Tuesday 1 0


I BBC Young Musician of the Year 2004 RSAMI). l00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. £6 (£4). See Mon 9.


I Edinburgh Quartet Reid (‘oncert Hall. lidinburgh l'niyersity. Bristo Square. 668 201‘). l.l0pm. Free. The highly acclaimed lidinburgh Quartet perform Schubert's Quartet in Iz'flur ()p [3.5 m) l and (ial’s Quarter no 2 in this year’s Memorial (‘oncert to (ieneral Reid.

I Whirling Dervishes of Turkey Queen's Hall. (‘lerk Street. 668 201‘). 8pm. £16. Visual and musical spectacle of the Serna. a meditation in motion developed by the [30) century Sufi mystic and poet Rurni.

Wednesday 1 1


I Sir Thomas Allen and Dame Felicity Lott Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £|2.5() £|7.5(). The greatest gems of British operatic heritage baritone Sir Thomas Allen and soprano Dame l-‘elicity I.ott perform a diyerse range of music from Purcell and Lehmann to bits from ('umuwl. ’l‘heir unparalleled singing will no doubt make tip for the slightly pedestrian programming.

I BBC Young Musician of the Year 2004 RSANH). HX) Renfrew Street. 332 5057. £6 (£4). See Mon t).

Thursday 12


0 BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Royal (’oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £11 £l8. llan Volkoy conducts a performance of two seminal works from the beginning of the 20th centttry Schoenberg‘s deyastatingly tttoy ing lirn'urnmg and Bartok‘s chilling I)Il/s(' B/llr'IH’rlH/3 (‘usl/c. l'nder \(tlkny 's mature yet unmistakably fresh direction. this looks set to be little short of unmissable.

I BBC Young Musician of the Year 2004 RSAMI). l00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. £6 (£4). See Mon 0.


I Maximiliano Martin Queen's Hall. (‘lerk Street. 668 20l‘). 7.45pm. £l() £12. (‘larinettist Maxilmiliano Martin and pianist Jayier Negrin perform inusic by Brahms. Debussy and l)oni/.etti.

I Pupils of the Yehudi Menuhin School Royal ()y'er-Seas League. I00 Princes Street. 020 7408 ()2 l4 ext 2l‘). 6.30pm. £tbc. Students at the world famous school perform a programme for solo piano. yiolin and cello. Wine and canapes are seryed alter the concert.


I BBC Young Musician of the Year 2004 RSAMI). I00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. £6 (£4). See .\lon l).


I Paul Dean Reid ('oncert Hall. lidinburgh t'niyersity. Bristo Square. 668 20l‘). l.l0pm. liree. ()rgan recital of music by (iuilain. Bach. Purcell and (‘ouperin.

I RSNO Pops Valentine Concert l'shcr Hall. l.othian Road. 228 ll55. 7.30pm. £l 1.50 £27. Sltish alert John Axelrod conducts a programme of unashamedly Valentine classics: 'I'chaikoysky 's Romeo and Julie! ()\’('I'Illl'(’. Rachmaninoy's I’ium) ('um'r'rru no 2 [the one from Brief lim'uunlr'rl. Bernstein's ll'mr Side Story: .S‘y‘mp/mnir' Dunn's and Rayel's [in/em (less Valentine. more pops).


I RSNO Pops Valentine Concert Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l3 £28. See l‘ri l3.


I The Auer Quartet St Andrews in the Square. off Saltmarket. St Andrew 's Street. 08700 Hit) 300. 3pm. £tbc. The young .-\uer Quartet from Hungary perform chamber works with an Austro-llungarian edge l)ohnanyi's String Quarter no / in A majm‘ and Bartok’s String Qrmrlr'l no .2.


I The Edinburgh Palm Court Orchestra Queen's llall. ('lerk Street. (308 201‘). 2.30pm. £4.50 £3. l);t\ id 1.} le (it the pitlttt) directs this trip down memory lane with intisic from the elegant golden years of grand hotels and seaside spas. (it's not compulsory for the day s of palm court dances to be within your liying memory younger audience members w elcotne too.)

Tuesday 1 7


I Anthony Goldstone and Caroline Clemmow Reid ('oncert Hall. lidinburgh l’niyersity. Bristo Square. 668 20l‘). l.l0pm. l’ree. Piano duo perform music by .\lo/art. llolst and Leighton.

Wednesday 18


I RSAMD Chamber Choir and Orchestra RSAMI). l()() Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £8 (£5). Keyboard meister and musicologist estraordinaire. .lohn Butt. directs choir and orchestra from the harpsichord it) works by Bach including /('/I /(Is\(' (In-Ir Mic/II attd .lluenilir'ul in I) bound to be a knock-out if the top form of the RSAMI) brass department is anything to go by.


I Usher Hall Organ Demonstration l'sher Hall. foiliian Road. 228 l I55. 3 4pm. £5. .lohn Kitchen. lidinburgh's (‘ity ()rganist. explores the maryellous workings [including the 63 different stopsl ol the l'sher llall's l‘)|4 Norman and Beard organ with discussion and demonstration. A great chance for civilians and anoraks alike to experience the grandeur of the new ly restored instrument. which has to be seen land heard] to be belies ed. QThe Music of Helmut Lachenmann Queen‘s Hall. ('lcrk Street, (108 20"). 7.45ptll. 12”) (£5). The music of llelmut Lachenmann. one of Europe’s foremost liy ing composers. is at once compelling. adyenturous and wacky and all too rarely play ed in Britain. True to form. li(‘:\'l‘ brings together top Scottish players with Lachenmann‘s long—term collaborator. liduard Brunner [clarinet] for a delinitise performance of some of the composer's most engaging chamber works.


I Rob MacKillop Merchants Hottse. 7 \Vest (ieorge Street. 334 0757. [2.45pm. £5 (£2 £4.50). l‘ine interpreter of Scottish lttte and guitar. I Cremone Trio (ilasgow l'niyersity ('oncert Hall. l'niyersity Ayenue. 330 4002. l.l0pni. l-‘ree. ()boe. clarinet and bassoon trio perform mtisic by ()bert. \"illa-l.obos and Schikelc.

classical & opera listings Music


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