.. . X- . i . 5 .3 r." ~. ’— r_" “5": l ' ,- fir/’1‘: "x": I" ll n .-

Knotty: tr


.3 7" {7.7-7 -_¢ For a band who border on the bloody '3 twee with such frequency, Kings of

Convenience are pretty serious. Comparisons to Simon and Garfunkel are only part of the equation as 2004’s Riot on an Empty Street suggests, as do Erland de's solo forays into minimal electro territory and his guesting, perhaps most famously, on Royksopp’s debut album. Simple and effecting, their acoustic songs have found a perfect home in the quasi-religious sounds of the Queen’s Hall. Come and adore.

if} Queen's Hall. Ft/IHbt/rgli, lue II)’ Oct.


I The Young Hips and Mike Smith 'l'hc .\lint. lo Acadcm} Strcct. 01330 “I I‘ll. 9pm. l‘rcc.

Friday 8


I Maroon 5 and The Like Sli(‘(‘. l'innicston Qua). 0870 040 4000. 7pm.

St )l.l) ()l'T. (‘ommcrciul rockcrs \shosc Songs About .lum' album has hccn onc ol' thc llllL'\pL‘CIC\l that is. incxplictihlc hits ol thc )‘L‘ur.

I Ian McCulloch (‘oltict‘ 'l‘hcutrc. H}ndl;ind Strcct. 357 38%. 7.30pm. £l5. li\-licho & thc Bunnyncn \oculisl. still

\\ ith :i picturc mouldcring in his attic.

I Ron Sexsmith Struthchdc Suilc. Rmtil (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sinichichzill Slrcct. 353 8000. 8pm. £l5. Suhlimc ('zinzidiun songurilcr \\ ilh ll pliiintiw touch to his czisil} inclodic songs.

I Hugh Cornwell, Cortez and David R Black 'l'hc l'crr}. 43 ('l)dc l’liicc. 0th M5 5| 1. 3pm. £I5. The c\- l‘rontingin ol' punk \ltll\\tll'l\ thc Stranglcrs promole his nc\s solo album. \shich i‘c\cls in thc \cr} unpunk numc ol‘ [forum] I‘f/i‘siun l'it'lrls.

I Proud Mary and The Casuals King 'l'ut's “ah Walt llut. 272a St Vinccnt Strccl. III 537‘). 3.30pm. £0. ()nc ol' Nocl (itillttghcr's llnouritc bands. which is prohuhl) till _\ou hood to kno\\ about thcsc daidrock ploddcrs. Smiths tans notc: .-\nd_\ Rourkc is thcir hussist. Thc shumc.

I Eric & the Bunnyboilers, Wrecked Him, Pylot and Kirby Barn). 360 (’l_\dc Strcct. 0870 007 0090. 3pm. £4. lndic punk itctitllincrs promolc thcir tlchtll l'il’ 'llcttrtl You Sn} '. supporch h) \lsil punk octct \Vrcckcd Him.

I Adam Bomb, Killer Angels and Gabriel Falls Burll) tupstairsl. loll (‘hdc Strcct. 0870 907 0900. 8pm. £5. Adam Bomb is an unsung rock guitarist

\\ ith cm igihlc rock'n'roll connections. He has taught h) liddic Van Halcn. uudilioncd l‘or Kiss. shared an apartment \sith ill} Strudlin. toured \sith Mctallica. l‘ormcd a hand v. idi Johnn) 'l'hundcrs and has pcrl‘ormcd \\ ith .\lotorhc;id.

I Who’s Who g2. 400 Suuchichall Street. 35.3 3| l 1. 7pm. £thc. Who's Who claim to

78 THE LIST .‘ .‘1 Oct 300.:

he ‘thc on!) authcntic trihutc to thc (iodl‘athcrs ol today‘s pop iiiusic'. :\s long its thc guitarist can \\ indmill his arms. we'll be happy

I The New Rosy Jewels, Shit Disco and Hex Nicc‘n'Slczi/y. ~13l Snuchichiill Slrcct. 333 ‘)(i37. 0pm. £3. lndic pop. hctn) clcclro and pui'c noisc I‘cspccti\cl_\. I Fred 'l’hc Hill Nolc (ittl‘c‘. fill (it) King Strcct. 553 “338. 0pm. £3. Indic rock outlil promoting it Itc\\ singlc.

I Stratos, Stonesthrow, Tired of Trying and One Friend Minus Fur} .\lurt'_\s.‘)(iMauscll$0111.33! o5] I. 3.30pm. £4. including Cllll'} to post cluh. Local indic hill.

I Latonic, Dieselbone and Shine Ya lizistti. Sotindliiius. 47 ll)dc l’urk Sti'cct. 22! 4o5‘). |0pin. £7 l£5l. Local hand shoucusc. including pop/rock t|lltll'lt'l Latonic and t'cli'o indic rockci's l)icsclhonc. I Ron Davies Bourhon Sin-ct. lllX (icorgc Strcct. 552 UN]. 7pm. £5 l£l5 \sith dinnci'l. Motown trihutc.

I The Fusion Experience 'l‘hc Butt ('luh. HZ Bath lanc. 348 I777. 3pm. l'rcc hcl‘orc l0.30pm; £5 tlllt‘l'. \VcckI} inn} Ioungc set in thc louct' hat.

I Thanksgiving, Beerjacket and Thee Moths 'l‘chgii ()\n;t. lh‘) l)c;inston l)ri\ c. (14‘) 7358. 8pm. £3. 'I‘hc hcndhncr is ;i singcilguiturist lrom thc l'S.

I Pyjama Party .\lc(‘huills. ~10 lligh Strcct. 55: 3'55, ‘).5()pllt. l'ii'cc.

I Chief 'l‘hc Hull liar. loll Woodlands Road. 352 0900. 0pm. l'il'cc.

I Tons of Slobs MitcSorIc} s. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 24.\’ 35M. 0pm. l'rcc.

I Independence Suinth no“ ‘s, (C “I Nilhstlttlc Road-13.5 (H07. 3.30pm. l‘i'cc.


I Inge Mcllroy, Mexico and Big Hand \Vhisllchinkics. «l (i South lil‘ltlgc. 557 5] l4. opin. l5rcc hcl'orc midnight; £3 al‘tcr. Riotous ska l'rom Big Hand on .11 midnight.

I Joseph Malik 'l‘hc li\ch;ingc. 55 (how Strcct. 443 0-104. 7pm. £7. \u soul from lidinhurgh produccr/I)J showcasing his nc\s album .-lquurru\ Songs “till a lull Inc hand.

I The Pearlfishers & the Tallpop Sinfonia North lidinhurgh .r\rts ('cntrc. l5ti Pcnnywll ('ourt. 3l5 2l5l. "pm. £.\

‘1" \c'; 131;; H

I Kenny Young and the Eggplants Ghetto anti Nero Hum. \xzdt'. \ticct. “M 3:51 "1‘" :5 H.'..‘."‘.;'. .ztwustrc ftzw ftwt‘. \."-‘~ \~:’-. . 'st‘.‘c1.:i I.'l.:iiwi‘.s3‘.:;‘ "$11311. l l\ pcrtoiznn‘u; .1\ part ml :n.-:: \.‘.;\' \g.:1iist (lac \\.:si1::15_' \l.:. i":1.' '.~..r

I The Elephants Hans \ i.:/'.'( .-.j.-.:. \ \lutiison \ttcct. 1"" 5:00 \ihlflljiii {.5 lob} lion. \.:ls.: this.“ '\ l‘.lll\i who him. up .1 hunt} let's \ Y sk.: and 1 Jill! rhythms


iii Idlewild Iman ll.rli. \\.~st tints.- \ttccl. 01 33.1 mm s40 shins. .1\ put ol thc \\.:} to Him l .‘stt‘..:‘ \klil hopctulls ptcinici sonic wt 1h.- in.itcii.il tioin thou toithtonnny .zihuir:

iillpin til liirs


I The Pictish Trail, The Red Well, HMS Ginafore .md Pinkie Maclure & John Wells \lonls \. ( itiildli.ill \ticct. 0| 353 l»: 3 W3 \pin :1 \ottish indic Ill.::‘ l\ llnx \/.i\n host lhc lust lll th.‘ I ch..- (‘ollctlnc 3 lot \ll lllf.'lll\. \‘.llll .iu‘thlh lunihlings lli‘lll llic l’ntish li.n|

Saturday 9

G asgow

I The Delgados, Sons and Daughters .llltl Mother and the Addicts Hattmslathl. 3-H (Lillmsjjnlc. 553 lhtll 7 30pm Lll (hci lls shout |.oc.i| indic hciocs \sho h.i\c lust lt'it'JM'ti .inothci linc .ilhum lll lltc slidpc ol

l Illlr [ml ,lin/iu Support conics Ill lhc linc hlucs} indic loim ol \ons .\ l).ni;.'litcis .ind lhc inlcctious in.ini.i ol \lothci .\ thc .\tltllcl\

I Goldie Lookin Chain, Skinnyman and John the White Rapper lht- (iiii';igc. ~l‘)0 Sauchichnll \ticct. 33.7 l l.‘0 "pm. St )1 .l) ( )l 'l ()\t'l I ls \Ilt\\‘. ("mint-d) i'nppci's li’oin \ancs. | knoxs. hut soinconos oh\ious|_\ hu_\ing thc iccoids \cc pic\ Icu I Proud Mary, The Motion .md Countermine King 'l'nt's \\.ih \\.ih Hut. 373:151 \‘mccnl Sliccl. 3:1 537‘) \ illpni U). Xt‘t' in N

I Limehouse Lizzy .ind Marciano IiillL' l'L'l’l}.‘1:('i_\tlc I’l;icc.llll\‘l-\ 3’ 7 <ll ‘lpm. £l3. ’l'iihulc lo icdotiht.ihlc Irish i'ockcis 'l'hin l.l//_\. cui‘rcnll} cclchmling lhcii' lltli tinnncisdi'} stun \\llll thc I nc and Dungcious tout. |)o sou think l|1c_\ cclchi'dtc c\ct'} _\c;u' .is .lll .iiini\cis.ii_\

I Firebird, The Nine .md Marshan llarl'l} tupstnusi. 300 ( ’l_\dc Sticct. 0570 00.7 00‘“). 8pm £1. l'llt'l‘lltl comprisc loi'mcr mcmhcis ol \dpitilll lit-.ith .nid (Xiicass. \shilc thc \uic lcnltuc c\ mcmhcis ol .-\ciinoii} \\ ital docs it .ill mcgin'.’ Hi'acc _\ouiscl\cs lot it doom lllt'ldl onslaught.

I The Decemberists .md Scatter \ic'c‘n‘Slcd/s. ~13] \auclnclmll \ticct. 333 0000. llpm £(w. |olk_\ indic pop lioni ccccntiic ()icgon tuncsinitlis

I The Ocean Floor, 0 Without U .ind Babygod 'l‘ht- I=1h\oiu(;in-.SH Ni Klllfl Sticcl. 55‘ 1““ ‘ll‘tn £ 3. 'l hc ( )cc.iii l‘ltull cknni lhc l’mcs. Sigui Ros .ind lainhchop us thcii pdlcllc ol inllucnccs

I The Hellfire Club \lc( ‘huills. lll High Slt'ccl. 553 II 35. 3pm. l'icc

I Black Rose \i.lc‘\tlllk‘}\. .13 .l.tlll.tl\.t Sti'ccl. NR 5551 ‘lpm. | icc

I Open Stage 'l'hcll.i|1 0.11. loo \Vtititildlttls Rudd. 352 ‘N‘Hi .1 Spill ltcc \Vcckl} scssion loi local lllll\lcl.tll\

I Open Mic Brunswick ('cllais. 33" Sauchichdll Sti'cct. 33] 1330. lpni l-icc \VL‘L‘kl} \csslltll


I Cowboy Junkies .md Vic Chestnutt l‘shcr ll.i|l. |.othi.xn Road. 325 l 155. 5pm. £l\ 50 |.cgcnd.n_\ l‘loncci's ot .\mcric.in.x. ’loionto's (hobo) .lunkics pcrloi'm .ilongsidc tlli‘dll tolk singcr songxsi'itcr \ic (‘hcstnutt \cc

[WU It“.

I Gummi Bako, Super Shitbox, The Red Well .llltl The Pictish Trail 'l'csiot Ron lilllttll. Bi'isto Stiunrc. (x50 4N3. Rpm. £5. (itimnu Bako conic out ol

llt s I John Townes Van Zandt, Sandy Watson Andy Lang with the

Zealots l::.- l'wz‘ ‘1 ll.;~:.~ \..;....:. ll \':.-;' "l;- \;"t. '.\ \t'. " 1321s l.'\.. '1 “or” s' \

I Former Miss America-Dead Fly Buchowski, The Dead Beat Club The Artisan Clockt c-

l\..c 9.; ..\ *...\ (‘l.l\c Mt s \ .tt 3 '

..1\‘,.. "*.-.l‘.l\“~i\\i,,.1\ll.li\,is \-‘-.‘.'..‘

l tiifll‘tllL'ii .:\'.\

I Man of the Moment ll:.- ltm- (llll‘ \lwt.:\ lit-11s.: ii llwi'.r~~.‘. ls'w .1 Minnow: l'» ls ~.

\\\ ‘1”); xvi: ii

\\'\\‘r‘il\ \i(‘

I Jase .zlhl Roguestar \\ lnszlgtmi 1.’ l (t \wtitii lit: 5‘ ‘3 ll "l‘ll‘. l "x‘fwrc inattzxxrnt ‘3 11¢: \f.:.‘.i:iin st,

link limiirls’w.'t;ust.;t~::.;1.:iti':i:'?it

I Hugh Cornwell .am David R Black ill.‘ I \..3i.:n.'c. ‘5 l \tz.‘.".. 11L t'lt'l \y.‘ I Y: \

I Who's Who lit.‘ l‘ix'llz'ttl 721.." \lw:..\ Hussy *‘llol‘ximnf l\‘r'.i«l 5“ NH

21" \uclzt \




1 He’s the voice of a generation OK. so It's; not prcxxeely today's generation imt. like MOrHSSC-‘y. Ian Brown if. out; ()i those llltlfSlCill ii'ia‘.ler'i(';k:; v‘xliost: Sl'ieer COHVICUOH and weight of personality makes; every/Hunt; hr: does; wonh a listen.

2 He’s in touch with his roots Guaranteed. Broonie won't play :i set almost entirely composed of Stone Roses tracks; here tar; he dirt recently at Clarernont lE.tl‘itlf,(,’€tl)t: Gardens in Surrey). Bu wait tor llll: roar that accompanrr—x; the mandatow blast of ‘l ool's, Goirl' anyv-rziiy.

3 Everyone loves him Expressed in print or I“ collat‘mration, NME. UNKLE and Noel Gallagher Silllg his; praises. That last one would be bad news it he was in Proud Mary. mind.

4 He’s a wizard, Harry Brown earneoed in the last Harry Potter move as a wizard who stirred lll‘; tea wrth a magic spoon. The triagv, pipe sadly remained Out of shot.

5 The Stone Roses will never reform Five mini~reasons: it was never abOLit the money: arguabi, the two most important members, hate each other: they might sound even a tiny bit like the Seahorses; Reni's own family probably don't even know where he is; this gig Will be the next best thing. Get over it. (David Pollock)

3‘" Carling Academy, Glasgow, Thu 74 8 Fri 15 Oct.