Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


(‘oi'ncI' ol Allnon Slit-cl and “C” Slit-CI. |)ai|) IHaIn 7pm.

Unaccompanied l‘nIII Sun .3 Aug. l)onna Rutlu'rlonl ll|\ Ilt'il pt'oplc ll\ Ing In (ilaxgim lI'oIn UlllSHIL' Ihc l'K Io \Ing popular or li‘adilional \ongx lroin Ihcn' honicland. 'l‘hc I'cxulllng \ nlco inxlallalion can ht- \L'Cll In Ihix vinpl} \hop. \xlnlc lhc \ound l\ l‘l'UlltlL‘ilSI onlo lllL' \ll't‘L‘l. 'l'llt‘ \llup \\ Ill lk‘ Upt'll hcluccn noon 2pm & 5 7pm llnoughoul lhv ll]\|.’lll£l|l(lll.


l(»l \Vootllamlx Roail. 332 (WIS.

Mon l‘n IHaIn 5pm; Sat

IUaIn l2.3()lnn.

Mixed Exhibition In 1 Sat 30 Aug. A \hou ol \xoi'k h} I'cgular gallcr} aI'Iixlx including \xoi'kx h} llclcn .\l 'l‘urnt'r. lid llunlcr. Marion ‘l‘hoinxon. Rohcrl lagginlon. Joc Kcai‘nc} and man} olhcrx.


253 Arg) lc Slrct‘l. (MI)! ()22 (HUI). OPrimitive Streak Hi I Sun 24 Aug. .A collcclion ol~ o\ cr 2” aIna/ing garincnIx (It-pitting lhc lcn kt} unbiaonic m cnh in lhc l'n'\I HM)” hourx l'ollouing l'cI‘IIli/alion t'l‘calcd h} Ilt'xigncr llclcn Slol‘t'} uorking \\ ilh hcr \Ncr Kalc. a I'cwart‘h hiologixl hawil aI Dundee l'niwrxil}. Scc pl't‘\ It“ and lllllixl. .\'li\\' S|l()\\'.


1‘) l’arnic Slrccl. 552 777‘). Mon Sal noon 5pm.

Triptych Fri I luv 26 Aug. A \clct‘lion ol~ \xork h} Ilu‘cc )oung liguI‘alnc painlcrxz Rchccca liiuliling. Bun Dan in Jcnkinx and Jawn l’}pcr l)a\i\. NliW Sll()\\'.


I20 Balh Slrccl. ()77o3 222323.

Suite Art l'nIil Thu 7 Aug. A writ-x ol' \wckl} c\hihilion\ cach \lio\\ii1g Ihc “ork ol‘ a (llllt‘l't‘lll \Iuilcnl currcnll}

Check out the great



ant-ruling (ilaxgoxx St'hool ol \i'I \\nh an opt-lung cwr} l-i'nla) Iroin 5pm. l’amt‘la Rohcrhon and \lt'ola l’ann \hou \xoi‘k lllllll 7 Aug.


lS5a Bath SlI’ch. 322 253“. Inc Sal lHanI 5.3Hpni.

Andrew Hay l‘nIIl Thu 3| Jul \\oI'l\\ in oil h} Anilrcu lla}.

Glasgow Art Club In I Sal 3n \ug An C\llll‘l|lHlI ol \\Ul'l\ h} lllt'llll‘t'l\ ol Ihc (ilaxgou AI‘I (‘luh Intluihng \\Hl'l\\ h} Norman lailgai‘. Almamlra (ianlnci'. lla/t'l \agl and Jcnnllcr ll'\ Inc.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I34 lll}lh\\\ooil Slim-l. 332-1187 .\lon l-ri 0.3Hain 5.3(Ipm; Sal

Wain lpin.

Drawing from Experience l'nul Hi 15 Aug. An mlnhnlon ol Scounh ilrauing l'roin I‘NN) 2|N|3 Including \xorkx h) Annc Rcilpalh. Joan l‘.;ll'\llL‘}. Sir Robin l’lnlipwn. |)\' ('aincron. \Vill .\lac|can. Duncan Shankx and (ionlon \lllt‘llt‘ll.

Andrew Hill l'nlil l'I‘i l5 Aug. \L'“ I‘aku l'nul t‘cranut‘x.


l()(» HIS Bi‘unxuick Sli'ccl. Alcrthanl (In. 55: non].

Joy Bain l'nlil Sun 3| Aug. \th painting»


l‘niwrxn} ol' Sli‘;illu‘l_u|c. 22 Richmond Slrccl. 548 2558. Mon l‘ll'l IHaIn 5pm; Sal noon 4pm.

Sons and Mothers l‘nnl Sal In Aug. ln I'cxponxc Io Ihc (it) ~\\ nlc .lanu'x Alt'Nt‘ill \Vliixllt‘l' L'L'lt'l‘l'illlllll‘. |lIL‘ ('Ullilh (iallt‘l‘) lI;I\ III\ llk‘kl [5K ;Il‘lI\l\ lo pl‘t‘\L'lI| t‘UlIlt‘lIIpUI'ul'} llllt'l'pl't‘lzlllnlh Ul rclaiionxhipx hcluccnx \on\ and molhcrx. llIUlliL‘l'S and \olh. ili‘aun l'roin pcrwnal t‘\pt‘l'it'IIL‘t‘. .-\l'li\l\ Int‘llltlt' Jo} t‘t‘ (iunn- (‘aII‘nx Kalc l)(l\\l|lL‘ and Joc ('It‘l'kc. l.}\ llanxcn. l’aincla So. |)a\ nl \Villiainx and man) IIIUI'L‘.


I73 \Vt‘xl Rt‘gt‘lll Sll‘t‘t‘l. 22l (i370.

.\|on Sal Illam 5.30pm.

The New Generation Show l‘nuI Sal 2 .Aug. A \clcclion ol' “ork l'roln lllL' linlll' SL‘UlllxlI Ill'l \L‘llool (lt‘gl't‘t‘ \lum \. Mixed Exhibition Sun 3 Aug luv 2 Scp. ('omclnporar) SL‘I\l|l\lI paintingx. printx and \L'lllpllll't‘ h} )oung and mid- carccr III'|i\|\.


.‘(I “1W1 (it‘UI‘gL' Sll't‘t‘l. 5.52 555 l.

.\lon Sal IUani 5.30pm.

Mixed Show l'nIil Thu 3| Jul. Almrat‘l paintingx h} Alaxlan' Alaclcan. Jcrcni) ('angialoxi. Bart) Bang} and Mark Spain.

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery

Pawlion for Public Transport .

38 THE LIST ‘3? Jul—7 Aug} 20313

<9 I2 July - 9 August 2003

Ca. ("'08 & I? Contemporary Abstraction

JAE “Crv Arrangement in Grey and Black


132 \Ig}lt' \III‘I'I. 2-H \1"-l \lon \\c\l I\ l|1 ".nn “[‘III. lhu "am 5 Winn. \aI " 3Ham (\[‘||I. Sun noon 5 ‘Hpm

Foot Locker Unlocked l nIIl Ihu

3| Jul \n (\lnhnlon It‘lt'luann‘.‘ Ihc lII\|HI_\ ol Ihc IIaIncI Int hnhng a Hall oI lanu' uhnh Icaluiw llu' hm! louul ll.I|l|t'l\ IIonI lhc [\le 3“ _\\'.I|\. a \‘llt‘\ ol tuxlonnual lotla'lx tonlannng I‘t‘lv‘llal llk'lll\ Ilonalul |\_\ |||\l|\1\l||IIl\Illl\l oiganhanonx Iioln Ilu' \‘-H|lil oI \[N‘II .nul a hoinazt' to thy cut-I populal \\l|\l.l\ \Ian SnnIhx


Sallounlano2-1RthwnSIIccl. 35— I‘N‘I \luII lll A Sun l.‘ 3” 5 WWII. \aI Ham 5 3H|un

One Year On: Summer Exhibition I 11111 Sun 3| \n;' lhc gallcl} t‘clclnalcx le Inxl )I'ai mlh a \unnncl \clct‘llon oI \\Hll\\ |\_\ Icgulai .Illl\|\ lilt‘lllxllllg' .lot‘k \l.u lIIl|\‘\. \lt'\.nnlci (iaiilnci. I’I'II'I \anlnn. (ionlon llcnilcimn. |)a\n| lx’mx \\.nn|o\\ and .lcnn) \llklk'lMIH

GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn Slit-cl. 22‘) I‘I‘Hi \lon lhu I\ Sal Illain 5|nn. l'll Sun llam 51ml Sanctuary l'nlIl \lon 2" Sup lat‘kllng nun-x oI lnnnan nghlx ainl Ihcn .ihuw. Ilnx InanI‘ t'\lIll‘llIUll\ |uIng\ logclhci Iht' \xoik ol owl t‘UlllCllIPUldl} 3“ .llll\l\ Hoclopml In ]‘.llll|\'l\l|l|‘ unh \Inncxu lnlt'i'nallonal and [he St'olllxh lx’clugcc ('ount‘ll. lht‘ nlnlnlion mph»ch \uhu-t'h \llt‘ll ax loitul nngialion. \hxplat'cnicnl. Ioi'lun'. opprcxxlon. ulcnlil} and t'UIIu'Ph ol hoinc. .\l'||\l\ nu‘luilc .\nlhon_\ (ionnlt'). Bill \‘Iola. \lauk \\allingcl. l.oui\c Houugvolx. Shn'In \cxllal. l{ii\\ Snu‘lan' and lx'cnn} llunlci

Sanctuary Selling Show l'nul Sun 3 Aug. .\ \hou ol allonlahlc all \\ Ilh pi‘ou'cilx going lo .AIIIIK'Sl} lnlvinalional and Ihc St‘ollixh Rclugcv ('ounul .uul lllt'lllklt‘\ \\Hl'l\ h} Koican .uIN and lUl'lllL'l' [\I'Ixonci' ol t‘onwn'nu' llong Song l)alll.


Ronkcn (ilL'li Road. 02” H2 35 Mon. 'l'hu. l’ll'l A Sun 1.3“ 5. 31min: Sal

|l.3||ain 5.3len.

Summer Exhibition Sun I well I 3 Aug. A nnwd t'\llll‘lllllll Icalui'lng \kull\\ h} l’ani ('ai‘lcr. lanuna S l).I\|\. Shona liarl. (’Ian'c and .l;llllt'\ llaI'IIgan. .lalln'\ ()ri‘. KIN) \VIIIICI' and man} Inoic. CYRIL GERBER FINE ART

l—lH \VCSI l{t‘j_'t'|I| .Sll't‘t‘l. ljl “NS

.\|on Sal ‘).3||aIn 5.3Upni.

First of the Summer Wine l'nul Sun 3| Aug. A waxon ol changing \xoikx on a \llllllllt'l‘ Ihcinc Including “Ulla h} lianllc}. DY ('aint'i'on. l't‘l'lelxxUll. \nnu- l'I'cnt'h. \\'(} (illllt‘S. \lt'( 'ant'c and man} Ulllt‘h.


l3 RUSC Sll't‘t‘l. “3 N :5.

GFT Staff l'nIIl 'l'hu 3| Jul. .\n L‘\hIhIllon ol \xork h} I't't't‘nl (ilaxgou School ol AI'I grailuaux \\l!o arc among (ilfl~ \Iallt

Scott Naismith III I Sun 3| Aug. ()le and ad} ht‘x h} l)unt'an ol Joi'ilanxlonc graduate. St'oII \Ilhlllllll.


22 A 25 King Slim-l. 5.5211704. 'luc Sal IUaIn 5.3Upin.

Arrangement in Grey and Black l'nlil Sal ‘) Aug. Innlcil ;Il'|l\|\ Inakc pl'lllh In I'c\poi1\t' Io \Vhixllcr'x IaInou~ panning oI |u\ lllHlllL‘l' .Irnmui mm! Hi (im (UNI Ii/mA \n/ a\ pail ol lhc \Vlllelt‘I' t‘cnlcnar} tclclu'anonx.

0 Contemporary Abstraction l'nIII Sal 9 Aug. (‘o-t‘ui‘alul h) John (‘alt‘ull and Adrian \Alx/lllt'“ do. an uhihiuim looking al Ihc ulcax oI Ihc almrat‘l In L‘UIIIL‘IIIpHI‘al'} arI Icalui'lng \xoi'kx h} 'l‘oh) l’alcrwn. Suc 'l‘ompklnx. \It‘loria .\|orlon. AlIt'llacl \Vilklnxon. Kat} l)o\ c. Rn‘hanl \Vi'IghI and l’t-lcr Much. St'c Inn-xx and llnlm.


lhc \latknnoxh (i.«.|ch_\. lo ' Runny“ \IIct‘I. 353 15”“ \lon l|| Il'am 5pm. Sal |Hnn 2pm

ORobert Stewart: Design 1946-95 1 rnII Sal | \o\ I\l.I\l\||||\‘\l| (ialh'rw lx’olx'rl \Icuall Ina} noI l‘c .: |.I||||l|.I| nann‘ l‘nI Ilinlng Ilu' 5Hx. Mk .nul 5"» ho \\.:\ an ll||l||\‘|I|l.Il \lt‘\|‘_'II\‘I .nul lt'.'.\l|I|:' uhualzonalm \ IonIcIni‘oIaI} ol | an :cnnc Ila}. \Iu\\.:II ‘-‘-.:\l1\“:\lt‘l I‘lnzhuf i\'\|llt'\.ll(il.i\1'|‘\\ \llool ml \II .: .:\ Zrmllnz' {HEIC In \lcxlzin lol I Il\'11\. \loIzl. \INIII l\'\‘\'\l and HIV l Illnlunyll lapuxlu \xorkmr III Ilu' Inmlnnm oI I\'\I1|c\. “Iznnt \. :rrai‘hn ilk-\Ipn .nul Iapcm} \cc llnlm Robert Stewart And Colleagues - Posters l |||ll\.1l l \o\ \lIIIHII (i.:||cI_\I lo .:\\i‘||||‘.I|I\ Ilu' \II'u‘nI

\ \tcll

Ithwa'tInc. .: \clm [Ion ol IIIno\.~.II\c 1‘H\|\‘|\l\‘\l;'||\l‘_\ lx’olk'll Slcuall .nnl lnx



IS.‘ Halli \Ilccl. 3‘3 |""| \lon lll

IH Mam 5pm. \n I“ Wain lpIII Summer Selection l uul Hm 1| Jul \ \clctllon o1 paIIIIIIn'x Int hullnz' \‘.Ull\\ l\_\ \\ |lll.l||| \II'|\A|| ( ll.I\\. llannxh \l.|\\l|lll.|l\l_ l’I'ch ||o\x\on. lugcnc IMAM”. \laIIon ||.n\v\. (icolz'c llH|l\|I‘|I|I|l\l\|l1.I||liilllx

Mixed Exhibition llI ! Sal 3H \uj.‘ \ \k'l\'\ll|lll ol WW and .‘HIII \cnlnn .nnl tonlt'lnpolal} ]‘.Illl|l|I_‘.'\


‘I ll (it‘UII'C \llt'k'l. 22.‘ .‘llf‘l \ltill \Jl ‘lanl 5pm

Mixed Exhibition l Illll Hill 3| Jul ()III'Inal mqu M John I own \loiIIwII. l’l.Ill\'l\ lloag .nnl lluan I \.III\

Mixed Exhibition In I \u 3H \u_~_- ()IIgInal no“ St'ollixh l.ll|ll\\.l|\k' h} \lalt'ohn llulh .uul \l.u1\loi_~.'.1n

O HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l Inwhn) ol (llayjnu, .\_‘ llillluxul Sum. 33H ‘13! \lon Sal ‘|.3||.nn 5pm. Sun l.‘. 3H J Winn loi Inon' llllHlllMllHll \k'k' \\ \\ \\ \\ hlxllcl 2‘ NH \‘Hlll Anna Whistler - A Life I nlIl \.u l ()t'l \\ luxllci'x [MIIIlIIII‘ ol |n\ IIIHIlII‘I. lining: Im H; II] (iux um/ lf/ml \u / Ix \oIIIIIIcIIn'Iilul h) .I \pm Ial \'\l||l‘ll|U|| haxul on pm lith} unpuhllxlml colIx‘xponilcnu- and .III l||\.ll lll.llk'll.ll. Immhng lln- lllx' lu-hnul Ilu' noun nnaz'c Scc ll||l|\l I’m! n/ “ll/\l/il :IIIIA‘ Beauty and the Butterfly: Whistler’s Depictions of Women l lllll Sal HM l’mlclx t'lt'lnngx .uul lllllt);3|.I[\l|\ llll|\||.Il\' \\ lll\llk'l '\ Ilcplt'lionx oI \xonu'n. lot'uung on t'lIllIlllmul. .lllllllIllHlIl .Ilul llu' lllkl .|_L'\' I’ll/‘1 u! H /II\I/i I III/H Copper Into Gold: Whistler and 19th Century Printmaking l'nul “ml 2-1 Hut~ 'l'lnx I~\|n|uIIon pnwcnlx cltlnnp .unl ll|l|Hf_'l.I[Il|\ h} \\ lnxllci .nnl lnx t'oIIIcIIIpoIaIm. lughhghling \\'ln\I|cI\ athn‘wnn'nlx a\ onc oI Ilu- git-.ilcxl aIlN plllilllldlxt‘h ol all Innu- ’(4’II H/ [UH/(l SHUT In Grey and Black l mu! Sal -I (m \Vlnxllcik l.‘l||lUl|\ paInIIng oI |n\ IIIHIIII'I. lIIIIIIIH mull III (i/M um/ IJ/ml \o / t'lllllk'S Io (ilaxg'uu. IoI llu' um Innc Ill mu 5“ _\c.uu. on loan Ii'oin Ilu' \llht't' (lil )I'\;I\ III l’al'Ix. '(III III ll JIM/l: I 31/11} I Women lilllll \Vk'll 3-1 “Ct. l)cpn'llon\ oI \xonn-n h) \Vlnxllt‘IK t'onIcInpiu'ai'n'x Iik'Illll\lL'_\. \lat’lanlmh. ('arlm St’hualu' and Hlllk'IS Impnul h} lanlax}. IIIIag'Illgilloll .nnl \}l11l\i>ll\lll I’m/l ml ll/IHI/I'I 3W1." Whistler and Scotland l'nul Sal -| (M, 'l‘hh ulnhmon L‘\lel'L'\ \Vlnxllt-i'x poncrlul Inllucnt'c on Ihc St‘ollixh aI'I \xoi'hl «luring lnx hiclnnc. lcalunng Ihc (ilaxgoxx Bo} paInIt-I'x. (JCIllCl'S and t‘ollct'loi'x .unl int'hult-x \xorkx h} l'. A \Vallon. .JiilllL'S (lulhric. (it-orgc llcnr} and (‘hai'lux chinc Alatklnloxh. l’url n/ ll'IInI/w’ SUM".