgressive French cinema. but maybe he needs a screenwriter to i r 2 i ' ' ' ~ :

develop ideas to match his virtuoso technique. -- : " : . : v- .v Andre Gide once said: ‘Never present ideas except in terms of . .' : '

temperaments and characters.’ By reversing the story, Noe sacrifices : - - . .. .

both to an idea that seems little more developed than ‘rape is wrong, but '_ '. . ' :

revenge is no kind of answer‘. It‘s only in individual moments that Noe : : :. :' .

renders character and temperament - in boyfriend Vincent Cassel's y'. ~ -‘ " : w ,

impetuosity at a night-club, in girlfriend Monica Bellucci's horrific rape in :-~ .: ' :' -. ' " .‘ ' a

an underpass - but not through a cumulative effect. (Tony McKibbin) ::

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8802. Mon 26 May,

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A. L N MY KINGDOM (18) 112min

\HS 2‘ r. '.

000 [)\\v n (:M‘ \7w E5» 1 :<i'\'\k '\ 1 kit I ' ‘0 ‘0 ‘g i ' '1 x': H : ' 3.1.. 2.): - Jack cranks up the agony in 24

THE EA’oE FOR EVEREST 8802. Tue 27 May.

9pm 0000