
Secret Cinema “lid! 'J-IH II ht \Hhml} Mum. x. huI «Inc llllllL’ Ix IUI xurc II‘x :IIIIIj; III hc 41x uml d\ .IH ht“ ‘th' l‘IlIIIhHlIxC-x cucllcnl xcucI IIIIII llllell. HIUINIULL'II h). Muik (‘nuxinx .InIl IIIth lllk‘lllhk'h III th’ LIIICIIIII'x prnjgmninung Ic.IIII “cud .Ind \|.IInIchlul \Icmnf: Inr .IH II/nI/Iwuu. /;I/III/IIII:1/:

0 Seven Songs for Malcolm X I 1% IJIIhn AanIIIIJh/SIIIIILInp l)nj_'x l'IlIIIx. I'K. I‘i‘iiI 53mm “LILL x\(l(ll(l l‘lllll ('nlluuw'x ‘l V lIIIII L‘illlhlllk'\ .llkhl'-L' lHHl.Ij_'L'. llllL‘l\lL'\'-\ \xIIh NLIIUIIIII'x l.IIIIII} .InIl

~f-f‘fimifx x9???“

L'\.Il.lLix iIHlll hIx ununux and thIII xI.I§_'I-Il pIucx II'x .III unuxhanIL-dl} hind pI'pruIIw III hIIqun lllelix, uhnh lIL'III'IIIx llHlll Ihc III;In'x nun unIlI-IxIanhnj: III lhc IIICIhu .Ix .I ' ' lllL‘.lll\ III Ilchwnnj: hIx Iucxxuggc i’.IIl III Ihc \ “huh HleIII) \lnnlh (ii/1mm III/Nil.)


Shark Tale III 0.. Illihn

liprcInn/Vnk} JcanIn/Rnh l.ClIL'llll;ill. l S.

IlNJJI \VIII SIIIIlh. Ruhul Dc \IIII. Jack A" Illmk. NLIIIIII SIIII'xCxc ‘Ninun SI-c luncu. [MfJL' 5U (iI'III‘I'Il/ H'll'llH'

Shrek 2 III .0. l.'\ll(llk'\\ .-\Il;IIan>n. Kcll} ,-\thII_\. ('IIIII.IIl \I-IIIIIII . l'S. JIM-II MIM- Mycix. laIlIlIc .\1uI'ph_\.(lung-Inn |)I;I/. Juhc .'\ll(llt'\‘-\. .-\lllHlllH ll.IIIIlCI'.’Ix. Jnhn ('lccxc. Rlllk'll Izwicll. Jk'llllllk‘l' SnunIICIx Ulnuu l’ultll}. cpIxnIln xcqucl In l)Ic;IIn\\‘IIIkx‘ IIprII'cIl. x.IlII'IL‘;I| I‘Ill IIII [)I\IIL'} lIIlI} LIIL‘x. Sl’ll'l II‘I/ I'I'lc'uu'.

16 Years of Alcohol I Im 00.. IRII'hIIIIl Jnhwn. l'K. 300M laxxcn BICIIIIIL'I'. l.;IuI;I l'I'.IxI'I. Suxun [Inch IHZIIIIII, I‘lllllll} Il}xlunclmu. ulthIIlIxIn. \ Inlcucc. Incnlul InxlthilII} and much IIIIII‘I' lIII'In Ihc L'cnlrc ul JIIthIII‘x chnI—;IuIIIhingi'uphn‘ul \KlllllljJ/Illl‘ck‘illlf: Ilchul. Thll‘l)\HlllL‘lhlllg luIInCI h.IIIl quu l'IunkIc Mug IMI‘KIIIIII I’L'llu'lx IIpIIII hIx lI'nuhlcd )IIth. Juhxnn lqu xuught III Inukc hcuui} IIIII nl ughm‘xx and hux (Inlch Alll unuxlmincdl} PUL'IIC IIIIII. Kur \VIII Ix hIx luuchxlunu hut IhIx pmwi'lul. mm In}: lIlIII ch‘IuInl) \lillldx HIUHL' ;Ix u llléljnl' :Ichicwuicnl. III Icrqu III SL'Ullhh k‘lllt'lllél ll Ix unique (Ill. (i/IIIQIIII.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow IN}. 000 ‘Kx‘lu ( I'lll.Il.. l'S._‘lNl.1I.luIlul .l\‘..(I\\.\Il\'[ll l’.I|IIII‘.I. .-\n;_'c|In;I John: I .IuIcnu' ()ln lk'l III"IIIIII 'lhIx II'IIII lllllllhllk‘ IIIInp, \Ihnh \I‘llll‘lll\‘\ xIIIIc III Ihc .III de:Il.Il ‘I‘-|/.ll\’l_\ with .I dL‘LIIlL'IH} HM luthHIII'II xlIII} .IIIIl II IIIIIL hIIII'ImcIl llHlll I‘Hlix .IIIIl «le pulp llxiltill .IIIII lllH\|L' \L'lldlx. \\.l\ llllllk'\l I‘IIIIII-l} ;I;_';IInxl hluc chccnx luxx 'x \l.llk'\ik'\ II III III}: uu' .IIIII l’ullnm 'x IIIIIIIIIII'xx lk‘PHllk'l 1'lH'llII glnhcunluug. IIIIlI.In.I ,lllllk'\ l}pc IIIII-xi II» Ihxxgu'I Ihc ;Ipug.Il}pIIp pl.IIIx III m I! x\ II-IIIIxI l)I' 'l'nlcnknpl I.I lk'\ll\\'|l.llk'd ()|I\ IL'II ll Inukx lIIhulIqu. \xIlh llH\[.ll“_'l\ xI'pI.I Inncx and I'\pchxIIInIxI IIpIIIIIIg. huI IIIC .IIIIIIII Ix lllllll\()l\lll:.j, (I'I‘III'III/ H'll'llu. Spider-Man 2 I I: \I 0.00 Ix.IIII RIIIIIII. l‘S.v\. JUN-h 'luhc} .\l.I;:uIIc. ixIIxIcn l)unxl. J;llllC\ hump ll‘nun l’t'lk"! PJIhCI l.\1;lj_'llllcl xII'IIgylcx In p.I} lhv hIllx, lump hIx Inh. )Jcl lhI‘IIuth (Ullcyc .IIIII \\\|(| xucclhuul Mar} .IIuIc IDIIIIxII .v\x llL‘ Ix .Ihnul II» pm- up. chcnIIxI In (Him ( )(l.l\lll\ I\IHllll.ll IIIInx


|\'.I;II.I x cm

IIIIw Uli'hl lunhul 1:39.} '|)Iu NIL \«IIL Il\\‘\1\.l xIIIx-z xI‘IpII‘I III IhI‘ auchixxl «IIIIVx I:IxI Izlzt. w..i;t:; Ix .I I\'\H\l'l'h \'\..llII;‘l\' w xIIpcIIIInII. xupI'Ithn hImLhIIxIcI l‘hlllllur’lllli' /U\\ [I]! H’.’I( (I.I(l-\“""‘ \.'t’ ( (‘,‘.‘.l’ I ( ".‘l " III/I’I.'/’I'lli'l-I

Stage Beauty IV 0.. IRII II.I:II [III-.1 i\ (lL'HILIlD l \. I‘lllil ( IIII; I).IIch HIH} ("IIIIIIIp II‘IH\\1H\IH\~‘III icII( lIIll‘lill. lx’upcII I ‘xk'lx'HI /III‘ IIII‘I‘CI I IIIIIIII:

\l](1f’( xi". II'II II: [rm fjm’x In the \chIInIT \\l"l\' \IIIIhH /)I'/’.'ll'.’r'lf, III’II."":II:'I:

La Strada« 1%.... Ii [Clik'llxl‘ l'k'llllll. |I.Il_\. l"\-1I(illlll\'ll.l\l.l\lll.l. \nIhnn} (JHHIH.l<l\}\1[{Il\\'llIlli H‘IIIIII lI'llIIII‘x \\ I'k' \1.l\lll.l Ix llllli‘li'x‘llJi‘lL' I1\ .I \lllllilk' IIIIIIIlml :‘III III Imp '.'.IIh I.II§.'I'I IhIIII llik' IIIKIIx \llHlltflllJll /.Illl[‘.ll1I'I(‘)llllllll_ xxhn Ilch III .I hIIILcII hx'dll xxhcn hI' l.IIIx lhc :I'IIIII' IIjghlInpc \*..IIkI‘I IllIIxulmIII unhu hIIIl hclIII‘IIIh'Il hI‘I I’.IIIIIIIl xIIII} I»! luIIclIIIyxx .IIIII |\Hl.lllHll ukhuxc ‘.I\II1I} xI-I'Il} xIII.Ill luxxn |\.I\'l>\;.IIIIIIIIle Hk'\\'l .IHUV- chIIIIIII'IIIIIhIx

Sunshine '\ CO. H -‘ (In ‘.I

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/ I’ Super Size Me

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The Swindlers (II Bod C... l nix: I; .' l‘I‘Nl-L-I

II hl-H\i


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