

3 Marla-t Sticct. 53‘) 3003 Mon Sat 10am 5pm.

Pleasurelands l'iiul Sat 4 l)cc l-icc. A lun packcd c\hihition c\ploiing thc populai lIINIHI'} ot litll'le'Ullllil\ and L‘ll'L'll\i‘\ lll (iicat Britain,

Johann Georg Von Dillis l'iiiil Sat H Jan. l)ra\\ing and \\;itct'colotlt‘\ h} (icrman itl'llxl uhoxc Iitc- \pantlcd lroni thc mid lh’th to thc mid l‘)t|i ccntur}. It’s No Palm Beach l'iiiil Sat 1 Jan. lrcc. .\ \ihrant \uitc ol lllllll\ that coinhinc portrailx \kllll tc\l uritlcn h} pcoplc lrom man} cthic minorit} gi‘ottp\. Arttextiles3 Sat 30 NM Sat H .laii. lilani 5pm. l‘t'cc. .-\ contcinporai'} c\hihition ol tc\lilc art organixcd h} tlic Bur) St l'.tltlltllltl\ .»\rt (iallci'). charting thc L'\(llllllt)ll (ll lltlx gt'ltl't'. Ni VJ .‘il l( )VV


33 33 (‘oL‘lxlml‘lt Stt'ccl. 33H l3(ill

'l‘uc Sal noon 5pm.

New Work Scotland Programme 13 Sat 3t) Nox Sat IH |)cc. Ncu \xork h} ('raig ('oulthard. .\licliac| Slunipl and lcaluring 'l'oinm} (iracc in tlic l’rolccl Room. Nl W Bl l( )\N


73 licll'ord Road. 634 (iltlt). Mon \\'cil it Hi Sim |()am 5pm; 'l'hu lilani 7pm. Richard Demarco Focus 2: Edinburgh Arts 1972-1980 l'iiiil Mon 3 Jan. l'rcc. 'l‘hc \ccond in a \cricx ol tlircc tlixplti} \ dram ing on iualcrial l'roin thc l)cinarco Archixc and locuxing on l)cmarco\ c\pcrinicnta| lidinhurgh Artx \ummci' \cliool\ ol' lhc l‘)7()\ and ltix \xork \xilh liaxtcrn l:uropcan arlixtx.


74 l.auri\ton l’lacc. 33l (itltit). .\loii 'l'hu ltlam 8pm; l’ri Sat ltlain 3pm.

ECA Masters of Design Exhibition Thu 3 Sun 13 l)cc. 10am 5pm. lrcc. .\ surxc) ol uork h} Maxtcrx ol' l)c\ign \tudcnlx at lidinhiirgh ('ollcgc ot' :\rl ranging from glaxx and intcrior dcxign lo illuxtration and photograph). Ni W

St 10W.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l’nion Strccl. 557 347‘). 'l‘uc ~\‘at l()am ()plll.

Hilary Paynter: From the Rivers to the Sea l'ttltl Sal 30 Nov \Vooil Cttgt‘a\‘iltg\ by llilai') l’a)ntcr. cclchrating thc 350th tllllll\L‘l‘\;ll"\ ot' 'l‘homax licwick. “hosc \\orl\ portra}cd 'l'_\ ncxidc and thc llUl'lllL‘;l\l.

Ganesh Selva l‘iiiil Sat 2n .\'o\. (’ulniination ot‘ mi\cd mcdia artixorkx madc o\ cr Scha'x tour month rcxidcnc) \i'hilc \ ixiting from liidia itllt‘l' \xinning thc ('harlcx \Vallacc 'l‘ruxt.

Magne F Payne’s Gray (Drawing from Memory) l'iiiil Sai 2t) Nm. Who \xould hax c thought it. cli'.’ 'l'hc kc)hoardi\t trom .-\—lla lllt’tt\ up ax a priiitmakcr. llc hax \UlltL‘ tinc work on shim that rc\ cal .\'or\\a_\ '\ crcati\ c \pirit ix still going \trong. 'l'akc him on? Christmas Exhibition Sai 21)

NUV ll”! 3.3 l)L‘L‘. .~\ \\ltlL‘ sclcction ol- printx h) around 71) of thc \xoi'lwhop’x artixtx and including uorkx h} John licllan}. Donald l‘riluhart and Philip Braham plux a nc\\ \cricx ol' ctchingx h} .-\|an l)a\ ic. NEW SHOW.

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY 45 Markct Strcct. 335 3383. Mon Sat | lam opm; Sun noon 5pm.


I Hit? l ll)!;(i.‘;f,‘.'. [dimming/i. fiat J’f

Somewhere Everywhere Nowhere O... l'iiiil Sun 38 Mix. l‘i‘cc. lntcrnational contcniporar} art lrom thc l-rcnch chional .'\rl ('ollcclionx \ccn lor thc lirxt tinic in tlic l'lx'. In collaboration \\ itli l)undcc (‘ontcinpoi‘an .v\rt\. [AS] (Ll l/\N(Zl H) 8i i

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART 75 licll'oi'il Road. ()34 (i3()(). .\liin \Vcd

& l‘i‘i Sun l()am 5pm: lllll 10am 7pm.

Andy Warhol: Art, Death and America .0. l'iiiil l-‘ri 3| l)cc. l’rcc. l’aintingx. \culplltl‘c and photograph\ h) Warhol produccd llltlllll} in thc l‘)7()\ and Mix and rcl'clccting hix incrcasing ohxcxxion

\\ ith dcath and inortalit). plllx pitt‘ll'itllx ol‘ artixtx \uch ax .ltt\L‘plt licti_\\. Man Ra} and (iilhcrt and (icot'gc.

2}: Ed Ruscha O... l’iitil Sun lo Jan. £4 i£.3i; l'rcc to undcr l3\. l.t)\ .-\Itgclc\-lta\cd lid Rtlxclta ix oltc ol lltc lllU\l inl'lucntial ttt'li\l\ ot' thc last 4() _\car\. knoun l'or hix pionccring ll\L‘ ol‘ languagc and for imagcr} drawn l'roin popular culturc. ‘l‘hix c\hihitioii iltcltldcx uol‘kx lt‘ont l‘)(i()\ to toda}. SCL‘ l‘L‘\lL‘\\ and lllllixl.

Ed Ruscha: Way with Words Thu 35 .\'o\. (ipm. .lohn ('alcutt. curator.

\\ ritcr and art critic dixcuxxcx thc \x'ork ol'('a|il‘ornian artixt. lid Ruxcha. Speaker’s Choice: The Painting Lesson By Henri Matisse Mon 2‘) .\'o\. l3.45 |.l5piii. l‘rcc. lunchtimc lcclurc h} Hill llarc. \xritcr and lL‘L‘lttl'L‘t'.


'liltc \ltittnd. 034630”. Mon \Vc‘tl «Q Hi Sun 10am 5pmz'l‘hu l()am 7pm. iii The Age of Titian: Venetian Renaissance Art from Scottish Collections .00. Ro};i| Sc‘iillixlt .-\cadcm_\. l'ntil Sun 4 l)cc. £71935); l'rcc to undci‘ l3x. ('clchrating thc L‘Utltplcliiin til. lltL‘ linal \tagc (ll. lltL‘ l’la} lair l’rojcct. 'l'lii' .‘Ik’t' of limit hringx togcthcr \xorkx that ha\ c cntcrcd Scottixh collcctionx alongxidc thosc h} hix ciintciiiporaricx ’l‘intorctto. liclliiii. lotto. \croncw and l3;i\\;tttn. ('all 0| 3| (\34 (CM) tor morc int'oi‘ination. Scc llllll\l.

Works on Paper from Flemings Display .\lon 33 .\'o\ Sun l3 l‘ch. l’rcc. .-\ \clcction ot’ \xorkx on papcr I'L‘L‘L‘ttll) \L‘Cll til lllL' l'ilc'lltitt}! (‘UllCL‘llUll (iallcr) in London.

A Raeburn Miscellany Fri 1‘) .\'o\. I345 l.l5pm. Lunchtiiiic lccturc h} llclcn Smailcx. \cniot' curator of thc \aitonal (iallcr} ot~ Scotland.

Not the flowerpot men, but the show by Kevin Heavey and Kevin Pollock opening this month at the Embassy. This image, taken in the Southside of Edinburgh, looks past Lismore Rugby Club towards Arthur’s Seat, featuring a flying man and is part of his series ‘Edinburgh’ created during a six week residency at The Embassy.

Nov fit/Ii IF) {)or.


(icorgc l\' liridgc. 330 453 Mon Sat anm 5pm; Sun 3 5pm.

The Private Lives of Books l'iitil Mon 3| Jan. ('clchx lrom cullurc. \[Ttil’l and politcx hax c coulrihutcd hookx that ha\ c a \pccial \ignilicancc tor thcm in lltl\ c\hihition that c\plorc\ thc i'clationxhipx lltal tlL'\L'liip hch ccn lioolw and thcir on ncr»


l ()uccn Strcct. (i34 (i300. Mott \Vcd «Q Hi Sun l()aiu 5pm; 'l‘hu ltlam 7pm. Modern Women 0.. l'iiiil Sun l3 l'ch. l'ircc. lixhihilionx (ll'&l\\ll l'roin lhc collcctionx ol' thc Scottixli National Portrait (iallcr). charting ihc \ucccxscx ol' modcrn \xomcn. iucuding Rohcrt ('apa'x imagc ol .lcnn} l.cc and Moura Slicara h} Karxli.

Keeping Faith l'ntil Sun (i lich. l‘i'cc. Photograph} h} l.ukc Watxon locuxing on lcadcrx/inllucntial mcmhcrx ol' thc major \xorld laithx practiscd in Scotland toda}. After Hours: Keeping Faith in Conversation lhu IX Nox, () (i..3llplll. l-‘rcc. Jamcx llolloua}. dircctor ol lhc l’ortrait (iallcr} in com crxation uith l'ormcr liixhop ol lidinhurgli. Richard llollima};

Women Behind the Scenes Sat 30 .\'o\. 3 3pm. l'rcc. 'l‘o coincidc \xith .\lodcrn Womcn. a tour of thc Print Room \\llll lniogcn (iihhon. curator ol thc Rt‘lL‘t'L‘llL‘L‘ Sccliiin. li) \ lL‘\\ pt’lltlx. drauiiigx and miiiiaturcx ol uomcn that arc not normally on tllxpltt}. l’lcaxc call 0| 3| (i34 (NH) to hook a placc.

Visual Art

Scottish Women of the 20th Century “at 24 \m. l.‘ 45 l lfipiii l unchtiiuc lccturc h} Xian Rcinoldx cincrita plitlt‘\\ttl' ot l-icnch at thc l'ni\cr\it} ol Stirling

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY l’alacc ol llol}ioodhou\c. 55“ 5ltN|

" 3Ham 4 3(tpni t5 it'3 Hi. lillllll} llk‘lxk'l 3

Holbein to Hockney: Drawings from the Royal Collection lllll 3* \m Sun o Mai \ tantalixing gliinpxc into thc \kctcln ltl}.ll llt‘.t\lllt‘\ lioin .i \tud} ol .i gic}hound h) l)lllL‘l to In \'inci\ '.v\ l)c|ugc' and Nicolm l’ouxxin'x ‘l‘hc l'iiuniph ol l’air Scc l‘lt‘\lt‘\\


l5 Rutland Squaic. 33‘l 7545 Mon l ii ‘lain 5pm.

Giorgio Granozio l‘iiiil l‘ll .‘h \m Vixual \Voik 3tltl4 l\ .i \t‘llt‘\ ol picccx that locuxcx on lhc dcxclopnicnt ol chromatic iiiiagcx haxcd on cliangcalilc llg'lll L‘llt‘x‘h cupal‘li' (ll i‘tl\i‘liipllt}'. highlighting and ll;ill\liilllllll_L' opcn and L‘lit\t‘tl \ptlt‘t'x.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l‘hc .\lound. HI 3| 335 MCI .\lon Sat Illaiu 5pm; Sun noon 5pm

New Associates l'iiiil Sun I‘) Iti-c l‘rcc. ln progi‘cxx pioicct \\tlll\ and icccnt picccx h} ncu ;l\\iic'litlt'\ ol thc RSA Signed Tour for People who Art Deaf Sun 3| \ox. llain noon. l‘icc 'I‘our ol I'lii' luv u/ lllltlll in lil'lll\ll Sign languagc gixcn h} :\iI\a .\lc( ilip.

The Age of Titian for People who are Visually Impaired Mon 32 Nm. llaiu l3. 30pm. l'rcc. l)t'\\‘l'lpll\t' toui ol thc c\hihition. ('all Mar} Kilpatiick on (i34(i4331tilii)ol\ ti pltit‘c.

Guilding the Summer Town l'l'l 3h .\'o\ Sun I‘) l)cc. l'rcc. :\n c\ploiatioii ol itlltigcx lroin art lllxlol'}. populai culturc and tlttlllL‘\llL‘ lilc highlighting thc darkci‘ \idc ol liuropcan childi‘cii‘x titli'x and traditional dccoi'ation.

Behind the Scenes at Titian 'I llll 3 l)cc. ()plll. :\ \xalk round toui ot him tlic ’l‘ilian cxhihition \xax put togctlici \Nllll mcmhcrx ol lhc chixliai'x ltcpartincnt.


Rciach and Hall Archilcctx. (i l)aiiia\\;i) Strcct. 335 3444. Mon Hi 3 5pm. Takaya Fuji l'iiiil lllL‘ 30 Nu. .\'m uork h} Japancxc |llll\ll'illt)l'.


33 ('ockhurn Strcct, (C3 630“. Hall} llam (ipm.

Inside Out 2 Hi I‘) .'\'o\ Sun l‘) l)cc. Ncu work h} Stillx' rcxidcnt itl‘ll\l\ 3003/4. ('alhcrinc l)c\ lin. ('hrix l)iml\\. /.oc \‘v'allxcr & Ncil Bronmich. Miranda “hall and liarhara Wilxon. Ni W fit 10W BEYOND THE IMAGINATION \Vcd 34 .\'o\, (i.3()pni. l'rcc. Hook launch ol lain RU} '\ photographic howl, (ll journcp in lhc l‘iord rcgion ol north Ctixl (irccnland.

3 ’9}; fi' .39;

Royal Scottish Academy Building,The Mound, Edinburgh t: 0131 225 6671 www.myalscottishacademy.org

1‘1 No 1-2 DH, WIS/o THE LIST 1 15