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34 THE LIST "3 AI» 7',“ -'.

Torremolinos 73 I ISI .00. Il’alIlo Bcrgcr. Spain/Dcumark. ZINHI .Iancr (’amara. (‘andcla l’cna. .luan l)icgo. l‘crnando 'I‘Lflicro. 93min. lt‘x W73 in l"I'anco‘x Spain. and unxucchxiul cnc}ch’Dacdia xaicxman .-\lit'cdo IJ;I\ icr (‘aIIIaI'aI ix \xilliug Io tr} almoxt an_\Ihing to pa} hix rcnt and xa\ c hix carccr. \thn hix hoxx xuggcxtx xhooling xcicntiiic Iilmx c\cluxi\cl_\ ior Ihc Scandinavian markct. Alircdo dixco\ct'x hc iuxI might ha\ c thc lalcnt to hc a xucccxxiul porn dircctor. llilarioux rich black comcd}. (il-‘I. (i/uxgnn'; I-Ilmliuuu'. Iz'I/I'II/mrgli. Touching the Void 1 ISI 00000 IKCVIII \lacdonald. ('anada. ZIIIHI Nicholax Aaron. Brcndau .\lackc_\. Simon Yalcx. Joc Simpxon. IIIomin. Brilliant cliii hanging rcconxtruction icaturc documcntar} oi Ihc tcrrihlc cx cntx that o\crlook mountaiuccrx Joc Simpxon and Simon Yatcx “Ilt‘ll thc} trch to climb a l’crtn Ian mountain in 1085. .\lacdonald pullx c\cr} trick out oi thc hag to makc IhIx ax hcart churningl} xcar} ax a rcal climh In hli/lard conditionx. ll ix. ax IIIL‘_\ \it}. tlllllt‘ it l'ItlL‘. .St'lt’t'lt’l/ I't'lt‘uu‘. Trilogy: One I ISI 0.... Il.tIcax Bcl\au\. l‘rancc/Bclgium. IIIIIRI ('athcrmc I‘rot. l.ucax Bcl\au\. Dominith Blauc. ()I'nclla .\Iuti. (iilhcrt .\lclki. l’atrick l)cxcampx, l I lmin. :\itcr ncarl} 15 _\carx hchind harx. rmolutionar} tcrrorixt Bruno l.c Roux IBcl\au\I cxcapcx. llc hcadx xtraight hack to hIx ccll‘x haxc in (ircnohlc, llc Intcndx to xcltlc onlIc old xcorcx. rcgroup hix old Icam and hook up \\ iIh hix L'\-lo\ct’ I(‘atlicrinc l-‘rotI. But thingx ain't what Ihc} szcd to hc: moxt oi hix allicx arc dcad and thoxc that arc xIIll a|I\ c lIa\ c \t'IIIL‘tl ItIlII it iiic (Ii lllitltllt‘~c‘lit\\ dcnial. Bruno hax Io dc\ Ixc a plan hut lirxt hc tlt‘t'tl\ [II \IliIIxL‘ IIIL' \ Ic‘IIIth cop. .\Iillll\t‘. I.\IclkII irom hix tail. ’l‘hc hcgninmg oi Bc|\au\‘x rcmarkahlc trIlog} oi lilmx. \kltatcu‘t' )ou hclic\ c to hc thc truth In Ihix Iilm “I” not hc thc truth )ou hclitw c h} Ihc cud oi Ihc third Iilm. Shccr hrilliancc.

('( ll. (i/uwim.

Trilogy: No d’( i) 0.00 Il.ucax Bcl\au\. l‘rancc/Bclgium. IIIIIII ()rnclla .\Iuti. I'I'ancoix \lorcl. Valt‘ric .\laIrc\xc. Bcrnard .\la//inghi. Dominith Blanc. (iIIhcrt ~\lclki. ('alhcrmc I’rot. l.tIcax Bchaux. ‘Vnim. 'l‘hc Iirxt Iii/um iilm \xax a poliIIcal thrillcr chaIIIng thc hard-hittcn xtor} oi cxcapcd lcil \xing tcrrorixt Bruno IBci\au\I. In tlnx Iilm Bruno chx to Iakc a hack xcaI ax in thc lorcground ix thc ci'al} h} xtcrical I'clationxhih oi ( ccilc and x\lam (‘oxtcx I()rnclia Mini and lirancoix .\lot‘cl I. Alain and ('(‘cilc arc Ihc couplc irom Ihc Iirxt Iilm \\ ho II“ II Ihc log cabin. .I\x \\ c cntcr thcir pmatc \xorld \\ c I'calIxc ho“ had thcxc I\\o middlc agc pctnx hourgcoixlcx arc ior cach othcr. Shc Ix a hot lIloodcd Italian. and hc ix a Iiiiwd up ll_\pocltondt'lac. \Vhat unrawa ix a \xholl} unncccxxar) hut hilarioux iarcc \Ihcrc thc inconipatihilit} oi llIc ua} hoth Ihcxc charactcrx communicatc cmhrole thcm hoIh Ihut .'\l;llll moxtl} I ma \\ ch oi madncxx. xlapxtick and dcccit. ('( ll. (i/mgmi : ('umi'n. Iz'I/I'II/IIII'g/I.

Trilogy: Three I ISI .00. Il.ucax Bcl\au\. l‘rancc/BclgIum. ZIIIIZI l)omIIIIquc Blanc.(}1lhcrt .\lclk1.()rncl|a .\IIIIi. (‘athcrinc l-‘rot. l‘rancoix .\lorcl. l.ucax Bchaux l23mm. 'l‘hc concluxion oi Bchaux‘x I'cmarkahlc Iii/um iocuxcx on Ihc intimatc drama hctxxccn policcman l’axcal I.\Ic|kiI and hix morphiuc addictcd \\ Iic .r\gnc'x IBlanc,. \Vc hax c. oi courxc. xpcnt a lIItlc hIt oi tinic \xith tht'xc l\\o hciorc. l’axcal ix and \\ ax thc \ indicti\ c coppcr on Ihc IraIl oi Bruno IBcl\au\I In Ihc Iirxt Iii/um lilm. and .-\gncx \xax and Ix thc uoman uho oiicrx Bruno pi'otcction In Ihc chalct oi hcr nctlrotic iricnd ('cc‘Ilc I.\iuII I. 'l'hix limc \\ c iocux on Ihc hcaI‘I hrcakmg rcalit} oi a “iic “ho hax iorccd hcr lcgall} hound huxhand to ioI'agc around Ihc hack

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on page II

door oi drug dcalcrx ior moxt oi thcir marricd liic. l’oucriul cndgamc to a iaxciuating ciucmatic mpcrinicnt. ('( El. (i/(Iwmi.

Un Chien Andalou I IIS’I Il.nix Bunucl. I-‘rancc. l‘llS’I Simonc Marc-nil. I’icrrc Balchcii. Jaimc .\Iira\ Illcx. Sahador l)ali. l.uix Bunucl. xundr) dcad doukc}x. l7min. ('laxxic Spanixh xurrcalixm. \xith thc iamoux c_\chall xlittiug xccnc and a grcat dcal oi hi/arrc imagcr} oi ohxcurc mcaning. (il’ "IL (i/uxgnn .' l’i/IHIIUHH’. lat/III/Im'g/I.

Under the Tuscan Sun I l::\I

O. I.v\udrc_\ \Vcllx. l'S/ltal}. IIIIHI l)ianc l.anc. Sandra Oh. lindxa) Duncan.

1 l ‘Inin. .'\n uniaithiul adaptation oi l’rauccx .\Ia_\cx‘ autiIIIiographical hook ahout hcr xummcrx xpcnt \xith hcr nc\\ lo\cr rcnmatiug a houxc in thc 'l'uxcau hillx. \VL'IIS tlUt‘\ littlc III tlixgttlxt' llit‘ itIL‘l llitll IIIL‘ inxpiration ior l.anc ix (iiulictla \I;IxinI;I in thc l‘cllini ciaxxic .\'Iu/II\ or (’ubirm. 'l'lic l'cllini rcicrcnccx do not xtop Ihcrc: Duncan cwn takcx a dip in a iountam a la Anita likhcrg in [.11 IhI/u' lilu. l‘niortunatcl). \Vcllx giwx tIx l'cllim ax xccu through lhc c} L‘\ oi a .\IIllx and Boon nox cl. \\'hcrcax I‘cllini cxxa}cd Ihc trouhlcd Intcrnal conilIcI oi a \xoman in a hcartlcxx uorid. \Vcllx dclncrx onl} artilicc and clichc. (it'nvru/ I't‘lt'tlu’.

Valentin I l’( i I ... I :\lt‘ittl1dt'n Agrcxti. ArgcntIna/thhcrlandx. IIIIIII ('armcn \Iaura. .lulIcIa ('ardmali. Rodrigo .\'o_\a. 80min. l’oor. iunn}. xad \alcntin. llIx mothcr \xalkcd out on him. lca\ Iug ailing grandma Ahucla I.\lauraI to bring him up alonc in xuhurhan But-Ion :\ircx. l‘athcr'x ahxcnt. too. Irawllmg Ihc \IorId on huxmcxx. I'cturning occaximiall} old} to xlttm oii a ucu girliricnd. u ho ncwr laxtx. \thn Valentin gclx to xpcnd Ihc da} \xith onc. lcticia If—‘III‘SCoux (‘aI'dIIIaII I. hc iallx in ln\t‘ and IIIIPIIII'L‘\ hcr Io hccomc hix ncu mothcr. Will Ihc prccocioux kid gct a mumm) or not'.’ Argcntina continucx Itx u Inning xtrcak oi Iilm c\portx I,\'1m' Qmwm and '/’/u' .Sun of illl' “I'll/(l \\ Ith thIx xhort and x\\cct drama that'x iuxt ahout Ihc right xIdc oi xacchat'inc. l'I/In/Ioim'. Iii/HIIIIH'QII. Welcome to the Jungle I I:.-\I

.. Il’L‘lL‘I' lit‘l'g. l‘S‘. IIIIIII 'I‘llt‘ Rock. Scann William Scott. Roxario Ha“ onI. IIHIIIIII. In an mhilaratmg BoIIdquuc opcning. Ihc Rock xinglc‘haudcdl} dixIIIantlcx an .-\mcrIcan ioothall Icam .IIIcr ha\ ing hccn told to ‘haw iun‘ h) Arnold Schuar/cncgcr. No doubt it “ax a momcnl c\ccuti\ c prodnccr Vincc .\lc.\lahon hopcd would xignal Ihc paxxing oi Ihc action hct'o mantlc irom thc (‘aliiornian gowrnor Io hix \‘\'\\'i-~ prodig). l)cprIc thc hopciul opcnmg \alHI. II docxn'l. All} \\a_\. IIIL' Rock'x xcnt to thc Bra/Ilian iunglc to bring homc Scott.

\\ ho ix on an Indiana .loncx-xt} lc Inixxion to find an artciact. hciorc a l) pccaxt c\ ll ('hrixtophcr \Valkcu can gct hix muttx on thc lrcaxtlrc. (;(’II('I'iI/ I't'lt’tlu’.

You’re my Hero (Eres Mi Heroe)

I l:.v\I l:\lll0lll(I ('uadri. Spam. JIIIHI IIIRmIn. ('uadri‘x xch autohiographical Iilm rccallx hix )outh III Sm illc in thc nnd I‘F't), uhci'c Ihc ho} mo\cd to Inc \\llll hix iathcr and uhcrc hc Inuxt dcal \\ IIh thc tIxual coming oi agc Irialx: hullicx. ncu irIcndx and lo\ c. (/I'HI; (i/mguu .' I’I/m/quu‘. l'II/I'II/mru/I.

0 Zatoichi I 1.x. oooo I‘Iart-xin Kitano. Japan. ZINIRI Bcat ’l'akcxhi. \IIclIno ()okuxu. 'l'aka (iatarukanaru. 1 10mm.

lla\ iug rcimcntcd Ihc copx and _\aku/ax gcm'c. Kitano makcx a xlah at domg

likcu Ixc \\ IIII Ihc xamurai Iilm. and oncc again xhccx through comcntionx hkc a kac through lIIIIIcI'. llcrc hc hrmgx hix maxch xIrokcx to thc l‘)lh ccntur} .lapancxc hcro /.anIchI. .I hlInd x\\ordxman madc Iamoux Ill Ihc Shintano Katxu Iilm chch \xhich ran 1%: h"), ’l'hc nc\\ /(llUIt In Ix iull oi

Kitano xt_\ Ic tonal changcx thuchI comic and \ iolcnt. tcndcr and graphic. .\lcaII\\hIlc. Ihc IIghIx lIccomc c\cr morc d}namic ax /.atoichI. Itclptng a rcmotc mountain lo\\n that'x hcmg Icrrorixcd h} thc (iin/o gang. and hIx ucmcxix. lhc ronm llattori I'ladanohu :\x;IIioI uho'x hccn hIrcd h_\ (iin/o to cniorcc hIx rulc. drau cloxcr Ior thc imal hattlc. lt'x cutting cdgc xInII. .St’lt't‘lt'r/ I't'lt'rlu'.