Music folk 8. world listings

Monday 1 3 continued Edinburgh

I Me Suena Tu Cara the Hunt- 'l'awrn. Markt't Strct'l. 225 “NJ. 8.10pm. l'i‘cc. Sec Mon 0.

Tuesday 14


I Daniela Schuster and Adrian Hobbs Rttllhllttl'll ’l'hcatrc. Ingram Strcct. 552 US”. |.l5 2pm. L25”. Works h} l’oulcnt' and Schumann arc combined with tolkxongx lroin SL‘llllNL'hS natiw .-\rgcntina.


I Agustito’s Big Band l-.l Barrio. Itl-l \cht Port. 22‘) 8305. llpni 3am. l'l‘L'C. SCL‘ -lillL' 7.


0 Frankie Gavin ‘l‘olhtmih. .lail \Vytd, (ll 7S0 27-ltllll). 7. illpm. 92S H.550). Soc I'i‘i It) and pi‘mn'w

Wednesday 15


I St Andrew’s in the Square Ceilidh St .'\lltll‘t'\\ 'x in thc Square. ()l'l Saltmarlxct. St Andre“ 'x Street. 5.18 (M20. 7.30 ll)..5ll|1lll. £5. Sec Wed 3.

I Fernanda Porto 'l'lic Archt-x. .'\rg_\|c Slit-cl. 5(i5 |(l23. Spin. £01927). .-\ mi\ ol drum «k ha“. hoxxa noxa and \aniha lroin Bra/its lrcxhcxt lt'llléllt' \ingcr. .\lll\lL‘l;lll. \ingci' and composer. l‘ci'nanda is one ol' Bra/ilk hcxt known and t'u‘iting ttl'llxh ha\ mg \old m or a hundred lltothaltd copit'x ol’ licr lirxt album. Shc pt‘l‘lill'lllS lllllSlt‘ l'roin it

\\ ith hcr \cwn-piccc hand.

I Singing Session (‘gil'c Souru‘. St Andrcux in the Square. St .'\lltlt'L‘\\\ Square. ol't' Saltinarkct. 548 0020. 8.30pm. l'Il'CC. SL‘L‘ \Vcd 3.


I Eliza Carthy 'l'hc \t'nuc. I7 21 ('alton Road. 557 3073. 3pm. LIS'. 'l‘hix tour comes ol‘l' thc hack of hcr \ccond Mt‘it‘ur} lllllSlL‘ l’ri/c nomination and no doubt (Ruth) “ill ho in line \(llL'L‘ tor \inging tracks l'i'oin llL‘\\ alhuni .‘tuct'lii‘mni.

I Keith Hancock lidinhurgh l-"olk (‘liilx (‘aharct Bar. thc l’lcaxancc. 05” 234‘). 8pm. £7 (L'ol. Iihtillicnt linglixh inclodcon pla} or and anger/song“ritcr.

I Daniel O’Donnell l’l:l}ll()ll\t‘. (il't't‘llSltlt‘ l’ltlL'C. “870 (106.5424. 7.30pm. £10.50 £2l.5(). lrcland\ popular cas) -li\lL‘lllll§_‘ cntci'taincr.

Thursday 1 6


I Mick West Band St .'\ll\ll'L‘\\ \ in the Square. ()l‘l~ Saltinarkct. St Andre“ '\ Street. 543 (i020. 7.30pm. to (£4). (ircat Scots \ingcr \\ ith hix

I The Zulu Open Mic ()‘S‘cill'x. J57 Sauchichall Stt‘cct. 353 457 l. 0pm midnight. l-‘rcc. Scc Thu 2.

I Sydney Devine l’a\ ilion iiit‘illl‘k‘. RL'ItliL‘ld SII'CL‘L 552 1340. 7.30pm. £8.50 L'l2.5l). (‘ouiiti‘} and \th ol Scotland.


I Fernanda Porto ('abarct Voltairc. Blair Sti'cct. 220 MW). £8 (£7 hct‘oi'c I lfillpiii). Bra/ilian \cnxation. SL‘L‘ (ilaxgtm. “I‘d I5.

I The Mighty Elephants Human Bc-ln. 2/.S‘ \ch (‘I‘USSL‘UUSLWHl-L (m2 SSH). Soc Thu 2.

I Tandy 'l‘hc Villagc. lo South Fort Strcct. l.cith. 47S 73“). 7.30pm. £8. Acouxticall) driwn l'UUl\ and pop l'rom Mikc l5crrio. \\ ho has mcn takcn a to“ idcax from his time ax a roadic tor the Buttholc Stit‘lk‘i's

60 THE LIST .‘ '1? (‘32

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days betore publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth®, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.

Thursday 2 .


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra lISllt'l Hall. I otlilan Road. 225 l 155

" -15pm ‘2" L22 Jowph Suciixcn (Ulltlllki‘ liccthownK It I'llt'lti' ()\L‘lllllt' \'o l. .t\ \wll as lll\ l’i.ino ('ont't'itox \o 2 and \o l. tcattiiing Icgt'ndai} lit-ciliown intt'i'pictci. Stcphcii Koxat‘mn'h. \xho .ilxo [\L'llttl'llh llk‘ llllCL‘ lt'llldllllltf.’ \‘Hltt‘t'lltk .t\ [‘dll ol the S('( )‘x \\intci unimn


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra RU);I| (‘onu‘it Hall. 2 Stnit'hichall Sticct. 353 Sllllll. _.5ll|‘lll. £0.50 {IV Set 'l'hu 2


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xlici Hall. |.othi.iii Road. 22S ll55. “Kllpin {1075 [2.5 5H. l’i'int‘ipal (‘ondiit'toi \lmandci' 1 Mann takc thc oi't'litwtia through an .ill Sti.iu\\ pct'loi'lnain't‘ li'xllii' I’I't'lui/t'. \iu/ni

('um t'i‘tu. lcaluimg lloi'ix lit-lion .ind ,llm S/mn It Aunt/(mutt.

Saturday 4


I Children’s Classic Concerts - Magic and Monsters Ro}.il (“tint-cit Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 Slllltl. 3pm. W50 it5; lamil} tit‘kcl £2oi. ('hrisiophcr Bcll conducts thc RS.\'() and thc RSV) .lunior. l‘caturing thc \xorld pit-init'rt- ol St'tlllhll coiiipoxci Sawiirna Slcu‘nxon'x.lltxli'nqu/‘iimm lln' A't'I/iir'x (ii/I. mtractx lroiii [In [on] u/ Illt‘ Ring and an appearance ot special gucxt Bill} Bind lroin thc llllll.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Rtt};ll (‘nnct-ri Hall. 2 Saut‘hichall Strcct. 553 Slllltl. ".Rtlpm, U25” [2o Scc Hi 3.

I Cappella Nova Discovery Day \ciiuc thc. 552 (loll, |ll.l5ani -1.l5pin. {5 iU/Ui. .-\n imitation to 'dip their lot“ into thc \mrld ol (‘appclla Nina. thc I‘L‘llim tlL‘tl (ilthgtm -l\.l\Ctl \Ut‘al L‘llwlttltlc. Whether the} it doing “arm-ups. \ot‘al tipx. incdimal lllll\lt‘. a MC“ \‘tllllllll\\ltlll h} 'l‘oinni} l‘tmlt‘l‘. oi cwn \impl} \inging. _\ou arc guaraiitccd that \olttcllttng original “Ill happen.

0 Mo’s Company (itlllL‘l'} ol .\lodcrn .\rt. 1 I | ()iiccn Sti'cct. 3pm. l’rcc at door. SCL‘ llll l.|\l. right

I The Choice is Yours Si Mun \ (’athcdi‘al. it)“ Great \thcrn Road. 33" 2302, 8pm. L'ltl ti'oiii RS;\.\ll). 'I'hc licarxdcn ('hon‘ gov thc audicncc thc t‘llt‘lu‘ litl' lllL' \Ct'tllltl ll.tll til lllL' prograinnic trom a ll\l ol 2“ pica-x. .iinong thcm llandcl'x '/adok thc l’ricst‘. .lohn 'l'awrncr'x ‘thc lamb and John Ruttcr'x '.v\ (iacln‘ lilt‘\\lll:_".


I Scottish Ensemble Quccnk Hall. ('Ici‘k Strcct. (ioh' 2lll‘), ".J5pin. ill) {l3 i923 {I l i. .-\x part ot thc BAA St‘ttllhll .-\ii'port\ High l‘l'wrx tour. thc Scottish linwinhlc pcrtornn \xoi'kx h) .-\lli‘cd Schnittkc. Bccthown. .\lo/art and ('ixiig .~\rin\trong. Stunning _\oiing \lt‘lllllSl Nicola licttctlt‘lll i\ \oloixt. SL‘L‘ pl‘L‘\tC\\. I Voices for Hospices Concert Si (icorgc'x \Vot ('hurch. 5S Shandn ick l’lacc. "fillpin. Singcrx {ill iL'St; audicncc [8 it" i, 2M) \lllgch conic togcthcr to \lllg .\lo/art\ (‘unnitition .Uttn and llandclK (invitation slut/mm as part ot’ thc \xorld'x largest \llllllllttllL‘Uth xiiiging cx cnt,


I Voices for Hospices l’dhlt'} (‘cntial \lk'llltkllSl lltillx. 5\l 2lltltl

" ‘tlpii‘. :5 lhc (ilt'ntttu Singcix .iiid thc \lllltllk'll tiom Sttiilight \oulh lht'atic pciloim .i\ put ol .tll \u‘oid lloxi‘iu'\lll:_' t'xcnt


I A Gentleman at Home St

\ndit'n \ iii tlic Stiuaic. ()tt Stiltinaikt'l. \i .\ll\llk'\\ \ Slit-ct. 5-15 (M20 ‘pm :5 ill L ‘i llic Squaii \lilc (‘onxoit ()l

\ li\l\ \kllll mpiaiio RiNIC wactiiaiii. highlight tlic ll.tll.tll intlucnt‘c on muxit' in thc tum ot thc loth (Cllllll)


I Children’s Classic Concerts - Magic and Monsters 1 \llt'l ll.tll. Road. 225 1155. ‘pm L“) 5” {5 St't‘ Sat -1

Monday 6


I Whatever Happened to the Music lion lhcatic. (it 'l'iongatc. 552 -12(»". Spm l'icc. .\ltci‘n.iti\c .ind (Ulllt'llll‘ttldl) t‘|.i\\it‘.i| lllthlt' lioin l’aiagon l‘.ll\k‘llll‘lt'.

Tuesday 7


I Ultraviolet Rdllhllt‘l'll 'I’hcati‘c. US Ingram Sti‘t'ct. 552 MS“), I I5 2pm. L25“. Strings. \xind. \Ulllltl\ and colours coinhinc in original lllll\lL' on thitc. \‘lill'lllt'l. \ mint and who.

Wednesday 8


0 Apocalypse (‘(‘.\. Ni SJllt'lllCllttll Street. 352 JOHN, Spin. {X (Uri. Sm" pit-\icn .iiid llll l,i\t. right.

Thursday 9


I Scottish Ensemble Rtt);ll (‘ungt-ri Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strccl. 35.} .S’lltll). ".~l5pm. [ll U5 (LS Hill. St‘t' Sat 4.

3 Apocalypse (‘(‘.-\. Wt Satn‘hichall Strcct. ‘52 4000, Spin, LES (UH, Soc

pm int and \Vcd .\'.


0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra l‘xhcr Ilall. l.otliian Road. 223 ll55. ".,§tlitiii. {Ill—'5 L25. Soc Hit

l.l\l. right


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Rtl};tl ('ont‘ct‘t Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 .S‘tltlt). ".Rllpm. £12.50 £20. Scc l'ri ltl.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()tlct‘tl'\ llgtll. ('lL‘t'lx Sti'cct. (MS 3””. ".45pm. L‘" £22. .-\x the ccntcnar) ol Anton l)\oral\\ death approacltcx ('arlo Rl/ll conducts a pci'loriiianu‘ ot l)\oi'al\\ S/uiunii Ihun m and the Hun III I).

I Cappella Nova Discovery Day \Cllllt‘ tlk‘. (ll-ll 5.52 U054.

ltl.l5am 4.l5pin. £5 «Li/Lb. Scc Sat 4.


I Dame Felicity Lott and Sir Thomas Allen with Malcolm Martineau ()UCL‘IhS lltlll. ('Icrk Strcct. (ms 201‘). ".45pm. it» {2| «£5 {ISL ’l'no Illll\ll‘lt)ll\ \tarx t’i‘oin thc Britixh operatic \L‘cnc loin torch tor a programme ol‘ \ong\ h} l’urccll. ()tiiltcr. Warlock. Rodgers and Loco c.

Mo’s Company An easy date for the (llélW. On the first Saturday of every month bett-teen now and next Juh. Two's Company is at GoMA Wlllt the best of contemporary Scottish chamber music. The composers Wlll be around for much of the time to give the inside story of what it's all about. Gal/ery of ll’lOUOf/l Art. Glasgow. Sat «1 Oct.

Apocalypse Premiere of new work for seven trumpets. led by BBC SSO principal trumpet. Mark O'Keeffe (pictured). It's a multimedia collaboration With mtlStC by Anthea Haddow. theatre director Cathie Boyd and Rotterdambased media artist Guy van Belle. See preView. CCA, Glasgow. Wed 8 and Thu 9 Oct.

Royal Scottish National Orchestra They've JUSl Signed a maior deal Wllll ClaSSic FM. are about to have a deSigner makeover and have landed Garry Walker as prinCipai guest conductor. Catch him later in the season With Aly 88m and Phil Cunningham. but for now catch principal conductor Alexander Lazarev and Britten‘s War Redd/em. Usher Ha/l, Edinburgh, Fri 70 Oct; Roya/ Concert Hall. Glasgow, Sat 77 Oct.

Tuesday 14


I Daniela Schuster and Adrian Hobbs Rilllhltttl‘ll 'l‘hcatrc. 03 Ingram Strcct. 552 348‘). |.l5 2pm. £2.50. l’oulcnc and Schumann arc (Ullll‘lllL'tl uith lolkxongx trom Argentina.

Wednesday 15


I Paragon Ensemble ()uccn'x Hall. ('Icrk Strcct. box 201‘). 7.10pm. {Ill i£(i.5l)i. (iari') Walkcr conducts this programinc ol ltlll\lL' inspircd b} a brand ol :\ti\trian choL'olatcx ‘.\lo/at't\ liallx'. 'l'ltc} pcrtorm l.Ulll\ Andra-“en's music ll\L' to l’ctcr (it'L‘L‘tl;i\\;i_\ \ lilltl. .U l\ for .lltm. Mum and Moran.

Thursday 16


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()uccn'x Hall. ('lcrk Strcct. (mil 2lll‘). 7.45pm. £7 £22. John Storgards (tilltlllctx a conccrt ol \mrkx h} Rupighi. Walton and Mcndclxsohn. thc Iattcr'x hwl} Ila/um Sim/rhino Contrasting with the more laid back appcal of thc l'ormcr'x .S'imni and jtt/l inspired \‘iola (‘onccrto