Film Index

Film index continued

Mr Inbetween I<I O. tl’atil Sanxxa). l K. 3””;l .\litilt'\\ llouard (it‘iditilllt' i). Ra“ e. l)a\ Id (alder. \aeeti JaliIe}. ('lIxe RtIxxell. \lltllt'\\ lIeIIIaII ()HIIIIII Jon Bennet IllouaIdI Ix a proiexonIIal hIlIIIaII uho lI\ex III a moral \.itllllill. he kIlIx \xIth a dead e}ed delatlllnetti JoII \xoth lot the laitooed \iaII Ii atltit'l I. a peI\eIxe \ IIlttIIed tilillt' loId uho keepx lIIm III IIIIIIIhIIIe dIIIex \VlIeII .loII Ix IeIInIted \xIth tuo old \t‘lltmlilit'lltix lllt' \Ull\L't|llCllk L'\ .llL' itiltll it Ix haIdl} the IIonI oIIeIIIal Idea. hut It xhotIld hax e maked helteI than thIx 'l he mam pIohleIII Ix l’eteI “atldIIIeton‘x er‘eenpla} adaptatIoII oi \eIl ('onx' oIIeIIIal noxel 1.1le to eapttIIe the hook'x xenxe ot eaIIeeIotIx IIIhIlIxIII and xoeIal til\lL'j._'.liti. So what u e are leit \\ Ith aIe .I ie“ llilt'lt'\llli_‘._‘ \Lt'llL'\ and a lot oi po taeed dIaloetIe that alltldex to the nature oi itee \I. III. See rex Iexx Show (IH' (Ila/nu. ('mII/I/II/ee A“ I’(i( lien/Mn Sheet. (i/tneon

Ned Kelly I lit .0. l( ireeot Jordan. l‘S/x\tIxtIalIa. limit lleath Ietleet. \aoIIII \Vattx. (ieoiite) RtIxh IU‘hIIIII xtor} oi .-\tIxtI.IIIa'x IIont iaIIIoIIx otIl|.I\x

’l'hIx IIe\\ iIlIII \eIonII oi the

[iiti‘ll;t}\ the lI‘Ixh IIIIIIIIeIaIIt xtI'Ietl} ax a iolk heto I'aIlIIIe aeaIIIxt eoloIIIaI oppIexonn. John \1 \ieDonagh‘x er‘Ipt hax pI'edIetahle hlaek and \xhtle eharaeterIxatIoIIx I()I'lando Bloom'x nIee. haIIdonne outlaw. RtIxh'x ugl). eI‘tIel poIIee xIIpeI'IIIteIIdent; \Vattx' poxh. prett} maIdI and hlataIIt IIIetaphorx xIIeh ax Kell) heme eoIIIpaI'ed to a eaeed lIoII. But the xImpIIxtIe approaeh alloxxx Jordan to pla} on the health} anttatIthIII‘ItaI'IaIIIxIII axxoeIated \\ Ith .'\ll\ll';ill;lli etIIttII'aI tdenlti). (it'ne/‘u/ l't’lt'tl\¢’.

North By Northwest ll’( il .00.. t:\llred llItelIeoek. l'S. WSW (at) (iI'aIIt. l:\e .\iaI‘te Saml. JaInex .\iaxon. Martm

Landau l iomm. ()tIIntexerItIal llIteheoek eoIIIed} -aeltoner u Ith (iI'ant perieet ax the ewryiay adman pItehed Into a iI‘eexxheeIIng epronage adxenture. III \theh nohod} helIe\ ex lIIx Innoeenee hut he thdx xeli-\on'th and I‘oIIIanee along;

“Kristin Scott Thomas is in bewitehing form, an irresistible seductress” Tom Dawson - TOTAL FILM

****“An original vision...Stylish, funny and Charming”Jason Solomons - THE TIMES

****“A showcase for acting perfection”

Chris Roberts - UNCUT . {- ...

I- -f

I‘ ’i’H


Pascale BtISSieres 0 Ludivine Sagnier 0 Catherine Mouehet

An Artificial Eye Release www.mtil‘iciabeyecom i ugliin xuhtitlex


\MI‘I) FRIDAY l0 uww_monI-mw FRIDAY l7 ,' 34 THE LIST .i—‘Jf Oct

Everything today is thoroughly vile: Pretty Young Things

the ha}. ('laxxte xetheIIeex ahoIInd. IIIeltItlme the erop-duxtme routme and the .\iotmt RtIthIIore elIIna\. llt’tllIaIIt entertaimnent. ('( Ll. (i/uxeou,

On the Avenue 11th 1R0} l)el Ruth. [2%. 1037i i)Iek l’tmell. Madeleme ('arroll. :\|Iee ha) e. Al Riil. 30mm. When a Broadna) produeer xatIrIxex an Important New York iannl} “Ith hIx IIe\x xhou. the iamtl} xtIex hut their daughter tallx III lo\e \xtth hIIIr lakeahle. I'oIIIantIe eomed) mtIxIeal i‘I‘om a tune helore Hm! maga/Ine and It eII'Ix. SI lirule'x ('eIIIre. lat/IIIlmre/I

Once Upon a Time (Der Var Engang) tthei t(‘arl l)r‘e}et'. Denmark. I‘Dli ('lara l’ontoppIan. 75mm. Dre} er'x \x end and \xonderi'ul lxixtardlxatIon oi lianx ('hrIxtian Anderxon‘x 'I'lIe Sn II!t'/I('I‘1/ and Shakexpeare'x 'I‘lre 'Iimune o/ the Shrew 'HilN Ix eertaml} the xtraneext oi thexe [)re) er oi‘i'ermgx. hut the elegant I‘extoI‘atIon Ioh. done I'eeentl} h} the l)anIxh l‘Ilm lIIxtIttIte. makex It \xell \on'th \entuI'Ing out for. Silent \xIth piano aeeompamment. ( '(i(' ken/rm Street. (i/uwmi.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico 1 15» O. tRoheI‘t RotirIgtIeI. [8. limit Antonio Banderax. Johnn} Depp. Salma lla) ek. liilmm. llaung re~made the origmal Ito-budget I:/.Uur1uelu ax Dex/Iemt/o. Rodriguel'x logIeal next xtep \x ax to eoIItmtIe III the t'ootxtepx oi hIx Idol. Spaghetti Wextern maextro SeI'gIo Leone. h} ereatIng an epIe 'ehIllI

\x extern'. llanderax hax a lot ol iun I'eprIxIng hIx role ax the gtIItar-playng, gun-tonne man III hlaek. \x ho \xanderx Into a |a\x|exx .\ie\Iean to“ II and elexeri} pla)x ex er_xone oil agamxt one another The other aetorx xeeIII to he enlo} my lliL‘ltixL‘hex lot). from Depp ax [he xeheming e\-('l.-\ agent Sandx to lla) ek. In xome flaxhhaekx \theh ilexh out the relatIonthp hetxx een the haunted. \engei'ul iii .\iarIaehI and hIx murdered “He. The problem Ix that RodrIgtIel. ior all hIx kuII and energ}. hax a B-mox Ie mmd. So. Inxtead of a Inagntiieent \Vextern \\ Ith xeope and \ Ionn. \x e ha\ e a cheap 'lL'\/.\ie\ aetroII mm Ie. (ienem/ I'e’lt’uxe.

One Continuous Take ttheu tVarIoux. VarIotIx. 300M UHIIIIII, ()pportumt} to xee the hext xhortx iron] Seotland and around the \xorld Xian} ot the iilIITx “II! he Introdueed h} the

lllilllllilht‘l\ tlIeIIIxel\ex (( \ (IIItI'\‘."I"I'. Petites Coupures I IM 0000 ll’axeal llomI/eI. l'ldlit e. .‘HH in |)aIIIel x\lllt'lill. KIIxtIII Stott lhomax. l IIdI\IIIe SaeIIIeI 05mm HIIIIIoI \tItetIIlI |Ikex \onneII. and Ix alxo .I \Hillllillllhl

nexx xpapet IotIItIalIxt \xho’x eot lIIIIIxeli Into a “hole lotla tIotIhle \\lillt‘ III the IIIIdxt oi a mud hie eIIxIx lheIe'x lIIx mtIeh put upon \xIle (iaelle. hIx )otiilf.‘ eIt'liI'IetId \athalIe «SaeIIIeI I. lIIx \iayu tmele and a uhole heap oi lli_\ \lt‘l} III the ioI'III oi lieatIIee llIoIIIaxI. a polttn IaII‘x daughteI uho ll\ ex deep III the \i.llh ioIextx oi (iIeIIohle \le( iIIiiIIIx and \lll} llIteheoekIaII it'it‘lt'llt ex aIe tlIIouII III. along; with loadon Ieall) pIeteIItIoIIx anext) IIIelodIaIIIatIe til.tltl_L'llt‘ that Iexealx Bruno‘x ttIIe eolotIIx Hut It'x iIInII}. xaie and eonquIIInatel} ilklk'tl thI~ Ix one _\oII ean dIIIIk III and ehIll out to lat/III/Ime/I

Piglet’s Big Movie II I li'ldllt Ix (ilehax. l'S. Zilii ii "*IIIIII ('aItoon l he gang: iI‘oIII lltIIIdIeti \t Ie \\ood aIe hat k


“illl aIIollIeI eIIehantIIIe tale oi adxentIIIe When l’Ielet \aIIIxhex Into the \xootix atteI not hem}: .Illo\\ ed to paItIeIpate III one oi Winnie the l’ooh‘x ad\eIIttIIex. the pane heeotne \Hti'lit'ti and xet oil on a IIIIxonII to iIIId hIIII tIxIIIe lIIx xtIaphook oi IIIeIIIoI'Iex l‘.\ Identl} to adultx the tIIIdeI'I}In3_' IIIexxaee Ix appIet Iate '\Hlii it'tendx and eIIxIIIe the} know )otI one them. l‘or ehIldIeII. peIhapx \ie;_'an |.ehIIIaIIII‘x I_\'I n i'o/L l’om quote Ix partIetIlaI'l} apt ‘\\ hen the maid eetx too in; and xeaI‘). the lltdeed '\\IL‘ \\ootl remaIIIx a eleat'l} delIIIeated \tllliiltil lotte'. I’('I. l'a/III/IItIu/I, \lluhr (1\( ('I/Iemu. l’un/n. ’III\/e\

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl i3.\I .... «(lore \ethIIkaI. l 8. limit Johnn} l)epp. (ieoiire) RIIxh. ()rlaIIdo Bloom. KeIta KIIIehtle}. Jaek l)aI.eIIpoIt IUIIIIII. Rattlmg good pIIate }aIII tIoIII the dIt‘eelor oi ,ilouw/IIUI! .latk \paIIov. tl)epp- and \VIII 'lIIIIIeI IiiiooIIII hiax e the ('athhean Sea to xtop a xlnp oi pIIatex led h} (‘aptam llIIrhoxxa lthllt (it m'm/ I'l'lt'(l\(’.

Police Python 357 IS. Mam ('orneau. l'rante. I‘IVII N‘IIIIII -\ non eoniorIIIIxt polIeeIIIaII adoptx the tuna taettex oi eanexterx. ereatIIn.v lilx ouII gait; and kIdIIappIII; a pan ot \i.IiI.I hoxxex \ee (‘orneau prex Ieu III’nu'Iouu. [all/ZINIIL'U