I Acoustic ll llL' i 5th \iilk‘ (Kilt. 5” Ni King Slim-I. 55“ lh‘H ‘lpin Li Bring )1)!” mm gun.” .ind pin} loi a pull

I Playback Bicl. .»\\hlnn lunc. ;-12 JUN» spin l'rcc Sn \llllljJ buxmind \Illlllllk'\ tillllllll

I Open Stage 1 BC lldll IL”. loo “oodlumb Road. 5(\-1 153" bpln i‘IL'c \M'CH} \L'\\IHII loI llkdl lllll\l\l.lll\


I Endorphin .lllIl Minnesota Facts (libuicl \'nll.urc. in ‘5 Bl.ui SUI-cl. 32” ann iilpin L5 'l hr llL'\l in loud rnI‘k \\ iIii lllHlL' .u'Ix In bc conliriucd

I QC Country Band ()uccn (‘liurlnIIc Romlh. 5b.: ()uccn (liarlotlc Sum-I. 555 (inoll Hpin £2 5lliL'3 lllll\lt’l;Ill\I ()ld

\I} lL' gnunu'}. rockabill} and blucgruxx.

I One Size Fits All gind Southbound 'l'licc l'udcixxnild. Bunncini.‘in\. \iddi‘} Sllt't'l. 55o 85+ 53.15pm U. 'l'rIbuIc In Ihc nuglil} l'IIink lupim li‘nin ()Sl'.\ \\Illli1;lll'} lllL'lill UHCH nl lhc .\loIoIi1c.ul/l)ccp l’urplc \ciiool lrnin Southbound.

I The Rains, the Nucleotides and The Mockingbirds Bongo (‘luh. I4 NW. Sui-cl. 55H "Toll-l. ‘lpui. £3 £4. l'.\[lL'L‘l .in cclu‘ut' \nund lroin hcudlincrx Ihc Rilllh u lin urc kI-cn on lillH“ mg Ill cwrfllung li‘niu brcukncck An In L‘iil\\lt' rock.

I Chaos Theory Snuilicrn (‘nm ('gilL‘. (1531(‘(K'lxlllll'll Sli't‘ClJilethl. ()pin uudniglu, l-rI-c, ()riginzil L'UlllpU\lllUll\ li'nm llllx ncu quurIcI. luxing lil/l. lunk and rock. lculuring Doug ’l'iplcd} on \il\L'\. l’uul Kirb} on kcflmgu‘dx. Km in (ilgixgou on buxx and ('hrix \Vulluu- on drumx.

I Fleamarket Funk (‘uhuu-i \‘nliulrc. in 3:4 Bluir Sin-cl. 220 (ll 70. llpm 3am. l'iu‘. Local ouIliI pluyng Ihcir (mu kind nl big band lunk in Ilux nc“ \xcckl} rcxidcnc) \\ iIh u \niuucring ol l)J \uppanx und oIhcr liw £lL‘l\. l).lRL'll(l gucxh on ‘) .lul \\ iIli u rcxidcnlx \pccinl on In Jul.


I Westlife Sli(’(‘. l'iiiiiiConii ()uu}. 03700-10400”. S( )l .l) ()l "i. SL‘L‘ luv 3. 0 Stone Sour and Murderdolls Burro“ land. 2-H (iullougulc. 553 Jolll. 7.3llpiu. Ho, ()wr- i-l\ \lioxx. Scc

pi'm lt‘“ lor Ihcxc I\\o conu'uinng Slipknot Ull\l100l\.

I Biffy Clyro King 'l‘uI'x \Vuli Wall Hill. 272;: SI Vinccnl SII‘ch. III 537‘). Spin. S()l .l) ()l'l‘. ()wr— l-ls \hoxx. ;\ T In 'l‘hc l’urk “arm-up gig l‘or Ilicxc local indic i‘ockcrx \\ ho rcccnll} cnjo} cd :1 \urpriw Top 30 hit and hm c bccn mowd lIHl\lUlUllll1C l'cxiiml‘x muin \Iugc l'or Ihcir rcu :ii'd.

I The Rain Band, the Pedestrians and Chapman g2. Wu Suuchiclmll SII‘L‘cI. 353 31 l I. 7pm. U». ()xcr- 14x \llo“. The Rain Band urc an illllllCllllC indic rock combo l'roin .\l;inchc\Icr uiunugcd b} (‘hurluIzinx \uprcmo SIM c llilrl'lxnll.

I Bell X1, Superhero and Blue Movie Bar”). 360 ('l)dc SlI'L‘L‘l. 0870 907 (WWI 8pm. £4. 'l'lic hmdlincrx arc ;1 nc“ gurugC} indic rock combo lroin Dublin nzuucd :il’Icr Ihc lirxl plunc Io ll} l'llxlcl' Ihun Ihc \pccd ol' \ound.

I Pioneers of the M Theory Nicc'n'Slcul). 431 Suucliichull Slrccl. 33.“ 0637. 0pm. Dark clcclro.

I Danishlovedog, Mangara, Keyanti and Sooth ‘l'hc l.‘~ih Nou- (me. 50 60 King SIrch. 553 “1.53.9[1IIL £3. Rock and mcIul linc-up.

I Escobar 9 Slcrco Ilormcrl} \chl l3Ihl. l3 l-l Kchinhuugh Sum. 57(» 5(llh‘. 8pm.

I The B Men, Solution and the Bold Young Bones Mob l.oudcd. Liquid Lounge. 94 \VL‘xI chcnI SIrch. lllpm. £3 (£4 on door).

I Scatter and Lucky Luke Tchai ()xna. 42 ()Izigo Lunc. 357 452-1. 8pm. £2. Jun/loll; crown cr.

I Paul McCormack III-.nmcnc. < (-l'C\\\\ CH l .IllL'. 55v1(\~-'\ \l‘lll l'lt'L' l.;udb.uk hdk kground wundx

I Johnny T’s Big City Blues Band \Iudin ( )nIa (ilH\\L'l‘.Hl Hon-l. (ilU\\CllHl 'lcimtc loll B}ic\ Rlldkll. ‘nll (filo ‘lpin l'lL'L'

I Andy Miller l uidcrbm. IW B_\Ic\ Rudd. 55‘) 5i‘lb 9pm l'lL'L' :\U'll\ll\ \L'l I The Vagabonds 'l'hc \‘oua.

ll: ll‘l Slot'kucll SII‘I'I'I. 553 Kohl ‘lpin l'Icc. l’opulur («HUM

I Battle of the Bands XIII-Surly». ~12 .l.llll.llt‘;l Sui-cl. 34.\ 85M Spin l‘Icc I Jam Session bdlllllL'i him (1“ ‘1 \IIhxdulc Road. .133 Hill" .\ Illpin l'Icc lll)\lt'(l ll} lllIlL'PCllIiL'llt'k'


I Jesse Sykes 8. the Sweet Hereafter and Laura Veirs Subun}. (3‘) ('Im gale. 2:5 hall“. bplll. LN Singcr/xonguriIcI 5} km and guilgirixl l’hil \Vundxt'licr Inl \thkcHo“ n l.IlllL'l haw conic Ingclhcr In unciu'Ih Ihcir on n bmml nl \pook} .'\lllL'll(.lll;l. Suppan conivx lroui lllL‘ cxcclII-ni \I‘lh. uhn coinbuicx hillt'gl'ihx \\ iIh \Illllt' mpcruucnlul Iout‘hcx hcr :Ilbuin I'I'nu/ilrx In I'IH' l\ ouI no“.

I Sharko, Black Nielson gind Nisted Melon thC l‘lltlt‘l\\(ll'l(l. Bunncrinun‘x. Niddr} Such 556 i354. 8.45pm. U. Indic \\ iIli unolhcr \llppol'l lik‘.

I AC Bid, Station #33 and Orticus Bongo (‘lub. l4 NC“ Slim. 553 "NH. "Din. H iii). local lil\Ulll'llL'\ .v\(‘ Rid hoxl unoIhcr rock nighl uI Ilic Bongo.

I Out of the Bedroom \VIIH‘I‘IL‘} BIII'. l SI Mar} '\ SIrch. 557 “)5”.

‘lpin iuidiiighl. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 3.


OThe Black Keys Burll}. 2(1l)('l}dt SII'L‘L'I. 0370 (Hi-.7 (NW). 8pm. Lb. SL‘C

pm iv“ lor blucx punk duo Ihc Blurk

KC} \.

I Cosmic Bough Riders l~'()l’l’. II) [‘IIIUII ~Sll'ccl. 3:3 ZIZX. 5pm. l'II‘CC. 'liilc (‘oxinicx plu) .ui gicouxlic w! and \ign collicx ol' Ihcir ncu :ilbuin Iim (low In 841’ I‘m:

I Eleven Mile Creek and Old Solar Nicc'ii’SICIII}. 431 Suucluchull Sui-cl. 333 9037. 0pm. (‘ounIr} -inllucnccd \oundx l'l'Ulll lilL‘H‘ll Milo (luck.

I Texas Gun (irund ()lc ()pr}. l)i|l\lt'_\ Roadkill-12‘) .5596. 7.30pm. {-1 (£3 mcmbcrxi. ('ounIr).

I Abba Tribute Bourbon SIi‘ch. lilh’ (icorgc SIrch. 552 “Hi. 7pm. £5 (hull- pricc bclol'c lllpm. £14.50 \\ iIh dinncrl. lI‘x clcurly Abba monlh :il Bourbon SII'ch. I Kong \lucSorIC) \. 43 Jamaica Strccl. 243 358]. 3pm. l‘IL‘L‘. Rock.

I Life and Soul SIIIIIIIL‘I “on 'x. ()7 7| .\'iIh\d;ilc Road. 423 (Mm. 8.3011111. l-rcc. I Daniel B Shenkin ('ailé llulzi. 321 Hopc Sum. 35‘ mm. Spin. l’rcc. :\L‘Ull\lic rock I'L'\iIlL‘IIL‘}.


I Yush Records Showcase Night llcnr} '\ Ju/l ('cllur. 8 Morrion SIrccl. 407 520i). midnighl. £5. Hip hop. l'unk und "ill—'i—‘u lrom Yiixh All Shirx and Rat]

I LiSatuve Bands 'l'hcc l'ndcruorld.Bunncrinun's. .\'iddr) SIrch. 556 325-1. 8.45pm. {-1. Scc ’I‘hu .‘s.


I Westlite Sli(‘(‘. l-"inniconn Qua}. 08700-104000. 2.Rollin/(1.30mi). $01.1) ()l"l‘. .\'oIc cum iquincc \hou. ('un noIhing \lop Ihi\ band‘s llclllolh hcgcmon} 1‘ Scc Tuc 8.

I Six Hours of Hate Nicc‘n‘Slcu/y. 421 Suuchichull SIrch. 333 963? (1pm. .-\ dclighIl'ul cwning oi dcth nicIal £l\\élll\. I Yer Maw, Cycle of Zen, Mangara and Japan4 'l‘hc l5lh Nou- (life. 5” ~60 King Sum. 55“ [638. 9pm. £3. Altrock and hem icr \oundx.

I Real Easy The l-‘crr_\. 43 (ink l’lIIL‘L‘. 430 Hill). 9pm. £5.

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3—1 7 Jul 2003 THE LIST 59