David Paul Jones

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As Glasgay! 2004 gets into full swing, here are some more choice selections from the festival programme . . .

With this year‘s festival under way and building to a climax, the legendary Annie Sprinkle has a few climaxes of her own, and she‘s going to share them all with you! Annie Sprinkle ’5 Amazing World of Orgasm is a documentary which brings together 25 (count ‘em!) sexperts to explore everything you ever wanted to know about sexual climax but were too repressed to ask. A guaranteed eye-opening experience, the film touches on subjects from gender expression to those fetishes you thought only existed in the outer reaches of the world wide web.

The Arches hosts Burly Carnival of the Seven Deadly Sins, a club with a carnival atmosphere, featuring fire-breathers, stilt-walkers and the kind of performing people you usually only see on the Mound during Edinburgh’s Fringe. Patrons are invited to dress as their favourite deadly sin - gluttony, sloth, wrath, envy, lust, pride or avarice - and dance the night away. There should be a prize for anyone who can define avarice, never mind dress as it.

If you haven’t caught them live, go see Jonathon Ross’ house band Four Poofs and a Piano. You may not think them big, or clever, or even particularly entertaining - my mother thinks they’re the scariest thing on TV - but they‘re fast becoming a national institution. Catch them before they’re institutionalised.

A more serious musical sojourn comes from David Paul Jones and guests at the Tron. ‘We‘re calling him the new Craig Armstrong,’ says a Tron spokesman, which makes you wonder how poor Craig feels to be such old hat. ‘Jones is an extraordinary musician and vocalist who creates hitherto unseen worlds and beautiful journeys in his intimate and deeply moving music.‘ As well as his own interpretations of classic big band and swing ballads, Jones (AKA DPJ) also performs material from his previous and forthcoming albums, and songs by Robert Burns. On top of being an international performer, DPJ (AKA the new Craig Armstrong) is also lauded and applauded at home, and last year produced the stunning and evocative soundtrack to Grid Iron’s award-winning production, Those Eyes, That Mouth.

For international comic relief, take your pick of German gender-bending virtuoso Bridge Markland in Bridge/and Zwei, or American import Tim Miller with Us. Markland is a master/mistress of physical comedy, exploring gender roles and stereotypes in a uniquely witty and high-octane performance, while Miller comes highly recommended by Tony Angels in America Kushner. Using Broadway showtunes to launch his quirky exploration of American values, Miller’s homeland analysis is always enlightening and often near-treasonable.

With all this and much more, the choice is simple: get out and enjoy your life, or put the kettle on for instant cocoa and an early bed. Please, choose a life. (Gareth Davies)

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70 THE LIST -1 ‘1‘ N1“.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.



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