
th‘als ow's s e 5 better

Flush with a new branding campaign, Glasgow is setting out to sell itself as an international city. Ruth Hedges surveys the press reaction to the new brand.

=asgo'3; s gettng use-d to a new :mage. In a {(EIJl'(tl‘.(lll‘§} that ll"".."\, (1".(2 Susannah would he proud of. tne ‘.'.'eeg s t'yng to mam the most c its assets. The nev. crane. ia..r‘.c".ed :as'. ‘.'.’(}C'r< at a celebrity basl‘ ll‘ the ;>'<,-se"<,e or Bilzy boyo and Kirsty W, ,0 1 \ o, n V o ‘5],\,\'.,‘(.,.’ .(y, c, ,\\.,. p g, ,t,‘ “mop drK. kroC/b L TU CALCN p; twat, shiatjv... Vo. <1. i\l ..i. St\ I). , n,‘ (\ \‘v Y'\',\' o’,1\.,\.c (\f .,\’.,‘.",1r“' (\|,1(HI,(;,' ,i,‘(\ n r) }(z . (i -\l \l\)(/\) \; ((1\/~) \/ \/.\l-i ( (y )4 \)-u ,E,l( Q. (A series o‘ poster aauert se"‘<:~"ts. Ar‘d most of It“

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Giasgc‘x. {il‘tl headlines f:)I‘(>'.'.'e(1 '3."th I 'Trendy Giasgo‘.': turns (2" t"e sty'ie'. "M i175“!_t.‘1§!t1Slut“ ' ' [11.8th tits-“am ithC'.‘.£t."li‘. receptct‘ frc'“. tne t:..t: ic Witt-9.1.5 13%“)?! with {tiij(}(iii\.’08 'Efloss‘fi and "ward “-5..‘_.ll_‘.“.‘.‘ ‘i ,

new liiuktor' Glasgow

although xcx cops i‘eyeaea a more

quoted. The Hera/r: ‘.'.'ei‘t ‘BLac to the future‘ ((BfCl'llf‘g:(1éii3i)§}{t" .ised as part of the ca'npa'gn- ‘(B'asgoz'rz the new black". No :tou'o'. "‘2'i:l‘.. cf t"e p0:353!l):l’3‘y :2‘ star ."g some of the GUMOWST‘QJ t'ro'“ t"e 3‘ the paper denoted a ‘1. page to report ".g or: it. with care“, a ::" tica. \OICC ra sed aga r‘st tne :2" And :1.

The Hera/(r ai‘a [Execute T."‘<2:; ‘.'.e"e

Welcome to Glas...nost


., Glasgow:

S( otlatrd wth style

pomted out: ‘All the people in the campaign live and work in Glasgow and are paSSionate about the City. But only The Be/fast Telegraph noticed that the drrvrng force behind the campaign is not in fac a Scot. The Irish paper heaped praise on Ulster-born Eddie Friei. exr')iair‘.rng that he has been ‘showered with honours in Scotland' for his part in the Glasgow's Miles Better campaign. Soon enough. the st0ry' found its way into

the My newspapers. so ‘a'. to one. fufi i)£l§}()(1£tl‘-‘-l)£tlg'i aduertseiner‘ts. Not surprisir‘g. perhaps. Y'Tét! 'ltZ-‘I'Ttl't‘ paper :rLiest'oi‘eCi t‘.<1‘.'.it()u"isit‘. chef Ftidre Fl'lUl hat: armed at t"e (3st.riiat(:- of a cooi $31206 tourism revenue and 1000 ;:;t)s a vast return on tne .l‘.‘.(38'.'il(}l‘l. and a pretty cost-effectize jCKZ creaton sc'ienie. ,f he's rg'tt.

Meawxritiie. over L" If‘(;' captai. The Scrxsrriar‘s coxe'age was notable by its absence on the (lay of the !aut‘ch ~ pernatxs because

sister title Scot/arid ()r‘

3 Sum/a}. nad c'aimed a w, 9 rather (iiffictent scoop on the stony two days before the official

'aunci‘. But. did city l"‘.'£tlTi(3f3 'aised the-r l‘.(}£t(ii; wit." a story i't

Glasgow: "

“M "‘c‘fl' o. f“ Jr” \nr

the l (lzntxrrrtn paper {'10 5<)l.o‘.'.'ing; (lay

itt)()t.‘I compia ints that Manna Schlossberg. the model used to

front the campaign. 's

ltussa'i 'instead of a

.oca. paticrre' lypicariy. the l)ailj.' Mal" p ckett up on the ssue of nationality. runrwng a fair page at ex: on the giforenient-or‘e:l ‘scaiitial' .inner

the neaziiirie ‘\'."e:::<;'ii<;- tc (-‘

as . "Iitst'. icilouuant; :t Lit) later "i t'ie weex with 'l t;t:.c'ig; to (‘iasgcyz rt)”: l'in 'ea-ly from i i‘ttia'itt' referring; to the ‘ac‘. it‘a’. tl‘teen‘ tilt:Ti‘.'(3l(}£1tl.!(3(l(téti3‘.'.’(3(}1£tlli$'.‘.'(}l(}

not Weegte porn and t:'(:<l. A spokespersoc f'ei‘ tne caii‘paityi

4 THE LIST ‘3“, film ' Ar» 1/“ '.

comment and gossip columns. Joan

McAlpine in The Hera/d was in agreement ‘.'.’l'.l‘ tne rebranders. in a back-handt-xt compliment kind of way: ‘\"‘.’eegies are (‘tesigner-labei Junkies right down to the tips of their acrylr: fingernails. If Scotland with Style reflects a brass-wrth-class :oxe of conspicuous consumption. coupled with a global one- uprnansnp. then it cannot be faulted for acetrracy. Translate as gallus." But the still sceptical Scotsman ran a piece by Michael Kelly. a tormer Lord Provost of Glasgow. larnpooning the suggestion in the ad run by its Glasgow-based broadsheet rival that y-rhen it comes to style. Glaswegians are ‘born with it'.

Krs y t cott in the The Guardian was more downbeat about the whore style-thang. ‘Top designers iostle to inhabit the City's burgeoning shopping precincts. but in its poorest neigthLirhoods. one faintly in ten can't find $320 in an emergency:~

BBC presenter Rot) Maclean suggested that Glasgow: Scotland with Style'. should be "e )iaced with (Elasgoy'rz don't go.' With complaints flooding in, he =.'.’as forced to retract: ‘When I said. “Glasgow: "W "I (a is - ' (ion't go."l W rneant. "Don't .eaye". I love i (‘ziasgoxzf Aye. right. ya ‘.'.’l(l(3 o.

trenth GIasumiii turns tile still

Not a lazy lady

I After the highly impressive Elephant, Gus van Sant's next project is tipped to be Last Days, about Seattle's epoch-making grunge era. Lukas Haas is one of the names being touted to appear in the movie which is ‘Ioosely inspired by events in the Northwest rock'n'roll scene of the mid-903’. Key question: who will play king Kurt? . . . One of the bands who helped influence that scene continue to make their old fans happy. On the back of their T in the Park news. the Pixies have now announced plans to release a compilation album of 23 golden oldies and a DVD of promos. documentaries and live mayhem . . . More good news on the music front is that P Dlddy may well retire from rapping after his next album. P05, hits shops in the autumn . . . Busy old Nicole Kldman is set for two big roles in the near future. The Aussie actress will be executive producer as well as star in American Darlings in which she and J-Lo play members of a Hispanic group and a swing band who join forces in the 403. Plus. wee Tom‘s big ex is repOrted to have signed up to play the White Witch in the movie version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.