llH l.llllll;ili lx’nall. “I ll 33l l-lTfiu

lllll) anIl ('(' hIIIIkIIIy IIHT‘I 22 ii III)“. liar .'\(lllllI L5H) IaiII‘I ‘lpili SIIII Hill and all Il:I_\ l‘ll I\‘ Sal I; LIN) IlwlIm' llnn SIIII llilll. SIIIIlcnI: Lilli

ISIIII 'I’IIII IIIII) i, ().\l’/( ‘IIIIII: LiIII IlaI|_\.

ll ll Jl l3 $l MW 11",

After the Sunset l 13M IIIII. (I.3II_ sum,

Bad Santa I IS) I. III. 8.15. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason IISI lllli. 3. III, (IIIII, x. III. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (Gold Class) l ISI IIIII K. :II, (Mill, 3, II).

Finding Neveriand ll’( ll ISII. The GrudgeIISI JIIII. IIS. Ulll).

The Manchurian Candidate l ISI 3, KI). 5.30. SKIS.

Shaolin Soccer l I2.\I 3.3M. III). 0.5”. RSI).


(x ill. (3315,


After the Sunset I I 3.\»

Hail}: 2.00. -I. III. lyll). Nil), Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I ISI

Hall}: IIIII, yell (IIIII, x30,

The Grudge I ISI

\\'L'Clxllil_\\j Jill). -1. I 5. 0.15. ‘lyllll. The incredibles ll’( ll

Sal & Sun: |.I)l), Lil). (I,III_ 8.15. The Manchurian Candidate l ISI lxM}:23H.53n_HIS

The Motorcycle Diaries I ISI

'l'uc: ||.IIlIaIII.

Ddeon Wester Italics

\\.L'\l\ltlk‘ l’lil/il. llll “INIL‘I‘ llalla‘s RIIaIl. \VLNIL‘I‘ Hallo. HS"! Illillll”. Il)|. llil. (\tlllllY Lila) IlwlIIII‘ 5pm £4.20). (‘IIIlIlI‘cII/( ).-\l’.I’SIIIIlL'IIl: {XXII l‘amll} lickcl: U5. Bargain l)a_\ luv: £3.50 all \calx. l’I‘c-IIIMII \llil\\\. L35”.


After the Sunset I l:.'\l (xlll. 8.40.

Alien Vs Predator I ISI 8.30.

Bad Santa I ISI I.3II. l..§ll. 3.30. 4.00. 5.40. 0.30, .\‘.l)l). .\‘.-ilI. Birth l ISI 8.4”.

l.3ll. 3.5”.


Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I IS.

ll”. l3”. V1”. Vii. (Ills. “l”. N W

Finding NeveriandII’liI 3.4M. “II. “SH.

.\ ‘II

Five Children and It II' I I. HI. Alllll (Ill)

The GrudgeII<I ISII. I III. MIII. (I35. ,\ ill. Kill

Ladies in Lavender I I3.\I (Illll Xllll

Man on Fire 1 Is. ".SII. The Manchurian Candidate I IS. 3, III. \llll. XIIII

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal EngagementII‘I IIII. l..§ll. VIII. -I. III.

I.“ l. .‘slll.

(III), “,SII,

SharkTaleII I I.<II. 3.IIII_ LIII. .IIIII, (\llll

TainI3\I l3”. ‘5”. (ill). NW,

swim EI IIIII:3;;,‘I\'

After the Sunset I I3.\.

llilll}j <SII. I».III, .\'.-1II_

.\l\li ill.llillL'L‘ umlalapt l._‘l).

Bad Santa I IS.

\\L't'l\ll;l}\i l.:ll. Vlll, 531“. XIII). Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I IS» Dull}, IIII. .K-III. (IIIS. XRII. Finding Neveriand ll)(ll

l).IIl_\: .\'.2II.

Five Children and It II‘I

Hall}: ll”. 35”.

The Grudge I IS.

Hall}: Mill. NW“.

The Incredibles l M ii

Sallk Sun: III”. 1.5“. 3.5”. 5.1“. “M. XI“.

The Manchurian Candidate I IS. l).l|l}1 JIII. SIIII. MIII,

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagement l I ' I

\\L‘Cl\Il;I_\\' ll”. ~l z“. “.5”, \lalmcc Sal & Sun. IZQH.

Shark Tale II'I

l).lll_\. JIIII .I_IIII_ lyllll

Taxi l I: \I

l)aI|_\: l3”. *5“. “.3”. NJ“.

Scotsman Screening Room

Smlxman llIIIcl. Ill \III'IlI llI‘IIlgc. (‘23 I‘N‘l. {SSH IDS Inc leaIIIpagnc I'cccplmn and No (nurse lllllllL‘l'. alw IIIIIc \‘I‘llllllL‘lIL‘LN aI hpm I.

S\ \:\‘.‘\' s. ' ‘\\“\ \I

The Philadelphia Story II’( ll .\‘I III. S..I\.:‘.»15~ Qt \Q‘.

Love Actually I ISI Mill.


:llll {Sll

St Bride’s Centre

III ( )I'\\l'll chIau'. “I ll 'l’II'kI‘Ix Slip.

{Ur l~lll5


For the First Time I l’( ll JIIII,

l llll WW 9" N‘f IV

An Affair to Remember I I I SI III

Ster Century Cinema

()u'an ltmnnal. ()u'an l)l|\L'. l,I'IIlI. “I il 55% (VIII), .-\IlIIlI: L5H) Ilwlulc 5pm L-HIIII. (‘lIIIIl llllillt‘i ISI: L V ;H, SIIIIchII/’().-\l’: L ‘5“. l‘.Illiil} lII'kcl: L l 5-“). KIIl\ (lull: L2 lllllk' acculnpan) In}: :IIIIIII I'm-x lI'ch.


Alfie I ISI HI). (Llll. .\'.-lll.

Alien Vs Predator I IS: (VIII. Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid I III 3.3a SSII. XIII.

Bad Santa I IiI 3.50. SIIII. “.III. (Ill),

BinhllSl 3.20, ill). “.3”. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason IISI HS. 3. ill. IIIII. SIS. (xii XIII). IIAII

Finding Neverland II’(;I IIII. Hi. (Illl). s all.

Five Children and It I I '. GoodFellas l Ix. ‘HIII

ll“. l3”.

The GrudgeIISI JIIII. IIS. (UH. 3.15.

iiiilside Strangler I l.\I «HS.

Ladies in Lavender I I2.-\I I. III. 5 ill.

3. II).

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagement I I 'I III).

Saw I IHI Hllll. Shark Tale I I 'I 5.15.

Toolbox Murders I IM “.IIII. HIS

Ill”. JIS. Vii). Jill.


l'rI'UllSL/K“ 3‘

After the Sunset I I:.-\I

l)aIl_\: l5”. 4.“). 0.3“. 5.54).

.'\lw Inallncc Sal Ik Sun: I l.3lIaIII. Alfie l l 5 I

\VcckIla} \: 2.3”. 4.45. 7””. ‘i. 15 llilll 'l'lIuI.

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid I III

Hall}: Ian. IIII, 04H :& ‘).|ll InIII Sal & Sum.

.'\l\U mallncc Sal & Sun: ll.lllam.


Rhys Nuns and Daniel Craig in Enduring Love

Bad Santa I INI

" III_ H _‘II

,‘ \lI. \llll

l).II|§ \l\ll \‘.\‘l‘l\Il.l§\ Birth I ISI l).IIl_\ {ill \ llI

\l\II \\l'\‘l\\l.l}\ l l”. \ “l

The Boume Supremacy I I .‘ \ I

\\\'\l lll lgaiil

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I I \ I l).IIl\ .‘iIlIV :m. R|\‘(i1\'.\llll.

‘) {II

\l\ill.llk'lll\\ \al lll 1‘

\l\ll lll.llllll‘l' \.II .\ \IIII ll l‘aIII.

I.‘ IS

A Christmas Carol - The Movie I I I \lIIllllk'k' Sal I\ \IIII lHHlIaIII

Finding Neverland I l’( I. Hall} h 1‘. -\ l‘

\lw IIIaIIIIl'I- Hulda.“ Five Children and It I I I Sal :\ \IIII III liam. l.‘ l*. .‘ l‘ GoodFeflasIIxI lall‘ I ii I\ \al The Grudge I I<I Hall} AllIlI, l»_‘lI .\1II

\l\I\l.Ill‘lIII\ \nll lll‘ll

\l\il III.Il|lll'l' \kl'l'lxll.l}\ l lll

Hillside Strangler l I\I

l..'IlI‘lIII\ \al ll “H

The Incredibles I |’( i.

Sal I\ \IIII lllllll.llll. llI Ham.

II Mam. IIIII. I H. .‘ NI. Hm. I Ii. S III. “IIII. " 13 \ HI. llllllllnlil SIIIII

Ladies in Lavender I)

Hall}, .3”. (Illll

.\l\II \M'l‘lxllll}\ ;l”. \ Ill

The Manchurian Candidate I I < I

Huh 3I<_<Is xii \lw IIIaIIIII-I‘ \al I\ \IIII Shark TaieII .

Sal I\ SIIII ll liIIII. I ll). Vi;

Taxi I 12.x.

l).III_\ SIIII. .13”. (will. ‘IIIII

\lw IIIaIIIIl'I- \al I\ \IIII ll qlIaIII

The Terminator I I\»

‘lllli, ‘I IS.

Toolbox Murders I I.\I

l..llL' In :\ \.II- III ll)

Under the Tuscan Sun (Parent and Baby Screening) I I: \I

\\L'tl lll-l<illll

llIll_ 4h



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