


Flatshare cont.

I Double bedroom in lm Iii} IllHllL'Ill llal lll llinuuhlnn. nun lmllnnnin .\ \linut'i. llll «K \. Illk'l' lni I'llll}. lllHlL'\\lHll.ll lt'lll.llk' \xanlt'd. PIHJIC parking; v. llll \mu In lln' \.I\llk'. a lllll\l \k'k' 9_ 4 €.\ p, n. II-l ll—‘Nlll XII-I fiql Ill Ill ll 55“ ()l5lv

I Double bedroom in \pa \ lHll\ \l.II\'llIllHIll llal. \ll.llk' ‘.‘.llll .7 [lllll\'\\ltlllill\. \ll.llk'tl pardon L3H! porn ("I I Inllx lr'l Ill ll ()(l~ “()25 Ill Ilfilllll lljh ill

I Spacious, fully fur- nished innin annlahlc lll lltlllll‘llIlel. \llll n/x. L335 pun, II-l; (PM); (I‘ll Ilhll.

I 2 large rooms in \llan'd I’Iillunilli llal. (i( 'll. clct'li‘it' \llim L‘l. Innllh .l\.lll.ll‘lL' III L'lltl nl .l.lllll.ll'_\ t\ cnd nl It'lw'nar}. L335 pun + (‘I Ilnllx. 'l't'li

“I ll 228 ill)“.

I Spacious double room .nailahlc \\lllllll Inn-l}. m‘ul} du‘nlalt'd (K it'nmalt'd Ilal In I’nlluni‘lli. \lllI wrung: lt'nialc. .i\aI|al\lc nnw LI‘NI pt‘ni + lllll\ I (lL'PIl\Il. 'lI‘li llfiq‘)l lll‘I 5l«\'. .\llCl (rpm.

I Professional female wanted ln \lllll'L‘ \\ lIll (llllL'l' lt'nialt'. dnuhlt- lwdi'nnin in Im— lll'_\. Inndt-in l'IaI in llrnughlnn. pmalc parking. \ icxi \ In Ihc I‘;I\Ilk‘. (Mil lllIIlll'Imlll (\ \lln\\ L‘l'. NIX pun + ("I I- hill» 'I'cl: (l7.\'|(l NIH "Tl “Milk! 550

(I l 5 l.

I Lovely, spacious, newly du'nralcd i‘nnin. Ill l;Il‘jJI‘. 2 llt‘tll‘lmlll [M‘l'lml Il.II. llnnninglnn ai'ca. lwluccn ('annninillx «k Icilli. inan \it‘\\. a\ailal\|c nnw (I‘ll) pan 4- ltlll\. ’II‘I: (IT‘IIH USN Uhh',

I Dalry, newly decorated dnuhlc Innin in l'IaI \\llll |)( i. (i('II. |i\ing_' i'nnin. \llai‘c \\lIll | UlllL‘l'. \uiI n/x pi‘nlt'xsinnal. amnlahlc March. Ullll pcni + dcpnxil nl' [350. includm ltillx & (I’l~.'lt‘l1ll7‘)7(l Illl) (tllh nr Ill.” 337' (Ill—7h,

I Meadowbank, double room in large. \pat'inIIx 2 bed llal. In \hai'c \\ llll I nlhci‘ II‘IIIIIIC. \uiI _\nung_' prnlt'sxinnal. n/x. Ullll pun includcx ("I~ + hillx »+- dcpnxil. l‘cl: Ill 3| (ml 2—7.“) or “7‘40 .\'ll (NIX.

I Young professional required In \harc aIII'acIiw L‘ll} L‘I‘llll‘L‘ llal lk‘fldt‘ IllL‘ plll) linuxc. dnuhlc hedrnnm. lull} l'uinixlicd \inh largc |i\ing I'Imlll «K C\CL‘llL‘llI lllL‘lllllL‘x tlhlfill pun + ("I‘ + hillx. 'I‘cl: Ilqahh 455 (CS,

I Fully refurbished room in \liai'cd Ilal. all mnd cnm. nn USS. axailaltlc imincdialcl}. £230 - £25“ pcm ("l' includcd. 'l‘cl: 0‘30 227 5|}.

I 2 rooms available in hcauIilul \cu lnun llaI. lull} equipped llal. IwauIil'ul \ IL‘\\\, amilahlc ilnmcdialcl). l dnuhlc rnnin Ulll pcni. I \inglc rnnm. {loll pun l‘cl: (IT‘ITI SM 245. I Single room in (lilmcrinn. \harc \\illl l nIhcr. ga} l'i‘icndl}. \llLll'Ctl |i\ in; rnnm. kiIchcn. halhrntim. clnxc In MRI tk cit) Inpaxx. cable TV. pmaIc parking. £350 pcm incluxiw. mccpl phnnc. ’I‘cl: nlfil oln Snot).

116 THE LIST 5 " "92‘

I Single room available in l‘lllell. gninlni'laltlc llal. l‘..I\ICl Rnad .llL'd. \llalC “Nil 1 Inan \lllI ya} ya} li’icndl} PIHIL'\\IHI1 al 11 \ L23“ pun + dcpnxil o ("I 4. lu|l\ 'lI-l Ii‘tfix n“) nn"

I Large room in tt-nnal llaI. llclgi‘aw ('i't'xt'cnl. \Illldl‘lk' lni n'x [llHlL‘\\lllll.ll. In draw will I (llllL'I. nn (nuplcx Plk'.l\k‘ {HS pun + ltillx. 'Icl' IVND "()5 lljll.

I Double bedroom avail- able li‘nin (i I'chi'uai) ()5. ll] \Iarclnnnnl In \hart- \\Illl l UlllL'I. \llll IllHlL'\\lHIl;ll, I; illll + lllll\ + ("II 'Icl: 0”)" SIX Hi”. I Double room in ;IIII';It‘ Inc. \[lllk'lllll\. n/x l'laI. lull} llll' llhllt'tl, (i(‘ll. gl'cal \Icux, \liai‘c \\llll Ill'x lcmalc. lIlIllxlllfJ lni' t‘ax} gning. ya} li‘icndl} llaI inalc. amilahlc linincdlalcl}. £325 + ("I + hillx + (IL‘PUNII. 'l'cl: lll,‘\l 4n" ()ISX.

I Room in Portobello Ilal lnr cax) *fJIllllfl. \xnrking: [ll'HlL‘V \innal In \harc \Hlll | nIlici' «k 3 li‘icndl} ualx. {2‘5 pun + dcpnxil. includcx Inllx. ("I & lncal (all\. 'It'l; ll".\'ll 55" 53h .v\lIcr (rpm, I Nice room in lwauiinil Ilal lll lirunlxlicld. large Ining I'Imlll. lull} cquippcd kilohcn. In \hai‘c \\ iIh nlhci' pl'UIL‘\\lHll;ll. aunlahlc I,” March. Lilli) pcin + ("l' + hillx. 'lt'lj (V7706 303 35“. I Single room in mm- \Icadnnhank llal. ClIML‘ In .'\l'llllll"\ Seal & l’arliamuil. \hai'c \\|lll I nlhci'. quwl. n/x li'icndl} PI'UIL'\\lHll;ll. £350 pun + ("I‘ + ltlllx lL‘lZ lll3l 0le (“NJ

I Marchmont, room in 3 lwd llaI lnr n/x pi'nl'cxxinnal. \harc \\ ilh :\Ii\Ii'a|iaiI & Snulh .-\li'ican. aged .‘sll & Rn. \uil nul- gning pcrxnn In‘inin nni' hrighl. l'ricndl} l‘laI. £250 pun + lllll\ «k III‘INHII. 'liL‘lI “I .ll :33 (\llIl—l. :\llcr (rpm.

I Nicely furnished dou- ble rnnm in n/\ llaI. \harc \\ iIh pl'nlt‘\\inlI;Il Illalc. L'lll\L‘ In lllc \hni'c al l.ciI|I. dcpnxil I innnlh in admncc. Ullll pcin includes hills. cut-pl Iclcphnnc. 'I‘cl:

U78 l 3 l 3-1 ()83.

I Double room, spacious SIHL‘klll‘ldgL‘ lllll. \llIII‘L‘ \\ Ill] 3 nlhcrx. £350 pcm + dcpnxil. includu all hills. amilahlc | March ()5. Tel: 0770‘) 333 ()44, After (rpm.

I Double room available in Mnrningxidc llaI. \hai'c \\llll l male )Iriiiig pi‘nlt'xxinii;i|. \uiI n/x prnlmxinnal. £300 pcm hills lllt‘llldcd. 'l'L‘lZ “7958 (NH 3-18. I Very large double \unn} rnnin in \harcd \Icadnux l'lal l'nr I PCUPlC. ll/x. \\'.\l. largo kilchcn dining rnnin. \hnncr «k lmIlu'nnin. Ulll pcin + ltillx. 'I'cl:(l13I 330-20].

I Available now, cosy hn\ rnnm in I.cilh \Valk llaI, \xcll cquippcd \inh (i('II + all mnd cnnx. In \harc \\ iIh 3 nIh- CIN LIN) pclll + tlL‘PU\ll + I‘lllx ’l'cl: 0'04” 28” 0.5.

I Marchmont, large dou- ble I'nnm in quiet. n/\ llal. I)(i. (Kill \xilh \xnndcn llnnrx. hall)- i'nnm \\ iIh \hnucr. kitchen \\ iIh \cparaIc li\ ing area. all innd cnnx, £310 pcm include ("II 'l‘L'l: lll5lll Th: 55l UI‘ H-803 llll} Rh].

I Lovely double room in l.ClIll 'Ii‘inil}. Icncincnl llal. .dl innd gnnx. lull} lllllll\llc\l. (i(’ll. gnnd IIaii~pniI lllll\\. \llll n \ leIL'\\lHll.Il In \liaic \\llll l UlllL‘l' L ill“ pun int‘ludcx (‘l * l‘lllx “‘5”: 55-5

I Large room in 11.11 nll \Ini'i‘iwn Slim-I. pail llllIll\llL'Il. n \ piclci'i‘cd. .naulaldc lni' \laipli. £35” pun + ('I ’~ l‘lll\ Slicli ll-‘q‘l5 Shh,

I Stock/Canonmills, large \unn} rnnin lll quicl llal. \hai‘c mlh I lllllL'l. \lIII inaIui‘c [\l'lllk‘\\lllll.ll. £35” pun + lullx lint‘lndt-x ("Ii III III II 55h “SKI .'\lIL‘l 3pm.

I Timber Bush, the \lini'c. ll/\ pl'UlC\\lHll;Il lL‘lllalL' In \llal'L‘ clean. ncul} I'cnnxalcd llaI \\llll l nIlit‘I‘. {Inn pun. I'cl: Ill Il 4-13 25 In.

I Morningside, Balcarres Street, n/x pi'n lunnnal lcnialc In \harc (Ivan. IIIIIIIL'IHL' llal uilh l Ulllk'l'. {I‘ll pun. 'It-l: (ll 3| 4-13 3530,

I Attractive double room axailahlc. lll \pat‘inux Marchinnnl l'laI. \lllll'L‘ “NH 2 HIllL‘H. \llll _\nung_' prnlmxinnal. Ullll pun + liillx + ("II It]: (llfil 44." 5320.

I Spacious room, famin hnuw place. \apicr I'ni. \cr} Culllllll‘llllllt' dnuhlc hcd. cn» \uilc. \\'(‘ & \hnucr. IV. (i(’ll. \\Il\llL‘l' di'} cr. Inungc. kiIchL-n. garden. L'Rlll) pun. all bills included. 'l‘cl: (ll 3| 44," Ulllll. I 2 rooms in smart, clean. Inndcrnixcd. \Pllt'llllh. hrighI. ccnn‘al garden l'laI. \harc will) 2 nIhcrx. indcpcndcnl. mn- xidcralc indixiduah \nllglll. £05 & £75 p\\. all incluxiw + 4

\\ L‘L‘lx dcpnxil. 'lk‘l: Ill 3| 228 38H.

I Nice, light room in \pa— cinux. cninl'nrlahlc Bi'unlxlicld llal. share 2 sum]; i'nninx. din— ing kitchen. 2 dinner I‘nnIII\. cahlc IV. cleaner. \llll inaIurc. Incl}. cnnxidcralc pcrxnn. USU pun. includes hills. 'It‘l: 07%| ()43 075.

I Leith sunny single rnnin. gull. pn\\L‘I' \llU\\L‘l'. gar- dcn. gnnd huxcx. £320 pun inc hillx and ("II HUI) dcpnsiI. (’all Ill.” 555 3030.

I Leith, sunny single rnnin. (i('ll. pn\\cr \hnucr. gar- den. gnnd huwx. £220 pan includcx hills x ("I + L'lllll dcpnxil. 'lL‘lZ Ill.” 55.5 3030.

I Small box room \Kllll large cuphnard a\ailahlc in li‘icrldl}. I’ullunrlh llal. \hal‘c \inh 2 girls & cuddl} an. all mnd units. 5 miliqu Itux ridc In ccnlrc. L‘ l 50 pan + ("I‘ nl' L5.“ + \lllull \hai'c Ill. lllllx 'IL'I: (HR! 228 42] I nrllTTT-l |4I 820.

I 3-4 months lease available nn a dnuhlc rnnm in \Iunning. large Rnxchurn llaI In \liarc \xilh l nlllcr. UN) all in + dcpnxll. 'I'cl: (F7855 853 SUI». .-\l‘Icr 5pm weekday.

I Marchmont, Roseneath Street, tlnuhlc rnnin in flat \inh \harcd kitchen & \cparaIc |i\ing rnnin. \harc \inh 2 nlllcrx. l Innnlh dcpnxil required. £300 pun + ("I~ + bills. 'I’cl: ()I3l 65‘) 733.“.



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