Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days belore publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Activities Arid Fun

Art on the Bus 'l'hn 3 to Jul.

l lam 3. 30pm, £12 il adult I clnldi. £10 il adult and 2 childrcni; £20i2 .idttlh 2 childrcni l’artick lliix 'lciiiiiii;il. 35" 5000. .-\ll alioaid no“. \Vhilc aua} a da_\ ot )oui \ununci holiday combining: a httx trip and art} pttl‘xtntx ax (iiattl l’roductionx takc )ou on a magical lll_\\lt‘l') tour ol (ilaxgou \loppm; ott lot craltx and Jun. Bring a packcd lunch. Booking; L'\\L'llll;ll.

Back to School 'l'hu Mk I" .lul.

2 .5plll. flail). Scotland SllL't'l St‘ltiml .\luxcum. .\luxcum ()l l~.ducation. 225 Scotland Strcct. 287 0500 Join tcachci Mixx lia\tcr tor a In in; lll\lUl'_\ claxx wt in Victorian timcx. .'\rri\c l5 mmntcx carl} to drcxx up Ill pciiod coxttnnc hclorc \ccing propx. a gcnuinc gax maxlx and thc drcadcd hcll. Booking; L'\\L'llll;tl. call 287 0500.

LEGO 'l‘hu 3 l-ri ll Jul. £0.05 t£4.05i; lamil} £lS.05. (ilaxgou Scicncc ('cntrc. 50 Pacific Qua}. 4205000. UK EU comcx to thc Scicncc ccntrc. (’rcatc and animatc )our iiiodcl. bringing; it to lilc \\ ith hrand ncu l)L‘\l:_'llCl' \ctx. lintr} pricc includi'x all acti\ lllL'\ and \xorkxhopx. Rock Stars of the 19703 ‘l‘liu .‘~ «k l7 Jul. l .3plll. l'll'CC. l’L‘Ulth\ l’alacc «K Wintcr (iardcn. (ilaxgon (irccn. 554 0223. :‘xgcx 5 l2. ('omc and dl'L‘\\ up in all thc glittcr and glam ol' 7(l\ rock \tarx. Sanctuary: Artist Led Workshop Thu 3 Jul. 2 4pm. l‘rcc. (Salk-r} ()t‘ Modcrn .-\i't. ()uccn Slrcct. 220 I000. Artixt-lcd \ummcr miwd-mcdia \i‘orkxhop tor all agcx; undcr l2\ llllhl hc accomixmicd.

Shields and Symbols 'l‘hu 3. In .k 17 Jul. 1 3pm. l‘rcc. St Mungo .\lu\cum ot' Rclii—‘iotix Inc And An. 2 ('axtlc Strcct. 553 2557. (io on a \hort tour around l’i'ouiitd'x l.ord\ltip, dixcm cr thc meaning of hcraldic \} mholx and lhcn makc _\our on n coat of armx.

Summer Holiday Activities Thu 3 & l5ri ll Jul. £0.05 (£4.05); l‘amil) £l895. (ilil\g(l\\ Scicncc (‘L'llll'L‘. .50 l’acilic Qua). 420 5000. Build and racc


See the future at Glasgow Science

tour oun cai Ill thc K \c\ ('hallcngc. lccd (iS( "x on n diagonx oi pain. tpatc in lltc mtciactn c \cicncc \ltn\\. ‘\\ ho \\.:III\ to hc a Scicntixt " l.nti_\ l‘llct' lllc llltlt‘\ all actn lllc'\ and \kiill\\llt'l‘\

ABC to 123 I ll 4 .\ ll Jul.

l ill 5[‘lll ilt'k' \cillldllil \llx'x'l Scltintl .\lu\cuni. .\lu~cuin ( )l l'.ducation. 225 Scotland Sticct. 2S" 0500 lntciacm c diop lll \toi} tcllin; \U\\l\‘ll\ toi Iltc undcr SK

Art-Cart Sat .5. Sat l2 k\ \Vcd 10 Jul.

1 4pm. l'rcc, (iallci_\ ()t .\lodcin .\rt. ()uccn Slicct. 220 1000. 'l'altmf; )ou through lhc \llllllllL'l holida} \ (i( ).\l.\'\ art cart coincx packcd \\ itli ll.tll\. :J.llllt'\ and art acti\ lllL'\.

Children’s Art Weekend Sat 5 .\ Stilt 0 Jul. £3 £4. (‘(‘.\. 350 Saucluchall Sticct. 352 4000 .-\ \iccltcnd ot \ Nial art \\Ul'l\\lltlp\. ino\ icx and .lcll\lllt‘\ [or all tlic Jamil} including a ngxau collagc \xorlxxhop. a pcrtoimancc haxcd on a Big Ila; ot \Voiiicx h} Virginia llttll\ltl£' lolloucd h} a Big; Bag \xoi'kxhop. Pottery Workshops Sat 5 .k I: Jul. noon 0pm. £5+. l'll'C\\Hll\\ Studio. 35a i)illllllll\lt' Sllt'k'l. 55: 55.55. \VL‘Clxl} clnldrcn'x \\nll\\llt\p\ tor agcx 4‘plu\. l’aint pol\ or hax c a go on tlic poltci \ \thccl.

CBBC Sunday Sun 0 Jul. noon 2pm. l'lL‘L‘. ('('.'\. 5.50 Sauchichall Sll‘L‘Cl. 5.52 4000. Ayn 3‘ l 2. BBC childrcn'x channcl (‘lilfl' prcxcnt thc lirxt ma \cricx ot‘ monlhl) c\cnt\ t'or childrcn. Animal Magic ’l‘uc S Jul. | lam noon. £3. l’ollok llouxc. l’ollok ('ountr} Park. 2000 l’iillithlt;i\\ \ Road. 0100410, ;\gc\ 7 ll. .\lal\c modclx oi _\otn' t‘a\ouritc L‘lC.lllll'L'\ including catx. illlltl\;tlll'\ and llUl‘\C\.

Printing Workshop Jim 8 .k 'l'hu to Jul. 2 4pm. l‘i'cc. (iallcr) ()t .\lodcrn .-\rt. ()uccn Strcct. 220 I000. Join ;ll'll\l Janicc Sharp tor a rcla\cd introduction to printmaking tcchniqncx taking; thcmcx trom thc currcnt mhihition ax mxpiration. Jltxl drop in.

Tile Decorating 'l‘uc 8 Jul. 1 3pm. l'ircc. l’coplc'x l’alacc ck \Vintct' (iardcn. (ilil\:_'()\\ (il'L‘L‘tl. 5.54 022.3. .’\:_‘L'\ .5 l2. Dccoratc tilcx inxpircd h} Mall) ' cloxcx. Make you Own Zen Garden \\'cd 0 Jul. l 3pm. l‘rcc. St Mungo .\lu\cum ol' Rcligioux l.itc .-\nd Art. 2 ('axtlc Strcct. 553 2557. 'l‘alxing inxpiration l’rom Britain’x tirxt /.cn gardcn dcxign and crcatc )otlt’ on n miniaturc onc. Postcards from the Palace mu 0 & l0 Jul. l.30 4pm. l-‘rcc. l’coplc'x l’alacc & Wintcr (iardcn. (ilaxgon (irccn. 554 0223. Agm 5 l2. l)c\ig_'n




)our oun poxlcard lll tlic \l) lc ol an cm of )out‘ clioicc. Drop in acln it). Printing Workshops \Vcd 0 .\ Mon 14 Jul. 1 lam k 2pm. l‘rcc. Scotland Strcct School .\lu\cum. Muwum ()l' liducation. 225 Scotland Slt‘L‘Cl. 287 0500. :\1_'C\ «S-plth. 'l-alu‘ inxpiration l'i'oin Mackintoxh'x dcxignx and ci'catc \omc \t} Iish art nou\cau dcxignx. Bookng cxxcntial. call 287 0500.

Corks and Bobbins 'I‘hu l0 .lnl.

2 4pm. l5rcc. Scotland Strcct School .\lu\cum. .\lu\cum ()t' liducation. 225 Scotland SII’CL‘I. 237 0500, Scicncc cxpcritncntx in thc .\lu\cum\ l000x L‘luxxl‘mmt uxing cxcryla} lintlxcllttltl ohjcctx such ax corkx. halloonx and paper haxcd on thc l.ad_\ hird “(Nth Jlllllot‘ SL‘lL‘nCL‘ \L'l'lL'\.

Stained Glass Thu I0 Jul. 1 3pm. lircc. St Mungo .\lu\cum ot~ Rcligioiix Life And .-\rt. 2 ('axtlc Strcct. 55.3 2557. l)c\ign and makc )our own staincd glaxx panclx \\ ith colonrcd papcr. GSC Living Planet Sat 12 & Sun l3 Jul. £0.05 (£4.05); Jamil} £IH.05. (ilaxgmx Scicncc (‘cntrc. 50 Pacific Qua}. 4205000. A \cricx oi \hou \_ acti\ iticx and dcmonxtrationx mplortng thc \xorld around ll\ including Sun i\a|: Naturc'x Rcalit} (iamcshmx and thc chancc to handlc a giant Madagaxcan ltlxxittg cockroach.

Summer Sundays at CCA Sun 13 Jul. noon 2pm. £3. ('('.-\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4000. .'\:_‘L'\

3 l2. .»\d\ancc hooking rccommcndcd. (iral‘titi art \xorkxhop. Cartoon/Caricature Workshop Mon 14 Jul. lpm. 2pm & 3pm. l‘rcc. l’coplc\ l’alacc & \Vintcr (iardcn. (ilaxgmx (it'ccn. 5540223. Agcx 5 l2. Learn ho“ to turn _\our doodle into cartooning mastcrpicccx in llllx \xorkshop on thc thcmc of hcrocx. Booking exxcntial.


Prickly tales at the Royal Botanics

3D Sculpture Workshop Mon It & 'l‘hu l—r' Jul. 2 4pm l'icc (i.tllt'l_\ ()t .\lodcrn :\il. ()uccn Slicct. 220 I000 ll.i\c a go at cicatlny a 3|) \culptuic mxpncd h} tlic Sanctuai} l-.\lnhition King of the Jungle Mask lllk' 1* Jul. llain noon tk 2 3pm £3 l’ollok llttlht'. l’ollok ('onnti} Park. 2000 l’ollokdiau \ Road. 010 04 Ill :\;_'c\ 3 l’apcr platc ciatt to makc _\Ulll l.t\Htlllli‘ iunglc crcaturc\ tacc

Precious Possessions 'qu IR Jill. 1 3pm. l'rcc, St \lungo \liixciini ot RL‘llgtUUx .r\ttd .'\II. 2 ('.i\llc Sliccl. 553 2557. \Voikxhop c\ploiin;_' thc im- and dcxign ot ritual ohicctx Traditional Games 'Iut- Ii Jul.

2 4pm. l‘icc. l’coplc'x l’alacc k \\nitci (iardcn. (ilaxgoxx (llL‘L‘ll. 554 022 3 gcx .5 l2. (‘Ulltt' illltl L'\PL'J ICIIL'L‘ lit} \ .tlld gaincx ot )L‘\lk'l"\(tlt‘ lcatuiing thc lilj.’

til JP.


Westlite ‘l'uc S 'I hit l0 Jul. Sat l2 tk Stilt l3 Jul. 7. 30pm. Sat 2 30pm & 7.30pm. £25. Sl-.('( '. l’llllllL‘\lHll Qua}. 0370 040 4000. Balladx and othcr pop lntx trom thc ll'lxll ho}hand.


Everest l t ' i; Into The Deep 1 t l. Space Station it’( i l. T-Rex 30 ll 'i. timcx \ar}. chcck l‘lllll ll\llll:_'\ tor \hoxxing ltllle. £5 i£3,50i. l.\l.l\.\' 'l'ltL'ult'C. (llihglnk Scicncc ('L'ltlrc. .50 Pacific Qua}. 420 5000.


Activities And Fun

Children’s Art Day Thu 3 Jul. l0am. noon. 3pm 6; 4pm. l‘rcc. 'lallmt Ricc (iallcr'\. l'nncrxit) ot ladmhurgh. South Bridgc. 050 22 H). ('luldrcn'x acti\ lllC\ cxplormg ohiccts in thc exhibition.

