
3:1 No Formations .II lllL‘l III-.I-I~.II _[llll iIIIII LII lutn IIInII' I'III'llI'III (IlII\;'II'.|. l‘ItllIl\ IIIIIl.I' IlII' llllk‘ IIII InI iill\ :II'III llt'\‘- \llll‘ lIIIj. \lnIIIgnIIII't} .IIII‘I IIIl.I'I lI'.I' lllll\lI IIIIIl IlIIlIlIIII: InIIII' lHL'k'lllI'l. .IIIIl II l\ .I lll\L' IInxx II'IIIlI\.IIII~II I Optimo (Espacio) .Il lilL' \lll‘ (‘lIII» III <IIIIIII km. 2.!» L" \M-I-ll; l-.\('I .IIIIII-IIh In IIIIII nI IIII".'II II nII l \l.:_\ IInI \HlllI' .Ill gulf» IInII IIIIInIII \IInIlII'I IIIIxxII IlnIHI IlII' \IIlI IIIII'IIxI‘. IInIc I'IIII} L l” Lll InI llll\ IIIIII- nIIl_\

I The Priory III l’IIIInLI'I llpIII inn 1* \\Ck'i\l'\ llll\ I lIIlIK \IIlllL'llllllfJ III II llll\llHlllL‘l l lllk'\\. nI \I'lll\k'. \l.lll\lll:_' .Ill lll‘Jlll In \IIIIlI-III IIlllllL‘lll\ .IIIIl RAH l\ llII\‘. Inn IlI'In\ .ll’ .IIIIl lllL' IIIIIIII'IK RIIlIIIIIl lI-Hnwn .III' lllL' lltI~l\

3:3 Punktrap .II IlII' HIIIII} IHIIIII iIIIII I-le l \IIIj. nIIl} Ilnx .IlII'IIIIIIIII' [‘lllllI \IIII tlIl_\ l\ :nIII: In IIII-lI IlII' Il\\ nIl nl _\nII “III! I\ II”

I Recloose .II lllL' IIlm-IIIIInI}

‘IIIIII lIIlll lII'I- | \lII} \lnIIIlIl} l)L‘llU|l IIIIIIxI- l)_| RI-I Innw Ilpllk'dl\ .II lll|\ IIIIIIkI'l} I IIIlI \k‘llllk' In \lIIM \IlI} |II"\ lllL' l‘ll\|ll\'\\ ll|\ lll\l .Ill‘lllll \\;l\ nuI nII ('.II| (‘IIIIL'K I’IIIIII'I l.. .IIIIl lllk‘ III'\I \lllllk'\ nIII Hll l’I'III'I‘llIIL' \H llt'.\ IIII \lUllI‘ll

I Spunk In my ('IIIlInIIxI‘ lllIIII iIIIII IllII \\I'I'kl} (II-I .I I'nnIl \[IIIIIkIan nn IIII' SIIlIlIIIIlI l).l HIIII} [IIIIM IIIII'I'IIIIIIw. punk. I'l.I\\l\ IIII‘lx. lll]I llIIII. lllL‘lIIl IIllIl I‘II|\\II\ L'l lllIlll\lll.ll In .I Luv \II'I'kI'IIIl I'Inml

I Sundays at the Buff .II ()lIlll \InI. llIIIII iIIIII Li \\I‘I‘kl} SnIIII' Hull Ilm'n I‘Inan'x IIIIII IIIIIkI'Il up IIII/ lI'nIII Hull ncxx guy SIIIIIII,


‘IIIIII iIInI. L5 IIII'I‘I. “CI-kl}. :\ llllell Illlllk‘tl III IlIan‘ \Mllixlllf.‘ III IlII' lII'IIIII}. MM! and lk'l\lll\‘ lllIlll\ll'l\'\I 'l‘lII' III'uI‘ Inn In I'nIIII' h} lII‘II' .IIIII ‘I‘lIIIxI' lllt‘ IlI'IIgnIh II\\II_\'.

Glasgow Tuesdays

Club I Bin Bag III IlII‘ (ilIngnu SI‘IIIIIII nl :\ll, IIIIIII iIIIII. L'l IlII'I'I liIII'gIIIII l‘.l\t'lllL'lll IIIIlII' lllllt'\. lIIII'II-I lIKlIl\ nl I'lII‘IIp Junk and II hunch nl kIIl\ IIIIII ll\L‘\l In Im- III :JllHtl lIIIIIIL'\. I Camouflage III lllL' l IIIIIIIl l.nungc. llpIn iIIIII. [3. \\L'Ci\l_\. ,\ III-II \II'I'kl} IlIIII Illlll\ In IIIII IlII' IIIIIIlII) lIIII'k IIIIII \IIIIlI‘III I‘luhhlng \\llllt‘ kccplng IlII' \ll'llli\\ III'II‘I'x lnu. l,I\I'\\II‘I‘ III'I‘ lllL' lllll\lC.ll It'lil'k'\t'lllilll\k‘\. IIIIIl IlII*_\ III‘I' plII} Inf: IlII‘ llllL‘\l lIIp IIIIII. I‘II'I'II‘n. II'I‘lInn. llIIlI\L'. IlI‘IIIII Ik lIII\\ IIIIII III'I'IIklIcIII. I Fool’s Gold III (III llpIII .iIIIII. {Ilia “wily .\ IlL‘IlII‘IIlL‘Il lllglll IIl lllIllL‘ l'IIt‘k IInIII .\lI' I’IIul (inI'nIIIn IInIl lI'II'IIle, lI‘x II panIIIII' II'II\\I IlII'nIIglI Ihc I'II'II \I'II nl IIIIlI'pcnIlI‘III lllll\l\‘ ll'Ulll liI'IIIIIn IIIIIl .IlII'nIIIl I\\L‘l' lllL' l;l\l Ill )I'IIIx. I Killer Kitsch III 'l’IIc liull (‘luh IlpnI .iIIIII Lil IUI. \Vcckly .\ IIIIIIIIII‘ lUllII'thL‘ix \I‘I up. pnIIIIIlIIIg I‘II‘I‘II‘II—I'IIleI lllllt‘\ IInIl kIleI I'IIIxxII‘x th‘“ II III lllL' lInIIl II’x llll\ I'IIII‘ I‘luh III liIIIlI l.IInI'. I Mr Viking Records Launch Night III liIII‘ lilnIz ‘lpIII .itllll. l'I'cc. 3 Ma} nnl_\. BIIIIle IIIIIl l).lx plII} IIlII‘I‘IIIIInI‘ Ind and L‘lu‘ll'n lII \‘ClL‘l‘I’IIlL' lllC lIIllllt'll \ll‘ llII\ L'Hlll no“ IIIIII‘I.

Glasgow Wednesdays


I Chinawhite III ('lIInIIxxlIIII‘. ‘IpIII .iIIIII LII. \Vcckl}. lllh lIcIIIIIIl'III \cnuc pl.I_\ \ lIn\I In IlIc IIIn\I‘I\ IIIIIl \IIIIkcI‘x nII II \xcckl} l‘;l\l\. .-\ gnnIl IIIIIl\\cck lIIIng-nul. I MashdaBest III \\'I:_'\\IIIII. llpnI FIIIII. £4 IUI. \Vcckl}. .lIIII IlII licxl plII} \‘IIIIIIIIL‘I'CIIII Cl‘II\\IL‘\. llUth‘. Illwn IIIIIl lunk. \\llllC III RnnnI 2 .\l.l\ll nI‘ BcIII IIIII IIIIIl I'I'III‘kIInII RccnI‘le plII}~ II \I‘I‘} cnnl \I‘lchInn \pIInnIng IlIc \nul. lIIp lInp. lII‘I‘IIkx IInIl lInIIxI‘ I‘cIIlIIIx.

I Tongue in Cheek III BIIIIIIIIIII. lIl.3llIIIII _‘~.IIII. {-1 IL‘RI. \Vcckly .\l| Ill'llll'\\ III‘I‘ nnc pnunIl. \xlIIclI lllL‘Illh IlIIII 'l‘lIquIlII} l\ gning In N \I‘I'). \I'I'} IIIIcI‘I‘xlIng InIlchl. 'l'lIc II'I‘I‘prcmhlc Miguel [‘l;1}\lllpli\lp;llltl RIkB III I'nnIII nnc. “hilc Nick) .\lnIllIn play Ink and InIlIc III I‘nnIn Inn.

40 THE LIST -‘5 »\I" '.f '.'u‘:. ;


Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Bloodbeat III \IIIIIIII} ('IIII.§_'.III'

llpIII ‘IIIII Ll lII‘InIc llllIllIllell. 1: IIIII'I :\ \l‘l lI'lIllllelll} .II_III \ll\\ KIII} lIIIIIIIxIIIn .IIIIl l)| l).IIkInnIII \IIIlI IlII'II IIIIlII'III \llx \llIIllll nI ~}IIIlI IInI‘. I‘II'IIIn IIIleI IIIIIl InIlII- I-lstIIn

I Born to Be Wide III IlII- \III-I-I

‘IIIIII l.IIII llL'L' ZN \III \lum lllklll\ll_\

\nI l.ll I'IIIlI lllIll [‘lIlll\ In hung; llllI\II\. |IIlllllIIll\l\. [‘lIIlllI'lCH. II'I‘nIIl \lIIIlI \Ulllxk'l\ IIIIIl lllll\|\ lIlll\ IngI'IlII'I \\ uh .I \IIIII'II \l‘lllltlllIle IInIII \III’Inux |llIlll\ll'} lInle IIII'lIIIlIIIj: KIIIlI \lI‘KI'II/II' IIIIIIIIIl RnnIIII. |)I\I'I[III'\ nl l’IIIIII’ l..II‘IlI .IIIIl \IIIIIlI I('.IhIIII'I \HllIlllL'I

I Dizzy III l;;_'n lllpIII iIIIII L-l ILiI * \l.I_\ l’II|}\IIIII'I~I.II l’I'II' llllll\\\IIl‘lll IIIIIIII'lII-x ll|\ llL'\\ 'llIIanlII} IIIglII \III'I'IIII'IIIIII \\llll [III-III} nI Illllll\\ [IInIIInx In IIII'l IlII' IlllllII\

I El Cambalache 2 .II I l IIIIII'III

‘IIIIII iIIIII Li 35 \III‘ nIIl} lI‘IInIIl ('nllcggc \llltlt‘lll\ [III-\I'III Ille llllell III IIIIl nl \lllllk'\l) IIIII‘I’IIIIIInnIII. \IIIIIIIlIn; lllL' hle III IIIIIII I‘IIIIuII' IIIIIl lIIIIle 'l'lII'II‘k \IIl\II IIIIIl III’lIIIII lIIIIn lI'nIII l).l l’IIpI. lInuxI' InI'III lllL' llIII/ HI'nIlII'Ix IIIIIl SnIIIlI .-\IIII‘I'II‘IIII IlI‘uIII Ik l‘;l\\ lI'nIII \lIII‘I‘ lxl’ IIIIIl 'II'I'IIIIII' \VIIlI lIw IIIIIII'I' \lInu nl I'IIpnI'I'III and my ,\I';.'I‘IIIIIII-.III 1;”)ng IlII'nIIglI lllL' IIIglII l Icc ('IIIII'II IIlII'I' nII III'I‘I\II| II IIII‘IIII'I lNIlllh I Fur Burger III l‘.:_'H, llpnI RIIIII. (3. VII}. .\lnIIIlIl_\. \cu IIIglII lnI' gII‘lx \IlIn lIkI‘ ;_'II'I\. IlII‘I} Inkcx. IIIIII'IIIIII IIIIIl IIII I‘wI‘ I‘I'II'I'III‘ lllll\lL' pnlII‘}, linp. [III-Inc I'I'IIII'IIIhI‘I' _\nu lit‘t‘tl II lI'IIIIIlc I'xt'nI'I lnI' I'IIII‘}. l.I‘II\I \II' lnI'ch IlII'II‘ IlI'lII‘Inuxl} \IIggINIIw lilf.‘ llllt‘ 'I'III III‘kIII; II‘.

I Genetic III (‘III‘IIx (‘lIIlI llI‘IIII .iIIIII. l'I'I‘I' hI'lnI‘I' l l,.iIlpIII; {I IlllL'l'. \Vcckl). SIIII .I IIIIgIII} panIlIII' \nII'CI' IlIIII \lltl\\\';l\k'\ IIIII‘I'IIIIIIw. who and ln-II \n \IIInkIIIg III lllL' hIII'. llllllIlI

I Ghetto III (‘IIhIII‘cI \'nlIIIII‘It llpIII .iIIIII (3 It: I. \Vcckl}. l’I‘nnIwa In m [M l‘t'\l ’l’lIuI'xIlII} IIIglII Rkli'lup lInp IIIIII lunk Pull} III ln\\n, ‘l'lII‘ pI‘cIlnIIIIIIIIIIll} RAIN IIIIIIII I'nnnI llU\lL'(l h} lISIIlI‘xIJuIIIp. SIII‘ l'il‘lk'tl “CHIN IlllIl l).l l’l'IprL‘L‘l [‘I'II\ lIllllf.‘ 'l \III'kI'Il lll;I\ll up nl nlIl \knnl IInIl ll'L‘\ll RIKH lIckx \xlnlc Ihc lIIII‘k l‘IIIIlll \ ll‘L' gJI‘Ix lIIIIk} \\ IIlI \VI'cckIIgc IInIl IIWII'IIIII'»

I The GOuLaG BeAt III lign

IIIRIIIIIII Milli. [4. 3.\' Apr. \lnIIIlIl}. l’IInk. gIII‘IIgc. ncxx “IMO and gnnIl llHllL‘\l I'nck'n'rnll ll'HllI I'I'gIIlIII‘x KIIkII. ()1). MI \lnn .\Inn and lllL' l’I'IIIIIInc l'I‘gc l)_l\_

I Graffiti III \lI'IhnII lllpIn .iIInI. {I hclnrc IIIIIlIIIglII; £3 illlL'l', \Vcckl}. 'l'lIc lIIIt‘kI'nnIII I‘cxIIlcnIx lI'nIII SICII‘nI}p¢ IInIl HclchcIl III lllL' llnuxc l.\l.l\lL'l' (‘IIII'Il IIIIIl Kl[‘[‘\l IIIkI‘ InI-I \lI'IlInII \[IIIIIIIng IlII'II~ IIIIIIIuc IIII\ nl' Ilm'n. IIIIIk. \nul IIIIIl kIIxclI I‘L‘lI'II I‘l;I\\Ic\.

I Our House III l-IIIIlI. llpnI FIIIII. U lII'InI‘c llllIllllLlllL {4 IIl‘IcI' It: I \Vcckl}. llnIIIIIgc In IIll IlIIIng hnuxc ll‘IIlll IlIc L‘IIl'llL‘fl Il;I_\\ IN UR“ l‘lggLNl t‘llll‘ llll\ IIl' InIlII}.

I The Snatch Social ;ll lllL‘ l.IIIIIIIl RnnIII, lll.3IIIIIII .‘~IIIII. £4 IUSIII. \Vcckl}. l5IlIlI} I'IIhIII‘I‘I-Ilm'n I'II\Inn I'cIIIuI‘IIIg I‘nInpcrc llIII‘I'} .'\lll\\\Ill‘lll I.I\K.-\ l'nI‘IIII'I' l’I‘I‘I‘IcI' licxI \cucnmcr (iIII'IlI ('I‘quxlIIIIIkI .IIIIl 'l‘nn} (‘IIrIcIi BIIlIIN IIIIIl 'l‘I‘cnIl} \VcnIl} IIIInIIIlIl} I'I‘~IIchIII \uppl} hip lInp IIIIIl I'IIIIk} lllllL‘\I ('hcck \\\\\\.\ll;ll\‘ll\IIL‘lIll.(Ulll InI lllIIl'L‘ Inln. l’II‘IlI hII‘IlIIlII} nn 2.\ .-\pI' “llll (icI‘nIIIIIx '\ llllL‘\l l.ll\l\ SlIIIII In Ingk _\nuI' \xnI‘lIl.

I Up:Start III SIIhuII} (‘nugIIIu

1 1pm .iIIIII. l-‘I'cc. 5 Mn}. .-\n npcn Ilcclo cwnIng nI' IIIIcrIIIIIIw IIquIc IncnrpanIIIIIg duh. hrth and Icchnn. l'I‘IIIIII'IIIg I)J\ /.nnk IIIIIl Duh \lnnkc} Il’cIlIgrcc SI‘IIIIII.


The Grand Central Records man keeps Destination on top

billing, and is joined by Veba for some silky soul vocals for some serious funk action. As Rae says: ‘if it makes me wanna dance, I don’t want to know anything else.‘ Good attitude.


l’XR l).|\ IRI‘III‘II. liIll XIIII'I' I('uIInu\I. l’lI} \II‘le .InIl ’l'IInI ()'liIIIIII‘I'

Edinburgh Fridays


I Beatroot III lign. lll..ileIII ViIllll. £5 hcl'nI'c IIIIIlnIglII; UI IIIII'I' ((5 I. 2‘) .\PL RL'\ltlL'lll\ R}IIII 'l'III‘III‘I' IIIIIl YIIII l’II|_\ \ plII)IIIg.' llIIll\L'. II'IlIIIl. pm; and [I‘L'lIlIII .l\ mu} \wlcnnIc SnIIIII\ llk'\\t‘\l \llelllljJ \\llll lllL' gnlIlcn InIIclI .‘\lL'\ SIIInku

I Blaze III lag» llpIII .iIIIII. £4 £5 WITH}. 1)] .lIllllC\ |.nng_'\\nI'IlI IggIIIII-x IlII- gII} \xcckcnd \IIIlI II I'lIIII'I .IIIIl lIIIIk} llIIll\L‘ \nIIIIIlII'III'k.

I Cult III l’n \II \II, lllpnI iIIIII. l‘lL'C hcl'nrc llpIII; £5 IIIII'I‘, \Vcckl}. l).l \IkkI IIIIIl lI'Icnle IlIg up my \I'I‘} l‘t'\l III lunk. tll\L'U. RIKB. lIIIth'. kllu'll I‘lIImltN IIIIIl IIIII‘I} _|;Illl\ III llll\ I'nnl IlIIIII'cl'lIInI‘ lllIl\ll- up.

I Dark City Goth Festival 2005 III ’lI‘xInI Rn“ l'IIInII. XIIIII iIIIn, {l4 £3” per IlII_\ l\\L'L'l\L'lltl III'kcI £34 I, 2‘) ADI. llugc IlII'cI‘ IlII} cwnI IIIkIIIg mm in lIIl. .-\ I‘clchI'IIIInn nl IIll llllllf:\ ;_'nIlI \\ IIII Inc IIcI\. I'luhx IIIIIl \lIIll\ .IgI‘Im IlII' \L‘llllL' BIIIIle IncluIlc .»\lI\III‘Il \lIIIle. ()\ III and '\lllllL‘l;l\ l.l Il'I'IIlII} I; lnkuhux Sukkuhux. ('nIIIlIIL‘lII‘N. liSI-\ IIIIIl 'lIIL‘lII‘IIl Sckl SIIIIII‘IlII}; ('lIIn III \}Inn\. lgnn nl ('nIl. RIIICINIIIIII and [he \VII) nl :\ll l'lL'xlI ISIIIIIlII} I. ('luhx I'I‘nIII (iL‘Illldll_\ In Edinburgh InIII InIu'x In kccp llIL' IlIIrk thIIx plII} In; III-ll InIn IlIc \wc \lllIIll llIIlll'\ \xIIlI IlIc llkw nI ;\\I'cn\InII. liIlllllllx. l);ll'l\ l'iltl“ L‘I' IIIIIl ('I‘MIIL‘L‘ \lll‘l‘l} lllf—v lllL' clccu'nnic. IlIII'kuIIxc IIIIIl gnIlIII' hL'IIIx.

I Dogma III SIIIIlIn 24. lll._‘~leIn ,iIIIII. {H IUI lllL‘llll‘L’hI. 2‘) Apr. \lnIIIlIl}. llIII‘Il II\ IIIIilx and ;I\ unIch‘grnunIl .l\ llllllL'\. lL'L'llllU IIl llIL‘ lugth III'IlCI' II\ S}hcr SIIIInII IR.»\\\"ll}IlrIIIIlI\I lIIlll\ Ihc I'c\IIchII~ I'nr II Inn lInIII' I)J \cl.


lIl._‘~llpIn 3IIIII. £5. \Vcckl}. lleIIIhIII'glIk lnnngI I'unnIng IIIIlIc IIIglII. \VIIlI IlIc u\uIIl

Illiiil. [)ii‘n ‘I «LI I ‘1. [1 .II .I

[ 'I\“I'I’

llll\ nl lllL‘ l‘t'\l I'IIIII'III .IIIIl I‘lIIwII' IIIII'IIIIIII\I'. I'InxxIm-I lllllk'\. II'x IIII lll\lllllllHll IIII'I'IIIl} \VIIlI IlII- lIIII'k InnIII IIIIIIIIII'Il lI} ('lInu IIIIIl llnI‘I/nnIIIl nII IlI-\ IIIIIl lIll‘lIIp\ \\llll .III ‘.III}IlIIII;: l‘lll IIIIlII-' I'I'IIIII. lllL' lllllll'L' llllll\\ IIkI' .I lIIIIIII} IIlIII’I' lnI‘ IIll llllll_L'\ lxxnl

31¢ Four Corners Ill IlII- liIIleJII ( 'lIIII lllpIII ‘IIIII {l5 3” \III lilj.’ HI'III IIIIIl |)I'[IIII‘IIIII' l,nIIII;:I- InIII InII'I'x In lllllt'Ihll IlII' IIIIgglII} l'Hlll ('nIIII‘h InI IlII- lII‘xI III ILIIII'I'IlnnI III// .IIIIl ulnlIIIl gInnw» 'l llL' \I‘I'nnIl llllell III .IxxnI‘IIIIInn \IIIlI lI'I/IIII II wm lllk' II';_'I'IIIl.II} Ilm'n I|I\.I ('IIIIIlI SIIIInII I‘Ynung llI'III'h Run l'I‘I‘I" I IIIkI' In lllt‘ \IIIIJL' lIII \IIIIIL' \\\ L'Cl \(Illl \III'IIl»

I gobble Gobble III \‘II-I- RI-Il “I'll.

Ill. illIIIII iIIIII L3 lII‘InI'I' llIIIII. L11 IlllL‘l 1L3 I. 3‘) ,-\III, \ll' (Inl‘l‘lc IIIIIl Ulllu‘l \llkc I'I'IIII‘II \IIIlI lllL' I'IIIlI. lII'lnIc llII\‘.. _\IIll I‘nIIIIl nnl} IllL‘illll nl'. lllL‘ III‘xI III pnp. I'II‘I'II'n. punk IIIIIl lIIp lInp II\ IlII'} ll|;I\ll IngI'IlII-I' I‘\I'I'}IlIIIIj: lI'nIII (iII‘lx .'\llllltl In IlIc l’l'HIllfJ},

I Henry’s Late Nights III llL'lll'} \ JII// ('cllIII llllklllllell iIIIII. U L". \Vcckl}. ’lnp IIIIIIIII} III// and l)J\ lI'nIII llcnI) '\ .lII// ('cllIII‘. :\ll3lllllL' \nul II'nIII \lIIIlIIlI-IIII- l’I'III'lIIII'Il II‘I :\Pl'l lllll(I\\L'Il h} l’IIIIl MI”! llL'\\ IIIIIIII ('nIIIIIIuIIIII gnu-I L‘\I'l'_\llllllf_' ll'IIlll nlIl ~IIlll In lllL‘ cwcrIIIII-IIIIII III


I LCD Soundsystem, Akufen, Optimo, Brooks and Hot Chip III IlIc \L'nuc. llpnI .iIIIII. {[5 2‘) Apr. ('IIIII. \uilggcrlllg IIIglII nl lI-lIliclIl clI-I'IrnIIII’II lII-IIIchl h} II Inc wt lI'nIII JIIIIch MIII‘plI} \ IlIgIIIIl \IIII‘I‘Inh l,('l)_ IIIIIl lllClr llllpI'l\\l(lllL'(l IIIkc nII IlIIncc hL‘ill\ ’IIrI III II'I/IIII II. Scc prcuw. III Mung page 7‘). =31 Manga presents Rising Sun: III Hnnc} cnIIIlI llpIII iIIIII. £5 llrcc In MIIIIgII lllL'llth'l'\l. 2‘) Apr. .\lIIn§_'II IIrc II I‘IInn} hunch IInIl IIlIcr nnIII'Ing II distinct luck III IlruIII & hil\\ III III/Mu II haw \cl up llllx III-c \PCL‘lill IIIIh lI‘UIurc linginccrs IUIIIIIl l.()()klll:_' RCL'III'leI iil()ng\ldc (i- .\lilL' IInIl ('ndcnInc.