I A . , '4, H, I I .. g I" ' . t j: v ‘r‘ .y 'r ‘v ° r :1


OK, maybe too much. Instead, take two great Brit actors and cast them as a couple relocating to the wrong side of town?

That not heavy enough for ya? Well let’s try a family drama: starving kids, weeping

mothers, you know the sketch?

The Time of the Wolf

..'t:";1w’ I {gir‘m’xu f 1mm.) Ausfm (it""wr; I lmfmw Hanna/3, Bozifwru [mm /)t'i."/(Tt.‘ (I’wuuu. Roms Huff/it)! I'm! Hash. kw, Hanoko15;t);t<:i\‘.';xth more outmarx. ItliUfl ;>f total ‘rzsmmtg. Ihv must unwortd't (ll't?(II()-' t7lll.’(?".°,!". ‘.'.'\’)lL\|H:} [H t mom: '1? gm. 'mm‘ proof JUST mm": or m 3.0.15“. (3mm t/mwnz'. or Hm Paws? mm. hunt,- JUSI topped mum-.1! mm standards; \.'.'Iti‘ this; 90"“ ‘.'.'?vt:r‘ Alt'lil Huppwt and he: Tamm gamut? at then ftofmzt,

harm}. thm but It (ttxtuitwt tt‘. ESlltilelm'tl. H‘mk of Pettmrum'i's; Dogs; crossed ‘.‘.’|Ill Andrm'.’ Kottmgg's 77"‘55: f'I/f’ty Em?" and you an:- somewhere close (Smut stuff from 4! gum! flimmgikw

Out 17001,

22 THE LIST .‘ "3 Us".

" '- a ,t a: '.' ' ' w 1': aw!" diml' ' t ' W «.1 '- ' " : v . .f‘:x J .,‘3 v A: '3.’ 9' 1”' ' -,r ':' ' tz' thing-(xi: "fun w "t, -'1. ' ' " .' . . : ' " t't- E;°.;)'n:f> I ~ "1m 'uu: ' l.’ x:' - '~ " ' : 2 5v tut: ' t'w "“ :Wu I‘M ~' z'mw) , txz'xr : x ' 3 ' ' J ' o ' Ezgztosgi‘ganéold 'YiffiflJl‘ilil", :"uvacférré; ' w!“ fwv' H wif'o : v 1' 1' " ' -- i a mammou" I'E; "(t'fl . {17‘ output. Lt<:z‘:, figgxrlxi'nwg': :, I" ft‘maf" t: t: 1/». ~ r: ' ~ :m' story froma f.“"t;12l‘fli<tf>ill¥‘¥:f?l€:"‘(;TUNA-’13‘!'f;f1‘ '. 7" ' ' ' Mm;- 1 .am ~ myriad Of ’J'tfixi ..",'.‘_,'.'f}Héi‘dfti.'.{:,f;'\"(2.'."_ “tx' tzvx‘ .' '. o' :ut ' " t". w 2 f a!» (:r 2 Perspectives; lu MB. ’;L.x.""a '3‘ :z,:’ a ". ' «' : 1'- 'n :»' ,1 "m2? - T‘W» 31': But not just Pulp I . age," mums) a: ()I- 2mm» tt ' - 1.2: - ' -g-;v. FiCtion Witho‘n Huanx (:l;;>:t'<;z‘: ‘.-. "H'f'. ..' i'w Hyatt/mi}?! '1 :H i ' H M, :' "'-- t " ° ,. the lakes' "’8 T": (U (:f' "13‘ ' x .. fa, (lzitt‘té' '- " f Wm M‘ ,1 H-r ' °- ,2 '-v' fun It 41,-! E‘B-m 'l', mUCh more’ so "ait'fl2H1?“{JUEHLUUffICU'lltlfiiltl'wll) , u Mal/4'". Lu r 2' 2" 'titiw u r ,f' u mh‘ m mUCh more' f"(:*<:'v"l<:ztt)2(:()HtmigaMait.()ézf; (:i1.'.l‘f)f"€:.'"“JV: (“'fai w" fr- ’l"l‘..', H,I'i(:f1(313()"1l‘II'Y‘./\"/.«’f‘g:.'."§;(XX." 4/" (Lax/w ! .' 1.1:"? E-lw a ‘.s,' ; 1m" Humid: quart-(33:; nth (jaw: gm: ?‘(:7 " STU! (1:: txzuuawfl. [\ing': lr;n1<,,',.\.i.1 ,w: (wt 2, "w

thin} 53%)!)- /R‘f{.”/

NE. E as" f H] ;::;.v

Shed your own crocodile tears because the USA’s finest filmmaking

(w/ -N\ If(‘('/ ‘xr kn

m E mom:le (:arxm'

smash mm, {m} ottwt t;

tsmp“, r'uatztft(:tlov‘;a (mum.

La Trilogie

If you want to see something remarkable, you can’t do much better than LUCAS BELVAUX’S epic. v

r. Paul Dale

‘(2 Juror; 1 2/0. 1': 1m a" {my/.- ';ffw,~’:r My; ,1' gar") '2 '1' .:

1mm; (1'. t;:;(>‘.<:' f;(,‘:"i:f; tut 1m; [,(7l?;l,‘r’,?l.‘: Man i (rap '1‘ the '

“"(":;<’I:,H‘.'f3{ll}(f. I’ve 'Y‘itXHY‘f; [.31. l)e’:l"it.(: If, {A Jun 67 t' ‘f'w- "

Wt: 413?. ‘-.'."'.": t'té: r):'<:::t<;r'i; shim: a“ tfi; "-',~"‘:/'1;: U I?‘(:.'(: "('13, l)(:(7" .'",‘.'\:r‘;; at, l)’ 0,1,2“! /

lgl Siftffi‘t: K €3f$ii§.'.f}r<i

brothers have hooked up

La Trilogie is released on 14 Nov, 28 Nov & 5 Dec.

3, (llllil‘f:

with endlessly PUPPY- producing, Welsh rare bit Catherine Zeta-Jones, Douglas-Hume.

Intolerable Cruelty

Jaw t‘; Ef'rzt" Cm". USA (999mm (20002..

"’3" "a‘ 'zé‘t'i our-t“; (7"(""t". RV?"

Q'thu. J‘s“ tut trauma utlfld

l“. .".v, {NC ,"1 - ;;7 "7w! -

(IEJU'ZE'. "it 23 {i

x t, .(b'lfiéilfl 8'."

Mu. 71,, ms". T'izs ‘5 "bore; H.,:::;txcr<c' P's-q

Let’s bring it all back home then, shall we?

Back to the streets of Glasgow filled with agitated US mafiosi, just how we like it.

American Cousins " (13475,, Jr"

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fun" . g-x- " 1W: (mango; (,ézw“: (at L. ther

Scott a.” can." But Rupert“, 9{;z‘:"?:"2 t raw/33mm mm". Irv '3. .‘l’ 1; .. I’M-,4 aux/1w! 1:3 U: l/f‘:‘-’:'f)

r;',:!(;:,t T‘t} Uta ix)‘ , .'.' £1’,'~"J'if; " yaw, human/1 Sottww, ‘x, 'o:,-:,;:/. HO!» '1' "931,44 f, c'uaxlri'; of‘ 5101,: 2223's: .‘ ,'-,;:‘~ , ",3,- E’m’: of ’,I.'>‘:.' ;)",l,~’:'Y1f5. Tm) F 73,9142", Warn: (1')“, ‘I:;:t‘\.r-':‘. (a

You sure are difficult to please, I’ll tell ya. How’s about you check this fortnight’s new releases on

than s was ' J. . 2: \ARIY‘S ."d.t’: t,-,-'~ now-Vs so otter {at t" (:Etw on: .m (/1 page 4.