Thursday 21


Bruce’s Pick of the Fringe 'l he Slitlltl. l“ \Vtititllttlltlx Rtt;itl_ UK.” Mill on“. ‘)pm tiii er Barbara .\'tee hringx lter motherl} muxingx through to lztltrthurgh. Support eomex lrom John Henderson. Mareux Btrtlmatt and lttixl Hrttee Morton.


neg Anderson’s Comedy Night .'\\'illlllltl\. l" \Vaxerle} ifrttlge. 55ft

3 HS. ‘lpm. l'lL'L’. (‘anatlian hoho ( ilenn \Vool IS tlte menmg'x mam attraetion

Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.


A list for comedians to follow in case they run out of topics

emote controls long enough

to t0uch the telly With . .

cream bending . . . self- cleaning dishwashers and drive- thrOugh dentists . Ryan Air in space . . emptying out the sand caught in yOur pockets into the sand pit at home knowing it makes a difference even if it is tiny . drinking from a teapot sp0ut and Siitgeing your nose slowly as the hot tea leaks out of the lid . . calling the fire brigade Out because of a splinter . wondering if you'll ever see a busker go mental, get into it and smash up his equipment . . there is no other w0rd for the back of the knee except popliteal . a man trips over his undone lace in space . . . there is a digital QUibla . marrying Just for air miles . . the plural of unique . . shavmg and iismg a skateboard . . there were not lLlSl woolly elephants. there were woolly rhinos too: Coelodonta . . your mum trying to defrost her freezer with a hairdryer when it is still sWitched on spelling still With three ‘l‘s . . . not knowmg where the apostrophes go and can they be possessive themselves . the word 'gtitlt' starts to appears on food packaging . . and the word ‘confidence' on toothpaste . . going to the dentist with sugar in my beard . . . the first b8ib right at the edge of town . . though through a plough trough thoroughly en0ugh drought though . . dipping the kids' dsmrded breakfast Crusts in olive Oil late at night for a snack . . . making a bread and butter pudding from all the other crusts that get left by kids and appreciating the Symbiotic harmony type interaction With a Sunning smile . . . nibblecarve profiles of little people in pancakes . . arranging to meet yOur daughter and her friend's family at a pool. gong to the wrong one and missing the moment she learns to swim

Glasgow Thursdays


DogGod ()hat. the ('oiiitthtait. I‘ll litgi‘am Street. 5*: ll“! Ill Vipllt Kim [3. Weekly K}ile lit ittltISt‘

Glasgow Fridays


Audioporn Merettt}. [-13 Ilath I am. 34S l-Hf l’ll IS .'\ug llpttt i.iitt ti Monthl} Heep hotlxe .inil teehito

Glasgow Saturdays


Uproar Meiettr}. I‘ll llatlt lane. 11S I777, Sat lft:\tlg. Illfillpiti kiitt {the Monthl}. llai‘tl tranee aitil ltlltk) lliltISt'

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Love You Baby (it-'l'. Roxi- Street. 332 SIDS. 'l'ue I‘) tk \Vetl Ill .’\ll:_'. ~lpttt l'l‘uel; (fillpltt t\\'etll. £375 til—'5

(£3 “Sill. Matlrttl haxetl eottteih

Glasgow Wednesdays

Cinema I Love You Baby the l*) k \Vetl 3n :\ttg. See 'l‘ue.


Allure 'l'he lllllllt'l. .S-l Mitehell Street. 204 Ililifl. 11.30pm Rant. 9; *. \Veekl}. Next git) eltih from the ill '.\' people. Fourplay lim}. 3ft (‘aitthrttlge Street. 332 3437. I Ipm iam. [4 it: \\llll theri. Wet-kl}. .\'e\t ga} eltth.

Edinburgh Fridays


Blaze ligo. l’ieartl} l’laee. .178 7-134, in IS Aug. llpitt Rant. (3 helore midnight; L11 alter. l‘oitntghtl}. .\'e\\ eltih.

Edinburgh Saturdays

Eye Candy .\l;t\\a. 3ft 3‘) Market Street. 32!» 432-1. llpitt 3am. till ttS or U) il’outrageouxl} tll'L‘SSk‘tll. \Veekl}. (ilattt, Men Only ('Iaremont. I33 I ‘5 Izaxt ('Iaretttont Street. 55ft Stiff}. Sat lft .'\llf_‘. iS'pm. l-‘ree. liot'tntghtl}. \Viltl ilrexx eoile. Wiggle ligo. l’iettrtl} l’laee. 478 7-1 H. Sat if» Aug. llpitt 5am. L"). Moitthl}. 'l‘l‘elttl} \Vetttl} lS 'ltllllk‘tl it) .lUll l’letlwti.



Candle Bar Ill ('antlleriggx. 5M IZSS. 0pm. l‘ree. l.i\e|_\ bar.

Court Bar 0‘) llutehexon Street. 552 2463. p.30 Itlpitt. l‘ree. 'l'railtttonal hat. Delmonica’s (i8 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 0pm. Free. l)J\. qui/ and karaoke. LGBT Centre I I I)i\on Street. 221 ".7203. I lam mitlttight. l‘ree. ('ale'har. Mercury 1-12 Bath lane. 3-1.S I'“ Bar opett from 5pm. Free.

Polo Lounge 34 Wilmii Street. 55% 1331. lllpm lam. l‘ree. litttertaintneitt from Mon to Thu.

Revolver (xi John Street. 553 2456. 8.30pm. Free. Weekly. Popular har. Sadie Frosts .S‘ Ill \Vext (ieot‘ge Street. 332 8005. Soon midnight. l~ree. Waterloo Waterloo Street. 23‘) 5M”. Nootrtnitlnight. Well kntmn ga) har.


Bennets 0i) (llilSSlUrLl Street. 552


There's nothing like a real show-stopper.


".25 Gay

Crowd-pleaslngly daffy

Judy Garland singing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow'. John Travolta dancing in Saturday Night Fever. Max Beesley seducing Mariah Carey with a xylophone solo in Glitter. Now. add to that precious list the sight of Stephen Sondheim stepping demurely from his limousine to the Wonderstuff's The Size of a Cow. The irony of the world's greatest living songwriter being accompanied by Miles Hunt‘s cheery indie knees-up requires no elaboration. But some kind of explanation would be nice.

‘We had to get songs from shows because Camp is set against a musical theatre background,‘ says director Todd Graff. ‘l‘d approached Sondheim. who very kindly said: “Use what you want." and agreed to appear in the film. I then told everyone that Sondheim was letting us have his songs for nothing, so that kind of shamed everyone else into it.‘

It‘s just one of a series of wild, crowd-pleasingly daffy moments from a film that is no ordinary musical. Witness 3 performance of Sondheim‘s Ladies who Lunch that features projectile vomiting. ‘The film is about Camp Ovation. which is based on New York’s Stagedoor Manor, where I worked as a counsellor.‘ says Graft. ‘For many kids, it‘s their first real exposure to theatre, and they're not doing Annie. They'll do Equus. Follies or Beckett, because their parents will never see it.‘

Camp's story, of an embittered Broadway writer who gets his second wind teaching fresh-faced hopefuls is one that mirrors Graff's own story. 'I felt like a walking cliche: the films I'd made didn't bear any resemblance to what I meant,’ says Graft, who scripted Dangerous Minds and Angie. ‘I decided to make a film in a more personal. independent style. shooting on tape for under 82m over 22 days at a real camp, with everyone sleeping in

bunks.‘ (Eddie Harrison) Ill/i, l/(iti. lzt'tm . '~

Edinburgh Sundays


Taste the l.ltlllltl Room. ‘le \ it‘toita Street. 33* 25ft-l llpitt 5am t5 heloie ll.‘llpttt; LS1U»ittetttheixtallet. Llll ttott lllt'llll‘t'lx on guext l).| lllg'lllS \Veekl}. last} hie“ ol house and g.ii.ige Bootylushous ('oeteatt I otmge. i go.

5%], llpttt killam U U) 1L: {Si l-.\eellettt tlanee .ieltoit “ed to Sun .llltl .t \ttttlent ittgltl on Thu

Cube it ()iieeii Stteel. 3:0 .S‘Nll Ilillpm iam, ('heex) elt.iit g.t} lllleIIS oit Mott ll).t\\ltlll.tlll) i and [tie tl'l \ l Mercury ll: Halli latte. 2.1.x l""" liar open from 5pm; ('ltih llipm 4am I't'ee lt'x lost the Lounge hut ll.\ \ltii open late 'l‘tie Sttit \\llll l)J\. tliag .lk‘lS. oeeaxtottal thettte nights and .i \ieekl} eotttetl} eluh llllll l.

Polo Lounge S-l \VliSttll Street. 55‘ 1221 Illpm iam. L5. l'texh. lush and (Kiri) ott l’olo. i’rt to Sllll.



Blue Moon Cafe l Baron} Street. 55‘0911. Mon l'l'l llattt 1|..‘llpttt; Sat Stiit ‘lpm 13.3llam. l‘ree.

CG Blooms 33 :4 (ireetNtle Place. 555) 9331. lll..‘~llpm 3am thar troitt (\pllll. Free

l’tt‘.iltl} l’ e. 1‘\ "iii Ilptti ;.llll 9.‘ \\eekl} \eti. tun mixeil ittz'ltlli

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Vibe l.}'tl. l)l\.ll\l_\ l’l.t\ t”. i‘\ W-i (i llpttt iitti L i it} lllt‘llli‘t'l\l \M-ellx Jaittex I ott;'\‘.oillt pio\ ltlt'\ the \tllllltl\

Habana (ilt't‘ll\ltlt' l’l.ite. SSS l.‘, 'li \oott |.tiit l tee le Mei} lit .llltl Sat and iitii/oke oit lllll

Flashback it Hope Siieei. 3% “Will ~1pttt |.iiti (ht-es} iltxto Mon to Sun Frenchies Rme Street 3.“ "Ml lpttt lam ltee l’opulai

The Laughing Duck .71 lloii e Street. 33‘; .‘. "'ft Mott Ihti

llattt llpilt. I ll t\ Sat I l.ittt l.tlll. Sim ll lllatti llpm St}li\h. \Hllil} hat New Town Bar l)lll‘llll Street. S W ""5 Mott lhti \oon l.titt. i ii \ooit 2am. Stilt l.‘ illpitt lam (Li) eitltxe bar and titiilerglouttil eluh Planet Out (ilt'L'l‘SltlL' l’itteL‘. llllfil \lott l'l'l -lpttt lam. Sal Stltt 3pm lam l'tee Regulai ltllteu'lilS The Regent 3 \lttltllttSt' lt‘l'lilLL‘. (fol MUS Stilt 'lhu llitm tttiiltttght; l'l'l Sal llattt lam .‘\l.‘lll .liit'x next. \entttrel

Sala (til Biotighlon Street. 47S "ll/i‘). 'ltie Suit llam llpttt l'tee (ale ltitttl .tll Lid},