Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce and Rachael Street.


Activities 2". Events

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition \lllLllL'll I rluar}. I‘ll \nrtli SIch. IS“ I‘I‘I‘l Ill Wain (i illpui l.\lululinn tt-lcluatiuj: lllM'lal} hniii IIHM‘lISl. pncl and |IIlllll.Ill\l. \i'rl \lurun'x lllttxl l.llllHll\

Spin Around the City - Glasgow North ( icniyc Squaw. llain l. illpiu l'lL'L' \\ [Mlll Ill (ll/HWL'I‘H Ill/i IIIu’l/Hllrr'/. Spin [Ilk'\i'lll\ Iwc jguulr'rl ltux lHlll\ In Ilw \lllLllk'll liluaI}. ( ilaxjgnu Sthnnl nl \II. ('l ' \. Ilw \llltlk‘lll lnxlilulc. (in\l \ and \\ \SI’S In ltnnk L'lllall

huxli’ ;.'la\j.'n\\ llllk'lllJllHlLll nrj.)

Talking Art ( it'nrgw Squaw. I I warn. :[Illl .\ (rpm (il.l\j_,'n\\ \il l-au\ ili'tllt'ali'il lt‘t'lllli' SIML'L'. lll \lt'illa l\'L‘\ . pwwutx lllt' lll\l III a \ciwx nl Ialkx. |)i\t‘u\\inu Building: lni \rl. llWllain. (ll\\'ll\\lHll (‘nininixxiniuuy .\rI. 3pm .llltl .Il'llSI Ialk Rn“ Ituwll. hpni.

Deirdre Nelson in Conversation with Juliette MacDonald ('nllinx (iallcu. l'unt'rxrl} nl SIi.iIlIt'|_\ilc. 33 lx’it'luunuil Slwcl. 5-l.\ I55S. \llllll *pin. l’uhlit‘ (UllH'lMlllIHl lllL'l|\||l_‘._‘ nu Ilw ilt‘H'lUPllli'lll IIl Hi‘ll'tlli' XL‘lVHIlS l’rlllg’r I'\ n/ Sin/rig (l/ll/ Krill/111;! lnllnur'il It} a ilixt‘uxxinu ahnul a cnllahnralni' prnlu'l t'urwull} l‘L‘IlljJ mplnwd it} lllL‘ .llll\l and L'rlllt' iuxpiwtl hx \\ luwunik nl Scnllautl and .'\\lil.

Self Regulating Poster Wall ( ‘( ‘.\. WI Saucltwltall Sin-ct. ‘53 Nun. l’axlc up _\nur nun [MNICI ll \\lll winaiu

\ ISIl‘lL‘ lllllll \UlllL‘llllk' paxwx nwr llw Inp.


Glasgow Art Fair ( imrgc Squaw. $53 bill“. Ill, main Spin. L5 iL‘i; i'lultlwu untlcr wu )i'arx lwc. 'l‘culh auuiwrxar} nl Svntlauil'x uaunual vnuwiupnrar} art lair Iakcx up lt'SltlL‘llk'L‘ Ill (icnrgc Squaw bringing: Ingclltt'i nwr 5f) galli'rwx and a t'nuwnipnrar} pa\ilinu. lz.\'|'l:.\'Sl().\’. \hnut'axiug \\nl'l\ lrniu Ihc ('nllccuw. Ilw l‘.llll‘.l\\_\. lziucigt'l). (ilaxgnu Sgulpluw Sludinx. laplanil. lunnuxuw Hull. .\larkcl. S\\ llL‘ll\P.l\‘L‘ and \‘nluiuc.


ArtBites! \lt‘l ,cllau (iallci‘wx. Til Sauchwhall Slwcl. 5n5 illlll. lpui. l'wc. Shan talk nn \‘cuiln\ 'SI (‘allwruw nl .-\lc\autlria'.


Hip Hop Dance Classes ('(‘.\. {SH Sauchwliall Slwct. 353 JOIN). " .S'piu. L5 iL~lr .\ppawull) it’x '\nur pix w iluI} In \liakc _\nui hnnl}?

Friday 28

Activities & Events

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition \lllt‘llt‘ll l.Il‘l.Il}. :lll \Hl'lll hll'L‘L‘l. :55 20"”. lllfillaru -lpui. Scc 'l‘liu 2S.

Spin Around the City - Glasgow South and East ( iL‘Ul'L'L‘ Silllall‘.

3.3L) .5pm. l'wc, .\~ part nI (ilaxgnu luwruaIInual. Spin pwwulx Iwc guided hux Inurx In Ihc 'l‘raiuua}. Snwha Dalla~ ()I’I'xuc. 'l'ranxmminu. lulcriuctlia. \larkcl (iallcn and Mar} .\lar_\. 'l'n hnnk ciuail huwr glaxgn“ iulcruaunual.nrg.

Artists, Galleries, Money (‘('.\. 35H Sauchwhall Stwct. 352 401m. \5llplll. l‘lL‘L‘. lllllC St‘itllhll .\l‘l\ l-lllnll \lIM‘USSLN l\\llL‘\ nI iunm'}. Ia\ and cnntract l\\llk‘\ 'l‘n lmnk a placc plcaxc ciuail inth \'.uk and In llllkl nuI iunw \ NI \\\\\\.\'. Scotland UXB - Now We Are Free l’cawc liNuuw. Mil (iman Rnatl. 445

l‘l-l l. [4 UllL‘ Lid}. {3 \\ L‘L‘lxt‘llil llt‘lxt‘l IL:

28 THE LIST . r~ '


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ART FOR SALE Caroline Broadhurst debunks some art world myths and offers a few pointers to help you navigate the world of red dots. originals, prints and pockets

I Buying art is something other people do. People who are richer than you, wear nicer shoes and know their Whistler from their Warhol. They purchase rarefied objets from Prada-clad gallerists who quite firmly believe that if you have to ask the price you can’t afford it. This is just not the case. Those who run Scotland‘s many galleries are knowledgeable and enthusiastic do not be afraid to ask for their help. In my experience, there is no typical art buyer, and the more people who become interested, the less the stereotype will persist. I You could get a house/car/small African country for that. Art can be expensive and often rightly so, but there really are works available at every budget - all you have to do is look and ask. Galleries are often prepared to be flexible about payment. made easier by initiatives like the Own Art Loan. Galleries will sometimes offer discounts for prompt payment or let you pay by instalments if you ask nicely.

I The old maxim ‘buy the best you can afford’ holds as true here as anywhere else. Do your research: visit galleries, degree shows, art fairs, use the internet, join gallery mailing lists. Be guided by what you instinctively love but be aware too that your taste might change and refine the more you see.

I Think about collecting original works versus prints and editions - the former will cost you more but may be a better investment in the longer term, though the latter is an affordable way of owning a quality work by an artist who might be otherwise beyond reach.

I On a practical note, be aware that things like framing, delivery and the dreaded VAT may not be included in the listed price - just ask to be sure what is covered.

I Artists and galleries need support through sales to survive, so whether you buy from a degree show or gallery wall, your acquisition has benefits beyond your enjoyment and potential investment and everyone’s happy.

I And finally, a warning: do not get into this lightly! Collecting is highly addictive, can be perilous to your bank balance and will change the way you look at things forever. The enjoyment of living with an original work of art is something you’ll have to take on trust until you have tried it, but for me there is no better place to put your money than on the wall and there are few more lasting pleasures.


Glasgow Art Fair ( icnrgc Squaw. L'Ulllllllllllk‘lll[0.1lllllll.ll‘}-ll'L‘CSL'HllilliLl. 552 (r027. lllfillaru Spin. L518;

\\ uh \pcakcrx lrniu \.ll'liill\ grnupx childwu uuilcr wn _\car\ lwci. Su- 'l‘hu lllL'lllLllll‘.‘ St‘nquh ('.\'|). the (iwcu Pan}. BS.

St'ntlixh ('naliIinu Inr .lUNllL'L' \nl \\'ar. Saturday 30

'l'ridcut l’lnuglhharm and innw. lllllh Irniu

('aiucnrdcr ( iucrilla\ and a mural in Ihc

owning \siIh Iunc~ trnui \Ul'lllilll Shau. 'l‘n ACllVlllBS & Events

hunk a plat-c. cmail mailtu \gntlantl Para Handy Centenary Exhibition

u\l\nr:_'. Mitchell Librar}. lel .\'nnh SIwct. 3H7

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘(‘.\. 35“ 20W. III..‘~Ilairi 4pm. Scc Thu 38. Artist Event: Ross Birrell Trauma}. 25 .-\lhcn l)ri\c. (ix-l5 33” 35M. 2pm,

Sauchwhall Stwct. 352 «Will. Scc 'l‘hu 3S Spin Around the City - Glasgow East Central (icnrgc Squaw. l'wc. ,\\ liwc. Rn“ Birrcll [alkx ahnut Santiagn pan nl'(ila\g_'n\\ lntcrnaunnal. Spin Storm and ‘hringing Ihc \xar hnmc’. [II‘L‘\L‘lil\ Iwc guitch ltux lnurx [U M Spin Around the City - Glasgow (lxlwnuruc Stwct. l’rnicct Rnniu. (il‘axgnu South and East (icnrgc Squaw. l’ruu Studin. (ilaxgim Sculpluw SIutlin. SI 2.30 5pm. l-‘wc. Soc rm 3‘). Scotland UXB - Now We Are Free l’carcc lnxtituIc. S40 (imau Road. 4-15

nuc Ila}. L'h “CleL'llkl tickcl i. .\ L‘nulcwut‘c .‘clcltrauug pcat'c. wuxtaugc and a

;\utlw\\ \ Squaw and l l l Saluuarkct. 'l'n ltnnk crnail ltuxw glaxgnu inwrnatinnal.nrg.

I‘l-ll L l nnc ilay LS \wckcntl Iigkct '1:\‘ll\‘\l.l_\. Ln \wckcnd Iit‘kcli \cc

l'll 3"

Self Regulating Poster Wall (1‘ \. ‘5"

Salkhwhai’. \twct. 15.‘ 1"!“ \x' lhu _‘\


Glasgow Art Fair ( wnzgc \qiiaic. “3 MI.” lll ‘llain n :lll‘lll 1<'1:.\ll‘.‘l\ll\‘ll llllili'l lk'l‘i _\\'.ll‘ lli'x‘l \L'C lllll _‘\

Body and Soul Fair l\'i'§.ll ('nn. at Hall. :\.Illtllli'll.lll Slim. 3:“ “hill

Ham 5 5lll‘lll L15” L5 urt'kcntl In'kct \ulllallilS l‘lL‘jQL'Sl pallli‘llllg' \‘l i.ll\‘l walk-Ix. .ISIli‘li‘gx'h alle . lan‘.n_\alll~. .ninpli‘riwiil.ii_\ Iltciaphtx anti lwaltli pi.i.'IiIiniIt'r\ .r\ m-ll ax .iaIt \lallx \\ uli gut-\I \pcaki‘r (livanilia l axnn. l\'\l \t‘llin; .ithni .llltl p\'\.lu.


RISK and Gaming ( 't‘ \. NI ~\IIIQlllk‘llJll \llk‘k'l. 153-1‘NW ; ‘q‘lll lli‘i‘ l’dllk'l \ll\t’ll\\liill lili‘klllfj .ll lllk' \ll.Il\“.‘_\ ill lx’lSK lll \l‘llll‘lllk'l gaining;


Rethinking Wargames ( '(‘ \. i5” Saut'hwliall SIwct. ‘52 ~1‘Nltl \nnn ‘pin .\ 5 npin llL'L' \ wunrkrn; nl .wax. llIal tall l‘t' l‘l.l}L‘il l‘} llllk'k' l‘i‘iilllk‘ .II .I lllllt‘ till a t‘nuxt'utinual l‘l‘Jlkl ni I‘llllllL'. IliaI t’liaupt'x uartaw lni tlcli‘ntliny “Hlltl [‘t‘.l\k‘

Activates & l. vents;

* Maydaze ( ilaxfgnu (iwt‘n. ( llL'k'll\l\ kc Slwcl. MSW jllll l‘l-lll ll illaui nprn' I'wc .\n\\ lll le i'rgluli war. a lwt' tlat nl iuuxit‘. ilauu'. L'lllk'll.l|lllllk‘lll .lllll an S ll (' lall} Iun lni all llic Iauult Sr't' llllll\l Self Regulating Poster Wall (1 \. ‘5“ Saut‘hwhall Stwi'l. ‘53-1‘IINI Sm- lllll 3S Spin Around the City - Glasgow East Central ( icnrggc Squaw. l'lL'L' St'i' ll] 2‘),


Body and Soul Fair l{n_\a| ('nnu-n Hall. 3 Saut'hwliall Slwcl. 330 fifilll Ham 5. illpiu Li 5” L5 \xi't'ki'nrl In kt-I SL‘L' ~Sal tll.

Glasgow Art Fair ( it-niggi- Squaw. 55.‘ hill" \nnu (i, illpin L5 tLi. t'lultlwu uudcr wit )can llt'L'l. Scc llru 2S

Food & Drink

Pink Afternoon Tea I )llL‘ l)t'\ttll\llllt' (iartlcux. “‘2 Jill)! I .l illpin LII limit} a \clu‘unn nl \illl\l\\l(llk‘\. \L’nucx. paxuwx. (aka-x and L'llillllp.l_‘_‘lli'. all will a luul nl pink. L5 Irnui thc pnu‘ nl L'.l\'ll llklxt'l gynm In liwaxl (Xingu ('aw

Activities <3 Events

Spin Around the City - Glasgow North (icnrgc Squaw. 3 ill 5pm l‘wt' SL'L' lllllll :5

Self Regulating Poster Wall ('( '.\. ‘5” Saut‘lui'hall SIwL'l. ‘53 ~1‘Nill Su' 1 llll ls


Glasgow Art Fair ( icnryt- Squaw. 55: hill". ll). Warn (l. illpin. L5 IL l. clulilwu unilcr Icu )carx lwci. Scc 'l'hu Sh


Beginners Capoeira Workshop ('arunal .-\rtx. 2nd l'lnnl'. i4 .v\lhrnu SIch. 55: Hot", () 7.30pm. Ln iL-li. [yarn Ilux gracclul Bra/ilian martial art.

Tuesday 3

Activities & Events

ldeasfactory: LAUGHS (llaxgink l'lllll 'l‘hcatw. l: Rin SIch. .53: M33

6.3” T3Upiu. l'wc. l'lllillISIS Irnru

I..-\l (MS. a wawh Inr ncv. 'l‘\' court-d} uriwrx. \ll()\\L'il\L' Ihcrr llllll\ and dixcuxx u hat makw 'l‘\' L'lllllL'tl} unrk. ax part nI ('hanncl 4K uuuauw In hclp yiung pcnplc Inrgc cart-ch in crculnc induuricx.

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘('.-\. 35H Sauchwhall SIrch. 353 4900. Scc Thu 38.