Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.

Thursday 20

G asgow

Jongleurs Comedy Club .lltllleL‘llh.

l (i(' Budding. RL'llll'L'\\ Sticct. USEN- Sfillgll" Spin L". l,o\cahlc cntcrtainct \larttn l’u'alllllttlll lt'.tlll\ tip \tith \latk lllll\l. tnnoxatnc lllllll_\ titan (icoruc and \kllhlk'l'lllfJ .lohn \lolotic}.

The Thursday Show 'I lic Stand. i“ \Voodlattdx Road. “hall (Ml N55,

S illpn: Ur lL<l Slll \\ llti \t'll l)ttllf.'.tll. (it'll_\ \l\ l )adc and \\ood} littc tip lot a lleJlll ol pic \icckcttd tontcd}. [tlt'Sltlt‘tl o\ct h} \h R.i}ittoitd \lcarnx,


Big Word Performance Poetry lllL' 'l'ion. ‘) lluntcr Squarc. llllel Strcct. 33h ll‘Hl ‘) Ilptn. U tilt. \lulttplc \latn champion l)ann_\ Soltx tnakcx a \l\ll lront lll\ natn c \Ihuqucrtptc. \cu .\lc\tco. llc ix iotncd on thc poctr} \tagc h} rh} llllllj_‘ thcxp .\lichac| .\lc( illl. plux .\l( \ .lcnt Roll\ and .lcnn} l.llltl\;l}.

The Three Tuns Comedy Night lllt' 'l‘hrcc 'lunx \Yittc Vattltx. 7 I l llanoxct' Sll’t't'l. “79”” 5533-15. ‘lpltt. l'lt‘t‘. lltt\l .latnic :\ndct\on introducm a rim ol l'rcxh laccx and c\pcrtcnccd l;ttlf._‘lllt‘l'~j_'tll'tl\ lroin thc (‘apttal ('otncd} crcu.

The Thursday Show lllt‘ Stattd. 5 York l’lacc. SSS 7273. “put. 1L5). Rioloth colttpct'c l'i'attkic Ho} lc \xclcotncx thc conicd} talcntx ol ;\u\\tc inith niakcr Mart) \Vilxon. l.cith kid ('olin Ratnonc. .lo .lo Sttthcrland and Hct'ck .lohltxloltc.

The Snatch Social 'l‘ltc liquid Ronni. ‘lt‘ chlttl'ia Slt't't‘l. 335 3564.

Illitlptn Rain. (4 (USU). l'ilth} caharct dixco l'uxion l'caturing tltc _\cllo\\ track\uitcd 'I'on} ('artcr and Hair} .-\lll\\\til’lll. Hahn and 'l’rcnd} \Vcnd} ttnonthl} l’L‘\ltlL‘llll \uppl} ltip hop and l'unk} tuncx.

South Queensterry

Capital Comedy@The Hoseberry Hall Rtixclk‘l'l'} “till. I: \YL‘\I 'l‘L‘llilL'L‘. 0700‘) 552345. Spin. [5. 'l'hc ('apital ('ontcd} laughlcrcrtu wing h} Sottth ()uccnxlcrr) \\ ith lop \poh l'ront 'l'ango tnan Rick} ('allan. .lo .lo Sttlhcrland and ncucontcr Kcit' .\lc.'\li\tcr.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcttrx. l'(i(' Building. chl'rcu Strcct. 08707 870707. S'ptn. L'II. Scc Thu 20.

The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 333 \\'oodland\ Road. (LS-.70 (th) (3055. 8.30pm. [S ([7 l. Sttt \Vho'.’ takcx to thc lintclight \\ tth cotncd} \uppol't l'rotn local “a; ('olin Ratnonc. (icrr) .\lc|)adc. Wood) and biting hoxt Sttxan Morrixott.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .loltglcuh. ()ntni ('cntrc. (irccnxidc l’lacc. (lS‘TlF 370707. Silfiptn. U3. .-\ trio ol‘ \tand-up \t_\ ch l‘t'ont .-\lc\ Boardntan. .\'ortltcrn lrixh .icxtct‘ Kc\ in Ha) cx attd .loc Roonc}. The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. ‘lptn. {S H.“ l. .-\u\\ic hatttcr— tncixtcr .\lat't_\ \Vilxon \tandx tip Ill thc compan) ol~ .\'cil Dottgan. .lo .lo Suthcrland. l)cntt} Bo) cc and lltllcllv

It“ L‘d L‘ttlllpcl'c .lgttlL' Mackay

The Bedlam lmproverts Bcdlani 'l'hcatrc. l lh Brixto l’lacc. 335 0803. Ill.3llpttt. £3.50 t£.‘~l. long \tanding latc night laughtcr inxtitution. inxohing tnttch audicncc participation. drunkcn t‘c\clr} and \ponlancoth contcd} gamcx.

Glasgow Jongleurs Comedy Club Jttltglclth. l'(i(‘ Building. chl‘rc“ Strcct. (LS-‘07

\"llfillfi Spin :1; Sc." lira :" Madcap Comedy Club lE:.~ \‘..:.- M: US llwllatnl Sttccl. “I :l‘" \ *‘lpt: 151:1» littc lll.1ll\|'lll‘c'\l:\ \p.'. l.:. from, top conic-d). do: l\).t:~lllt‘llti \lc..::.» llllllttltlct'tl hj. thc «inc and will; Hzii'. litdllkt'h

The Stand lhc Stand. W1\\.u~tf..:tttlx

[<ll‘l\l_ ll\~ll (Hill (ill<< UP“) 1 lll 3V\, Scc l'll 3|. httt with ltoxt .lallt‘ \l.:. i..:‘-


Jongleurs Comedy Club .Ionglcnt \. ()innt (t'llllt'. (itccnxidc l’latc. “Sit l“ S"ll"ll_ .\ l5ptn Lll Scc I ll _‘l

The lllt‘ \lalltl. ; \l‘lh l’lm 553 “3-3 ‘lpltl Llll LSI Scc I ll :1, hut

Sttxttt \lttlll\l'\t‘\tt\t'l .t\ hml

G asgow

Krazy Kabaret Klub lllt' llall Hat. l(lll\\tltl(“,|[ltl\I<tl,1\l. ii: ‘l‘l‘lli

7 ill llptn ltcc lll\l KKK ol tltc _\cat. lt'dllll'lllj: (il.t\j_'tt\\ contcd} Ic-gcndx Raynond Month and l)c\ \lcl can. aitlcd attd athch h_\ \tltl} \lcl’alllalltl. l)a\ id Stakcx and Rohctt Kno\. who will hc pt'c\ic\\in;.' lll\ touting; \lltt\‘. ‘\\ httc .\lcn ( 'an't lx’ap'. ()pcn \potx .tlw axatlahlc.

Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service lllt' Sldlltl. H; \\tttttll.llltl\ Road, llSWl (loo (toss .\_ Nip.“ th

til Ur. l)t‘oll ll'l\lllll.tll \ltchacl Rcdinond in\ llt‘\ \ctl l)ttll_‘_‘.'tll and ('ltttx |lcttr_\ to join llll\ llllell ol tlllhol} contcth tillt'l‘lllj:\.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway 'I ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "3") lptn. l‘rcc. llclp hcat thc Sunda} inorntnf: hlucx \\ ith a hcalth} do\c ol laughtcr pro\tdcd h_\ lt‘ccxt}lc cotncd} \\l/.tltl\ l’aul (it‘ahattt and Stttart Murphy

The Sunday Night Laugh-In 'l'ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S ‘3") S. zllptn. U ttl U). llrucc l)c\ Itn Illlltltlllt't‘S tuo ol tltc hcxt hcgtttncrx lroin thc lx’cd lx’au cro\\d to kccp tltc \\cckcnd laughx rolling.

Monday 24


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance lllt' Sltllltl. 333 \Ytiotllttllth Road. lqull MN) 0055. 8.30pm. U. \luch loxcd contcd} iinpro\ night \xith Sand} \L'lSllll. Raynond .\lcarn\. .loc llccnan and l)c\ .\lcl .can. plux tltctr truxt} guitar attd piano l‘or coinpan}.


Red Raw 'l‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7372. 8.30pm. £1. Kc\itt Bridgcx

pro\ idcx \otnc ltcadlinc action at lllt\ lk‘glttltcl‘x‘ \lttm (aw.

Tuesday 25


An Evening with Henry Rollins ('at‘ling .'\cadctn.\. Ill lugglinton Strcct. t).\'.‘t) “I loot). ".Rtlpin. L‘lt». (‘onl'cxxional cotncd} and \pokcn \xord lront thix iron-pumping: lcgcnd ot Black Hag lantc.

Red Raw lllL' Slttlltl. 33.; \Yttttdlttllth Road, ti.\'"ti (loo (Yllss. Shillptn. £3 \Vickcd cotttic Hrucc l)c\ lin and hcadlincr ('hrix llcnr} join a gagglc ol ncucomctx lot \ttlllL‘ 'l‘ttcxda} night laugh»


Hairy Watt Comedy llcrtot \Vatt l'ni\cr\tt_\ l'nion. Riccarton. JSI 5333, ‘lpttt. £3. l‘ranktc Ho§lc llllt'S tip thc coinic talcntx ol \ ladttnir .\lcla\ hit and Bathgatc hantcr-tncixtcr Bill |)c\\at_ Studcntx and gucflx onl}.

Jupp’s Juniors 'l‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "3‘3. “pm. (5154», l’rc\t\\tck lad l);t\id Ka_\ ioith l)’u'/ttlttni'\ \lat‘ \lllc\ .lttpp l‘or \otnc ot‘ hix not \o clllltlhll anticx tit thix tip and coming coincdtath' night.


The Stand, Glasgow. Thu 3—Sat 5 Feb; the Stand. Edinburgh, Sun 6 Feb Will Hodgson is a former skinhead, punk, wrestler and card-carrying member of the Communist Party. He has a mohawk (pink last time we looked), wears bondage gear and make-up and speaks in a thick West Country accent. He is also an obsessive collector of My Little Ponies and Care Bears. In short, Will Hodgson is as far from the media-friendly, easy- going, middle class, London-centric stand-up comedian as it's possible to get. And yet, at last year’s Fringe he won the Perrier Newcomer Award with his show, The Passion of the Hodgson, a hilarious hour-long rant in the tiny back room of the Holyrood pub.

80, how surprised was he at picking up such an accolade? ‘Very surprised indeed. It was quite scary, to be honest with you,’ he says in a voice that inevitably conjures up pictures of Worzel Gummidge in your mind. ‘I wasn’t expecting it. In fact I lost 40 quid betting on Alun Cochrane to win.’ A lot of Hodgson’s patter is based around his upbringing as an outsider in Chippenham, a small town in Wiltshire with small town attitudes. His genius, however, is in taking the particular and making it universal, producing plenty of belly laughs as you remember your own childhood and the traumas of growing up.

“There’s a lot of good material in Chippenham, but there are always good sources of material wherever you go in life; you just have to look for them.’

Hodgson’s comedy radar is finely tuned for source material. As if to illustrate the point, he mentions a typically oddball encounter while talking about his brief wrestling career. ‘I met Big Daddy and he was just fucking rude. That was before I was a wrestler myself, when I was about 13. Later when I became a wrestler I never heard anyone in the business say a good word about Big Daddy.’

The other main target of Hodgson’s ire is fascism, and the BNP in particular; at one point during his routine he pitches his idea for a television series called Racist Bigoted Fascist Pricks Say the Funniest Things. ‘The BNP are just fucking nasty, if you’ll pardon my language, but they’re also pretty ripe for mockery. The main thing you can do against these people is just to expose how stupid their ideas are.’ Long may the passion of the Hodgson continue to tickle our fancies. (Doug Johnstone)

-: .7 THE LIST 43