Clubs listings

Glasgow Fridays continued

I Red and Gold Room at At'la. ltlpm 3am. l-t‘cc hcl‘orc l lpm: £7 al'tcr. \Vcckly. l).l Michacl ()‘Shca pops tip to spit) only thc lincst salsa and Latin tuncs to a ycry w cll-hcclcd Arta crowd.

I Rockit at Bamhoo. 5pm 3am. £7 (£5 ). \Vcckly. ()nc rootn housc. onc room soul and l'unk and sonic chillout in thc loungc. An itnntcnscly popular night with most sltztdcs ol opinion.

I Sounds in the City at lllc l'niycrsal. l().3()pm 3am. £4 (£2). 2() l-‘ch. Monthly. Anothcr ncw night ol lunky. soullul hottsc and progrcssiy c sounds. with gucsts (iot'don (irant and (iary 'l‘homson (Quanta) appcaring alongsidc rcsidcnts (‘olin Salcs and Adrian Murphy.

I Stateside at Liquid Loungc.

ltlpni 3am. £5 (£3). \Vcckly. (icl ycr arsc Statcsidc tor a night ol‘ lunk. soul. jazz. hip hop and hrokcn hcats with rcsidcnts Aaron l’ctric and Michacl Ral'lcrty.

I Subscience al ('luh 6‘). l’aislcy. ltlpm 3am. £5. 2() l-‘ch. Blccps and hass rumhlings from thc \cry cxccllcnt Suhscicncc. 'l'om S. (low and llcx got thc l't‘caky sounds as pcr.

I Switchback at Sw itchhack. Annicsland. llpm 2am. £5. \Vcckly. (il's ncwcst out-ol-tow n ycnuc proy idcs a party soundtrack to gct thc w cckcnd startcd. You'rc in thc trtisty hands ol l)J Richic Mc(‘olm.

I TFl Friday at lhc Barony Bar. Strathclydc Studcnt's l'nion. 4pm 3am. £2 t£l l. ('hat't. chccsc and :ttldicllL‘L‘ humiliation with 1)] Phil.

I Tidy at thc Shack. 10.30pm 3.30am. £5 (£5). \Vcckly. Lct that llllt‘cllttlls I‘ri lccling takc hold of you w hilc l)J lain llanlon takcs control ol' thc dancc floor. I Tiger Tiger at 'l'igcr ’l‘igcr.

llpm 3am. £6. \Vcckly. ’I‘his hugcly popular har. cluh and rcstaurant gocs wild altcr hours w illt a sclcclion ol' conuncrcial dancc and Rth tor all (hosc stunning ladics and swanky hoy s.

I Tronicsole and Tracktion Sessions at MAS. llpnt 3am. £2" (£5). \Vcckly. Rcsidcnts (iol'don Logan. Mash and (‘hris llarris spin at this grcat trippy hottsc party.

I Upbeat at (ilasgow School (it Art. llptn 3am. £8 (£6). 2() l-‘ch. .Monthly. Slick lL‘L‘lt-lltttlsc \[icctltll\l\ PULC Scicncc (lialu'ictioin thc I)Js l'rom thc now - dcccascd Syntax. tor a ncw cycning ot up-l'ront capcrs in thc Art School. \ctcrans l’ussypowcr cntcrtain in thc \ic Bar.

I Urban at thc 'l‘unncl. l lptn .‘xam. £5 (£3). \Vcckly. An Rth scssion cottrtcsy ol' l’aul .\".lic at this ncwly rclatmchcd. classic (ilasgow \cntic.

I Vacuum at tltc Ri\cl'.\ltlc ('luh.

llpm .iant. £8 (£5 with llycr). 2t) l-‘ch. Monthly. Kia-.v\ura‘s womanising wizard 'l‘hc \clyct Molc (l)ickic) hrings his quirky. slca/y clcctro touch to Vacuum.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Bailamos at llayana. 9pm 2am. l-‘rcc. \Vcckly. l)J Kcilh l) hrings you a world sclcction: salsa. ltth. Latin chart action and w hatcy cr clsc gcts ‘cnt going. I Base at tltc 'I‘unncl. ll)..‘~()pm 3am. £7 (£5l. \Vc‘c‘lsl}. (lifts and Martin llcskc‘lll. along with (‘hris Harris and Al Kcnt. wcay c a linc lithric ol l'unky housc and Rth at Mitchcll Lanc's lincst dancc cmporium.

I B.Ding at Bar Bloc. l()pm 3am trio cntry al'tcr midnight). lircc. 2l l'ch. .Monthly. lixplorc thc unknown with DJ ('hcry l. Signy on pcrcttssion and ('ha/ on trumpct. An inlitnatc al'l‘air.

I Bedlam at Quccn Margarct l'nion. 9pm 2am. £3. 2| l‘ch. Monthly. A goth- punk and nu—tnctal soundtrack inciting ritual mortilication and crosshurning amongst thc hlack—clad hordcs. May hc. I Bennet’s at Bcnnct's. l l..i()ptn 5am. £5. \Vcckly. liccl tltc goddamn lunk as Shaun and Annic giy c thc Bcnnct's party

80 THE LIST is) t m; .2 MW 1&9:

possc cxactly what thcy want: commercial dancc mixcd will) a sclcction of 70s. 80s and ‘)()s hits.

I Boogie Wonderland at liny'y. llpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Big night ol disco for thosc who likc thcir boo/c chcap and thcir tuncs funky. Straight inn and yott know what that's likc. y‘all.

I Budda at Budda. l lpm 3am. £thc. \Vcckly. Big ttmcs and scxy housc grooycs with rcsidcnts AJ attd lan 'l’hompson. Btidda looks to hc gctting hack on track al‘lcr thc rc-launch.

I The Buff at thc Bull. l()pm 3am. £5 (£3). \Vcckly. Nick l’cacock. Mark Rohh. Brian Rohcrtson and Kcyan Stcycns cook tip a littlc ncw school jazz husincss at (ilasgow's ncw' jazz. soul and funk cltth. I Chakra at Soundhaus. l lpm 5am. £12 (£l()). 28 l‘ch. Monthly. This month’s party is a Moulin Rouge thcmc night. so you can prohahly cxpcct paintcd laccs. gcnts in stockings and sonic cxtrcntc wcirdncss. ('hakra comhincs dccp. trihal housc with all manncr ol' thcatrics. likc no-onc clsc knows how.

I Club Budda at ('luh Budda. Dumharton Road. ('lydchank.

l lpm 3am. £thc. \Vcckly. Budda’s ncwcst \cnturc tztkcs thc party to ('lydchank. \ancc lt‘ont Boulcy'ard is hchind thc dccks.

I Club Cuba! at ('uha \ortc.

0pm 2am. l’rcc. \Vcckly. (ict in touch with your Latin spirit at this night of classy dancing. Duncan. l’aralt and Shannon supply thc lincst Latin hcats. Makc sttrc you arriyc carly to guarantcc cntry.

I Colours at .Mas. llptn 3am. £10. 2] lich. Monthly. (ilasgow's higgcst housc party gocs a littlc morc low kcy with thcsc monthly nights at Mas. Rcsidcnts .lon Mancini and Smokcy and thc Bandit run thc show.

I Cube Class at ('uhc. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5 ). \Vcckly. ()ld-school hotlsc classics and up-to-datc anthcms arc thc ordcr ol' thc day at this packcd Sal niglttcr. thanks to main room man .Matt lc l-‘unk. ln (hc hack I)M(} .sL't‘VL‘s up Rth.

I Death Disco at thc Archcs.

llpm 3am. £l(l (£8). 21 l‘ch. Monthly. l)l) w clcomcs hack thc fabulous .Mira. tron) cdgy clcctro-pop luturists Ladytron. and pulls otit thc cork for thc Visit of (icrtnan disco-lunk duo llcadman. l)J Mingo (io spins too. l'ii)‘ this {/(llt’ only '.-l-I.isl ' ("uni Ito/ilt'rs gc'l [lull/Hit? ('Itlry lit'lim' midnight.

I Deathkill4000 at Barlly.

l lptn 3am. £5 (£4). \Vcckly. A hit of hair )nctal. a twist of hrcakcorc and sonic hanging tcchno. scrycd with lashings ol' clcctropunk and a sidc oi Scandinay ian rock’n’roll.

I Divine at (ilasgow School of Art (downstairs). l()pm 3am. £6 (£5 £4): £3.50 (iSA studcnts. \Vcckly. l)ccp l'unk. 6()s and 7()s grooy cs and a loyal crowd go into thc mix at this may long running (ilasgow rcsidcnts' night.

I Eskrima at (ilasgow School of Art. ltlpm 3am. £7 (£4 £6). \Vcckly. A grcat w cckly. with rolling rcsidcnts .lonnic \Vilkcs. Biz/y. 'l‘witch. and Martin (Ruh- A-l)uh). who play oncc a month with ncw up-and-coming I)Js Tom and (‘losc. Brcndan. l‘clix. and Dirty Larry.

0 Eurodance at thc ('arling Acadcmy. ltlpm 3am. £l2.5(). 2S l'ch only. llarping hack to thc garish glory of raw. this monstcr cycnt tron) (’olours is a carniyal ol lrancc old and ncw. Rcsponsihlc tor cttrrcnt chart-hothcrcr ‘\\'hcn thc Rush (’omCs ln'. San Francisco's Motorcyclc arc joincd hy Scot l’rojcct. John ‘(K)‘ l‘lcming attd (‘olin 'l‘cycndalc.

I Freakmenoovers at (ilasgow School ol Art. lllpm 3am. £7 (£4 £6). \Vcckly. 'l‘hc hcst dcdicatcd hip hop club in thc city. in thc mclting pot ol thc Art School cyct'y Saturday.

I Groovejet at Trash. 1 lpm 3am. £8. \Vcckly. l’itttl .\”Jic pt‘csitlcs oycr thc city’s most popular R&B and soul night.

CASA Forum Ad Lib, Glasgow, Fri 27 Feb

‘We’re exploring the future of house music,‘ says Sam Birkett of Casa Futura, with a ring of certainty that makes you want to believe him. Birkett and his fellow Futurists Chris Reid and Andy Elliot (Chakra) are a testament to the energy that’s going into the progressive club scene these days. Started just over six months ago upon Chris’ return from the Sonar Festival - Casa throws that energy into experimentation.

‘We like to get an extra angle on house music,’ says Birkett. ‘The night was born out of a passion for electronic music and a desire to experiment with new technology. There are so many average house nights, but there’s a lot to be experimented with.‘ The approach has proven popular and Casa are now lining up some ‘top-secret’ international guests as well as negotiating a move to a bigger venue.

This month sees the visit of Dominic Capelto (Subculture). ‘He‘s bringing his CD decks down,’ Birkett explains, ‘so we might hear some of his own new stuff.’ (Kenny Hodgart)

attracting a loyal crowd cycry wcck. Room I has thc Brown Brothers playing \ocal and comtncrcial hottsc and Room 3 has l)ayc with thc party anthcms.

I Homecookin’ at thc Bclo. ltlpm- 5am. l’rcc hcl'orc l lpm; £5 al'tcr. \‘t'cckly. l)Js Stcwart Mc(‘a|lum and Joc lliggins kccp thc dancc tloorjumpin' all night long. mixing R&B tracks with the odd classic or old-skool layouritc. A ncw ycnuc conccpt. htit thc same attitude to haying a good timc. so gct on it.

I Homegrown at Batnhoo.

l()pm 3am. £8 (£6). \Vcckly. Stcyic Middlcton. Dominic Martin. and Scotti B likc to ptit on a hit of a show for thc Batnhoo masscs on a Sat. l‘unky housc music and sonic top notch Rth.

I Inside Out at thc Arctic-s.

10.30pm 511m. £l6. 28 lich. Monthly. It's said you can lccl thc shockway'cs from this night up on Sattchichall Strcct. I actually madc that tip. but still. thcrc’s no mistaking whcn lnsidc Out is in town. l’rogrcssiyc housc. Dutch trancc and sonic \cry hard tcchno arc thc staplcs. proyidcd this month by Mistrcss Barhara. dancc music's smug lacc Jttdgc Julcs. Jon ()‘Bir. Alcx Kidd. chs dc Ruytcr and John Askcw.

I Jamboree at Rcds. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5 ). Weekly. John Lyons and Martin llcskcth ol‘ \clyct Rooms lamc mix up a hlcnd ol' commcrcial R&B and soul.

I Kevin Austin at (‘anyas (Aria). l().3(lpm 3am. £7. \Vcckly. chp dancing to thc main rootn sounds of funk. disco and cluh anthcms whilc thc liyc cntcrtaituncnt takc a w cll-dcscry'cd hrcak. I Life at Lilc (Corinthian). ltlpm 3am. £5. \Vcckly. A lortnidahlc night of funk l'or thosc who likc thcir cntcrtainmcnt mattirc. hut still iammin'. Ross Macmillan prcscnts a sclcction ol soul. ltmk and disco augmcntcd with original loops and samplcs to guarantcc a ncw takc on familiar sounds.

I Lite at ('orinthian. 9pm 3am. £thc. \\'cckly. Bcautil'ul ncw modcrn har and cluh at this gorgcous Ingram Strcct mcga- \cnuc. 'l‘hcy always ptit a lot into thcir \cnucs. so try to makc an cllort. will you’.’

I Lush at the Polo Loungc.

10.30pm 3am. £5. \Vcckly. Andy's in thc Trophy Room with hits from the 60s to thc Xlls'. whilc 'l‘ont prtwidcs an up-l'ront dancc sclcction in thc main room. Has to hc thc prctticst gay cluh in the city.

I Melting Pot at Riycrsidc (‘luh Midnight 3am. £10. 28 l-‘ch. Monthly. 'l‘hcrc's always a strong .\'cw York llayour to [how nights. with Simon (’ordincr and Billy Woods rccling otit thc nt) housc. underground disco classics and tnuch clsc hcsidcs.

I Mish Mash at 'l’hc l')iiycrsal.

llpm 3am. £10 (£8). 28 lich. Monthly. ()scar l'lllltHlL‘. pcrcussionist l)cyin Stcwart and M(‘ Nordin Zaoui kccp thc sounds coming li‘csh and sharp for 2004. .\'o stonC is lct't unturned as they go round thc musical hlock.

I Moda at Moda. 9pm 3am. l-‘rcc. \Vcckly. liinc (ilasgow DJ (and footballcr) Barry (icmmcl drops sonic cxplosiyc sounds at this beautiful har in the gay district.

I Monox at thc Sottndhaus.

l lptn 5am. £9 (£7). 2l l‘ch. Monthly. Rcsidcnts arc joincd on thcir ady'cnturcs hy (icrmany‘s ncwcst tcchno-clcctro lirchrands. Ali().\'. who arc playing a live sct. Michacl l"orshaw pcrl’orms also.

0 Ninja Tune Zen Tour at ()uccn Margarct Studcnts' l'nion. 0pm -2.l5am. £l2 (£10). 28 [ch only. 'l'raxxcycnts prcscnts this tcnth anniy'crsary spcctacular from thc l'K's lcading clcctronica lahcl. Lahcl toundcr ('oldcut's Jonathan Morc will he mixing and matching hoth hcats and \‘istlals whilc othcr attractions includc scratch macstro Kid Koala. rising hip hop gcnius Blockhcad. and Polish jazz rc-y'isionarics Skalpcl. .St’t’ pl't't'li'H‘ um/ llim/ 1]).

I Opus at ()pus. 2pm 3am. l-‘rcc. chkly. 'l'hcrc's a liyc swing hand from two. and thcn it gcts t’unkicr with DJ Paul from \‘t'ickcd Sounz playing until thrcc in thc morning. ()h ycs.

I Outer Drive at MAS. .\'cxt datc lhc. I Papacool at Ad Lib. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). 28 lich. Monthly. Billy and .Mat cclchratc tour ycars ol' t'tink/soul/jazz cntcrpriscs. 'l'hcir classic and rarc groch