Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I 15» 8:11. $011Ik '1110 0000 1k 13 4111001 '1110». 1 311100111111». 3 I15. 3 311. .131» 5111015. '01» \15. (11111 I110

Exorcist: The Beginning I I5I

1):111\ ‘1 311

.\1\111‘11 I\ \11111 “1‘11: 11111. (1111111111 1111-1

Finding Neverland Il’li»

1).111_\: 3.111 010 x111

Five Children and It I l »

1'1'1Ik .\1011 “ml 3 I111. 1.111 \1:11111cc8:11Ik 8110 11.511.110

The Grudge I 151

1).111_\' 3311. 1.511. ".111. Home on the Range 11 ‘1 \1.11101'I'S:111\ 800 111111.101

House of the Dead 1 15»

1'111\ \100 “rd: 1,311. "111111101.\10111. 11,111.

Layer Cake 1 I5»

1‘1’II\ \11111 “C11. “.111.

Man on Fire I 1.x»

1'11Ik .\100 \\'1-I1: IN. 311,

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagement II ‘»

1):111}: 3.111). (11111. .'\l\ll1111'11111L'L' 8:11 & $110: Saved! 1 I3.I\»

8:11 I& 500: | 1111:1111. 1.311.

Saw I Ix»

1'1'1 Ik .\1011 “c113 (1.511111111\\t'111. 0.111. Shark Tale 11‘1

I):11|}: 3.311. 1.111. (1.31). 111111.

.-\|\0 10:11101'1‘ 5:11 I\ 8110: 11.111010. 1.111. 1511. White Chicks I 12.\» Hull}: 3.511111018111111 (1.3110101 111C). \1\0111:11111cc.\':111k $1111: 1.111).

llGC Clnemas Edinburgh

1-01101:110p:11'k. [)11011cc Slrccl. 3410' 111101‘111:111011Ik ('1‘1'1111(':11‘11 B00100; 1.110“: 11871 311113111111. (1116 11:11: .I\I1011: £5.5(lIL-1.71151011-1511111'1'01'1‘50101. (‘111111/8111111'111: L331). ('001': [3.411. 120111111111 I’I'Iu‘: [3.05 :111 pc1‘101'111:111cc\ III-1011‘ 110011. 1":111111) lickt'l: [3.511111-1‘ [11'1\011. Yt':11'1_\ I1:1\\111111111111cd 1010 10x1 WW) pcr 111011111.

‘)_ {11.




11111118DAY I'I

Allie115» 11501111. 3.50. 5.40. 3.15. AlienVs Predator1151 1040:1111. 1.00. 3.311. 5.50. 8.30.

Bad SantaII5» 13.30. 3.30. 050. 0.00.

Bride and Prejudice I I3.«\1 I 1.35:1111. 3.10.

Chaos I 151 1150:1111.

The CorporationII’U» 3.011. 5.10. 3.30. Exorcist: The Beginning I I5» I 1.551111. 3.00. 11.00. 3.50.

Finding Neverland II’(;1 11.551110. 3.50. 5.30. 300.

House of the Dead 11.51 4.45. 7.00. I1.15.

Inside I’m DancingII51 5.15. 5.50. Layer CakeII5I (1.50. (1.00.

The Motorcycle Diaries I 15» 5.10. 8.45. My Summer at Love I 15» 1.00. (1.30. The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal EngagementIl'I 1150:1111. 3.15. Saved!113.\» 1155:1111. 3.50. 5.00. 8.111.

saWIISI 11.40. 0.10.

SharkTaleIl‘» 10.411010. 11.411010. 3.00. 5.40. 4.30. (1.00. 8.35.

White Chick5113.-\» 11145010. 1.15.




Alfie I 151

1511 Ik .\100 “Ed: 0.111. 3.45.

8:11. 81111 N 11111: (1.111. 8.55. Alien Vs Predator I I5»

1511 \Vcd: l 1.15:1111 K 1.45 11101 8:11 N 81101. 4.111 Ik (1.4111001801Ik 811111. 0.11).

Bad Santa 115»

Dull}: 111511010. 1.01). 3.31). 5.41). 8.110.

.-\l\0 1:11c 1511 & 8:11:

ill-15:110. 1.11). 3.35.

1045:1111. 1.111. 3.35.


Birth I 151

1'11 800 Ik '1'110 “.511. Ill 15II1I11.\1111I\'111111

\100 “yd 111.311.1111. 13 55. 3311.

5 511_ .\ 411.

Bridget Jones: The Edge oi Reason 15I 8.11.81111Ik'11111 111511.110. 11 15.1111.

13 511. 1311. 3.111. 511”. V15. »1 I111. 5311.11.15."211.5lll_\»15.‘1511‘\ 1115111001 81111 I\ 11111»

The Corporation 11)(1l

Vue Edinburgh

(“11111- (1106115111; 1’10“: 1:120 1:11; II\‘1_ 3'1”: 5” \x11111\ L<l\ll,o\;(u1\1flrz l7: 1‘g-1111p {PM}. (Mn-’hhcn \Il:\i\.H:\ L; :H “\1’ 1-1 1.111111\ 1010': :15 <.. (“5‘1

('1.1\\11\1\1'1\101 II\:1 1M 0111\ 1' 51*

1331). 3511.5 ‘11.

Alfie|1<l 11111111_ 3:1). ;l<.

H.111}: 1113111110. 1.511 ‘1 1H Mm 111 I\ .\III11 \\I-II 5 10 Alien Vs Predator I5I 300. I 10. " 00. Exorcist: The Beginning I 151 :II

150. 1.35. "00.11.10 Bad SantaII5I 15. 11:5 CollateralII5» \ 15

Exorcist: The Beginning I5» I III 1.

1'11: 1 1111:1111. 8:11: ".45. $0111\ 1110: 9.15.

.\100 \Vt'Il: 111511001. 131). Ill"). (1 35. 3 311_ (1)5, ‘HNI I). I 5. Exorcist: The Beginning (Gold Class) FakersI15» 1151101» 3311_1115.‘HHI

1'11: 1135:1111. 1.40. :50. 1100. .510. Finding NeverlandII’III I 15. <15.

10.311. 0011 .\ 10 5:11 1110: 1155:1111. 3.30. I130. 0-10. Five Children and ItIl I II 15.111» 000. LayerCakeIl5» I 15. 115. 015. 1110

Finding Neverland 11’(11 1. l);111_\: 13.411. 3111. 5-15. The Grudge1151

1):11|}: 111111010. 1.31). 3.11). 11.110. 3.31).

.>\|\01:11c1'1'1I\ 8:11: 111.55.

A Home at the End of the World I 15» 1511 8110 1k 11111: 11.55.1111. 3. 311. 5.1111. 7.311. 9.5111001$1111Ik'1‘1101.

.\100 Wed: 13.31). 3.511. 5.311. ".511

Layer Cake I 15»

Man on Fire (Gold Class) I I\I 3 I .530.

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal EngagementIII 1310. 3.15. 510 Saw (Gold Class) I IN 3 05. I <5. " 05. <5,

SharkTaleII'» 13.40. I 40. :01» .101» 5 31). .\.1111_

White Chicks I 13 \I 11 15.1111. 3 311. 5.111). "_311_ 1111111

Wimbledon (Gold Class) I I3 I3 10.


1.:11c1‘1‘1: 111.111. 5-15.

100‘ 8:11: 111.411.

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I 13.\» g 1111 ;,‘1\, : 01.11.55.)

111 I\ 8:11: 11.311011101015011. 3.1111.

1.10. “.15. 10.00. Altie115»

$110 Ik '1'110: 11.311010111018001. 3.1111. I):11|}: 1.311. 1.111). (I 111. ‘1 HH 4.41). 7.15. .\|\111:11c 1-1'1I\ 8.11 11.311.

Alien Vs Predator I 151 D1111}: (1.15. 5.15. .-\1\01:11c 111 I\ 8.11. Bad Santa I 15» Hull): 13.I1511111IS:1II\ $001. 31111. 5.15. “.15. 10.00. .'\l\(l 1:11c 111 I\ 8:11: Birth I 151

I):111}: 13-15. 3.15. 5-111. MN) .I\1\0 1:110 111 A; 8:11: 111.15.

.\1011 \Vcd: 1155:1111. 3.411. 5.311. Man on Fire I Ix»

1‘1‘1 I& .\100 Wed: 0.1111.

The Motorcycle Diaries 1 I5»

1"1’1Ik .\100 \Vcd: 8.51).

8:11 0 11111: 5.11).

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagement I I ' » .\1:1110cc 5:11 I\ 8110: Saved! I 13.I\»




1 1311:1111.

10 1k .\II»11 \VI-II: I 1.101111. 1.30. 1.111. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I 15» (1.311. 8:11. 8110 Ik 11111: 111.311.1111 1001 111111. SharkTaleIl'» 13.15. 1.00. 3.15. H5. 530. (1:0. Dull}: 10.311010. 13.411. 11) 5.31). 8.1511101 8:111. t1.15. 11.35II1I»I.\'11111\

3.1 . .-\|\01-'1‘1 1k .\100 \Vcd: 7.45. 11101.



Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (Gold Class) 1 5

\.11.\;;'::\1“.1. "'1‘. 31‘ 'I 3" I T‘ IYZI‘T \.:'.

Collateral 15

1.11; 1 TI :\ \..: IEIII'

Exorcist: The Beginning 1 5 1‘.1‘11\ ‘1 31‘ \IIII 1.11; I 1: :\ \I' 1‘05

Exorcist: The Beginning (Gold Class)

.15. 1).111_‘I :13 1‘1'”

Finding Neverland 1’11

H.311, 11.5. 1111~ IIIIII \ {I1 \1\0111.11111:':'\.11 :\ \Iz‘ 111mm: The Grudge I I57

11:111I 110011. 3|) ‘1") ‘1‘ ‘1 :5

\1\I11.:I:'111:\ \11 1.‘ 115.1111 A Home at the End at the World (Gold Class) 15I

11.111} 115. 33" 5 l5. \111 Man on Fire (Gold Class) 111:\ \1011\\:-11 "1H

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal EngagementII

H.111} 115. 11111 \1\0111.11111:'c\.111\ \1111 1" 111.011. Saw (Gold Class) I 15»

11.111} 1315. \ 15 I001 \.11I Shark TaleII

l).111\ _‘l)11_ 1111 ‘1111 \1\0111.1110:‘:' \.11 .\ \110 11 311.1111. l.‘ 15

White Chicks I I.‘ \I

111. \1011.\ \\I‘11 31‘. 111111|11111\1H|11\\\\‘11' \1\Il \.11 \1‘

\1\0101‘ .‘15, "1‘ Wimbledon (Gold Class) I I.‘ \ 111.\ \100 \\I'11 11111. 31‘. 1131'. II III

Weston Link

11.111111011111111[I'IIIIII' 111I'.111c.\.111011.1| (1.1111‘1} 111 \l1111.11111. 111C \111111111. '11 51 (1311131111 111 k1'15.111'.1\.111.11\l:'111111-1010 110111111111111k11110111101011III-101111 .111\.111II' 110111 111 31 (131 1151111 1II-111.:-1-11 “.1111 111.110 \1110 111 1.1 It.



5§II \15

Lite is Beautiiul I111 '11 _‘ I111

‘. 3W”!


.5, 2-1:». 'r-I ea a '1’“: ‘2’. .’.‘ figt I ~14. " .4. ; .' . 'q; r; {2" a It -

I: .""x.}

'- THE LIST 69