l.o\\rrv .\lorrr\orr. \lalcolrn ltuttx. l'rant'rx lloag arul ( irllrarn .\lyl)onalrl ’tE Sl l( )V‘.’


l ('lcwrlcn (larrlcnx. .l M 3-1” .\lon I'r'r noon (rprn; Sat noon -lprn.

Jo Canter: Still Lives, Cardinal Glimpses Sat l-l Sun 3‘) Jun. l‘rrxt \hou n at thc 'l'alhol Rru' (ialh'r'). ru‘cnt printx h} (ilaxgtm haxul ttl'llxl Jo ( iantcr. I’rrrl of l/Ir' ll'ml lzrrrl /('\lllrl/.


IX Krng Str’cct. 553 35.1“. .\lon Sal llarn 5pm.

Gasbag Sat 7 Sat 3| Jun. l)ctarlcrl pcn rlt'a“ ingx h) l‘rona Rohcl'txon tlvprr‘trng a lloxch hlu' lantaxtrt'al \\or'ltl. Nl \'.’

St l()\".’


3er Bath Strch .HI (r733. 't‘uc Sat

0am (rprn.

Hanami: Flower Viewing in Japan l'ntrl \Vul ll Jun. l’arnlrngx and ink tlt'a\\tttg\ h) Katc licaugrc rnsprrcrl h) hcr‘ trawlx through liuropc. Ruxxra. Mongolia. ('hrna and Japan rn \r'art‘h ot thc lt'\ll\;tl ‘hanarnr'.

THE LIGHTHOUSE ll \lttt‘ltt‘ll l,;lltt‘. 33l 0303. Mon.

\Vul Sat lthlaru 5pm; 'l'uc llarn 5pm;

Sun noon 5prn. U rh'tlpr.

Dream Stadiums l'ntrl Sun I Jun. \cu rnuha cornpan) Junction l8 prcxcnt a JD archrtccturc \wh \rtc mplorrng tho :tl‘t‘ltllt‘t‘lut‘t‘ ol liootlmll \t;rrlltttlt\. art'hrtcctural tlr‘xrgn prou'xxcx and rnt'orrnatron on r'cgcncr'alron.

56 North l'nlrl Sun S Jun r.-\lco\c lmcl 4). Furniture and lighting tr'oru young contcrnporar} litlrnhur'gh hawtl dwign cornpan}. 5o North. Common-Place l‘nul \Vk'ti I I Jrrrr. .\ look at ho“ hurlrlrngx arc (onu'oml arul rlm clopctl locuxrng on nrnc Scottuh prorcctx rnt‘lurlrng lirlrnhurgh'x Danu- Raw and a \hcltcr on 'l‘rrcc.

Timorous Beasties l'nrrl Sun 22 Jun (Rmrcn (iallcr) lmcl It. Rcccnt uork h} thc (Elaxgoxx J‘iht'tl dcxrgn cornpan} \\ ho \pccralrsc rn pt‘rnlcd tahricx. “allpapcrx and rntcr'rorx. Designers Briefs l‘ntrl Sun (r Jul. .'\n mhrhrtron \hoxwaxrng pr'orcctx unrlcrtakcn h} t'rnal _\car graphic \tudcntx at (ila\go\\ ('ollcgc ot’ Building and l’t‘llttlng. produccd rn t‘cxponw to ltl'lt‘lx \L'l h} lcatlrng arlwrtrxrng and rlvxrgn companrm.

LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. \lrlrrgrnrc. 578 88-17. 'l‘uc Sat lllam lprn & 3 5pm.

Milngavie Art Club l'ntrl Hi 37 Jun.

Annual mhihrtron \hoxwaxrng nc“ “or'k h) local mm including larulxcapm. portrarturc and m” rrrc.

Mexican Woman and Peasant by Josef Herman

on show at Cyril Gerber Fine Art


.5 “Midland Sllt't'l. .57) lWI 5‘ \\k'tl ltt llanr (rpm. \at Hall] 5pm. Sun

noon ~1prn.

Now Open l'ntrl \Vul ll .lun lhc Inaugural mhrhruon ot thrx ncu gallcr} wt up by l'ranu‘x llut'hanan \xho torrnt'rI) ran lhc t'orrlcrnporar} artx organrxatron known .rx thr' ()n \hou rx .r \clu tron ot (orrlcrnporar) parnlrrrgx h} Jonathan \lculr. Jarncx (ir‘ccn. l.}rrrr ,\hrcn\. .lulra Jctlrc}. thc latc l,rl erlxon and Stuart llut‘hanarr


333 «k 334 lhrkc Slrcct. I)k'lllll\ltlllll. 550 7370. 'l'uc Sat noon (rpru.

Right This Calls for Immediate Discussion l‘ntrl Sat "r Jun. .\ group \lto“ ot “ork h} thud .war tlnc art photograph} \lltrlt'llh at (il;t\go\\ School ol .-\It.


37” Satlt‘htchall Str'r‘cl. “l IX5-l.

.\lon Sat lllarn 5pm; Sun noon 5prn. Art Treasures of Kelvingrove l'nul latc 3MB, .-\\ thc KL‘lHngt’ou' Muwunr and .-\r't (lallr'l) (Ioer rtx titltll\ t'or rna‘ror' r'cturhrxhrncnt. o\cr 3H” paintrngx lr'onl thc Kch rngr'ow collu‘tron talu‘ up rcxnlcnt'} at thc .\lt‘l.v|lan (lallcrrr'x. ‘l'hc rlhplu) lllt'illlit'\ 'l'hornax l'at'tl'x I'lrr' [ml or NH" (You and Rcrnhr'anrlt'x .\ .llrnr rrr .lrnrrrrrl', plux “otk h) (‘ltarr'lcx chruc Mackrnloxh. Dutch and l'lcrnrxh art.


73 Rohcrtxon Str'cct. Surtc (r. “out I. 3-18 37] I. luv l‘r’r noon 5prn.

Dirk Bell l‘rttrl in -1 Jul. \cxx parntrngx and work on papcr‘ h} (icr'rnan artrxt l)rrl\ llcll. rrr thr~ hr\ ltrxt \olo \hou rn thc l’lx'. llcll collagcx rlrtlcr’cnl tcchnrqucx ot parntrng mm papcr tlr‘anrngx and \t'ulptur‘c. rntlucnt‘ul h} gothit‘ and r'ornanlrt' lt'arllllrtlh rrr (icrrnan art. Scc rm lt‘\\.


33' \Vth (it‘otgt‘ Sll't't‘l. 3‘13‘JHSS. .\lon l'r'r Itlarn 5.3(lpru; Sat lltarn 3pm. The Scottish Colourists l‘hu It) Jun hr 4 Jul. l’.rrntrng\. \\;tlt‘tt't)lulll\ and than rngx h) thc St‘oltrxh colour'rxtx: ('arlr‘ll. li‘r‘guxxon. lluntcr' and l’cploc Ni V." St lk ,“.'.

Whistler and his Adherents Hm I” Jrrn l‘rr -1 Jul. l’arnlrrrgx h} \Vhrxtlcr. DY ('arncron. Jarnm \lt‘llc). \lurrhcatl Bonc and .-\rthur‘ \lr'lxrllc. ’tl Sir tr


50 \\'a\hrngton Strcct. 33! 3| 3‘. .\lon l’r'r ‘larn 5pm.

Termini l'ntrl Sat 3H Jun. .\ llll\t'ti mhrhrtion ot \xork h} thrrrl _\c.rr r||u\tralor\ and graphrc tlcxrgrrt‘h at (ilaxgou St‘hool ot :\rt rnxprr'crl h) a tL‘L‘L‘ltl lit‘ltl [tip to Route.


(icrrtrc tor llqwloprrrcntal \rts. l\ \lhron \lru'l. 553 3\33 \lorr lrr lttarrr 5pm Same as you? l ntrl l rr 3‘ Jun \rr mhrlutrorr lrj. \rt lrt'k \rtr\tx l ttl, .r urrrtruc to opcratrw rurr h} t‘rw arthtx '3.th harrrurrg tlrxalulrtrcx


ll\ llouglax \Iru‘t. 31\(\§\t~ \lor‘. lrr lH m.rrrr 5pm. \at I” Warn lprrr

An A-Z ot Watercolour Painters \rl " \ar 31 Jun lhc iilllti rrr a wow ot mhrl‘rlrorh h} rru'rrrlwrx ot lllk' lx’o}.rl \Mlhlr \«u rut} ot l’.nntcr\ rrr \\.rtcr\olour tmlurrng nork l~§ .tlll\l\ \xrrh .rlphalwtrtal \urrrarrrcx lwtxwvu \l / " '


1H” licrrtrm'. \trm't. l‘.‘ "am -1 thrrr

Una and Branka Dimitrijevic l'nlrl \lorr ill Jun (lrl.p.r\tcl.rr1rl\kalcrtolorrr i.lllki\ktll‘\'\ .rllrl \trll lrtc h} llll‘lllt'l .ttttl «laughter rr.r .tlhl llrarrlur llrrrulrrrmrt

5H5i \lon I H


(r llurnt'rclxl Road. (irttrrm‘k. 0“ |3HH Inc In llarrr 5pm. \al Illarrr 5prn. \un noon 5prrr.

Launch Exhibition in l % .\ton NI Jun \tollalttlall t'orn laurrrhcx rlx nc“. luggcr mhrhrlrorr \pat'c \xrlh .rn (\hrhrtron ot larrtlxt'apc and t'rguratrw parntrrrgx h} l’.rt\_\ My \rthur. l:l.rrnc ('rrrrnrngharrr .rlltl \lrwrr \uhlro 'lE :"

SENIOR STUDIES INSTITUTE l'nrwrxrr) ot Stratht'lylc. Incl l. (iraharn llrllx llurlrhng. -1H ( lcorgc Strct‘l. 518 -1X3.\ .\lon lrr lttarn Jprn,

10th Annual Senior Studies Institute Art Exhibition l'nul in Jrrn ;\n mhrhrtron ot uork h) lhr' lrtclong lcarnrng \tudcntx urth \ornc “oth tor



30 Krug Strut 553 3l5l 'l‘uc Sat

Warn 5 ‘tlprn.

Gillian Steel: Come to my House l'nlrl Sat 5 Jul. (irlhan Stu‘l prcwnlx a UV!) proru‘tron \xork cornprrxrng largc xt'alr‘ photo portrartx uhrt'h rx \ rmth through lhc \rnall \Hltrlrmx ot a t'amax lltlll\t‘. SCC ICHL‘“


chprc .\rt‘hrtu't\. 1(th \le chcrrt Strccl. ‘5‘ 33M. .\lon Sat ‘larn 5pm; Sun

lttarn 5pm.

Unbuilt Mackintosh Exhibition to |‘~ Sun 33 Jun. Scalt' .rrchrtu'tural llltltit'i\ ot a \clu'tron ot (‘harlcx chnrc .\l.rt‘l\rnto\h\ unhurh rnrrxtcr'pru‘m (ll'illt'ti h} (ilaxgou-haxul (l/turk \lorlclrnakcrx. 'l lrc hurlrlrngx rnt'lurlc a yonccrt hall tor (llaxgou. a rarlna) tcrrnrnux and a \t'rcnu' and art rrruxcurn. 'tE S" ‘x

TRAMWAY 35 .-\lhcrt l)rr\c. 03-15 33H ‘5‘” luc Sat noon 3pm; Sun noon (rpm

0 Salla Wkka: Cave l'ntrl Sun 3 Jun.

lrnnrxh artr\t Salla ‘l'\l\k.r hax hccn garnrng rntcrnatronal tt't‘ogtttlrott tor lrcr hint and photograpHK uorkx. Shomng hcr ncnl) t'ornplctcl} lrrlog} ot \hort llllllx \xlrrt'h ttlt'llttlt‘ l.4l\\r' \llrmtl to gl'L‘al ut't‘lulllt :tl thc \L-nrt'c llrcnnalc rrr 3(Ntl. [/II‘I/lr'l and (rm. thc “oth c\plorc thc tr’arrxrlron tr'orn t‘hrltlhood to adulthood and tcrnalc \ttl‘lt't'lH ll,‘ St't‘ lllllhl L 5i Ll “Th/l

MFA 2003 'l hu It) Sun 3‘) Jun. l'rnal )L'ar \ho\\ tor \llltit‘lll\ on lhc pr'cxtrgroux .\la\tcr ot l'rnc .\rt pr‘ogr'arrrrnv at (ilaxgrm School ot ,-\rt \rtNx rnt’lutlc .’\lc\ ltcttcnt'our't. Karcn ('unnrngharn. Sall} ()\l\rtlll. ()ucn l’rpcr. l.r|r Rcyraud. Raul ()rtcga and \lrt‘hacl \Vrlkrnwn Scc lillltxl.


3H Krng Stu-ct. 553 4Xl3. luv Sat llarn 5prn

Max Ernst, Andrew Kerr and Katharina Wulff l'nul Sat 3| Jun. .-\ group \hou tcaturrng a .\la\ l;r‘n\t pr'rnt lzlct'rra on loan trorn thc lluntcr'ran

Degree Shows I“ r. at

.r-Irrtrrlnr. r H at»

(rtwr: Mr. J ‘r‘ft r'rrw. ttrv tl'llltJJJ

l~-:r.'~->u'r . rrr ‘r‘r't v'w

rlvl‘rr'laf r tartar. rrt ‘r' i '3 rturo- ' I w .w i 1' r, l"" [ti x: I... I1):, :"l l”)

Christine Borland Hat rrrr ~.-.rr m lrwr Ml", .'.trr Pr m; I'rrv ttr-- .rrrrt r llr \rrn r-‘lrrtr rrrutrrr» r>-'t.'.--wrr \rrt rrrrrl a rwr. r ‘ltrmtrttw J'l' r|.rrrl r‘rwu-rrt \ r fl‘. mar rrorl tr, trwr rwaurrr‘lr rrrto trrw lrwt' >1, ml tlrw hoof)“ (rt Mr rrrrrt Strr rtI fé-w [rl‘f.l“.'. ,'~.7r‘tu’t.' flit/(1': (ht/5W“ /'.‘r’ r )r‘ Hoff“. l! tut/r1" ‘{r/'t.‘-1»‘tr/r;

Beck’s Futures 2003 It". now the fourth .wrrr of ttrr: rrrtrtrrrrl l‘lw:l«.'§; lutrrrw; axnrrrl zrrrrl ilaarr lrgr'; (lorrw rt rrrrrrrrr \.'.’wl|_ Ir.’lr‘»l‘; lr5l‘s"'l rrt (ilawrrrcx lollr r.'.rrr;r rrr ltorlr-rr: F Humtrarrarr (rrrrl lot). l’rrtr'ruorr", tootutr-pm r; H1 )‘;;rlrrr'l N;r‘;lr:r‘.lrrt>r. who hat, .‘mrr tlrri '2‘: -1Jlti'(r rlrwrrur' for her ttlrrrrrr trtrrru .‘rtrrrlr r grrrturr: orrlrrr;rr‘,. oyrzryrlrr,’ Iran, and soar/2r, (SC/"r, (i/errfln‘a er’r‘r‘ r'Jr/rr fir/r? Q’x' t/rrv‘.

Simon Periton and Gary Rough ismsolo ‘;lt().'.’f1ltt)ltt lorrrlmrr lrélfstrtl .‘Srrrrorr l’nrrtorr. twat krrrmrr fur hr; tarry:- :‘,(;;r|r: parw “(lortrm‘ (rrrrl Scotland trawrt (iar, Rough who rut-mots wort], rrwlr: sporzrtrurtl, for the qatlury. Hop/:r/ [frrfgr/‘rr: (h’rrriorr, [mm/r? If: Hot/3r), {unholy/2, (mt/r Sun ("1' Jr;/

Salla Wkka: Cave l er‘;t (,l‘ritttr,‘: to f;(:‘: ttrr: urrtrcall, acularrrwl artrzt") Irrlwrt, of i)“;lllilfll”! (,fétfltrtl (short frlrrr‘, [53240. l/"r/J‘V{llltl(l,‘51‘.".’ l'r'rr'r'.'.:n. (irzrr,<}r)r'.. fir/r; ?? Jun.

Vision for the Future V Irv,- [)‘Itttlllttttéll‘: rrrstalrrrmrrt of IN: YStltirj‘E‘)‘3ftll Murry", .‘o' H?!) / (HUN) pmgrar'rr'rr; .'.trrr,tr features oer/t,» (/JHrll‘l‘fllUll‘fd .‘mrk l1,“ Ejrgotlzrrrrl haswt (rfil‘slfr htrctrultr; Narurrrrttr arrrl Heal/U3 t More?) QJ'JU'j .‘rrrrrrm. Rosalrrr’l Nemtrastrrtrr. lrurfrrrzer/ct (kn/(3.0:. {damn/(fl), r/rrtr/ Sat 19 Jul

(iallcr) arghrwx. parntrngx h} (icrrnan ar‘tht Kalharrna \Vultt and ncv. work by (ilaxgrm -lt;t\t‘tl :\mltc\\ Kcrr. SL‘C rL'HL‘u.


()5 'l'rongatc. 553 4367.

Gavin Piercy I'r'r l3 Jun Sun (r Jul. A \ rxual rwponw to tan Irruxrc trorn (iaxrn l’lL't't’}