
Edinburgh Kids listings continued

Discovery Trails lhu 1 Jul. 3 15pm licc \Iuwuni ()I \ntlnntl. ('hnnilwix Slim-I. 3-13 I31” “mini-r} Ini prundr} .igul Lulx nn \I.n_\ (Jinx-n nI Xt‘nlx inn-I lll ll.I‘-‘-lll(illlilt'll (‘nuiI

National Children’s Art Day 'I'hu

Vlul. 3pm L3 \niIh lullinhuigh ,\I‘I\ ('cntic. l 5.: Penn} u C” ( ~nuil. H5

3 l 5l x\j._'L'\ ‘5 l3 .'\ll\ lmu‘xl unikxhnpx In (ch-tunic \ ('lulilu-n‘x .'\rI l).i_\

So you Want to Be a City Farmer? l'nlil ill ‘1 Jul.

l0;un l3 Winn L-l (inigiL-(iu l'.Il'lll. 5l (inigic “31303 :\j_'c\ .\ plux (‘nnu- .nnl Iiml nuI \xlml IIIc'x lilw nn :i Inrin. )0“ mn hull) with grnnnung n pnn}. nmking n \t'dlk‘t'lH“. (II-.u'ing nnI .i «luck pnnd .uul lnlx ninic Illlllj_'\ In ch niu' illlIl muck} \xuh.

Fischy Music In -I .lul.

l0. *0 ll i0;un .\' 3pm L3 «H.501. \riiIli Izilinhurgh .'\II\ ('cnuc. l5.i l’i‘un} \\ \‘ll (’nuiI. i I 5 3 l 5 l. .\gm

7 ll. .\lu\u' \xnikxhnp

III). ‘0 I l i0;nni lHllU\\k'(l h} it pcilni'inunu' Iinin l'l\lt\"\ .\lll\lL' ill 3pm.

Get Hands-On Sui 5 It I: .lul.

3 I5pnr. l'icc .\lI1\L'IIIlI()I SI'nIlginil. ('luunhci'x Slim-I. 3‘17-l3l‘).;\3~‘c\ 5 10. iik't'lllllt' .in .‘in‘lmcnlngixI ginil t‘\\‘.l\lllL‘ ii i'ml incilu‘ml lllllllit‘ll. linnking t‘xxcnlldl t'illl 3-1" ~l-l33

Robert the Bruce and the Battle of Bannockuburn Sui S .k Sun 0 Jul. Sgil l0.l5;un. I |.-l5;nn. l.-l.5piu (Kr 3.-l5pin; Sun I3,~l5pin. |.-l5pin. 3,-l5pni & 5.451301. l'l’cc .\lll\L'IllIl ()I Scnllunil. ('hgunlwrx Slim-l. 3-17 431‘) Ago 5' plux, llciu' nhnul him lhc Scnlx git liiinnnckhurn \cnl l'.il\\;u'd ll pricking llllk‘l' lu' lllill'k'llL'Il un All'lll} inIn Scntlnml

Art and Nature Sun 0 .lul. | Jpn]. l'i‘cc, “can (inllci'). 73 licllnul Rnnil. 03-10300, .'\§3k'\ .5 l3. (‘L‘lcltl'iilt‘ ('hildrcn'x :\l'l l);i} mplnring \culplurm Ill Ilu' gi'nunilx :uul milking u t'UllillIUI‘illHL‘ \culpturc.

Art and Nature Sun 0 Jul. l 4pm. l‘rcc. .\';iunn;il (inllcr) nI .\Inilcrn .»\I‘I. 7.5 lii‘llnl'Il Riulil. 034 0300. :\gc\ .5 l3. SCL‘ ultin L'.

Lyceum Youth Theatre .\inn

7 Hi ll .lul. (-10. l<li'\llll.-\t't‘1llll 'l‘hcnli‘c. (iriiilllgi) Sli'ccl. 31848-13. Sununcr‘ Ilrniuu \\nI'l\\lInp\ I'nr .\' 10 Man nlle \\ llll pi'nli‘xxinnnl IIIIUI'\. ('I'cnlc 4i pln} I‘i'nin \t'l'illk'll lll |ll\l 5

(l.l_\ \ lIlIIl thcn pvi'lnrin II In purcnlx illlil ll'lt‘ll(l\ Ill IllL‘ Cllil Ul- IllC \\ Ck'l’x. (3!“

0| RI 348 -l.\‘ ‘8 lUl’ lllUl'L‘ IlL‘lllll\. Freshmess Summer School 'l'uc X Sill I3 .lul. 'l‘uc Sgil

ll;uu l3. i0prn & l..i0 3pm; Snl

3.30 -l. Winn. I; I 5 Inr \\ Cx‘lx. Dnncc liuw. 1-1 10 ( il';l\\lllill'l\L‘I. 335 5535. (icl Ilnu n Inr Ihc \unuuci’ hnliiln} \ \\ llll n \\ cck nI llip llnp and lli'n‘nkilnncc cluxwx \\ uh Ihc chnncc In \lum nII _\nur nc\\ \killx \\ lIll u Suturdgi} |;Illl I'ni' purcnlx and Iricnil»

Mammal Mayhem 'l‘uc 3 Jul.

3 3.30pm. £3. \Vgilcr ()I~ l .cth \'i\iInr (‘cnu‘u 34 l.;lll;Il'l\ RUilll. 455 7307. ('ninc and Mitch dnu n \ninc nl Ihc \Vulci‘ nl l.cilh\ I'ui'r) inhuhiliinlx. Lyceum Youth Theatre .\lnn

H l‘ll lh‘ .lul. L110. l{n_\;i| l._\ccuin 'l‘licilll't‘. (il'lllilld) SII'L‘CI. 34.5 43-13. SL‘L‘ iihm c.

H '0! " n . la rmnfi . ' '

' \. .. i?" lav «r

So you Want to Be a City Farmer? .\Inn l4 I-‘ri IxJuI.

Ilium 13.30pm. £4. (inrgic (‘1!) l-ni‘in. 5i (inrgic RUIIIJ. 557 ~1303.:\g‘t‘\ X— ]tllh. SL‘U nhnx C.

Do Art Inc l5 .lul. l0gun 3pm. U5. Rn}n| linlnnic (iunlcn. lmcrlcilh llnltu‘. .553 7l7 I. :\gc\ 8 l3. (MC-(lat) \xnrkxhnp Inr lNIIl\ ini\ing nutilnni' :ulwnturc \\ iIh :u‘I. Hull and IIL‘xign. ('gill Iinul) llzngh mi 348 3037 In hunk. Discovery Trails 'l‘lm I7 Jul. 3.l5pin. l‘i‘cc. \luwuni ()I’ Scnllzuul. (‘hgunhci'x Slrcct. 3-47 43 l‘). Dixcnx cr} Innl I’ni' prnuru'} :igcd kidx nn 'l‘nilclx :ind 'l'ni‘Iui'c inch in llimlhnrnilcn ('nin'I.

Theatre & Dance

Fiddler on the Roof Thu 3 5.11 5 Jul. ".30pin; \Vcd «k Sill 3.30pm «k ".30pin. £7.50 £34.50. l’ln)hnu\c. IX 33 (ii'ccnxidc I’Iugc. 0870 0003-13-1. l’lI/(l/(‘I' l\ the \lnl'} nI~ 'l'cyxc. n qu ixh nulkinun lning Ill prc—Runluunnur} Rll\\l;l. I'nlikc Ihc inninril} nI~ lllll\lL‘iIl\. \xhcrc li\L‘Il \inilm llllkl L‘nlniii‘lul Iluncc i'nuunu urc dc rignui'. Ihix i\ u much more \nnihi'c :iIIiiu'. wt in pm crI} hut Iillcd \\ iIh Ilr') luunnur. Starring l’uul Nichnlnx th lllll\lL‘ h} .lcrr} Iinck and l}ric\ h} Shcldnn llin'nick.

Excalibur 'l‘hu III «k l‘ll'l l 1 Jul. III.30;un «k 3pm. U. .\'anh lidinhurgh :\I'I\ ('cnu‘c. |5;i l’cnn} \wll (’nurI. 3L5

Halt! It’s the man behind Pooh, Smith Art Gallery and Museum, Stirling

96 THE LIST .4 1 film; .7033

Thomas chufls into town in Brechin

3 l 5 l. .-\gc\ (i-[)lll\. 'l‘hc mun‘d-u inning \Vcc SIni'iCx prcwnl Ihcir \Inr}Iclling lukc nn Ihc \xni‘lil nI King Arthur and thc Knighix nI Ihc Rnund 'l‘uhlc. The) Iukc )nu hack In Iunc In Ihc Iund \xhcrc IUIll’lliIlllL‘llh. IIIIC\I\. \\ i/unlr} and Indium nI Ihc lnkc prn\ ulcd thc cnIcrquuncnI. The Adventures of Paddington Bear l'll H & Sat I3 Jul. l‘ri 4.30pm; Sin lllllll «k l..i(lpiii.£‘)1£7.50i. l’ln}hnu\c. IH 33 (ii‘ccnxnlc l’lucc. 0870 0003-134. (icl I'I‘Iul} In in”) llic \knrlil'x man Iiiiiinux hmr and all Im Iricnilx in Illi\ cwiling ncu \Iugc lllll\lL‘lll I'nr cluldrcn.


Crater Makers l'nIil Inc in Scp. £3.00 I I; l .35 I. Rn};ll ()lm'rxnlnr} Vixilnl‘ ('cnli'c. lilgicklinnl Hill. 008 8404. l'iinil nul Iltc Irth uhnul cnmclx. \\ lilIL'\\ Ihc hu‘Ih nI u cnnicl and handle I'L‘ill lllL‘ICUl'llLW in nur ('i'uIcr Mukcn uhihitinn.

Myths and Monsters Mun 7

Jul Sun 3| .-\ug. £7.95 I£4.50I. l)}n:unic linl‘lli. llnl}l'nnil Rnilnl. 5507800100 Inuring uhihilinn‘x nnl} Scntiixh

\hn“ ing L‘\pl0l'C\ Ihc \\ cird. uniulcrlul and scar) \Hll'ltl nI lllI)!l\IL‘l'\ unthicul and rcul Irnin Ihc Iicr) hrcth nl il Ilrugnn In Ihc r'nur nI Ihc Ihrcc rncIrc high hair} _\cIi \\ iIh unlinuu'nnic L'\hihil\ and giant rnhnuu.

Outside the Cities

Activities Arid Fun

A Day Out with Thomas Sui 5 & Sun (iJul. llum. l3.l5prn. l.30prn. 3.45pm «k 4pm. l.‘0.501£-l.50 £5.50). ('ulcdnniun Sicurn Ruihxn}. 'l'hc StuIinn. l’urk anul. Brcchin. 0| 350 033993. 'l‘hc i'cnl 'l‘hninux Ihc 'lnnk linginc it ill hc pulling Iruin~ uI lircchin ill Illi\ Iiuriil) I'un (In).

Teddy Bear’s Picnic Sun 0 Jul. lpin. {ZSIIIL‘I I. l’;i\Inn llnuxc. l’;i\Inn.

licru ick I'pnn 'l'uccd. Ill 38‘) 380391. Bring u puckcd lunch and inan

unpnitnntl} _\Ulll l.l\i‘lllllk‘ lcilil} Ini l’.i\Inn ili‘ll\k‘.\ pit'nu Workshop - the Three Bears Inc 5 Jul. l0.un l3 ‘Itpin \lhcit llallx. lhuntmrinn Ix’nml. Stirling. III 550 ~l3i5-I-l gm 5 .\ \\t §nur n\\II puppcl .uul puI nn .i \hn“ \\ lIll l’uiwx l‘umwtx

Magic Bob’s Magic Workshop I H II Jill. I ‘0 iIIpin {5 lbw lluxitic. \hhc} SIM-cl. SI \llkllk'\\\. 0| ii-I 435000 -\gc~ .\ I‘llh lmin Ihc Iiu‘kx nI Ihc nmgu‘ Iimlc \\llll \lngu‘ linh Children’s Week ,\lnn l-l Sun .‘0 Jul. l0.nn ;pm It" ‘5 {0 50 (‘uI/mn (Iixtlc .Illtl (‘nunII_\ l‘.nk. \I.i}l\t\li‘. III055 \hAl-IIN) ‘\ \\ cck nI Iun cwnh Including .utx .unl (Lillx. cnnwimlinn plinllcngc. uhllc i'luh .uul .i \Ill'l \‘IlJll

Theatre & Dance

Pips and Panda Meet the Three Bears 5.1! 5 Jul. 3 iIIpni t5. Ilucc Ini {I i 50 .\ll\‘l‘l ll.lll\. lhunlurtnn lx’ Stirling. 0|”.\'0 I" “It gcx i I’ll“ .nul l’.inil.i cni’nunlcr llu' ninxl I.uunu\ luau Iiin \Iurnnn. anIil} .unl Inih} hmi‘ \\ ilh \nng\ .ind lllll\l\‘ .ilnng Ihc \\.i_\ Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Sun 0 Jul. ‘pin U \I.i\'l\’nler. I'niu'ixll) nI SIu‘ling. Stirling. 0| "30 -l00000_ \gL'x 5 pliix -\ thrilling .idwnluic Irnrn Ihc '\l.ll‘l.lll \ighlx pcrlnruiml h} lll}ii.i Ihmlic Ini I‘hililicn Excalibur luv .5' Jul. I0 i0.un .\ 3pm L3 llnxulcn l’.uk ('cnIic. llnmlcn.

l.l\ ingxlnn. III 500 -l i *0 H \gI-x 0 plux Scc liilinhurgh.

Mr Boom - the Man from the Moon “til 9 Jul. 3.30pm. H t5 Hiri- 'l-llL‘illl'k'. .'\ltl\t‘} SIII'CI. SI :\IlilIL'\\ \,

0| 3 H ~175000_;\gc\ 5 pin» l'un .IllIl inuxu~ “llll Ihc mun \xhn h;nl\ Irnin llu' innnn. .\Ii' linnin

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves 'l‘hu l0 Jul. 3. iIIpni. IL!" «UM, ('ul/mn (Hulk and (‘nunu‘} Park. .\l;i_\hnlc. 0l055 83-1-100.;\gc\ 5-plux. 8w \lziu‘Rnler.

Magic Bob l'il'l ll Jul. llgun til L5 liy'c 'l'licnlrc. Ain‘t} SII'CCI. SI .‘\llIlIt'\\ \. 0| 33.1 475000, .-\gc\ 5-plux. l’rcpnti' In hc ulna/ml as Xingu“ linh IllK'\ lux magic trick.

The Singing Kettle: Medieval Madness l‘i‘i ll Sun I i Jul. l'll 3pm; Sin I l;un & 3pm; Sun nnnn N .ipin.

£7 U); Iunul} Iickct £35. \VIutchnll 'l‘llciill'c. l3 licllliclil SII'CL'I. Hundcc.

III 333 43-10-10, .'\gc\ 3—plux. .-\ lian nI ncu \nngx and CHI!) cupcrx ll\ \w |0|ll Ihc Kcttlcrs in h) gnnc Iuncx.

The Spookmaster - Scary Stories for Children Sui I3 Jul. 3.30pm. £4. (‘urncgic Ilull. l‘.ll\l l’nr'I. l)IiriICr'iiiliric. III 383 3|»l000. Agrx H: plux, .-\niin;ilcil puppctx. film and lllll\l\’ cninhinc in liluchnul'x cnncnctinn nI \pnnk) \Inl'icx.

Excalibur \Vcd l0 Jul. 3.10pm. £5 (H I. B'H‘c 'l‘hculrc. Abbe} Slim-I. SI Andrcn \, (H 534 47.5000. .-\:._'L'\ (ivplllx. Scc lidinhurgh.

The Happy Gang’s Big Adventure 'l‘hu l7 Jul. 3. i0pin, £0 (£4); Innul) lickct £33. l)undcc Rep. In} Squnrc. l)un(lcc. 0| 333 333530. ’l'hc (lung are ill iI uguin u iIh inan catch} tunes and h)pcrucII\c Inlcx ;l\ the} haul (M In Ihc l,an \Vnrld in \L'ilrL‘ll nI lnng I’nrgnllcn cix lli\;lll()ll\ and zincicnt


EH Shepard: The Man who Drew Pooh l'nIil Sun 30 (kt. l'ircc. SnnIh .v\rl (iaillcr) and Muwurn. Dinnhurtnn anl. SIirling. III 730 470)]? A Inuring mluhiunn cclchruung Ihc lllL' and \mrk nI lill Shcpurd. crcuinr nl Ihc nnugc nl IhuI I'uinniix hcur. l’nnh.

A Land of Shadows I'nul Sun 37 Jul. l‘rcc. ('luitclhcruull ('nunIr} l’urlx. ('urlixlc Rniiil. liillllllII)”. 0|0‘)X 4303 l 3. Inspired h} J.R.R. 'l‘nlkcin‘x Lnnl nI' Ihc Rings. u Iiixciiiziiirig cxhihninn Inr all iIgC\ lt‘illllfllli.’ :i llnhhit \iIIing rnnrn and a chance In inurnC} Ihrnugh Ihc (hunt Bunk.