
Activities And Fun

Become a City Farmer! l 'ntil l'I't -_

()ct. Illain noun. [-1 per da). (inrgie ('Il} l'at‘tll. 5| (itit'glt' Road. 3.37 lelz.

'l r} nut the \ttl'lttlh taxkx needing dniie nn a bus} \wi'king larin. grnnuiiug the putt}. planting cinps. building a \cat‘cct'nu. leeding the llt'lt\ nr \xalking the goat I'.\ent\ are nngning. linnking L'\\L‘llllitl. \tiitahle lni' ages eight tuelxe. Baaal Half Term Art Club 'I'hti 2! ()ct.

Illaiii nnnn. t l 2.5“ per class £32.50 tnr all three da} \. I)nndle\ ( 'ei‘anuc Wnrkdtnp. 3‘) .\Iai'chinnnt (it-scent. 32‘) I3‘)‘). I’auit )ntir (Mil piece nt Ilalltmeen related putter}. including a trick nr treat lantern (ii a ptiiiipkiii Inn. ('Iaxxex can he hnnked as a cnurw ni‘ iutli\ idtial da} \. Dusshera Hi 33 ()ct. llain 3pm. Nnrinal /nn rates appl}. Izdinliurgh /.nn. (‘nixtnrpliiue Rnad. 334 ‘)I7 I. ('elelu‘atc llll\ Iliiidti textual da} cclehi‘atiug the triumph nt’ gnnd n\ er e\ il \\ ith craltx. dancing. tlltlxit‘. henna hand painting and delicinux Indian Innd.

Dungeon Halloween Weekend Sat 23 & Sun 2-1 ()ct. llIaui 5pm. £0.05. adults it'3 Ui.‘)5i. Iidinhurgh I)ungenn. 3| Market Street, (IX-N) X-lhll (i(i(i. Izdiuhurgh l)iiugenn ;t\k\ all little mnnsterx tn dress up as their laxnurite tiend \\ ith pri/es tnr the creepiext L‘HNItlttIL‘. pltlx games atid actix itiex tn entertain the little hnrrnrsl


Scottish Chamber Orchestra Ital J .\'n\. 7pm. l'xher IlaII. I.nthian Rnad. 22% I I55. Special lamiIy-nrientated cnncert entitled ‘\\'hen the Iiarth Singx‘.

Theatre & Dance

Storytime for Under Fives 'I'liti 2| ()L‘I. Thu 23 (let «V Thu 4 Ntn, III. I .5 Ill.45ain. I‘ree. \Vexter IIailex I.ihrar_\. I \Vextxide I’la/a. 52‘) 5003. (’nine alnng and hear )nur Ia\nurite \tni'ie\ and pla_\ \\ ith puppets. lix'ei‘yine \\ ith children under li\ e \\elc‘nttte.

Tam O’Shanter Hi 22 Q Sat 23 ()ct. I’i'i 3pm; Sat I I.3t)am. .\'nrth Iidinhurgh Arts ('entre. I5a I’enn} \\ ell ('nurt. 3 l 5

3 I 5 I. See (ilaxgtm.

The Story of the Little Gentlemen 'I'ue 2t» ()ct. llI.3tIain & l.3t)pm. £5 (£3.50). .\'nrth Iidinhurgh Arts ('entre. I5a Penn)“ ell ('nurt. 3 | 5 2 I 5 I. The ('athei‘ine Wheels 'I'heatre ('ninpan} hring tn lite I.ar\-Iirik Bl'ti\\tlt‘l' & ‘I‘nmas \'nn Brnmxxen'x heatitilul. mnx ing and Inuit) \IUI') ahnut the pun er nl‘ triendxhip. Ages Inur and n\'ei' and l'tttttlllex.

For the Fun of Blending Mouth and Ears l'l‘l 2t) & Sat 30 ()ct. Iii-i 10.30am; Sat ll.3(Iain. £5 (£3.50). .\'nrth Iidinhurgh Arts (cutie. I5a I’enn) \\ ell (‘nurt. 315 3l5 l. (‘arainhnlage l.lllglll\llt|llt‘ in\ ite )nu tn the unique and highl} inspiratinnal adxeuture nl hilingual \tnr}tellingf .-\ge\ \i\ pllls.

A Few Thin Slices of Fog l'tl 3w ( )c't. _[\III t4 itli \ni‘th Idinhtugh \I’I\ (‘entrc. I5a I’cnn} \\ ell ( hurt. 3I5 II5I I:\treine bilingual \tnr} telling tni the mci l-1\.t\p;tt1nl the \t I'll/\ll lin’i Martin/stir \Iurtlt HIIIL' It \iiitil


Pleasurelands l ’ntil Sat .1 Dec Ittnt Suni. Illaiii 5pm tiee ('it} \rt (cutie: Market Street. 53‘) 3‘N3 \ tun packed c\hihitinn e\plnring the pnpulai llhlttt'} nt tairgrnundx and cii‘cuxex in (heat Britain


Viking Vision Sat 33 ()ct. an l'i‘ee. Ilt'kt‘letl. \altnttal l.tl\t.it'_\ ()l St‘ttllttlttl. (it‘ttt'g't' l\‘ llt‘ltlg‘t'. :3“ -153l Ilear tales nt tlt';tf_'ttll\ and \‘iking hcrncx. then tranxtnrui the pictuiex in _\nui iiiind intn \UHL‘ tlt'\l_‘_‘ll. let ach eight txtehe. I’art nl the St till/\ll Ill/(‘Illtlllttllti/ Binnie/line /‘('\III(I/.

Tales from the Islands Sat 21 .\ Sun 34 ()ct. 2pm ck 3.30pm. I-ree. \\Illl tttltlll\\lttll tn the /.nn. Ialiiihtii'gh /.nn. ('nrxtnrpliine Rnad. 33-I ‘II5 I, ;\trican (‘ai‘ihhean \tnr} teller and drummer. \Vinstnn \liiiga tells tales nI aniinalx birds and m_\ \tical creatures ti‘nin the (‘arihhean Suitahle lni‘ ach the plux and Iauulie\~ l’ai't nl the Si HUM/I llllt'l'lltllllllltl/ Binnie/line /'(’\I!Itl/.

Big Beasts and Small Tales Sat 33 ()ct. 3.l5 4.l5pin. Rinal \ltixetiin. 3 ('hainlierx Street. 347~12I‘)/-I~123. .Inin 'I'tiup nn a inurne} ai'niind Sntith America. .-\l'rica and the (‘arihhean tnr létlt‘\ Ul creatures lllttlt\ll'ttll\ and miniature. IN ach \i\ plus and ltlllllllt‘\. I’art til the .X'i'nllixli III/('I'Iltl/llllltl/ Slunlt'lline Ital/rill.

Aileen Paterson Sun 34 ()ct. 2 3pm. .-\|\n Sun 3| ()ct. 3 3pm. \\'e\ter llailex I.ilii'at'_\. l \Vextxide I’la/a. 53‘) 5(i‘l3. l'iee. llt‘kt‘lt‘tl. l’ttt'lithc‘lltt l.lhl‘;tt'}. l-l R(I\Cllt'ltl .'\\t'lIlIL‘. I’nrtnhelln. 53‘) 555K. Acclaimed cliildi'eu‘x authni' and ci'catnr nl the .Iltum' ltnnk\ speaks tn children ill‘tllll her \tnriex. Bnnkiug i'ectiminended.

Winter on the Wind Sun 34 ()ct. 2 3.30pm. I’ree. Hermitage Ilnuxe. (NA Braid Rnad. .\Inrning\ide. 4-17 7H5. .'\\ part nt the Scnttixh Stnr}telling I'extnal. Beth (‘t'nxs \\ tll presenting Ialt‘\ hull] magical and natural in keeping \\ ith the changing \t‘ttsnth.

Over the Hills and Far Away Mon 25 ()ct. 2pm. I‘ree. ticketed. I.eith librar}. 38 3t) I"err_\ Rnad. 53‘) 55 I '7. Share \tnriex lrnin nther lttlttlx \\ ith I.eitli\ lit/l (K (I Shirt I’urcntx ' (imu/i. lni' age\ the nine and lamiliex. I’ai‘t til the .S‘t'um'x/i Interrtuli'mtu/ .S‘Inrrlt'llt'ne l‘t'UIl'tll.

The Garbage King Inc It» ()ct. 7pm. l'l't‘L‘. ticketed. .\'atinnal lilti‘ar} ()l Scntland. (ieni'ge l\' Bridge. 326 453 I. Authni‘ lili/aheth l.aird tells the true \tni‘ie\ behind her ;i\\ai‘tl-\\ inning hnnk. li\ent \uitahle tnr ach ItI+. I’art nl the Smith/i litlt'riiulimml .S'Inrrlt'l/i'ng l't'xiii'ul. Garden of Delights Hi 2‘) ( )ct. I

4pm. I-‘ree. Rnin Hntanic (ittl'tlt‘th. Rn_\al Bntanic (iardenx. lmerleith Rn“. 552



more than theatre...

and Lu,” - Live in Glasgow Friday 5 November @ I lam and Ipm