So You Want to Be a City Farmer? Unit 4 In 8 .\pi. Illam I2 30pm L4 (inigic ('it} Iai‘iii. 5l (inrgic' Rnacl. 023 "Nil -\gc\ 8+ ('ninc ancl lincl nut \ihat lIIt"\ lllkt' nn .i laiin Ynu can liclp \kllll ginninmg a putt}. making a \ttlrt'tltl“. clcariiig nut a chick [inncl ancl lntx innic IIIIIILN tn gct nicc .incl muck} V-IIII lliiiilclltf: t‘\\c'llll;tl

Doodles Easter Art Club Inc S Ill 3 \pr. Illani nnnn L45 l)nncllc\(ci'ainic \\Uli\\llll[l. 2‘) \latclttttiiltl ('t‘csccnt. 22‘) I W‘) (ict tntn tltc untltl nl cla) antl innclcl )niii iMII \t'llrpnl'llctll.t’.tl1iiiili .‘IIIIIIIQIIS and “HM chiincx. .v\gc\ 7 l5. l’ricc inc ltltlt'\ .ill niatci’ialx ancl lt'llt‘SIIlllt'lIh

Sparkles Holiday Workshop 'I tic-

5 I’ll 8 ;\[Il. Illain l2 30pm. L40. Sparklc (‘ialtx ll-l 3.\Iaiclnnnnt Strcct. 22l III‘NI l’nttc-r}. clrau ing. painting. puppct making and papci inaclic. .\ \\L'Cl\ nl ct‘alt ltin' x\gc\ (w

Out of Place: Sculpture Workshop Inc 5 c\ \Vccl 0 Apr. Illam 4pm. £30 it2lli l)can (iallci). 73 Ilc'llni‘cl Rnacl. n24 (i272 .\ tun cla} ctI'IISI-lt'tl uni‘lcxhnp c-\plnrnig tlic \mrk nl Barbara llcpuni'th ancl c'\|iciiinciiting \xith cla_\ ancl plastci'. \Vcar nltl clnthcx. hung a cnat and a packccl lunch. llnnlc at lhc l)c'aii (iallc} \hnp. «it h) calling ‘I Illam \lnn l'l'l. Growing Green - Mini Windows on the World inc 5 Hill 7 .-\pr. Illam 5pm. (I. Rinal littlcllllt‘ (iaiclcn. l:\hihitinn llall. lincrlcith Rnu. 552 7l7l. l)i\cn\cr lhc \t't'l't'lx nl gi'nu ing plants l'rnin \ccclx ancl t'llIlIlIfJS. tlicn talcc' thcin hnmc I0l' _\nui nun lllIlII gicc‘nhnusc. l-ni' .‘iccninpaniccl l\|(l\ ach 3+.

Wild at Art Inc 5 Apr. 2 3.30pm. £2.50. \Vatcr nl l.citlt ('nnxcnatinn 'l'rtist. 24 l.anark Rnacl. 455 73(i7. .-\rt\ and crth IIISPII't'tl h} thc natural \Hit'ltl. .-\ccninpan} ing acltilt gncx l'rcc.

Andy Warhol: Mixed Media Workshop lit 8 Apr. l0ain 4pm. U5 ltllli. l)can (iallt‘t‘). 73 lit‘llnl‘tl Rnatl. 024 (i272. li\plnt'c llic unt'k in .«lIic/\ Ilii/‘lin/x .Sc'l/ I'm/mm lctl It) artist Juliana ('apcx, “car nlcl clnthcs. bring a cnat and a packccl lunch. linnk at the I)can (iallc'r) \hnp ni' call In linnlc 0 Illam .\lnn l-ii. Family Flora Celtica Hi 8 Apr. I Iain ck 2.30pm. {2 (U l. Rn}a| lintanic (iarclcn. li\hi|iitinn llall. lmci‘lcith Rim. 552 7 I 7 I. Visit (iranii) l"lnra nn hct' islancl ancI lincl ntit Scntlancl'x nati\ c plants. .-\n intci‘actixc \hnu l'ni‘ all agcx. First Impressions: Expressionist Art Sat 0 .-\pr. I Iain ck Ipm. [4

0.4.50 t2i. .\’ni'th liclinhurgli Arts (‘cntrc. l5a l’cnn)\\c‘|| (‘nui't. 3l5 2l5l. li\plnrc tlic art nl' Vinccnt \an (inglt using lingci' painting. l-‘irxt \\til'l\\llttli is l'nr 3 (i )c'ars .llttl Iltc‘ \L'c‘ulttl I\ hit 7 l2 )t‘;ll‘\.

Baby Farm Animals! .\lnn I I Apr. 0am 4.30pm. l't‘cc. (inrgic ('it) l’ai'm. 5| (inrgic‘ Rnacl. 337 4202. llt‘tltl tn llIL‘ l'arin tn mcct lanth a call and Ilull} cltickx.

Theatre & Dance

The Amazing Adventures of Sinbad ’l‘hti 3I .\lar. Ilain. £5 1L3 £3.50). .\'nrth liclinlwnrgh Arts ('cntrc. I5a l’cnn} \\c'll

('nnn. 3l5 2l5l l’upiwtcratt tcllx tlic \tnr} nl Sinhacl lhc \cllltlr lrnm IUU/ int/mm \iuliri. \HIII a “wild nt giant I‘lftl\. liiclclcn ttcaxut'c and magic carpch I’M/Vic! 'iIIIHIu'IIHII lc min/21””

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice In 1 -\pi.

l lam £5 it3 £3 50i \ni'tli lzclinlitirgh Arts ('cntic. l5a l’cnn_\\\cll ('nur‘t. 3l5 2l5 I. 'l‘hc- \tnr} nl .i castlc. a I‘I‘UHII]. a hunk nl \ni‘cci'} and a hn} \\ ith tlic tinglc nl magic in III\ lingcrtips Suitahlc lni ach 4+. l’u/i/ic'l .‘iIIIImlIIHII /'('\Illc1/ 2005 Harlequin Sat 2 .-\pt‘. I lam. 1.5

it.3 £3.50i. \Hl‘tlt Inclinhurgh .-\rt\ ('c'ntrc'.

I5a l’c'nn}\\cl| ('nurt. 3I5 2l5l. \nmicli I’uppct 'l‘hcatrc picscnt a rctclling nl thc- t'l;t\\lt‘ Inxc- \tnt'} hctuccn ('nlumhinc- ancl llarlcqum. Stntahlc lni‘ ach 5+. I’u/ipc'l .‘iIIIHIrlllrIH l'l'UIlrl/ 201/5. Magic Spaghetti \\'c-cl Sun In .~\pt'. \Vccl ck Sat 2pm ialsn Sat (min i; 'l‘liti l-ri l0.30am; I‘ri ck Sun 4pm iSun mat litNIIl I. U). 'l‘rawrxc 'l'hcatrc. (-itllllil'ltlgL' Slt'ccl. 228 I404. St‘t‘ (ilaxgnu alttl captintl.

Katherine and the Fairy Hill Thu 7 Apr. I lain. £5 (£3 £3.50i. .\'nrth lzclinhtirgh .-\rt\ ('cntrc. l5a l’L‘lIlI} \xc-ll ('nurt. 3l5 2l5l. \thn thc king's claughtcr is translnrmccl min a \liccp h} hcr jcalnux \lcpttinlllcl‘. hcr \I\[L‘l' tricx tn lincl a \xa} tn uncln tlic magic. Ytigcn l’uppct ('nmpaii) picscntx llti\ talc- \\ ith hand-cat'ch ptippctx. nriginal Scnttixh music and a Icaxt nl' magic. Suitahlc tor

ach 4+. l’u/i/ic'l :lnimulrnn I'i'ilii'ci/ 2UU5.

Adam, Alfons and Amalie Hi 8 Apr. I lam. £5 0.3 £3.50). .\'nrth liclinhtii'gh Arts ('cntrc. I5a l’cnnyxc-II ('nurt. 3I5 2 I .5 l. Sc‘t‘ (il£l\g()\\.

The Billy Holiday Show Sat 0 Apr. llain. £5 02.3 £3.50). .\'nrth liclinhurgh Arts (’cntic. I5a l’t‘llll}\\t‘ll (‘nurt. 3l5 2l5 I. Star nl'(inat\ Broadcasting ('ni'pnratinn. Bill} i\ a gnat “ith a mission. and \\ ith hcr ti‘nupc \hc pci'lnrnix l'tin \nngx and hits 0t thcatrc. Suitath littl' ach 5+. Pup/w! .‘lllilllrllirlll I'c’xlii'c1/2UU5.


Spot’s Birthday Party Sat ‘) Apr.

I lam. l'rcc. Watci'xtnnc's. I28 l’rinccs Sti‘cct. 22h 2(i(i(i. l’art) hat tlccnrating ancl cnlnui'ing in tun at Iltix Ill-\[Ul‘t‘ part} cclchrating Spot's hirthcla).

Anthony Horowitz \Vch l.3 Apr. l.30pm. £2.50. ()uccn'x Ilall. ('lci'k Sti‘ccl, (m8 20I‘). The author and TV writer hnlcls a special quicklirc \t‘\\ititt Inr kids nn hnw )Ull gn ahnut writing lttitilx'S. Agcs 9+.

Magical Mayhem 'l‘uc l2 Apr. l0am. l-‘rcc. .\'nith liclinhtirgh :\t't.\ (critic. I5a l’cnn} \xcll ('nurt. 3l5 2l5 I. .-\gc‘\ 2+. ('i'catiw \tnricx \xith Margarct Smith

USIIIg \tnr}tclling. singing and li\c music.


The Books of Hans Christian Andersen l'ntil ’l‘uc 3l Jan innt Sum. timcx \al'}. l‘rcc. Mascum ()l~ ('hilclhnncl. 42 High Strcct. 52‘) 4142. .-\ special c'\hihitinn t'caturing \nmc til the but

lm t'tl litmlh It} this font)“ nch \tnt‘}lc‘llc‘t‘.


more than theatre... Puppet Animation Festival @ G | 2

Brighten up your Easter holidays with puppet theatre from around the world!

Goldilocks and the Three Bears & Other Tales - Mon 4April @ l lam Oscar's Amazing Space Adventure - Tue 5 April @ l lam King Ethelbert and the Happy Scamp - Wed 6 April @ | lam The Ueg Duckling - Thu 7 April @ I lam Travels in aWashbasket - Fri 8April @ | lam

Adam.A|fons and Amalie - Sat 9 April @ | lam All tickets £3.50

Ol4l 330 5522 ~¢’- boxofiice@gilmorehillgl|



66 .51 livid" -: Al" :\‘\\5

Edinburgh International Science Festival

Various venues, Edinburgh, Fri 1aSun 10 Apr, 0131 558 7666

Dinosaurs Alive! l'ntil Sun S \Ia}. I0am 5iiin. Sun nnnn 5pm. luc

Illam 8pm L5 «L3 t4i Rnin .\i11\t‘tllll.2 ('hamhcrx Sticc't. 24“ 42W 4422 hurt a \alari thrnuin primniclial lctlltl\t‘.t[‘t‘\ and man cl at rnat‘ing clinnx ('nmc' lacc tn lacc \Hlli a lll.t\\l\t‘. nin\ mg 'lch\ Yilccx' Dig up a Dinosaur! In I Sun I0 .-\pi. 0.30am 4.30pm. in it'5i. unclcr 3s lic'c' .-\\\L‘llll‘l} Rtltlllh. .54 (it'itt‘g‘t' Sll‘t‘t‘l. .557 5588. \Iilliniis nl _\c'ai\ agn. gigantic clinnx inanich arnuncl. llclp tn clig \ninc up' .'\gc‘\ 8+. lilllt‘} \HIII tla} pa“.

Get a Grip! In I Sun l0 Apr.

0.30am 4.30pm. in iL'5i; unclci' 3\ li'cc. .'\\\Cllll‘l_\ Riintth. .54 (it'itt'gt‘ 50111. 5.57 5588. llnu cimrclinatccl arc _\nu .’ (ict )Utll ltalttl\ nn .IL‘IIHIIL'S likc black hnlc llllI\ItlII. .-\gc\ 3+, lintr} \Hlll cIa_\ pass.

Starting from Scrap in I Sun I0 Apr. 0.30am 4.30pm. [h i£4i; tinclcr 3x licc. .-\\\L'lltltl_\ Rimlth. 54 (ic‘tit'gt' STEM. .55— 5588. (ict crcatnc \\Illl chcnncalx. llxt‘ \ct'ap nhic'ctx tn ct'c'atc aina/ing imach thcn \tcp intn thc clarkrnnm ancl \xatch )tltll' plintn appcar hcl‘nrc )nur c} cs. Agcx 8+. lintr) uith cla} pass.

Up Yer Hooter: Climb Inside a Giant Nose with Agent Bogey In

I Sun I0 Apr. 0.30am 4.30pm. in t£5i; unclci' 3x l'rcc. Asst-inhl} Rnnms. 54 (it'tit‘gt‘ Sll‘t't‘l. .557 .5533. lingc} illt'l'li Pass a tissucl ('Iimh inxiclc a giant Itt)\ll'll. \qucc/c past mm and clclixci' ci\}gc‘ii tn the Big (in)? Agcx 5+. lintr} \\llll cla_\ pass pllh L' I.

Mission Improbable: Shrink Yourself a Zillion Times Hi I Sun 10 Apr. Illain 4.30pm. tr» 0.5): tinclcr 3x l'rcc'. Axxcmhl} Rnninx. 54 (icnrgc Strcct. 557 5588. Step inxiclc thc ama/ing Bin- Buhhlc and cntcr annthci‘ \xnrlcll Ach 5+. lintr} l\ cla} pass plus (I.

Tricks of Nature Hi I Inc 5 Apr. l0am 4.30pm; Sun nnnn 4.30pm. l‘rcc. Rn}al Mast-uni. 2 ('hainhcrs Strccl. 557 5588. l)i\cn\cr \tillit‘ nl the surprising \\a_\\ that aniinal\ and plants gct nut nl~ trick} \ittlallnttx. :\gc'\ 7+.

Dr Bunhead’s Enormous Underpants Experiment Hi I ck Sat 3 Apr. 10.30 I l.30ani. £5 tt'4i. R()}ill .‘vluxcuni. 2 ('hamhcrx Strcct. 557 5588. llnltl on tight to _\nur unclic'xl l)r Bunhcatl gncs halistic. blasting ltix \xa) thrnugh c'\ci'_\cla} nhicctx tn illuminate thc t‘xplnxiu‘ \Hit'ltl nI \c‘lt‘nc‘t‘. .-\gc\ 7+. Sc‘t‘ cxpcrimcnt.

The Grossest Show on Earth In

I Sun I0.-\pr. I0.30am. I2.I5pm. 1.30pm ck 3. l 5pm. U) i£5i; unclcr 3x l'i‘cc. Axxcmhl} Rnnmx. 54 (icnrgc Strcct. 557 5588. Meet Dr Nast} \mcll. Atixtralia‘x lcacling gt‘ti\\tilttgi\l. as \lic cnllccts ancl cxaniincx \lllllL‘}. \mcll} and stick) \tull' l'rnm arnuncl the bud}. Ytth Ages 3+. lintr} uith cla} pitxx.

Greased Lightning Hi I Sun I0;\pr. I I.30am. 12.45pm. 2.30pm ck 3.45pm. £6 (£5); unclcr 3s l'rcc. :\\\cmhl_\ Rnnmx. 54 (icnrgc Street. 5.57 .5583. l‘it‘t‘lllig hungr} i.’ 'l'hcn cnmc tn Scntlancl’s lirxt h} per-last calc l‘nr instant icc-crcain. glcming ghcrkins and chips maclc \\ ith thc pntatn cannnn. Agcx 3+. Iintr} \iith cla} pass. Royal Observatory Open Days Sat 2 ck Sun 3 Apr. I0am-5pm. £3.50 «£2.50i. Rn}al ()hxcnatnr) Visitnr (‘cntrcn Blacklnrcl Hill. 557 5588. (ict )nur hancls nn a mctcnritc. lnnk thrnugh a sunspnttcr. make )nur ()\\Ii sundial. thcn qui/ astrnnauts about the \nlar \_\ \lt‘lll. the gala\_\ and hcynnd.

Real Life Science Cate Sat 2—Sun I0 Apr. I lam ck 2.30pm. I’rcc. Rn}al Bntanic (iarclcn. li\liihitinn Hall. lmcrlcith Run. 557 5588. Mcct rcal scientists and share their cnthuaasni lnr

To celebrate Edinburgh International Science Festival. why not have a go at this explosive Dr Bunhead experiment?

What happens Mini water-powered rockets go shooting in the air,

What you need

Adult supemision may be needed! A Circular lilm canister With lid

Fizzy tablet (like Alka Seltzer Or fizzy Vitamin tablet)

What you do

1 Fill the lilm canister about a quarter full Willi water.

2 Drop in the tablet and quickly press the lid on tight,

3 Turn the canister UDSICIO (£93 a down and stand back. Why it happens “' When the chemicals in the tablet get wet they make lots of bubbles of gas (carbon diOXide). The gas builds up inSide the canister more and more until it blows the lid oll.


nur \xcii‘cl ancl \Milttlt‘l‘ltll Il\ mg unilcl |.i\c \ll(l\\\ t'\t'l') cla} lni‘ agcx 8+. Gamemaker \Vccl (i Sun |0 Apr.

“'ch Sat l0am Ipm ck I 30 4 30pm. Sun I30 4.30pm. £5. Rn};il \ltixcum. 2 ('hainhci'x Sti‘c-ct. 557 5588. ('rcatc )nur nun cninptitcr gamc \\ ith lcwlx. clialnguc ancl cltallcngcx. Jll\I lii'ing alnng )tllll' imaginatinn. c'\ci‘_\thing c-lxc I\ plm Itlt‘tl. ,-\:,_'c\ Ill+.

Our Dynamic Universe Sat t) ct Sun I0 Apr. IIIani (ipm. l)}nainic Izarth. llnltrnncl Rnacl. 557 5588. .\ chancc lni' liticlcling astrnnautx tn \tcp III\Itlt' an inllatalilc plaiictarium tn mpcricncc thc- \Ictl’\ up clnxc ancl pcrxnnal ancl \cc cnmctx ci'catc'cl hcl’nrc )nur \cr} ctcw

Supermodels “ca 0 Sun I0 Apr.

IIIam 4.30pm. l'i‘cc. chal .\ill\c'lllll. 2 (’hainlicrx Strcct. 557 5588. Ila\c lun making \lrllt'ltII'L‘S nl c\cr_\tla_\ t‘llt‘llllt'ctl\ .-\:_'c'\ 7+.

Colourtul Chemistry \Vc-cl () Sun In Apr. l2.l5pin. l't‘cc. tickct nnl}, Rli}ill \ltisctnn. 2 ('hamhcrx Strcct. 557 5588. A \xhaclc}. inn-hang (It'ltltlll\trctll0ll nl chcmixtr}. Agcx 7+.

Focus On: Hear Earth Objects. The Good and Bad of Asteroids and Comets \Vccl t) Apr. 7 9pm. L 3.50 11.2.50i. Rn}al ()hxc-rxatnr} VISIlUr ('ciitrc. Blacklnrcl Hill. 557 5588. Spacc rnclx‘x hit liarth L'\L‘r} cla} ancl git c \ital L‘lllt‘\ about the llrlglllx nl thc Snlar Syn-m. Shnulcl itc- “Clt’lllltt’ lhcm or non) ahnut catastrophic c'nllisinns'.’ Agm I2+_

Windows on Worms Sat 3 Mun 4 Apr. l 4pm. l‘rcc. Rll}ill Bntanic (iarclcns il)cinnn\tratinn (iarclcni. Rn}al Bntanic (iardcns. lincrlcith Rim. 552 7171. Join thc (iarclcn Ranch and maxtcr cnmpnstcrs lrntn l.nthian ancl Inclinhurgh

lint trnntttcnlal Partnership tl.l:lil’i tn lcarn ahnut itiggl} \kiirlltx and thc art nl lininc cnmpnxting.