Nl (It Ill-1 DOWNSTAIRS AT ORAN MOR Oran Mor, Glasgow, Fri 8 Oct

The other night, at a comedy club that shall remain nameless, I watched an anonymous comedian doing a half hour set which consisted almost entirely of ned jokes. The gags were funny, but there was something all too easy about the target and it made me wonder whether this kind of material, like the now out-of-production Burberry cap, ought to be made extinct.

At the new Friday night comedy club downstairs in Oran Mor, which is being organised by Bruce Morton and has been aptly named Downstairs at Oran Mor, Morton wants to make sure that ned humour won’t be top of the agenda. ‘l’m fed up with this kind of unfunny, anti-working class stuff that regularly gets peddled all across Scotland,’ explains Morton, who has been on the comedy circuit long enough to have heard his fair share of scally jibes. The new club aims to mix up a selection of Scottish and international stand-up with a variety of other comedy acts, such as the Big Word poetry crew and possibly some performance artists. ‘I want to give the night a cabaret-style vibe by bringing in acts that offer something different to the usual comedy club fare, as well as some good quality stand-up.‘

While many places pack three or four different comedians into one show, the new club will allow longer sets for headliners, with a much shorter time allotted to the support act and compere. On the opening night Morton will take the headline spot, with support from Saj, while Nigel Buckland and the Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe Ill team up for the second instalment. Later in the season, Belfast charmer Michael Smiley, hardcore ranter Ian Cognito and Canadian Craig Campbell will be making an appearance on the schedule, along with local mirth-makers John Flint and David Kay.

October looks set to be a busy month for Morton who, in addition to his Oran Mor activities, is doing a re-run of his popular show, Spite. ‘l‘ll be doing stand-up on Friday night then preparing myself for Spite the next day, which is a totally different kind of show. It’s going to be hard work but I’m really looking forward to it.’ (Rachael Street)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy© Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .Ittllglt‘lll’S. l'(i(‘ Building. chl‘t‘cu Stt'cct. MSW)" S701)". Spin. L”. .longlcut'x cclchratm itx let hirthda} \\ ith thc |augh~ pro\ idcd h} .-\lc\ Boardinan. Km in Ha} ex. Stm c llught'x attd Dont (‘at't'oll

The Thursday Show ’l‘hc Stand. .33 \Voodland\ Road. llSTtl (wilt) (M55.

8.30pm. to tL5i. lloxt Raynond \lcarnx Iittcx up thc coincd} lalt'nlx.


Big Word Performance Poetry The lion. ‘) lluntcr Squarc. High Stt'cct. 320 (Mil. ‘lpnt. £3 it'll. National l’octt‘} l)a_\ \pccial ll’ttlll thc Big \Vot'd cit-\x lt‘atunng the mud l\\l\llll:_‘ talcntx ol ('upat \latn champion .\lilton Balgont. .-\\h Dickinxott. Rachel 1111'} and l’ctct‘ .-\lL‘\;tlltiL‘l‘.

The Edinburgh Edition 'l'hc 'l‘hm- 'l‘tinx \Vinc Vaultx. 5‘ l l llanou‘t' Strut-t. (Willi)5533-15.”;1111. 52. .-\nd_\ \Vhitc hcadx thix \wckl} llC\\\ qui/.

The Thursday Show 'l‘lic Stand. 5 York Placc. 55S "3.3, “pm. L'h H51,

44 THE LIST '- 3.".

(ttfj.;\'I.‘ l tattki.‘ Ho) k.'.';‘\ 1h." iau-ghx lt'illll: lot gunk ( its; \ltlluglt. lottna lllajfltlalitalt'} \i.22\. iota: Ion-E} .lo lo \utitt'tiaud and . haitacicon tozntt (its; (.Hi‘k

The Snatch Social lhc I ititttd lx‘oont. ". \i.totta \ttct't.

Ill ‘Hl‘lll ~ant Lit: 5'"

_ < 3m; lh.‘ \xxatd \Ellllllllfj Ion} ("ant-t and Main \ilhuwllil \otnix't.‘ at lilh liith} .al‘att't \lISu‘ ltmon \Kllil illl‘ hop and lunkt

Friday 8


Downstairs at Oran Mort halt \loi. ail ‘15 (itt'at \\t'\lt'tn lx’oad. ‘5 i \HHH Spin LS \t'ci‘ttwn-v.

Jongleurs Comedy Club handgun. [(ili lituldtnjg. Ix’cnltt'u Stit't'l. “\7'5 hump \l‘ltt Ll.‘ \ct' [hit 5

The Hit" \ldllti. ;;;\\|N'\H.lilki\ Rinnk ll.\~ll (ilill (ill55 \ Sillln] {‘5‘ ('ottit'd} liotn \ll\\l\' tatontt'tn \i.tll§ \\tl\on. Summit ltoin \nthotn king. (‘httx Hunt} and Hill Iliutt'

The Jim Rose Circus lht- \nltux. 35‘ \ltj}i\‘ Stict‘l. 5M5 lllfi " Ktipni Ll: 5“. l ht' ltmktwt ltt'ak \hou ol than all it'ttunx \Hlil niott' \xtnt't' induttng' luck and dcptau'd .tllllt'\ \t't' lcattnt'



Jongleurs Comedy Club .Iitlljjix'lll \. ()nint ('t‘nttc. (llt'k'll\lli\' I’latt‘. HS‘H" Sqllflll" .\ 15pm (I) lllk' hnthda} t‘t'lt‘ht'attonx t‘onunuc \\ ith Ptllit'l int-it‘hanl Roch \lonkhonw. l tankit- limit" and lx’udi | n‘kuood.

The Stand lht' Stand. 5 \oik Plant 55\ "3—3, “pm. L” (UH. (junk) loinit't inaggtt‘tan ('ait'} .\lat\ \hatt'\ a \lajgt' \\ith (no: \lt‘l luggh. .lo .lo Sutht'tland. lttlllt'di L‘ilyflt‘l (ilL‘L‘ (.Htlk .‘lllti iltt\l .i.lllt' \lat'ka}.

The Bedlam lmproverts Bedlam lliilk'dll'k'. liil lilhltt l’ldt't‘. 33.5 "5" 5.

ll). Winn. L' i5ll it it, lx’t'tutn ol tht' long: \tandingg latc llllell |.lllj_'|llt‘l' inxlitution. in\ol\ing_' niut'h audit-nt't' l‘dlllt'llktllttll.

G asgow

Jongleurs Comedy Club .Ionglt-mx. l'( i(‘ Building. lx’t'nlt't'u Stt'cct. MSW" SWEH". Spin. LI i. St'c 'I hit "

The Stand 'I lit‘ Stand. Hi\\'oodlatld\ Road. ovo not) moss, k, :iipm, La Sut- i'l'l S. hut \\ ith t'onipci'c lant' \lat'ka}. Madcap Comedy Club 'l'ht- Slalt' Hat. l-lS Holland Sti'ct‘l. 3 ‘3 2l5‘). S. Winn. L5tL1li. liaxl landt't' .lant'} (iodlc) it'tui’nx \\llil niot't‘ lt'ank talcx.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .Iongglcutx. ()ntnt (‘cnti'tx (it't‘cnxidt‘ I’lat‘t'. llhqll" Vow? .\.l5ptn_ L‘l 1. Sec In S.

The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 5 \ot'k Place. 553 5353.011t11.LS.St't'l'ttSalthotithuxan \lot't'iuin lith'S in ct ax il(t\l.

The Jim Rose Circus 'l‘ht'|lllti lx’oont. ‘lt' \it'tot‘ta Slit-ct. 225 35(il Spin. L‘llfitt. SL‘L' i'l‘l N


Bruce Morton: Spite \lapRolx-rt. l'nnct'xtt} ol Stnhng. lll"M»-1(»(ih(i(i. Spin. ill) I {St SW [‘l‘L'\ tun.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service iilL‘ Sldllti. 5.5 5 \Vtttttiidllth Road, tix‘o (too moss, ksiipiii. L11 If, I i, |)c\ \lclt‘an and (icot‘dtc lHkL‘l' ion} ('at'tcrtotn \ln‘hacl Rcdtnond.

The Universal Comedy Club 'l ilL' l'nnctxal. 5- 5‘) Saut'htchall lant'. WM» ‘0“). ‘lpni. 1 £5»; £3 altct llillptn. long-\tandtn; \ttl'l't‘aihl l’hil Ka}.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'l'ht- Stand. 5 York l’lat‘c. 55S ":53. lpni. l't'cc. l't‘ccxl} lc coined} \H/itl'tiS l’aul (it’ahatn and Stttat't \ltn‘ph} lii‘c up the

l!Il.:_‘;1l‘..:lit\l‘\Hiiialli‘lilt‘l \lttc ol nnptox

Reg Anderson‘s Night of Comedy llt.‘ l mitthouw. i.‘ ‘1 lit.‘ \hotc, l .‘tth. 5‘1‘Hh5 \z‘lll 15‘1‘“ Ruck .ontcth lll:..'ill\ yo \xcckh at thc l iyhthoux'. kt.ktn;‘ olt \Kllil a \ct ttotn \cu /.~.~.'.andt't \tnion \l. l\tnn.j\

Jongleurs Comedy Club long‘lcutx (hunt (butts. ( itgt‘nxtdt' l‘latt‘. US 'l" \V‘HV'“ \ 15pm Ltlx \tlllti.:\ night lattshtct lt'mt \taittn' Rudt l ukuood and loin llcndnk\

Bruce’s Sunday Social Club I h.- \lalld 5 \otk Plate. 55\ '.‘ \ Winn Li ‘1 in \ttanhu hoxt Hints Ila ltn. l‘ilh chth andt illl\ Hunt}

Pt ‘It ‘:1

Capital Comedy®The Eastgate ladz'att' lht'att.‘ .\ \llxi cnttt'. l a\t;.'att'. ll “Ht” 5‘.‘ i 25 Spin 2‘ l.tll_‘.‘illt‘l \t‘lll\'\ to HIV | .t\l'.‘.tl\‘ tn thu \ilal‘t‘ ol the ( altital ('ontt‘th (ion. \xtth ht'adhnt‘i \nd_\

\\ hit.-

Monday 1 1


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance llit- \laltd. 5;;\\del.tttd\ Rt'ad. ll\ ill Mill (ill5‘ \ Winn 9.1 HIV tnonkt-t him tSanth \t-lxon. |x'a\iiioiid \lcatnx. .llK' llt't'nan and HA \ltl can» lint‘ up lot a nix'hl ol niuxttal ttnium totnt‘th


Red Raw lht- Stand. 5 \otk l’latt'. 55\ "35.7 \ Winn Ll (‘onilwtt‘ lo ,lo Sutht'tland i'lllti\'\ a ttotipt' ol \lattd up ll\'\\\'tllll\'l\ alutt}: tht' tot'k} toad ol t'otncd}. \kllil ilk'll‘ ltotn ilk'dtiilllt'l l’aul \lt'\cill

Tuesday 1 2


Red Raw lilt‘ \idllti. ;;;\\lllllll.lilli\ Road iik‘ai (illll on“ S lulu]. a,“ ('oniltt‘tt' lo ,lo Sutht'iland lllilt‘till\t'\ ntotc \tand up \ it;'1n\ lll tht' toiuiiain ol ht'adlint'i Hillkt' l unit-i

l, dinburgh

The Fred MacAulay Show illt‘ \land. 5 \otk I’Iatt'. 55S "I": ‘lpin LS \t'tt'tan

Scoh tonn'dtan I'tt'd \lat.\ttl.n plux yuwt (‘olin \ltnlth}

Wednesday 1 3

G assgow

The Fred MacAulay Show "I lit- Stand. H; \\iiiiti|;tllti\ Rthlti. “D55” (“m (‘HSQ

.\ 5‘llllll LS St-t- luv ll


The Comedy Cave \It'hol i'.ti\\.lltl\. \tddt'} Sttct't. llfi‘lll‘) 553-15 ‘lpni, ti ('apital idllfJih ltotn lilL' cwt (hanging nnx ol llL'\‘- and \k'.l\llllk'tl t'oint'dtanx

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World llit- Stand. 5 York I’lat't‘. 55S "352. ‘lpni L5 «Hi. “I inonthl} \kt-tth \ittm unh l;\|.an John and (‘oltn llt'pptt'

Thursday 14


Bernard Manning l’a\ ilion 'l ilt'dllt'. l2l Rk'lliik'iti Sllt‘t'l. i5: lH-Ui 5‘ Viplll

LI: 5” \M-ll. )ou t'an'l \a} “C ixn‘t a iL'jJt'llti NHI lttl' lilt’ mull} Hllt'lltiL'd. Jongleurs Comedy Club .longglcuix.

l (i(' Building. Rt'nlit-u Stict't. USN)" Virti“ Spin L" \‘oenonwnxt' (ilamt-gtan .lattc} (iodlq. patt‘ot-lat‘cd tunintnan \lat'ttn Hm I\ and .lohnn} ('andon \hatt' lilL' \tandup \tagta

The Thursday Show 'l ilL' Stand. Hi \Vt it )t“;1[lti\ Rtmti. HH-‘(l ()‘Nl (i055 H. “llllll. tt5 i. Ra}ttiontl \lL'dl'lh lllllHtillL'L’\ Imi— lllllL' i’L’l'l‘lL'l‘ llHllllllL'L' Reginald H Hunter. ('oltn Rainon and John R(l\\.


The Edinburgh Edition 'l'hc 'l'hrcc 'lun\ \Vint- Vaultx. " ll Hanowr Stu-ct. MW”) 552 U5 ‘ipin. L2. (‘oinuh and llL'\‘- \ titn/ xi. ith a helping ol \tand-up.