Not heard in action for more years than anyone cares to remember. the Usher Hall‘s monumental 1914 pipe organ has now been fully restored to its former glory. The honour of giving the inaugural recital falls to one of the best organists in the world. Gillian Weir. Playing a wide selection chosen to show off the organ at its best. Weir also gives the world premiere of Howard Blake‘s specially written Rise of the House of Usher. Next up is also not to be missed. Newly appointed city organist. John Kitchen. is soloist in Saint-Saens' spectacular Organ Symphony as part of this year‘s RSNO Proms. (Carol Main)


i l I

I’uI‘I u/ III" llml /‘.Il(/ /1‘\/llil/

I EURS, Scottish Voices and University of Glasgow Madrigals (iluxgmt l'imt'txit) (‘ont‘t'i't Hull. l'tmcixlt) \wnuc. Hll .1002. J (x illpm. l’l'ct‘. llugt'l) \.lllt'tl .mil lmcntiw pt‘ogiummc ul choral llltl\l;. lllt‘llltllllj; an culling: t‘lmnt't' to hunt tlt‘\\ I) edited Inuxit~ ltom l ‘lh antl l7th t‘t'nttit) Scotland pt'tloi’mctl It} thc litlinhuigh l'mwixlt) chaixxuncc SllljJt'h. St'oltlxh \mt‘cx I‘lk'llllk'lt' .i tit-\t “til'h h} thcn tlitt't‘tot. .\ll\ll';lll;tll t‘olnpmci (itahum llitll. and |Hlll loit'tw \tlth (ll;t\;_'0\\ l'niwtxit) .\l;ltlll_‘_‘ill\ lot :\lt‘\;|lttlt‘l’ Kmluhk) \ Ill/nut 4'! SI .lH/Ill u! (‘lzn wlum, I’m! n] [In llm! Izml Int/ml

I Opera School Showcase RS.-\\ll). lllll Rt‘llltt‘“ Sll't‘t‘l. H: 505“. “.lfipm. (51(1). St't‘ l'hu II.

I City of Glasgow Chorus and Symphony Orchestra limp Hull. l'niwt'xtt} ol (ilaxgmx. l'tmct‘xtt} .-\\cnuc. Kill 4002, 8pm. t; l 5 It; I I 5th (ii'uham lit} lot contlttt‘tx lllL‘ lllll \tmng ('|t_\ ol‘ ( ilaxgtm (‘hut'tlx and thc (ll) ol (iluxggtm Synplmn} ()it‘hcxtm lot :1 lUll\ltlf_' pt‘t‘lot‘tnant‘c ol l’tit't'imK .‘I('\\t1(/I (Mum: and l';tllt't"\ mgttmtc Rim/luv"). l-llL‘ \Ultll\l\ my all l'|\ll]:_‘ )iiun; \l;tl\ ol the lx’.\'.\.\ll) .ltunnt‘ Bong. Young; Sim .lt‘ung: .llltl .l.imt‘\ Arthur.


I RSNO Scottish Power Kids Prom - Bamboozled l‘xlm tlull. luthiun Road. 228 ll55. 1pm. 0;”

(H ("t .'\:_'t'\ 7 l3. Spccmll} t‘nnt‘cnctl Kitl'x l’t'om \\ llll l’aul Rimmunn and thc l{n_\.il St‘otttxh National ()t't‘ht'xli'a. l't‘atut'tngg pup lllllt'\ and \lll'l't‘itl l;tll'_\l;tlt'\. Including onc about it gl‘lllllp) pimcc “ho tcll Ill lm c \\ tth thtcc orangcx. and a dance h} lluntlcl that made ll to tht‘ top at the (“nth huntth ot .i putt ot |t‘;ttl\. l.ll;l\l\ ol tun lot l\ltl\ .mtl [‘illt‘lll\ .illkc. and .i

l./'.I'//": ,'.'III

’1" '.l.,1 tjtulxll‘ ’l.( 7"“ .", {/l"'l


\\lltllL‘ \\tlll\l ol inuxtt~ to tltxt'mci'

I Summer Concert ltumuglmum .'\llllL'\t'. St ()xuultl'x ll.tll. \limtpt'ht'i l’uik. 3.“) 45h} " ill ‘ll‘pm. L71 tt‘il lttltnhtiiyh (‘ont‘t'tt Hand pit-writ it \git‘it'tl piogi'ammt- tll \unimci} mum: I RSNO Scottish Power Proms - Organ Symphony t'xht-i llall. lothmn Road. 325' ll.“ ", illpm

L5 [33 l',llllll;lllllt‘l l’l.i\wn t'untlut‘tx lhc ott'ht‘xtia pt't‘tntimn}: Saint Sut-n‘x t‘\tl'.tuttltn.tl_\ ()Ig'tm .\\Ill/l/IUII\ l‘t‘t‘t‘llll} \Hlt‘tl \‘llk' Ul lllt‘ ll.tllUlll\ [up \}lll]‘llttlllt'\ III the (limit I \l ll.tll nl l'.llllt‘. 'l htmilt‘tntix p.i\\.i;.'t'\ lot organ. play-d h) lhc iitgigmllt'cnl .lulttl Kitchen. \‘otttlmtc \\ llll giantlinw ot't'ltcxti‘al t'tlct'tx Ill .1 t'ltinat'ttt' loin tlt' loit‘c unmallctl Ill muxlt‘ hNni}


I Concerts at the University (il;t\_‘_‘u\\ l'tmcixtt} (‘hapt-l. l lll\t'l\ll_\ \wnuc. “ll-HI": i lpni lit't' l‘l.’lllll \lllllldll St'tilitu. .in .it't'uinplixlictl quattct wt lt't't‘ltlt'l\. ptt‘xcnl .i pingmimnc Ht St'otttxh mtmt' hum lllk' l51h t‘t-nttn} tn lllt' picxt'nt tl;i_\ \ l.” t'i) twin tht~ tutt'nphon} ml t'lmmmm it't‘nitlt't _L'tUll|‘\. llll\ l\ .t llllk‘ t'lmnpt- to llt‘.” the tct'nttlci .tl ll\ lll|‘\l l‘t‘Jllllllll l’tlil «'1 [hi \‘(\1/,I(IJI(\IIltI'/

I Opera on a Shoestring (hum lllt‘dllL‘. "1 "5 ll}ntll.mtl Stu-cl. *i‘. llh‘. ipm {l2 {l5 Sm I ll li

I Concerts at the University - Organ Recital (il.t\;_'o\\ l'mwixtt} (‘haptl thin-tut} \wnttc. HH lll‘ll -l. :H 5, illpm l-icc. l'hc \‘lll\l.lll\llll:_' organht John llutt gum .i lt'x'lldl ut l‘;llt‘tlllk”. .‘llth t't'ntui} .llltl \‘ttlllL‘llll‘HlJU St'ttllhll inuxit' I’m! 4" Iiu Hi \I l Hm" I: \Hiu/

Edinburgh I Rudsambee Company of Singers SI (lllk'\. (-.tlllt'tll.ll. l{i\_\.tl


\ltlc. .735 “ll: hptn llt't' l'lt‘t' \llllllllt'l \nnt'cil Itom ll1l\ \wll l\'\|\'\lk'tl ‘.i tutu-Ill t'hnti \xho \lllf.‘ \Hllj.‘\ llultl .iiountl lllt' “Ulltl Ill mam |.in_:'u.tj_'c\

Monday 16


I An Evening of Art and Music St \l.it_\ \ ('.lt|it' Wt) (llt'dl “mu-tn Rum. H“ 3m: " lupin tlH Im- t'l.i\\ .llltl cuntcmpnmt) lllll\l\' Pt'lltlllllt'tl h} loyal muslt’mnx. [‘llh [xitntinyx h) loyal .tlll\l'\ I’m! of flu ll. x!

Illi/ It \Iliti/

Tuesday 1 7


I Chorus in the Kibble: Closeshave Barbershop Chorus Kll‘l‘lt‘ l).tl.l\ c. (il.t\;_'ti\\ liotantt (l.tltlt‘ll\. a ;ll ( llt‘dl \\ t‘\lt‘lll Rthttl. {ll 3-133 " l<|‘lll l)«lll.tllt‘|l .tl «liml \ t‘.it\t'll.i titlilt't tht' l‘.‘.llll\. \‘.llll .i \«ual hlcntl «it \llllllllt‘llllllt' ttmcx hum (ill\ Khan ll‘ \l.tlll.i (aw I’ll/V I! \H’. (if.

I Opera on a Shoestring («tum lhtztttt‘. ‘l‘ ‘5 ll}ntll.mtl \tit't‘t. 4*: if!“ a ;“pm Ll: Ll< \K‘k' I It I;

I Choral Concert lhllhmtl llaptht (lunch. (‘itxxxwll Sttt't't. Ul‘hll Milli-W .\pm 1* (il.i\§_'n\\ \ \\t~\t l ml (limit

lhc (ilaxguxx ltttt Likt‘ )«m on .l muxtt'al tulltllt‘} through wmt' ol tht'tt l.t\i‘lllllt' thuml .tlltl tolk \‘-t‘ll\\. mtctxpt‘ixt'tl \uth \Hlttl\l\ twin lllL' thou /’.,/.' n! {In Ht x.' I m.’ It \f/.t.'f

Wednesday 18


I RSNO Scottish Power Proms - Opera Babes in Concert Roytl ('ont‘t'i’t Hall. I Saut'hichall \ttcct. ‘3“ Mill“ " :lll‘lll ‘5 {3-135 lht' Rinal \.ztiun.ll Sputtlxh ()ltllk'\lltl launt'hcx ll\ 3”“: l’lt‘llh \k'llk'\ tintlt'i the tlitt'ttinn ut

lilf 1" {iii Ht \1'

as< ‘1 & WW 2 is: "as Music

Cappella Nova .’ 3.1"". w .th..t'r; t ’.'~ 2 1‘»: “'1” 2‘s..- .wrlttw- " rm: Im- 'tht-H‘.

.'.t‘1r l‘. t. .tt-tliwr 'lli-‘llt'\.‘.ll. “txle.nwtuylatwlull'ittttm' '.!'.'‘»~ u" "

\l .l’lll'JPt‘

ldhlllt] tlfll‘;‘llt'ii'1~‘,l M". .lt‘lw ( Litton ul"‘~'.'*‘. 7 \r .'.l‘.lle~ at» «at: ll(‘

M'lt;t-'tt.i.xw.nll ‘fllt" lilt'hlht‘d

{V’Vlltllltll‘_ illi: wow-if t‘XllltNt'TS thi’ Hattlml w'l'l aim “in” mm wart longtitlt; ll. (M) .‘J.' lilo/'3. Ir.‘,"‘."1/.'(."‘, / vi Jo", .‘Jf all/H: ,‘<"..‘.. [l/‘rh‘efl .311." IJJM’, .‘lf

/\,'l1,','r}‘,', ,’ f'J‘tfl" ll”).

Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet Mount; from (t ‘;l)lllltl season fm'ittirtrlt; ruww- of tlu.x \.'.'orl(l’:; int ()l(‘ll¢r‘;ll(l‘;, tho llf;llt:t l lall'iz lint-villain mal ( ll: fl‘lltiT) 3mm“. chant/1w; (mum,- fot lllt,‘ f3ll"‘ll‘-t:.’. l m: of thr- llllftfil ‘.‘.’|ll(l playwr; lll tlv- '.'.""ll(l gm: thi- lllf§l :>l tlv-w ‘;"T;tll‘:t aualm (,(}tl(;(fllfi. lowl- 'Jlll it“) llllf; 'Yl’)lllll for fi‘:l‘rl;tll. [)léllHSl, Yotit, f‘ltllfflllmll. (/.‘;.‘.‘4 Hall. I (1/! ’lH/Hfl), /I/ (5 A: 3.24%." 5' ' ./1 H:

RSNO Proms - Spanish Night Said.- the atifzw: awl (:lljt)‘/ tlv: utiltr‘, “.Hllll’lf; of Spam at ll’)".“r. All of tin: l)l()lll‘; ':orlt:(:ttf, an: to in: "'(,()?Y""‘:ll(l(:’l for the HfSNt )"g tzxt,‘:tltloti:tll,v lwtl‘. (itiallt, l)‘:"i’)t"‘.€tll(.‘: of poplilat «laughs. lllll tlita Antitr'autltlg oinlluxtral Colours of tln“, ()llt: “11W: I‘. )éilll’lllitll, attrautwn. {/.‘;’W/ Han / fill/filn’lft’flh NH; 7}) Jo"; (Ef.'1xgm'.'. li’wt’xt/ (Jo/molt / /.’1//. /Iv,”1./!//‘t

(Kill l);t\ It'\. u. llll wptuno Rt'hu't'a Kllllell .intl lllt'l/tl wpi'utio K.llL‘ll l'.ll}_'l.ill\l [it'llttlllllltL‘ L'lil\\lk'\ limit UPL‘lit. opciclla and lllL' iiiitxtmlx.

Thursday 19


I RSNO Scottish Power Proms - Ballet Night l{ti};tl ('ont'ct't Hall. 2 Sauchtchall Strut-t. ‘5‘ Shot). ". illpm {5 £34.25. Sturx ol lllL' l$(\l\llill |Hlll lllL' Rtt};ll ~National Scottixh ()tphmtm contluglctl h} l’uul Mann lHl cxcct‘ptx trout thc hcxt-lmcd l‘itllL'lN lllL'llltllllfJ 'lt'hailwx \k} \ 8mm Ix/Lr and Slew/Hug It'mmh. and l’l'tllxtllltW .\ Rum”) (IIH/ .lll/lt”.