degree shows 2003 _— FORBES MAVROSZ'lf‘f'SeW DEGREE SHOWS

Degree show : - w 'I I I ~ ' " z. =_: 2' ' You can see the work of our featUred graduates a‘. the ‘o'lcw‘cg feces:


Edinburgh College of Art -9: 8‘17" 39:9. 3:: "an; 42‘ '33:: Sai 1—19 24 M." ‘rr'I:"—"i :I —S." YEW—53'“ '1 Glasgow School of Art "37 :e""e:. S‘Iee‘. S if'é‘ 5-33 Sa‘. 2‘— - '-’ " ' ’1 " = " ~' 88' op". 83' 8.," Vw—"x Cam—91:": 3' ‘Ca"‘—7e"‘. . «a " -I ' r:' " ' n: See/1'7 5"215 7'“) 3,3705 3"».‘35 3‘ a '9'“: :2 12-.‘3'9‘3 s "37.3 ;' " ' : : I: V r

Influences ii .:I ' '


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KATE JO ~ Fine art photography Degree show a :2“<:'I_3"‘ ‘Iw. «w-‘-- 'I .- I .

Influences 'I}. .:.: ma. ., ., ,, Case's/x S1."‘<>I_: I;’/-’.‘.' AI‘I‘w. r“ 8f. .154, 74 '3

LAURA DREVER- Drawing and painting

Degree show l aura (males; largo-:un-e a"::'scar:e :Da'I‘f r‘ggts (“£16.11fl'()llllll(3lll()l‘, ()l' [)|£l(1(?f; m O'NKéy. "‘3' Dace C‘ l) 'f". Ls; "g; £1l)£t|tfl[t3()f[)£l|(§. f3lll)I|(:(i()l()ul:3{UK}‘II‘Q"‘a"<S. f"e‘.‘.'()"\:; (taplum Ilu: changing; lugnt (>1 1m;- aI'Ua. S"£3 a'sc the PSA palmmg; pum- tlns; war.

Influences Hm nng and landscape 0‘ O'kI‘ey,

[f()'//).’)ll"(j/F (IO/logo of Art: Mam Bur/(Mg.

LUKE WATSON - Fine art photography BEINN WATSON - Printmaking

Degree show I m mi) final SHOW. 1 am; was; f<3<tuf;(:<l - Degree show -’.’.,v\ "1,: .': , 'E:{,"éi"’.2"(l a“I‘ I I I I Sow "at,

:m llu: ,znnn‘uulnl‘. am yul>ll<t fauna. lamrlg; l)I(IIlH(?f} ml _, a, , ., , .. _. “H. .J_,

.nllmmlual wahguzut; I<:a:l<:vt; In E :lullmrgfl‘ ar‘.<1(‘xlat;g<>\.'x. (2;. ’. a <;a:,:;,.<.'_, 5,52' 'i: <,-'(:I"(,()b Ir‘. Surxr‘fmrr; "a: lmmxl Int; .almzra (/r‘ tux {iLnIl‘.()l'II, 'afé: V<;I_:(r:"":) 'I;:, 'I::\‘:: "‘9 f‘éltlurt; lrlvlutler‘ujl Huh- aural. 5mm consign)”: I)? "isfa a‘ 1;" I ""“_:E‘ ' ("‘3 " .','it"'_:‘.:II letmrgr: arm l mummy, Pwnm law's; (Jamar: {ilf‘yi "mgs "w,- I,;}I, 325' '. 5: I. :1, .rlltlmlut; lawman arm mmmm‘u {ml/toq'apr‘r, Vafgm a"<: "‘4; '52"; Tia 4;", 7.4.,-

Future Plans Horus to M l (AIL/lull ;,<»I‘;'a".~.'l: a't: (12"5 a' y we,“ (1:11, ,. .a I. w) I, _, I J'I‘.’>‘;IK;I‘ (me; MAI." '. 7431“ Han: Ix}, "r\ ',"a°':, " (; a" \I at) 83.. :x’un (Ln/rt {racemes a ‘95'y I; I,I:

Gasgofl SI, ()2 I, /4 , g I I ~' I‘ 8 (up I Arm I .0; A . I}.


- Visual communication

Degree show The .mricr 0‘ ewe"! affairs; and news; sterles S We lHSDIHiIlOH for Noll's 085 9“ Weeds. Creatmg; tum-<1.n‘er‘SIO"afl a" mates arm mloradnxe works. he “as responder: and corr‘rr‘er‘ted O" the ‘.'.ar mm Iraq frOH‘ the Dado so to the 5

actual .-.aran<1‘ Ineaftermat". C b t '[ Futures Plans He plans to set so a c (tomparw, passer} m Glasgor.’ new "9

In the (t(>n‘.n‘-urm:alro" aI‘O 093 g" ‘ec.

Gasgaw Scr‘ca O’Arfx 50;. 'S

8; ‘0 "f.

5—19 Jun": OCT: THE LIST 87